Tomcat and java SDK problem - eclipse

I am trying to create a new dynamic web project in eclipse (in ubuntu). When I point to Target Runtime as Tomcat V 7.0 , I get the below warning
runtime "Apache Tomcat v7.0" is invalid. Tomcat requires a Java SDK in order to
compile JSP files. Ensure that the JRE preference settings point to an SDK.
But the installed JREs already show java-6-openjdk . Am I missing something?
Also when I ignored that and started Tomcat anyway , it started successfully in port 8080 . But when I said http://localhost:8080 , it threw 404 resource not found error .
Do you see any problems here?

You maybe didn't install the JDK or didn't appoint the Tomcat server to it ..
so try to make sure that you installed the JDK not just JRE..
but If you are already installed the JDK you have to make sure to make preference settings point to the SDK ..
so in eclipse go to Window >> Preferences >> Server >> Tomcat >> Tomcat 7.X >> Edit >> and point it to JDK not JRE ..
if you don't find "Tomcat" is Servers you may find "Installed Runtimes" >> Edit >> and point it to JDK not JRE ..

You need to set the java_home in ur machine , something like java_home=c:\java , this can be done in the system properties or you can set that from ur Tomcat properties.
If this is not working out like you are not able to find those files. better uninstall the tomcat and instal it back again , this time when it asks for the java home point to folder in which you have installed the jdk / jre
Tip : Sometimes if the directory name in which you have installed the jdk / jre has spaces then while pointing from tomcat will have some problem , better to hav a directory structure with whole words

As "Majed" says I'd changed path for Tomcat server.
And additionly you must to delete server in Servers on ProjectExplorer. After that Eclipse themselves asked about which one server to select...

Tomcat needs a JDK in order to compile the generated servlet classes from your JSP. Thats why you get your error only after the applications has started.
Check if your JDK installation has a javac compiler inside the /bin directory. Also be sure that your Eclipse Tomcat server Java enrironment points to your JDK, not the JRE.


Eclipse Mars Tomcat 8 server disappeared

I'm trying to define a Tomcat 8.5.16 server but everytime I use the 7 I get an error and when I go into preference to use the newer server it tells me the v8 installation is expecting an 8 server although I am pointing it to my tomcat 8. Please help.
I click OK and get "The Apache Tomcat installation at this directory is version 8.5.16. A Tomcat 8.0 installation is expected."
This is under windows->preferences-> Adding a server.
I think Tomcat 8.5.16 cannot be added as Tomcat 8.0.
See also:
You may have to upgrade your eclipse or apply a patch, for example,

Tomcat server not being recognized

I'm currently using Eclipse Mars on OS X to build a PHP based application which requires a web server for a form submission. However, upon attempting to add Tomcat 7.0 as a server, the server list is empty (shown below).
I've been following several tutorials for setting up and configuring a Tomcat server and each one says to place the extracted Tomcat folder in the Eclipse workspace directory so they'll be detected when adding them in Eclipse. The Apache Tomcat folder is in the workspace directory but it still isn't being detected. I've tried reinstalling Eclipse and deleting any duplicate files but I keep getting the same result. How can I properly set up and configure an Apache Tomcat server in Eclipse Mars?
You can tell it about the Tomcat installation using the Server Runtime Environments preference page.
If Tomcat isn't already a known server type, you might need to install a few more. The WTP FAQ has instructions.
All of those tutorials are wrong. You do want to download a copy of Tomcat from Apache so it has the expected layout when Eclipse looks for the jars needed to launch it, but there's no reason to actually put it in the workspace.
I am also using Eclipse neon and I faced the same problem and the answer was available in a question Apache Tomcat Not Showing in Eclipse Server Runtime Environments in the same site already posted
Of the Available Answers the below steps Worked for me:
1.Help-->Eclipse Marketplace
2.Type Tomcat in search box and choose the Option JST Server Adapters(Apache Tomcat,...) and click on Install
3.Then complete the Simple installation steps and after installation Eclipse prompts for a restart accept and then you can see the Target Run time updated with Tomcat server
Note:I am using Windows

Can't add TomCat sever in Eclipse using ubuntu

So I installed tomcat using this tutorial (instructions from 0:00 to 3:30):
Later I restarted my computer and now when I go into "eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Server -> Runtime Environments -> Add" I have here only "Basic" and "GlassFish" directories. Somebody have maybe idea how to make visible tomcat here?
I also installed tomcat using "sudo apt-get install tomcat7" but it also didn't help. But when I go into "localhost:8080" I see "It works! If you're seeing this page via a web browser...".
First part, the tomcat installation
You installed tomcat in your linux as a service. I mean your tomcat 7 is installed, start when you start your OS, and stop when you stop your OS.
You can check this by looking in /etc/init.d/, you must have a tomcat script (and you can control it by doing /etc/init.d/tomcat start|stop|restart). If you want to use this tomcat, I recommend you to
stop tomcat (as root, /etc/init.d/tomcat stop),
remove the tomcat script (as root, rm /etc/init.d/tomcat) to avoid a
tomcat start when the ubuntu boots
Locate the tomcat instance installation. find / -name tomcat
-print will print you all the directory where files named tomcat are located. Identify the tomcat root directory, which is the root
to give to eclipse.
Else you can just remove tomcat (apt-get remove tomcat7), download a tomcat release from and untar it where you want. I prefer this method, because the tomcat installation won't have any "root" o weird user permission, more convenient when you're developing.
Second part, the eclipse configuration:
In the "Add Runtime Environment" windows, you'd have a link Download additional server adapters. If you click it (with a working network connection), eclipse will propose you to download the tomcat adapter. Install it and you'll be capable to add a new tomcat server.
If it doesn't work, I think you may reinstall your eclipse...
Hope this helps

eclipse - add tomcat

I want to add a tomcat server to eclipse.
I follow these instructions:
firstly, In Sever tabs I right click and there's New > Server
I select tomcat 7 and leave the other options default, which are host name, name, runtime environment. Here, I would expect to be prompted to specify installation path - like c:\tomcat or anything
I click finish
There's error popup - Could not load server configuration at conf.....
Thanks for helping me...
Probably missing JST Server Adapters from WTP available from eg.
Cft. Apache Tomcat Not Showing in Eclipse Server Runtime Environments
Worked for me. Was getting the same Could not load server configuration at conf message with Eclipse 3.7 Indigo (ColdFusion IDE).
Installed Tomcat 6 on Win 7.
Stop any Tomcat instances running.
Define a new server, choosing Tomcat 6.
Click Configure runtime environments...
Remove any environments.
Click Seach...
Point to Tomcat dir: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0
(Should find it) Then click OK and Finish.
Start Tomcat from Eclipse.
FYI, Glassfish wasn't working for me in Eclipse so I went with Tomcat.

Jboss 7 and eclipse indigo plug in giving error while starting server?

I installed Eclipse indigo and jboss 7 server and jboss server plugins installed for struts2 application.
I created simple application with jsp page and deployed in to jboss7 server ( i installed server ,run from out side of eclipse and i saw new features of jboss 7 ) after deploying application .
I want to start the server but server giving error like " Error:no server JVM at c:\java\jre1.6\bin\server\jvmdll"
help me for this issue.
I also had this problem and did not find where I could set the JVM for JBoss in Eclipse Indigo. I got JBoss 7 working by removing the JRE6 from installed JREs in Eclipse and only having JDK6 there. I also changed JRE6 to JDK6 by double clicking the JBoss server -> Open launch configuration -> Classpath -> Bootstrap Entries.
After this I readded JRE6 to Eclipse for the projects that used it.
change jvm in jboss's tomcat conf from
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\server\jvm.dll
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\client\jvm.dll
I posted the below answer here
I've just been struggling with this same problem in Eclipse and I noted that as suggested by the answer above the JBoss site has a thread on this issue saying the same as the answer above to copy files from the jdk to the jre folder.
I noticed that you can avoid having to do this if you define the runtime to be the jdk when you create the server. I didn't find how to edit an existing server though.