FourSquare API for iphone - iphone

As I need to integrate the foursquare in my application,
I have found the API and also integrate in my application. But there is some problem.
I want to show the nearest venue around me. As there is also method to show the venue
But the problem is what are the parameter need to pass for search venue which are in area of 5 KM.
Can any one help me to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance,
kunal patel.

Andreas has made a good example iphone project that hosted on github
I tried it and it's working very well take a look at
Good luck

accuracyLL - this stands for accuracy Latitude Longitude.
Your foursquare library you'll see it's a wrapper for the foursquare API documented here:
llAcc is the location accuracy in meters. For 5Km you would use 5000.

If you use oauth login method that would become more easy, You have to login through oauth 2.0 then using access token you can get any user details. I have found a very nice tutorial related to oauth, I hope this would help you


Use of FourSquare API to find nearby places in iOS SDK

How to use Foursquare API to find nearby places in iOS Applications.
As I am new in this environment.. So please help me to find any sample tutorial available on the API.
I had gone through this link, And I got the response "error type" : deprecated so please provide another link for this same solution..
Thanks in advance..
You can try looking at this link for more information about Objective-C libraries that work with the foursquare API.
Edit: Currently this one appears to be the more recent, more chances of it working properly, also good documentation there on how to integrate it. It is the second one listed in the foursquare library page.
Also check out the foursquare developer site in general, you will need to know the different endpoints and what data they return anyway =>
this Link is pretty good,comes with little instruction, u can use the search venues,check in,photo services..heaven!
go through foursquare Api page for desired modification.
in the FSQMasterViewController.m file you need to #define kClientID #"yourClientId"
and #define kCallbackURL #"ur callback url"
fix your infoPlist the urlSchemes too

Foursquare API for nearby places iPhone

I want to get the nearby place by passing the current lat-long.
And want to get photos of that place.
I have got this link:
But it is showing me
Error page
How do i get this error solved?
Please help me and suggest a FourSquare API URL which will help me to get the place information and photos of current lat-long.
The v1 API is no longer functional. You'll need to use v2.
I'm working on a similar app...
Use API explorer to create and test the string you'd like to use
As Gilbert said, you have to use v2, this is an example of a valid link...,15.59&categoryId=4bf58dd8d48988d1c4941735&radius=3000&oauth_token=A5ZDWL2DLXPZCQ3ZJESVOAKDMPQHSNNVWC3UMVOUOXPQHWRT&v=20121105
As you can see, you also must have &oauth_token=A5ZDWL2DLXPZCQ3ZJESVOAKDMPQHSNNVWC3UMVOUOXPQHWRT&v=20121105 at the end of the URL link...
When you're in an API Explorer copy the link below the textbox and it should work...
Take a look here:

flikr api+iphone+for geting photos and latitude/longitude of that photos

I want to use the flikr api.
in which i can pass current latitude -longitude and can get the photos and latitude and longitude of that photos.
Please help me..If flikr is providing any such url then..
And also please help me if anyone had any knowledge of other such kind of api
There is a good example/tutorial in below link of Flicker API integration. Also you can get Flicker API here for Objective C.

Publishing Location-aware Post via Graph API

It is my understanding that the Post object is now Location-aware.
However, I can't seem to find documentation on how to publish location-aware Posts via the Graph API.
My app is currently publishing Checkins that reference a Place - but I would like to migrate to location-aware Posts since Places are being deprecated.
I understand that Checkins are sticking around, and that they will now reference a Page instead of a Place, but, unless I'm mistaken, the Page ID reference is still mandatory, and I am in need of my location-aware post/checkin having an optional Page reference.. hence my desire to move to Posts that have location capabilities.
Please let me know if I am incorrect in any of my assumptions..
I tried finding these questions, but none of them seem to hit exactly on the things I needed to know.
Thanks so much!
So you can now add location to posts and photos:
However I think this location is still added by giving a place ID or page ID (I'm not sure which, actually.) But I think you're asking if you can add location without a place/page ID? Personally I would like to do this as well, e.g. use lat/lon coords.
When you post through facebook proper, it can automatically add your general location (e.g. "near [nearest city/municipality]") however I don't see a way to achieve the same thing through the FB API.
You can't currently attach a location to a post via the graph api. Keep an eye on the Facebook developer blog to see if that changes.

How to find out the near by restaurants using current location details

Thanks in advance.
I want to find out the near by restaurant details using current location details like latitude,longitude details. Is there any api for that, could any one have idea , please let me know.
Answer :
Hi all ,
I am using this url now if it is not working i can follow the urls given by #Karthikeyan.
Yes this is possible in a variety of ways - you can choose
Facebook Checkins -,long&distance=1000
Foursquare API -
Google Places API - Refer their doc before using this -
You should look for FourSquare API....I guess that will help you