Am i violating any NF RULE on my database design? - database-schema

Good day!
I am a newbie on creating database... I need to create a db for my recruitment web application.
My database schema is as follows:
NOTE: I included the applicant_id on other tables... e.g. exam, interview, exam type.
Am i violating any normalization rule? If i do, what do you recommend to improve my design? Thank you

Overall looks good. A few minor points to consider:
Interviewer is also a person. You will need to use program logic to prevent different / misspellings.
The longest real life email address I've seen was 62 characters.
In exam you use the reserved word date for a column name
(subjective) I would rename applicant_date to applied_at
I don't see a postal / zip code for the applicant
All result columns are VARCHAR(4). If they use the same values, can they be normalized?
Birthdate is better to store then age. You don't want to schedule someone for an interview on their birthdate (or if you're cruel by nature, you do want that :) ). Age can be derived from it and will also be correct at all times.
Given that result is PASS or FAIL, simply declare the field a boolean and name it 'passed'. A lot faster.

One area where I could see a potential problem is the Interviewer being integrated in interview. Also I would like to point at the source channel in applicant, which could potentially get blobbed (depending of what you're going to store in there).

You don't seem to be violating any normalization rules upon first glance. It's not clear from your schema design, however, that the applicant_id is a referencing the applicant table. Make sure you declare it as a foreign key that references the applicant table when actually implementing the scehma.
Not to make any assumptions on your data, but can the result of a screening be stored in 4 characters?

Age and gender are generally illegal questions to ask in interviews so you may not want to record such things. You might want a separate interviewer table. You also might want a separate table that stores qualifications so you can search for people you have interviewed with C# knowledge when the next opening comes up. I'd probably do something like a Qualifications table that is the lookup for quals you want to add to the applicant qualfications table. Then you'd need the qualification id, applicantId, years, skill level in the Applicant Qualification table.
I notice results is a varchar 4 field, I assume you are planning to put Pass/fail in it. I would consider having a numeric score as well. The guy who got 80% of the questions right passed but the guy who got 100% of them right might be the better candidate. In fact for interviews I might have interview questions and results tables. Then you can record the score and any comments about each question which can help later in evaluation of a lot of candidates. We did this manually in paper spreadsheets once when we were interviewing several hundred people (we had over a hundred openings at the time and this was way before personal computers) and found it most helpful to be able to compare answers to questions. It's hard to remember 200 people you interviewed and who said what. It might help later when you have a new opening to find the people who were strong onthe questions most pertinent to the new job who might not have been given a job at the time of the interview(5 excellent candidates, 1 job for instance).
I might also consider a field to mark if the candidate is unaccepatble for ever hiring for some reason. Such as he committed a felony or he lied on the resume and you caught him or he was just totally clueless in the interview. This can make it easy to prevent this person from being considered repeatedly.

I think that your DB structure has a lot of limitation for future usage. For example you can even have a description of the exam because this stable store the score and exam date. It may by that this kind of information are already stored in another system and you have to design only the result container. But even then the exam, screen and interview are just a form of test, that why the information about should be stored in one table and distinguished by some type id. If you decide to this approach you have to create another table to store the information about result
So the definition of that should look more like this:
TEST_TYPE_ID ref TEST_TYPE - Table that define the test type
TEST_REQUIRED_SCORE - The value of the score that need to be reach to pass the exam.
... - Many others properties of TEST like duration, expire date, active inactive etc.
TESTS_DATE - The day of exam
TEST_START - The time when the test has started
TEST_FINISH - The time when the test has ended
APPLICANT_RESULT - The applicant result of taken test.
This kind of structure is more flexible and give the easy way to specify the requirements between the test in table like this
TEST_REQUIREMENTS - Table that specify the test hierarchy and limitation
ORDER - the order of exams
Another scenario is that in the future your employer will want to switch to an e-exam system. In that case only think what you will need are:
Create table that will store the question definition (one question can be used in exam, screen or interview)
Crate table that will store the question answers.
Create table that will store the information about the test question.
Create table for storing the answer for each question given from applicant.
A trigger that will update the over all score of test.


How to build complex relationships in CoreData correctly?

I am dealing with CoreData, for training, I decided to create a small application for recording user income and expenses. CoreData tutorials all contain To-Do-List examples, and I haven't found any good examples that would help me.
// MARK: - Grammar
// I want to apologize for grammatical errors in the text. Unfortunately,
// English is not my native language, so in some places I used a translator.
If something is not clear, I will definitely try to explain it again.
When I began to think over how I would implement the application, I assumed that the most convenient way would be to save all user operations and make calculations in the application in the right places. So far, abstract, since It seems to me that this has little to do with the question, if you need to be more precise, I can provide a complete idea.
So, I'm going to save the user model, which will have the following data:
User operations (Operation type) - all operations will be saved, each operation includes the category for which the operation was performed, as well as the amount in currency.
User-selected categories (Category Type) - Categories that will be used for expenses or income when adding an operation.
Wallets (Type Wallet) - User's wallets, Everything is simple, the name, and the balance on it.
Budget Units (BudgetUnit Type) - These are user budgets, contains a category, and a budget for it. For example: Products - 10.000 $
When I started building dependencies in CoreData, I got a little strange behavior.
That is, the user has a relationship on the same category model as the Budget Unit and Operation. Something tells me that it won't work that way.
I want the user categories to be independent, he selected them, and I'm going to display them on the main screen, and each operation will have its own category model
In the picture above, the category model is used 3 times, the same model.
This is roughly how I represent the data structure that I would like to see. Different models have their own category model, independently of the others.
I think it could be implemented using 3 different models with the same values, but it seems to me that this approach is considered wrong.
So how do you properly implement the data model so that everything works as expected? I would be grateful for any help!
--- EDIT ---
As a solution to the problem, I can create multiple entities as Category (Example bellow)
But I don't know if this is good practice
I looked into several other open source projects and saw a solution to the problem.
I hope this helps someone in the future.
There is no need to save the categories for the user, you can simply save the categories in the application by adding the IsSelected and ID parameter to them in order to change these parameters when you select a category, and immediately understand which ones you need to display.
For budgets and operations (transactions) , we only need to save the category ID to immediately display the correct one.
For example:
Thanks #JoakimDanielson and #Moose for helping. It gave me a different view of the subject.

TYPO3 backend workflow when avoiding the storage of data in intermediate table

I have a situation as described in the ExtbaseFluid book:
I would like to store information in the intermediate table which is not recommended at all.
Here is a cite from the warning box of the above linked book chapter:
Do not store data in the Intermediate Table that concern the Domain. Though TYPO3 supports this (especially in combination with Inline Relational Record Editing (IRRE) but this is always a sign that further improvements can be made to your Domain Model. Intermediate Tables are and should always be tools for storing relationships and nothing else.
Let’s say you want to store a CD with its containing music tracks: CD -- m:n (Intermediate Table) -- Song. The track number may be stored in a field of the Intermediate Table. However, the track should be stored as a separate domain object, and the connection be realized as CD -- 1:n -- Track -- n:1 -- Song.
So I want not to do what is not recommended. But thinking about the workflow for the editor that results of the recommended solution rises a few question for me.
To stay with this example I would need the following tables:
tx_extname_domain_model_track (which holds the track number)
From what I know this would end in the situation that the editor would need to create following records:
one record for the cd
one record for the song
now the editor can create one record for the track.
There the track number is added.
Furthermore the cd record needs to be assigned as well as the song.
So here are my questions:
I guess this workflow cannot be improved with some (to me unknown) TCA setup?
An editor cannot directly reach the song when the cd record is opened?
Instead first she / he has to open the track record and can from there navigate to the song?
Is it really that bad to store data in the intermediate table? The TYPO3 table sys_file_reference does the same!? But I wonder how those data could be shown (because IRRE is not possible because it shall only be used for 1:n relations (source).
The question you have to ask yourself is: Do I want to do coding by the book, or do I want to create a pragmatic approach to solve a customer's problem?
In this specific case the additional problem is, that the people who originally invented Extbase had a quite sophisticated and academic approach, but when it comes to a pragmatic use and performance, they were blocked by their own rules and stuck with coding by the book.
Especially this example and the warning message shows a way of thinking that was one of the reasons, why I never actually used Extbase but went for Core-API methods to create performant and pragmatic queries to get the desired result sets. Now that we've got Doctrine under the hood, this works like a charm even with quite exotic DB flavors.
Of course intermediate tables are a good idea and of course those intermediate tables can and should be enriched with additional data fields, that do not require a 3rd, 4th or nth table to store i.e. a simple set of dropdown options, since this can easily be handled with attributes configured in TCA, as it is shown here:
sys_file_reference is the most prominent example since it provides exactly that kind of additional information that should not be pumped into additional tables - and guess what, the TYPO3 core does not make use of a single line of Extbase code to deal with that data or almost any other data of the core tables.
To answer your last question: Take a look at the good old IRRE Tutorial to get a clue how to do m:n connections with intermediate inline tables.
Depends on the issue, sometimes the intermediate table is an entity, sometimes not. In this example the intermediate table is the track, which would contain: [uid, cd, song, track_no, ... (whatever else needed to define the track)]
Be carefull when you define your data, that you do not make it too advanced.

SQL Database Design - Flag or New Table?

Some of the Users in my database will also be Practitioners.
This could be represented by either:
an is_practitioner flag in the User table
a separate Practitioner table with a user_id column
It isn't clear to me which approach is better.
Advantages of flag:
fewer tables
only one id per user (hence no possibility of confusion, and also no confusion in which id to use in other tables)
flexibility (I don't have to decide whether fields are Practitioner-only or not)
possible speed advantage for finding User-level information for a practitioner (e.g. e-mail address)
Advantages of new table:
no nulls in the User table
clearer as to what information pertains to practitioners only
speed advantage for finding practitioners
In my case specifically, at the moment, practitioner-related information is generally one-to-many (such as the locations they can work in, or the shifts they can work, etc). I would not be at all surprised if it turns I need to store simple attributes for practitioners (i.e., one-to-one).
Are there any other considerations?
Is either approach superior?
You might want to consider the fact that, someone who is a practitioner today, is something else tomorrow. (And, by that I don't mean, not being a practitioner). Say, a consultant, an author or whatever are the variants in your subject domain, and you might want to keep track of his latest status in the Users table. So it might make sense to have a ProfType field, (Type of Professional practice) or equivalent. This way, you have all the advantages of having a flag, you could keep it as a string field and leave it as a blank string, or fill it with other Prof.Type codes as your requirements grow.
You mention, having a new table, has the advantage for finding practitioners. No, you are better off with a WHERE clause on the users table for that.
Your last paragraph(one-to-many), however, may tilt the whole choice in favour of a separate table. You might also want to consider, likely number of records, likely growth, criticality of complicated queries etc.
I tried to draw two scenarios, with some notes inside the image. It's really only a draft just to help you to "see" the various entities. May be you already done something like it: in this case do not consider my answer please. As Whirl stated in his last paragraph, you should consider other things too.
Personally I would go for a separate table - as long as you can already identify some extra data that make sense only for a Practitioner (e.g.: full professional title, University, Hospital or any other Entity the Practitioner is associated with).
So in case in the future you discover more data that make sense only for the Practitioner and/or identify another distinct "subtype" of User (e.g. Intern) you can just add fields to the Practitioner subtable, or a new Table for the Intern.
It might be advantageous to use a User Type field as suggested by #Whirl Mind above.
I think that this is just one example of having to identify different type of Objects in your DB, and for that I refer to one of my previous answers here: Designing SQL database to represent OO class hierarchy

Limit student to select only one job offer

I have a database using PostgreSQL, which holds data on students, applications and job offers.
Is there some kind of constraint that will mean a student can only accept one job offer. So by selecting 'yes' on 'job accepted' attribute, they can no longer do this for any other jobs they may receive?
It is not exactly a "constraint". It is just a column. In the Student table have a column called AcceptedJobOffer. That solves the direct problem. In addition, you want the following:
AcceptedJobOfferId int references JobOffers(JobOfferid)
And, then create a unique index on Applications for StudentId, JobOfferId and include:
foreign key (StudentId, AcceptedJobOfferId) references Applications(StudentId, JobOfferId)
This ensures that the job offer is a valid job and that it references an application (assuming that an application is a requirement -- 100% of the time -- for acceptance).
I imagine you've some kind of job applications table, which has a field called is_accepted in it or something to that order. You can add an exclude constraint on it. Example here.
An alternative is to add an accepted_job_id column (ideally a foreign key) to the students table, as already suggested by Gordon.
Side note: If this is going to be dealing with real data, rather than theoretical data in a database course, you probably do not want to enforce the constraint at all. Sometimes, people want or need multiple jobs, so limiting the system in such a way that they cannot apply to more than one job introduces an artificial limitation which may come back and bite you down the road.

easy trigger to rank dates and insert rank - apex - salesforce

I'm new to Salesforce and do not have any coding experience. I've been so impressed with SF that I'm now on a mission to learn APEX. In order to learn APEX, I need to learn java. So after struggling to create triggers - and to make since of code examples out there - I signed up for an intro java CS class through iTunesU (free - from Stanford).
I could be a hero with a friend at work if I can make a simple trigger work though. Any help is greatly appreciated.
A workflow rule fills out a formula field with DATETIME data on a contact once a picklist value is saved on the contact record.
This picklist will only show for one day b/c of a promo at work.
How can I design a trigger to rank order the DATETIME field (earliest time = 1, next time = 2, etc.) and insert the rank into another SF a Field on the same contact?
I will not have to worry about any bulk loading issues. Two users could possibly hit save at the same time on a contact. I know I will need a test case to get this into production but I will worry about that later!
I found this which I think is a good start?
How to sort list items for Date field value (Apex, Salesforce)
Here is a another example that deals with sorting a list by alphabetical order:
It's great that you're on a mission to learn Apex! You don't really need to know Java, though. Some general programming concepts (variables, datatypes, loops, methods/functions, etc) would be enough.
It seems like you know a bit about Triggers already. As you probably know, they execute code based on certain conditions. Trigger Context Variables are very important when you're developing with them; these provide data on the record(s) that the Trigger action is being performed on. I would read that documentation thoroughly first. The examples provided are really helpful.
When working with triggers, it's also important to understand debug logs and how to check them. You can log anything using the System.debug(); method.
After you have the basics of a Trigger in place, you can begin to add sorting logic to it. Data in Lists (if the List type is a primitive data type) can be sorted by calling the List.sort(); method, but you would have to keep track of what sObject the data (date) is on. You may need to write your own sort method using a sort algorithm (bubble sort or insertion sort are a couple that I have used before) or use some sorting code that has already been developed.
I know that's a lot of information, but it should get you started; good luck!