Entity framework many to many keeps adding extra record - entity-framework

I'm trying to add a new record to the link table using entityframework code first. What I have is a many to many on User and Role. The scenario I have is that when I'm changing a role for the user, I delete all their previous roles and add the new roles as follows:
//Delete all associated roles for user
var roleUser = db.Users.Include(r => r.Roles).FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == user.UserId);
var usersRoles = roleUser.Roles;
usersRoles.ForEach(role => roleUser.Roles.Remove(role));
//add the new roles
So it removes them perfectly. But when adding new roles, it doesn't only add it to the link table but also the Role table. A completely new role gets added without a RoleName. user.Roles would contain an item with the following data:
RoleId;//1 <-- this Id exists in the database already but yet still it creates one instead of a linktable record.
How do I prevent EF from adding a whole new record and just add a record to the link table?
Update: I ended up doing this:
var roleUser = db.Users.Include(r => r.Roles).FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == user.UserId);
var roles = db.Roles;
foreach (var role in roles)
if (user.Roles.Any(r => r.RoleId == role.RoleId))

try to save before adding new roles to the user
//Delete all associated roles for user
var roleUser = db.Users.Include(r => r.Roles).FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == user.UserId);
var usersRoles = roleUser.Roles;
usersRoles.ForEach(role => roleUser.Roles.Remove(role));
roleUser.Roles.AddRange(user.Roles); //add the new roles
Have a look at this :
roleUser.Roles.AddRange(user.Roles); //add the new roles
where do user.Roles come from ?

I think the problem you have is that you need to attach your Roles before adding them to the user.
you also don't need to remove them all, simply remove those removed and then only add the new ones.

For each roll that you add you could try checking or setting the entity state. For example here I set the set to unchaged. This way it wont attempt to insert or update it.
myContext.Entry(roll).State = EntityState.Unchanged
More info here:


Insert/Update data to Many to Many Entity Framework . How do I do it?

My context is =>
Using this model via Entity Framework code 1st,
data table in database becomes =>
1) User Table
2) Role Table
3) UserRole Table - A new linked table created automatically
Model for User is =>
Model for Role is =>
and my O Data query for inserting record for single User/Role table working properly
Now, what query should I write, when I want to Insert record to UserRole table
can someone have any idea
// Fetch the user.
var user = await metadataManagentClient.For<User>().FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Name == "Test");
// If you want to add a new role.
var newRole = new Role()
Name = "My new role"
user.Roles.Add(newRole); // Adds new role to user.
// If you want to add an existing role
var existingRole = await metadataManagentClient.For<Role>().FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Name == "My Existing Role");
user.Roles.Add(existingRole); // Adds existing role to user.
// Save changes.
await metadataManagentClient.SaveChangesAsync();
You might want to set ID as well. But watch out for new Guid() since it generates an empty guid. What you probably want (if you're not using IDENTITY) is Guid.NewGuid().

EF 6 - many-to-many - Join table without duplicates

I'm using EF6 have some confusion on seeding a many to many relationship.
I have the following:
A User has many saved ChartQueries (that they can execute to get a chart).
A ChartQuery typically belongs to only one user, but there are several "shared" ChartQuerys that every User can execute. As a result I set up a many to many relationship using a join table UserChartQuery. The tables are up in the database just fine at 1-to-many on each side of the join table.
However, I'm not quite understanding how to seed or use this relationship. I don't want to end up with several duplicates of the "shared" ChartQuerys (a duplicate for each User). Instead, there should only be a single row for each "shared" ChartQuery that is a part of each User's SavedChartQueries collection (along with other, non-shared ChartQuerys that belong to that User only).
It seems like I'm forced to duplicate for each user:
var sharedChartQuery = new ChartQuery { ... };
var nonSharedChartQuery = new ChartQuery { ... };
var userOneChartQueryOne = new UserChartQuery { User = userOne, ChartQuery = sharedChartQuery };
var userTwoChartQueryOne = new UserChartQuery { User = userTwo, ChartQuery = sharedChartQuery };
var userTwoChartQueryTwo = new UserChartQuery { User = userTwo, ChartQuery = nonSharedChartQuery };
So first of all is this the right way to seed (through UserChartQueries table directly) or should I seed each User's SavedChartQueries navigation property?
And will this result in duplicate sharedChartQuery in the join table for each User? If so is there any way to avoid this?
Ok I understand how this works now. The following works as expected:
var userOne = new User {};
var userTwo = new User {};
var chartQuery = new ChartQuery { };
context.UserChartQueries.Add(new UserChartQuery { User = userOne, ChartQuery = chartQuery });
context.UserChartQueries.Add(new UserChartQuery { User = userTwo, ChartQuery = chartQuery });
The last line adds it to the table where the record actually resides. Checking the join table in SSMS shows that it only holds the foreign keys and nothing else. There are no duplicates.

Selecting & Updating Many-To-Many in Entity Framework 4

I am relatively new to the EF and have the following entity model above which consists of an Asset and a Country. An Asset can belong in many countries and thus has a many-to-many relationship with country (has a join table in the database with two fields both as primary keys).
I want to be able to do the following:
Firstly when I retrieve an asset (or assets) from the model I want to get the respective countries that its associated with. I would then like to be able to bind the countries list to an IEnumerable. Retrieving the countries in this way provides me with an EntityCollection of country objects which has extension method for ToList(). Therefore not sure If I am going down the right avenue with this one. Here is my GetAll method:
public IEnumerable<Asset> GetAll()
using (var context = CreateAssetContext())
var assetEntities = context.Assets.Include("Countries").ToList();
return AssetMapper.FromEntityObjects(assetEntities);
Secondly I want to be able to select a list of countries where the AssetId == some value.
Finally I want to be able to update the list of countries for a given Asset.
Many thanks.
Firstly when I retrieve an asset (or assets) from the model I want to
get the respective countries that its associated with. I would then
like to be able to bind the countries list to an IEnumerable.
Not sure if I understand that correctly, but EntityCollection<T> implements IEnumerable<T>, so you don't have to do anything special, you just can use Asset.Countries after you have loaded the assets including the countries.
Secondly I want to be able to select a list of countries where the
AssetId == some value.
using (var context = CreateAssetContext())
var countries = context.Countries
.Where(c => c.Assets.Any(a => a.AssetId == givenAssetId))
using (var context = CreateAssetContext())
var countries = context.Assets
.Where(a => a.AssetId == givenAssetId)
.Select(a => a.Countries)
The second option is OK (not sure if it's better than the first from SQL viewpoint) because AssetId is the primary key, so there can be only one asset. For querying by other criteria - for example Asset.Name == "XYZ" - where you could expect more than one asset I would prefer the first option. For the second you had to replace Select by SelectMany and SingleOrDefault by ToList and use Distinct to filter out possible duplicated countries. The SQL would probably be more complex.
Finally I want to be able to update the list of countries for a given
This is more tricky because you need to deal with the cases: 1) Country has been added to asset, 2) Country has been deleted from asset, 3) Country already related to asset.
Say you have a list of country Ids ( IEnumerable<int> countryIds ) and you want to relate those countries to the given asset:
using (var context = CreateAssetContext())
var asset = context.Assets.Include("Countries")
.Where(a => a.AssetId == givenAssetId)
if (asset != null)
foreach (var country in asset.Countries.ToList())
// Check if existing country is one of the countries in id list:
if (!countryIds.Contains(country.Id))
// Relationship to Country has been deleted
// Remove from asset's country collection
foreach (var id in countryIds)
// Check if country with id is already assigned to asset:
if (!asset.Countries.Any(c => c.CountryId == id))
// No:
// Then create "stub" object with id and attach to context
var country = new Country { CountryId = id };
// Then add to the asset's country collection
// Yes: Do nothing
For the price of a second roundtrip to the database you can probably use this simpler code:
using (var context = CreateAssetContext())
var asset = context.Assets.Include("Countries")
.Where(a => a.AssetId == givenAssetId)
if (asset != null)
// second DB roundtrip
var countries = context.Countries
.Where(c => countryIds.Contains(c.CountryId))
asset.Countries = countries;
EF's change detection should recognize which countries have been added or deleted from the asset's country list. I am not 100% sure though if the latter code will work correctly.
Whats the specific question here? Are you not being able to do that?
do you want to select the countries in an asset or the countries that have a certain asset?
to update its simple, just change stuff and then context.SaveChanges() will commit to the database.

Entity Framework Insert, Update, Delete During Same Transaction

I have a problem, I have a wizard that can update data AND insert data. So, if I have an existing list of team members, I can update their roles but If necessary, I can also add/insert a person to this team. So I can update roles and insert a new team member into the same table all during the same transaction. Data can be updated to and inserted to table teamMembers.
When I try to add a new teamMember, I also have an existing member where I simply want to update his role.
Both changes happen to the same table called TeamMember. When I debug the context, everything looks good. it shows that there are two changes that will occur for the TeamMember table. One transaction is the update and the other transaction is the insert. When I perform an update using:
var teamMember = new TeamMember
Name = user.FullName,
UserProfileId = user.UserProfileId,
RoleId = user.RoleId
project.TeamMembers = TeamMemberList;
//And then call
this.Context.Entry(project).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;
it updates but the record that needs to be inserted fails.
The changes to the database were committed successfully, but an error occurred while updating the object context. The ObjectContext might be in an inconsistent state. Inner exception message: A referential integrity constraint violation occurred: The property values that define the referential constraints are not consistent between principal and dependent objects in the relationship.
I think you need to add the TeamMember entity to the context's global list. Something like:
var teamMember = new TeamMember()
Name = user.FullName,
UserProfileId = user.UserProfileId,
RoleId = user.RoleId
project.TeamMembers.Add( teamMember );
this.Context.TeamMembers.Add( teamMember );
How about loading the existing project entity first and then adding members.
var project = this.Context.Project.Where(p => p.ID = "bar").Include("TeamMembers").FirstOrDefault();
var teamMember= new TeamMember
Name = user.FullName,
UserProfileId = user.UserProfileId,
RoleId = user.RoleId

Many-to-Many Inserts with Entity Framework

Say I have two entities with about 20 properties per entity and a Many-to-Many relationship like so:
User (Id int,Name string, .......)
Issue (Id int,Name string, .......)
IssueAssignment (UserId,RoleId)
I want to create a new Issue and assign it to a number of existing Users. If I have code like so:
foreach(var userId in existingUserIds)
int id = userId
var user = _db.Users.First(r => r.Id == id);
I noticed it seems terrribly inefficient when I run it against my SQL Database. If I look at
the SQL Profiler it's doing the following:
SELECT TOP(1) * FROM User WHERE UserId = userId
SELECT * FROM IssueAssignment ON User.Id = userId
INSERT INTO IssueAssignment
My questions are:
(a) why do (1) and (2) have to happen at all?
(b) Both (1) and (2) bring back all fields do I need to do a object projection to limit the
fields, seems like unnecessary work too.
Thanks for the help
I have some possible clues for you:
This is how EF behaves. _db.Users is actaully a query and calling First on the query means executing the query in database.
I guess you are using EFv4 with T4 template and lazy loading is turned on. T4 templates create 'clever' objects which are able to fixup their navigation properties so once you add a User to an Issue it internally triggers fixup and tries to add the Issue to the User as well. This in turns triggers lazy loading of all issues related to the user.
So the trick is using dummy objects instead of real user. You know the id and you only want to create realtion between new issue and existing user. Try this (works with EFv4+ and POCOs):
foreach(var userId in existingUserIds)
var user = new User { Id = userId };
var _db.Users.Attach(user); // User with this Id mustn't be already loaded