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How to rum my jsp page in eclipse galileo?
I got only 2 options that is run as applet and second is run as application.. and both are invalid what to do? What problem should there?

You are probably using Eclipse IDE for Java developers, which does not have WTP (web application) support. You should use Eclipse for Java EE developers or install the WTP related plugins.


Eclipse Kepler: switching to the Web perspective

How can I switch to the Web perspective in Eclipse Kepler, so that i can see the Servers tab in the console? Or is there any other way i can access servers tab in Eclipse Kepler?
Please note that the Web Perspective is not available in Eclipse Kepler. Please help me with this
The Web perspective is available in Kepler if you have the Eclipse Web Developer Tools installed. Some Eclipse downloads include this, others do not.
If you don't have this installed you can install it in your Eclipse by going to Help > Install New Software.... Work with the Eclipse Kepler software site and look in the Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development section.

How can I upgrade from Eclipse Java SE version to Eclipse for Java EE via Eclipse?

I downloaded Eclipse plain Java version and now I realize that I need of Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers distribution.
I'm new in Eclipse world and I would to know if it is possible (and how) to install Java EE plugins via Eclipse.
There is a thread in ServerFault that shows how to install the Java EE pluggins for Eclipse Java EE plugin for Eclipse IDE
Additionally you can:
Help -> Install new software.
Pick the Mars (or the version you have downloaded such as Luna, Kepler, etc) repository
At the bottom there are install options Java EE Development
To get all of the features of the Java EE edition of Eclipse, there are several packages that need to be installed. This page lists all of the packages that are included in the current Java EE version of Eclipse. If you want all of the features of the Eclipse for Java EE developers, go to Help --> Install New Software..., select the update site for your version (e.g. Kepler) from the dropdown menu, and select the checkbox for each item listed on the above page that is not already installed.
You'll probably find the 'getting started guides' here helpful.
You probably will need to download the plug-in. The easiest way to do this would be to:
go to Help -> Install new software.
Pick the Galileo(Change accordingly) repository
All the way at the bottom there are install options for 'Web, XML, and JaveEE Development
... also this is better suited for SO
follow this
Eclipse 3.3 or earlier, it is NOT possible to upgrade the Eclipse platform itself, only its features. So, you could for example upgrade the CVS feature or the PDE feature from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1, but not eclipse.exe itself.
Upgrading other features (like CDT, PDT, WTP...) can be done without the need to download a new platform binary, but because many projects align very closely (eg., the Eclipse 3.2 / Callisto or Eclipse 3.3 / Europa release trains) you will likely need to upgrade the Eclipse platform as well.

Is there a reason to have both Eclipse IDE for Java and also Eclipse IDE for Java EE?

I've recently downloaded the Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers (for web apps development). Does it make sense to delete my "regular" Eclipse IDE for Java developers? I mean, is there a feature in the regular IDE which isn't included in the EE IDE?
(I also use eclipse for Python programming with the Pydev plugin)
The different "editions" of the eclipse IDE are basically just a different set of plugins on top of the basic eclipse platform. So if anything is missing you can alyways install those plugins when you need them.
Eclipse for Java EE is a superset of Eclipse for Java.
Yes it is a super-set.
Also, have you tried NetBeans? It has better GUI, better javadoc support and it is way cooler to use! (and free)
Not everyone needs the EE tools (mainly WTP - web tools platform); they may only be doing client apps or writing eclipse plugins.

No Jsp Editor with Eclipse Galileo 3.3

I just installed Eclipse Galileo, but have no JSP editor.
In file associations, on the Preferences page, *.jsp was not even mentioned.
When I added it and went to associate with the built-in Jsp Editor, there was none in the list.
Note: I have WTP 3.1.1 installed.
Any ideas?
What JVM are you using? 1.5 or 6 is necessary for WTP to run properly.
Can you activate a Java EE perspective, which would then give you access to all those features (JSP editor, JSP file association, and so on)
If all that fails, you can always try a parallel clean installation of the Java EE edition of Galileo eclipse 3.5.1, which should have everything running out of the box.
This can easily be resolved by installing Eclipse Java EE version. Else you need to install the following tool to get jsp context menu under New.
Go to Help->Install New Software and install the item "Web Page Editor (Optional)" under Web,XML, and Java EE Development

Eclipse Java EE plugin

I want an Eclipse Java EE plugin which I can install directly from Eclipse.
I searched about it on Google and found some ones but couldn't figure out how to download them directly from Eclipse.
One plugin I found was WTP but couldn't find the location of the WTP repository that I can enter in the Eclipse's Software Update tool.
I am using Eclipse 3.4.2 (Ganymede)
I warmly suggest to install Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers which already includes the Web Tools Platform (WTP) and much more (see this page for a full comparison).
As an alternative, you can download a zip of the Web Tools from here or install it via Update Manager using this URL:
If you have Eclipse Galileo you should go to Help > Install New Software. Then the list of available sites to install updates will appear. You should add the WTP plug-in to this list, for example.
To do this, click on Add and enter the name and location (you can get this from the WTP site). Then, select this plug-in and click on Finish. That's it and it's valid to all plug-ins.
when you are searching do a comprehensive search http:// in eclipse
Google search the repository containing Java EE WTP
Install the new software in your IDE, restart your IDE, right click under the project explorer view, select new, the option for creating a dynamic web project should now be available. I did it using the luna version of eclipse which dose not have the default and now have the option.
help---install new software--type
And go from there