One of the most powerful patterns available in Scala is the enrich-my-library* pattern, which uses implicit conversions to appear to add methods to existing classes without requiring dynamic method resolution. For example, if we wished that all strings had the method spaces that counted how many whitespace characters they had, we could:
class SpaceCounter(s: String) {
def spaces = s.count(_.isWhitespace)
implicit def string_counts_spaces(s: String) = new SpaceCounter(s)
scala> "How many spaces do I have?".spaces
res1: Int = 5
Unfortunately, this pattern runs into trouble when dealing with generic collections. For example, a number of questions have been asked about grouping items sequentially with collections. There is nothing built in that works in one shot, so this seems an ideal candidate for the enrich-my-library pattern using a generic collection C and a generic element type A:
class SequentiallyGroupingCollection[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](ca: C[A]) {
def groupIdentical: C[C[A]] = {
if (ca.isEmpty) C.empty[C[A]]
else {
val first = ca.head
val (same,rest) = ca.span(_ == first)
same +: (new SequentiallyGroupingCollection(rest)).groupIdentical
except, of course, it doesn't work. The REPL tells us:
<console>:12: error: not found: value C
if (ca.isEmpty) C.empty[C[A]]
<console>:16: error: type mismatch;
found : Seq[Seq[A]]
required: C[C[A]]
same +: (new SequentiallyGroupingCollection(rest)).groupIdentical
There are two problems: how do we get a C[C[A]] from an empty C[A] list (or from thin air)? And how do we get a C[C[A]] back from the same +: line instead of a Seq[Seq[A]]?
* Formerly known as pimp-my-library.
The key to understanding this problem is to realize that there are two different ways to build and work with collections in the collections library. One is the public collections interface with all its nice methods. The other, which is used extensively in creating the collections library, but which are almost never used outside of it, is the builders.
Our problem in enriching is exactly the same one that the collections library itself faces when trying to return collections of the same type. That is, we want to build collections, but when working generically, we don't have a way to refer to "the same type that the collection already is". So we need builders.
Now the question is: where do we get our builders from? The obvious place is from the collection itself. This doesn't work. We already decided, in moving to a generic collection, that we were going to forget the type of the collection. So even though the collection could return a builder that would generate more collections of the type we want, it wouldn't know what the type was.
Instead, we get our builders from CanBuildFrom implicits that are floating around. These exist specifically for the purpose of matching input and output types and giving you an appropriately typed builder.
So, we have two conceptual leaps to make:
We aren't using standard collections operations, we're using builders.
We get these builders from implicit CanBuildFroms, not from our collection directly.
Let's look at an example.
class GroupingCollection[A, C[A] <: Iterable[A]](ca: C[A]) {
import collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
def groupedWhile(p: (A,A) => Boolean)(
implicit cbfcc: CanBuildFrom[C[A],C[A],C[C[A]]], cbfc: CanBuildFrom[C[A],A,C[A]]
): C[C[A]] = {
val it = ca.iterator
val cca = cbfcc()
if (!it.hasNext) cca.result
else {
val as = cbfc()
var olda =
as += olda
while (it.hasNext) {
val a =
if (p(olda,a)) as += a
else { cca += as.result; as.clear; as += a }
olda = a
cca += as.result
implicit def iterable_has_grouping[A, C[A] <: Iterable[A]](ca: C[A]) = {
new GroupingCollection[A,C](ca)
Let's take this apart. First, in order to build the collection-of-collections, we know we'll need to build two types of collections: C[A] for each group, and C[C[A]] that gathers all the groups together. Thus, we need two builders, one that takes As and builds C[A]s, and one that takes C[A]s and builds C[C[A]]s. Looking at the type signature of CanBuildFrom, we see
CanBuildFrom[-From, -Elem, +To]
which means that CanBuildFrom wants to know the type of collection we're starting with--in our case, it's C[A], and then the elements of the generated collection and the type of that collection. So we fill those in as implicit parameters cbfcc and cbfc.
Having realized this, that's most of the work. We can use our CanBuildFroms to give us builders (all you need to do is apply them). And one builder can build up a collection with +=, convert it to the collection it is supposed to ultimately be with result, and empty itself and be ready to start again with clear. The builders start off empty, which solves our first compile error, and since we're using builders instead of recursion, the second error also goes away.
One last little detail--other than the algorithm that actually does the work--is in the implicit conversion. Note that we use new GroupingCollection[A,C] not [A,C[A]]. This is because the class declaration was for C with one parameter, which it fills it itself with the A passed to it. So we just hand it the type C, and let it create C[A] out of it. Minor detail, but you'll get compile-time errors if you try another way.
Here, I've made the method a little bit more generic than the "equal elements" collection--rather, the method cuts the original collection apart whenever its test of sequential elements fails.
Let's see our method in action:
scala> List(1,2,2,2,3,4,4,4,5,5,1,1,1,2).groupedWhile(_ == _)
res0: List[List[Int]] = List(List(1), List(2, 2, 2), List(3), List(4, 4, 4),
List(5, 5), List(1, 1, 1), List(2))
scala> Vector(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,1).groupedWhile(_ < _)
res1: scala.collection.immutable.Vector[scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Int]] =
Vector(Vector(1, 2, 3, 4), Vector(1, 2, 3), Vector(1, 2), Vector(1))
It works!
The only problem is that we don't in general have these methods available for arrays, since that would require two implicit conversions in a row. There are several ways to get around this, including writing a separate implicit conversion for arrays, casting to WrappedArray, and so on.
Edit: My favored approach for dealing with arrays and strings and such is to make the code even more generic and then use appropriate implicit conversions to make them more specific again in such a way that arrays work also. In this particular case:
class GroupingCollection[A, C, D[C]](ca: C)(
implicit c2i: C => Iterable[A],
cbf: CanBuildFrom[C,C,D[C]],
cbfi: CanBuildFrom[C,A,C]
) {
def groupedWhile(p: (A,A) => Boolean): D[C] = {
val it = c2i(ca).iterator
val cca = cbf()
if (!it.hasNext) cca.result
else {
val as = cbfi()
var olda =
as += olda
while (it.hasNext) {
val a =
if (p(olda,a)) as += a
else { cca += as.result; as.clear; as += a }
olda = a
cca += as.result
Here we've added an implicit that gives us an Iterable[A] from C--for most collections this will just be the identity (e.g. List[A] already is an Iterable[A]), but for arrays it will be a real implicit conversion. And, consequently, we've dropped the requirement that C[A] <: Iterable[A]--we've basically just made the requirement for <% explicit, so we can use it explicitly at will instead of having the compiler fill it in for us. Also, we have relaxed the restriction that our collection-of-collections is C[C[A]]--instead, it's any D[C], which we will fill in later to be what we want. Because we're going to fill this in later, we've pushed it up to the class level instead of the method level. Otherwise, it's basically the same.
Now the question is how to use this. For regular collections, we can:
implicit def collections_have_grouping[A, C[A]](ca: C[A])(
implicit c2i: C[A] => Iterable[A],
cbf: CanBuildFrom[C[A],C[A],C[C[A]]],
cbfi: CanBuildFrom[C[A],A,C[A]]
) = {
new GroupingCollection[A,C[A],C](ca)(c2i, cbf, cbfi)
where now we plug in C[A] for C and C[C[A]] for D[C]. Note that we do need the explicit generic types on the call to new GroupingCollection so it can keep straight which types correspond to what. Thanks to the implicit c2i: C[A] => Iterable[A], this automatically handles arrays.
But wait, what if we want to use strings? Now we're in trouble, because you can't have a "string of strings". This is where the extra abstraction helps: we can call D something that's suitable to hold strings. Let's pick Vector, and do the following:
val vector_string_builder = (
new CanBuildFrom[String, String, Vector[String]] {
def apply() = Vector.newBuilder[String]
def apply(from: String) = this.apply()
implicit def strings_have_grouping(s: String)(
implicit c2i: String => Iterable[Char],
cbfi: CanBuildFrom[String,Char,String]
) = {
new GroupingCollection[Char,String,Vector](s)(
c2i, vector_string_builder, cbfi
We need a new CanBuildFrom to handle the building of a vector of strings (but this is really easy, since we just need to call Vector.newBuilder[String]), and then we need to fill in all the types so that the GroupingCollection is typed sensibly. Note that we already have floating around a [String,Char,String] CanBuildFrom, so strings can be made from collections of chars.
Let's try it out:
scala> List(true,false,true,true,true).groupedWhile(_ == _)
res1: List[List[Boolean]] = List(List(true), List(false), List(true, true, true))
scala> Array(1,2,5,3,5,6,7,4,1).groupedWhile(_ <= _)
res2: Array[Array[Int]] = Array(Array(1, 2, 5), Array(3, 5, 6, 7), Array(4), Array(1))
scala> "Hello there!!".groupedWhile(_.isLetter == _.isLetter)
res3: Vector[String] = Vector(Hello, , there, !!)
As of this commit it's a lot easier to "enrich" Scala collections than it was when Rex gave his excellent answer. For simple cases it might look like this,
import scala.collection.generic.{ CanBuildFrom, FromRepr, HasElem }
import language.implicitConversions
class FilterMapImpl[A, Repr](val r : Repr)(implicit hasElem : HasElem[Repr, A]) {
def filterMap[B, That](f : A => Option[B])
(implicit cbf : CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]) : That = r.flatMap(f(_).toSeq)
implicit def filterMap[Repr : FromRepr](r : Repr) = new FilterMapImpl(r)
which adds a "same result type" respecting filterMap operation to all GenTraversableLikes,
scala> val l = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
l: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
scala> l.filterMap(i => if(i % 2 == 0) Some(i) else None)
res0: List[Int] = List(2, 4)
scala> val a = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
a: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
scala> a.filterMap(i => if(i % 2 == 0) Some(i) else None)
res1: Array[Int] = Array(2, 4)
scala> val s = "Hello World"
s: String = Hello World
scala> s.filterMap(c => if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') Some(c) else None)
res2: String = HW
And for the example from the question, the solution now looks like,
class GroupIdenticalImpl[A, Repr : FromRepr](val r: Repr)
(implicit hasElem : HasElem[Repr, A]) {
def groupIdentical[That](implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Repr,Repr,That]): That = {
val builder = cbf(r)
def group(r: Repr) : Unit = {
val first = r.head
val (same, rest) = r.span(_ == first)
builder += same
if(!r.isEmpty) group(r)
implicit def groupIdentical[Repr : FromRepr](r: Repr) = new GroupIdenticalImpl(r)
Sample REPL session,
scala> val l = List(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1)
l: List[Int] = List(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1)
scala> l.groupIdentical
res0: List[List[Int]] = List(List(1, 1),List(2, 2),List(3, 3),List(1, 1))
scala> val a = Array(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1)
a: Array[Int] = Array(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1)
scala> a.groupIdentical
res1: Array[Array[Int]] = Array(Array(1, 1),Array(2, 2),Array(3, 3),Array(1, 1))
scala> val s = "11223311"
s: String = 11223311
scala> s.groupIdentical
res2: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[String] = Vector(11, 22, 33, 11)
Again, note that the same result type principle has been observed in exactly the same way that it would have been had groupIdentical been directly defined on GenTraversableLike.
As of this commit the magic incantation is slightly changed from what it was when Miles gave his excellent answer.
The following works, but is it canonical? I hope one of the canons will correct it. (Or rather, cannons, one of the big guns.) If the view bound is an upper bound, you lose application to Array and String. It doesn't seem to matter if the bound is GenTraversableLike or TraversableLike; but IsTraversableLike gives you a GenTraversableLike.
import language.implicitConversions
import scala.collection.{ GenTraversable=>GT, GenTraversableLike=>GTL, TraversableLike=>TL }
import scala.collection.generic.{ CanBuildFrom=>CBF, IsTraversableLike=>ITL }
class GroupIdenticalImpl[A, R <% GTL[_,R]](val r: GTL[A,R]) {
def groupIdentical[That](implicit cbf: CBF[R, R, That]): That = {
val builder = cbf(r.repr)
def group(r: GTL[_,R]) {
val first = r.head
val (same, rest) = r.span(_ == first)
builder += same
if (!rest.isEmpty) group(rest)
if (!r.isEmpty) group(r)
implicit def groupIdentical[A, R <% GTL[_,R]](r: R)(implicit fr: ITL[R]):
GroupIdenticalImpl[fr.A, R] =
new GroupIdenticalImpl(fr conversion r)
There's more than one way to skin a cat with nine lives. This version says that once my source is converted to a GenTraversableLike, as long as I can build the result from GenTraversable, just do that. I'm not interested in my old Repr.
class GroupIdenticalImpl[A, R](val r: GTL[A,R]) {
def groupIdentical[That](implicit cbf: CBF[GT[A], GT[A], That]): That = {
val builder = cbf(r.toTraversable)
def group(r: GT[A]) {
val first = r.head
val (same, rest) = r.span(_ == first)
builder += same
if (!rest.isEmpty) group(rest)
if (!r.isEmpty) group(r.toTraversable)
implicit def groupIdentical[A, R](r: R)(implicit fr: ITL[R]):
GroupIdenticalImpl[fr.A, R] =
new GroupIdenticalImpl(fr conversion r)
This first attempt includes an ugly conversion of Repr to GenTraversableLike.
import language.implicitConversions
import scala.collection.{ GenTraversableLike }
import scala.collection.generic.{ CanBuildFrom, IsTraversableLike }
type GT[A, B] = GenTraversableLike[A, B]
type CBF[A, B, C] = CanBuildFrom[A, B, C]
type ITL[A] = IsTraversableLike[A]
class FilterMapImpl[A, Repr](val r: GenTraversableLike[A, Repr]) {
def filterMap[B, That](f: A => Option[B])(implicit cbf : CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That =
implicit def filterMap[A, Repr](r: Repr)(implicit fr: ITL[Repr]): FilterMapImpl[fr.A, Repr] =
new FilterMapImpl(fr conversion r)
class GroupIdenticalImpl[A, R](val r: GT[A,R])(implicit fr: ITL[R]) {
def groupIdentical[That](implicit cbf: CBF[R, R, That]): That = {
val builder = cbf(r.repr)
def group(r0: R) {
val r = fr conversion r0
val first = r.head
val (same, other) = r.span(_ == first)
builder += same
val rest = fr conversion other
if (!rest.isEmpty) group(rest.repr)
if (!r.isEmpty) group(r.repr)
implicit def groupIdentical[A, R](r: R)(implicit fr: ITL[R]):
GroupIdenticalImpl[fr.A, R] =
new GroupIdenticalImpl(fr conversion r)
Here's a basic implementation of a faro shuffle. This is an out-shuffle ("faro out, man!") just because it's a bit easier to code than an in-shuffle.
def faroOut[A](cards: List[A]): List[A] =
List.unfold(cards.splitAt((cards.size + 1) / 2)) {
case (a,b) => Option.when(a.nonEmpty)(a.head -> (b, a.tail))
//res0: List[String] = List(AS, 2S, KD, 3D, QC, 4C, JH, 5H)
//res1: List[Int] = List(1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 4)
This is generic on its element type but not on its collection type. Let's try to fix that.
import scala.collection.Factory
def faroOut[A, CC[x] <: Iterable[x]](cards:CC[A]
)(implicit fac: Factory[A,CC[A]]
): CC[A] =
Iterator.unfold(cards.splitAt((cards.size + 1) / 2)) {
case (a, b) => Option.when(a.nonEmpty)(a.head -> (b, a.tail))
//faroOut(Array(3,4,5,6)) <-- won't compile
Transitioning this to an extension method isn't too complicated, but that needn't concern us here.
So this works for Lists and Vectors but not for an Array or String because those come from Java-land and aren't part of the Scala Iterable hierarchy. For that we need to bring on the IsSeq type class.
Interestingly, that's pretty straight forward in Scala-3.
import scala.collection.generic.IsSeq
import scala.collection.Factory
def faroOut[Repr](cards: Repr
)(using seq: IsSeq[Repr]
, fac: Factory[seq.A,Repr]): Repr =
val seqOps = seq(cards).toIterable
Iterator.unfold(seqOps.splitAt((seqOps.size + 1) / 2)) {
case (a, b) => Option.when(a.nonEmpty)(a.head -> (b, a.tail))
And here's a Scastie to prove it.
Transitioning this to an extension method is almost trivial, but that needn't concern us here.
Notice how the first type parameter for Factory[_,_] is dependent on the previous argument in the parameter group. A cool Scala-3 enhancement not possible on Scala-2.
After spending some time with the Scala docs page, and this SO Q/A, I'm left with the QUESTION (at long last): Isn't there a smaller and/or simpler solution? Are we really required to turn it into an extension method with all the implicit conversions and such?
To get around Scala 2 dependent types within single parameter list limitation, try with type refinement
IsIterable[Repr] { type A = E }
or Aux type alias pattern
type AuxA[Repr, E] = IsIterable[Repr] { type A = E }
For example
def faroOut[Repr, E](cards: Repr)(
seq: IsIterable[Repr] { type A = E },
fac: Factory[E, Repr]
): Repr = {
val seqOps = seq(cards).toIterable
Iterator.unfold(seqOps.splitAt((seqOps.size + 1) / 2)) {
case (a, b) => Option.when(a.nonEmpty)(a.head -> (b, a.tail))
faroOut(Array(3,4,5,6)) // : Array[Int] = Array(3, 5, 4, 6)
faroOut("ABCxyz") // : String = AxByCz
If A has the Ordered[A] trait, I'd like to be able to have code that works like this
val collection: List[List[A]] = ... // construct a list of lists of As
val sorted = collection sort { _ < _ }
and get something where the lists have been sorted in lexicographic order. Of course, just because A has the trait Ordered[A] doesn't mean that List[A] has the trait Ordered[List[A]]. Presumably, however, the 'scala way' to do this is with an implicit def.
How do I implicitly convert a List[A] to a Ordered[List[A]], assuming A has the trait Ordered[A] (so that the code above just works)?
I have in mind using the lexicographic ordering on List[A] objects, but I'd like code that can be adapted to others orderings.
Inspired by Ben Lings' answer, I managed to work out what seems like the simplest way to sort lists lexicographically: add the line
import scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._
before doing your List[Int] comparison, to ensure that the implicit function infixOrderingOps is in scope.
(11 minutes ago I actually didn't know how to do this, I hope it's considered okay to answer my own question.)
implicit def List2OrderedList[A <% Ordered[A]](list1: List[A]): Ordered[List[A]] = {
new Ordered[List[A]] {
def compare(list2: List[A]): Int = {
for((x,y) <- list1 zip list2) {
val c = x compare y
if(c != 0) return c
return list1.size - list2.size
An important thing to note here is the 'view bound' A <% Ordered[A], which ensures that A needn't itself by an Ordered[A], just that there's a way to do this conversion. Happily, the Scala library's object Predef has an implicit conversion from Ints to RichInts, which in particular are Ordered[Int]s.
The rest of the code is just implementing lexicographic ordering.
Inspired by Ben Lings' answer, I wrote my own version of sort:
def sort[A : Ordering](coll: Seq[Iterable[A]]) = coll.sorted
which is equivalent to:
def sort[A](coll: Seq[Iterable[A]])(implicit ordering: Ordering[A]) = coll.sorted
Note that ordering is implicitly converted to Ordering[Iterable[A]].
scala> def sort[A](coll: Seq[Iterable[A]])(implicit ordering: Ordering[A]) = coll.sorted
sort: [A](coll: Seq[Iterable[A]])(implicit ordering: Ordering[A])Seq[Iterable[A]]
scala> val coll = List(List(1, 3), List(1, 2), List(0), Nil, List(2))
coll: List[List[Int]] = List(List(1, 3), List(1, 2), List(0), List(), List(2))
scala> sort(coll)
res1: Seq[Iterable[Int]] = List(List(), List(0), List(1, 2), List(1, 3), List(2))
It was asked how to supply your own comparison function (say, _ > _ instead of _ < _). It suffices to use Ordering.fromLessThan:
scala> sort(coll)(Ordering.fromLessThan(_ > _))
res4: Seq[Iterable[Int]] = List(List(), List(2), List(1, 3), List(1, 2), List(0)) allows you to map your value into another type for which there is already an Ordering instance. Given that also tuples are ordered, this can be useful for lexicographical comparison of case classes.
To make an example, let's define a wrapper of an Int, apply, where _.v extracts the underlying value, and show that we obtain the same result:
scala> case class Wrap(v: Int)
defined class Wrap
scala> val coll2 =
coll2: List[List[Wrap]] = List(List(Wrap(1), Wrap(3)), List(Wrap(1), Wrap(2)), List(Wrap(0)), List(), List(Wrap(2)))
scala> sort(coll2)(
res6: Seq[Iterable[Wrap]] = List(List(), List(Wrap(0)), List(Wrap(1), Wrap(2)), List(Wrap(1), Wrap(3)), List(Wrap(2)))
Finally, let's do the same thing on a case class with more members, reusing the comparators for Tuples:
scala> case class MyPair(a: Int, b: Int)
defined class MyPair
scala> val coll3 =, 0)))
coll3: List[List[MyPair]] = List(List(MyPair(1,0), MyPair(3,0)), List(MyPair(1,0), MyPair(2,0)), List(MyPair(0,0)), List(), List(MyPair(2,0)))
scala> sort(coll3)( => (x.a, x.b)))
res7: Seq[Iterable[MyPair]] = List(List(), List(MyPair(0,0)), List(MyPair(1,0), MyPair(2,0)), List(MyPair(1,0), MyPair(3,0)), List(MyPair(2,0)))
My definition of sort above is deprecated in 2.13:
warning: method Iterable in object Ordering is deprecated (since 2.13.0):
Iterables are not guaranteed to have a consistent order; if using a type
with a consistent order (e.g. Seq), use its Ordering (found in the
Ordering.Implicits object)
Use instead:
def sort[A](coll: Seq[Seq[A]])(implicit ordering: Ordering[A]) = {
import Ordering.Implicits._
In 2.8, you should be able to just do collection.sorted. sorted takes an implicit Ordering parameter. Any type that implements Ordered has a corresponding Ordering (thanks to the implicit conversion Ordering.ordered). There is also the implicit Ordering.Iterable that makes an Iterable[T] have an Ordering if T has an Ordering.
However, if you try this it doesn't work:
scala> def sort[A <: Ordered[A]](coll: List[List[A]]) = coll.sorted
<console>:5: error: could not find implicit value for parameter ord: Ordering[List[A]]
def sort[A <: Ordered[A]](coll: List[List[A]]) = coll.sorted
You need to explicitly specify that you want the Ordering[Iterable[A]]:
def sort[A <: Ordered[A]](coll: List[List[A]]) = coll.sorted[Iterable[A]]
I'm not sure why the compiler can't find the Ordering[Iterable[A]] if the element type of the collection is List[A].
Inspired by Daniel's comment, here is a recursive version:
implicit def toOrdered[A <% Ordered[A]](list1: List[A]): Ordered[List[A]] = {
def c(list1:List[A], list2:List[A]): Int = {
(list1, list2) match {
case (Nil, Nil) => 0
case (x::xs, Nil) => 1
case (Nil, y::ys) => -1
case (x::xs, y::ys) => (x compare y) match {
case 0 => c(xs, ys)
case i => i
new Ordered[List[A]] {
def compare(list2: List[A]): Int = c(list1, list2)
With respect to the comment:
I used to think it's more a matter of taste. Sometimes it's easier to verify correctness on a recursive function, and certainly your version is short enough that there is no compelling reason to prefer recursive.
I was intrigued by the performance implications though. So I tried to benchmark it: see I was surprised to see that the recursive version is faster (assuming I did the benchmark correctly). The results still hold true for list of about length 10.
Just because I already implemented this another way, here is a non-recursive version that does not use return:
new Ordering[Seq[String]]() {
override def compare(x: Seq[String], y: Seq[String]): Int = { Option[Int]){ case (r, (v, w)) =>
} else {
val comp = v.compareTo(w)
if(comp == 0) None
else Some(comp)
One of the most powerful patterns available in Scala is the enrich-my-library* pattern, which uses implicit conversions to appear to add methods to existing classes without requiring dynamic method resolution. For example, if we wished that all strings had the method spaces that counted how many whitespace characters they had, we could:
class SpaceCounter(s: String) {
def spaces = s.count(_.isWhitespace)
implicit def string_counts_spaces(s: String) = new SpaceCounter(s)
scala> "How many spaces do I have?".spaces
res1: Int = 5
Unfortunately, this pattern runs into trouble when dealing with generic collections. For example, a number of questions have been asked about grouping items sequentially with collections. There is nothing built in that works in one shot, so this seems an ideal candidate for the enrich-my-library pattern using a generic collection C and a generic element type A:
class SequentiallyGroupingCollection[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](ca: C[A]) {
def groupIdentical: C[C[A]] = {
if (ca.isEmpty) C.empty[C[A]]
else {
val first = ca.head
val (same,rest) = ca.span(_ == first)
same +: (new SequentiallyGroupingCollection(rest)).groupIdentical
except, of course, it doesn't work. The REPL tells us:
<console>:12: error: not found: value C
if (ca.isEmpty) C.empty[C[A]]
<console>:16: error: type mismatch;
found : Seq[Seq[A]]
required: C[C[A]]
same +: (new SequentiallyGroupingCollection(rest)).groupIdentical
There are two problems: how do we get a C[C[A]] from an empty C[A] list (or from thin air)? And how do we get a C[C[A]] back from the same +: line instead of a Seq[Seq[A]]?
* Formerly known as pimp-my-library.
The key to understanding this problem is to realize that there are two different ways to build and work with collections in the collections library. One is the public collections interface with all its nice methods. The other, which is used extensively in creating the collections library, but which are almost never used outside of it, is the builders.
Our problem in enriching is exactly the same one that the collections library itself faces when trying to return collections of the same type. That is, we want to build collections, but when working generically, we don't have a way to refer to "the same type that the collection already is". So we need builders.
Now the question is: where do we get our builders from? The obvious place is from the collection itself. This doesn't work. We already decided, in moving to a generic collection, that we were going to forget the type of the collection. So even though the collection could return a builder that would generate more collections of the type we want, it wouldn't know what the type was.
Instead, we get our builders from CanBuildFrom implicits that are floating around. These exist specifically for the purpose of matching input and output types and giving you an appropriately typed builder.
So, we have two conceptual leaps to make:
We aren't using standard collections operations, we're using builders.
We get these builders from implicit CanBuildFroms, not from our collection directly.
Let's look at an example.
class GroupingCollection[A, C[A] <: Iterable[A]](ca: C[A]) {
import collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
def groupedWhile(p: (A,A) => Boolean)(
implicit cbfcc: CanBuildFrom[C[A],C[A],C[C[A]]], cbfc: CanBuildFrom[C[A],A,C[A]]
): C[C[A]] = {
val it = ca.iterator
val cca = cbfcc()
if (!it.hasNext) cca.result
else {
val as = cbfc()
var olda =
as += olda
while (it.hasNext) {
val a =
if (p(olda,a)) as += a
else { cca += as.result; as.clear; as += a }
olda = a
cca += as.result
implicit def iterable_has_grouping[A, C[A] <: Iterable[A]](ca: C[A]) = {
new GroupingCollection[A,C](ca)
Let's take this apart. First, in order to build the collection-of-collections, we know we'll need to build two types of collections: C[A] for each group, and C[C[A]] that gathers all the groups together. Thus, we need two builders, one that takes As and builds C[A]s, and one that takes C[A]s and builds C[C[A]]s. Looking at the type signature of CanBuildFrom, we see
CanBuildFrom[-From, -Elem, +To]
which means that CanBuildFrom wants to know the type of collection we're starting with--in our case, it's C[A], and then the elements of the generated collection and the type of that collection. So we fill those in as implicit parameters cbfcc and cbfc.
Having realized this, that's most of the work. We can use our CanBuildFroms to give us builders (all you need to do is apply them). And one builder can build up a collection with +=, convert it to the collection it is supposed to ultimately be with result, and empty itself and be ready to start again with clear. The builders start off empty, which solves our first compile error, and since we're using builders instead of recursion, the second error also goes away.
One last little detail--other than the algorithm that actually does the work--is in the implicit conversion. Note that we use new GroupingCollection[A,C] not [A,C[A]]. This is because the class declaration was for C with one parameter, which it fills it itself with the A passed to it. So we just hand it the type C, and let it create C[A] out of it. Minor detail, but you'll get compile-time errors if you try another way.
Here, I've made the method a little bit more generic than the "equal elements" collection--rather, the method cuts the original collection apart whenever its test of sequential elements fails.
Let's see our method in action:
scala> List(1,2,2,2,3,4,4,4,5,5,1,1,1,2).groupedWhile(_ == _)
res0: List[List[Int]] = List(List(1), List(2, 2, 2), List(3), List(4, 4, 4),
List(5, 5), List(1, 1, 1), List(2))
scala> Vector(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,1).groupedWhile(_ < _)
res1: scala.collection.immutable.Vector[scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Int]] =
Vector(Vector(1, 2, 3, 4), Vector(1, 2, 3), Vector(1, 2), Vector(1))
It works!
The only problem is that we don't in general have these methods available for arrays, since that would require two implicit conversions in a row. There are several ways to get around this, including writing a separate implicit conversion for arrays, casting to WrappedArray, and so on.
Edit: My favored approach for dealing with arrays and strings and such is to make the code even more generic and then use appropriate implicit conversions to make them more specific again in such a way that arrays work also. In this particular case:
class GroupingCollection[A, C, D[C]](ca: C)(
implicit c2i: C => Iterable[A],
cbf: CanBuildFrom[C,C,D[C]],
cbfi: CanBuildFrom[C,A,C]
) {
def groupedWhile(p: (A,A) => Boolean): D[C] = {
val it = c2i(ca).iterator
val cca = cbf()
if (!it.hasNext) cca.result
else {
val as = cbfi()
var olda =
as += olda
while (it.hasNext) {
val a =
if (p(olda,a)) as += a
else { cca += as.result; as.clear; as += a }
olda = a
cca += as.result
Here we've added an implicit that gives us an Iterable[A] from C--for most collections this will just be the identity (e.g. List[A] already is an Iterable[A]), but for arrays it will be a real implicit conversion. And, consequently, we've dropped the requirement that C[A] <: Iterable[A]--we've basically just made the requirement for <% explicit, so we can use it explicitly at will instead of having the compiler fill it in for us. Also, we have relaxed the restriction that our collection-of-collections is C[C[A]]--instead, it's any D[C], which we will fill in later to be what we want. Because we're going to fill this in later, we've pushed it up to the class level instead of the method level. Otherwise, it's basically the same.
Now the question is how to use this. For regular collections, we can:
implicit def collections_have_grouping[A, C[A]](ca: C[A])(
implicit c2i: C[A] => Iterable[A],
cbf: CanBuildFrom[C[A],C[A],C[C[A]]],
cbfi: CanBuildFrom[C[A],A,C[A]]
) = {
new GroupingCollection[A,C[A],C](ca)(c2i, cbf, cbfi)
where now we plug in C[A] for C and C[C[A]] for D[C]. Note that we do need the explicit generic types on the call to new GroupingCollection so it can keep straight which types correspond to what. Thanks to the implicit c2i: C[A] => Iterable[A], this automatically handles arrays.
But wait, what if we want to use strings? Now we're in trouble, because you can't have a "string of strings". This is where the extra abstraction helps: we can call D something that's suitable to hold strings. Let's pick Vector, and do the following:
val vector_string_builder = (
new CanBuildFrom[String, String, Vector[String]] {
def apply() = Vector.newBuilder[String]
def apply(from: String) = this.apply()
implicit def strings_have_grouping(s: String)(
implicit c2i: String => Iterable[Char],
cbfi: CanBuildFrom[String,Char,String]
) = {
new GroupingCollection[Char,String,Vector](s)(
c2i, vector_string_builder, cbfi
We need a new CanBuildFrom to handle the building of a vector of strings (but this is really easy, since we just need to call Vector.newBuilder[String]), and then we need to fill in all the types so that the GroupingCollection is typed sensibly. Note that we already have floating around a [String,Char,String] CanBuildFrom, so strings can be made from collections of chars.
Let's try it out:
scala> List(true,false,true,true,true).groupedWhile(_ == _)
res1: List[List[Boolean]] = List(List(true), List(false), List(true, true, true))
scala> Array(1,2,5,3,5,6,7,4,1).groupedWhile(_ <= _)
res2: Array[Array[Int]] = Array(Array(1, 2, 5), Array(3, 5, 6, 7), Array(4), Array(1))
scala> "Hello there!!".groupedWhile(_.isLetter == _.isLetter)
res3: Vector[String] = Vector(Hello, , there, !!)
As of this commit it's a lot easier to "enrich" Scala collections than it was when Rex gave his excellent answer. For simple cases it might look like this,
import scala.collection.generic.{ CanBuildFrom, FromRepr, HasElem }
import language.implicitConversions
class FilterMapImpl[A, Repr](val r : Repr)(implicit hasElem : HasElem[Repr, A]) {
def filterMap[B, That](f : A => Option[B])
(implicit cbf : CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]) : That = r.flatMap(f(_).toSeq)
implicit def filterMap[Repr : FromRepr](r : Repr) = new FilterMapImpl(r)
which adds a "same result type" respecting filterMap operation to all GenTraversableLikes,
scala> val l = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
l: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
scala> l.filterMap(i => if(i % 2 == 0) Some(i) else None)
res0: List[Int] = List(2, 4)
scala> val a = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
a: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
scala> a.filterMap(i => if(i % 2 == 0) Some(i) else None)
res1: Array[Int] = Array(2, 4)
scala> val s = "Hello World"
s: String = Hello World
scala> s.filterMap(c => if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') Some(c) else None)
res2: String = HW
And for the example from the question, the solution now looks like,
class GroupIdenticalImpl[A, Repr : FromRepr](val r: Repr)
(implicit hasElem : HasElem[Repr, A]) {
def groupIdentical[That](implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Repr,Repr,That]): That = {
val builder = cbf(r)
def group(r: Repr) : Unit = {
val first = r.head
val (same, rest) = r.span(_ == first)
builder += same
if(!r.isEmpty) group(r)
implicit def groupIdentical[Repr : FromRepr](r: Repr) = new GroupIdenticalImpl(r)
Sample REPL session,
scala> val l = List(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1)
l: List[Int] = List(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1)
scala> l.groupIdentical
res0: List[List[Int]] = List(List(1, 1),List(2, 2),List(3, 3),List(1, 1))
scala> val a = Array(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1)
a: Array[Int] = Array(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1)
scala> a.groupIdentical
res1: Array[Array[Int]] = Array(Array(1, 1),Array(2, 2),Array(3, 3),Array(1, 1))
scala> val s = "11223311"
s: String = 11223311
scala> s.groupIdentical
res2: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[String] = Vector(11, 22, 33, 11)
Again, note that the same result type principle has been observed in exactly the same way that it would have been had groupIdentical been directly defined on GenTraversableLike.
As of this commit the magic incantation is slightly changed from what it was when Miles gave his excellent answer.
The following works, but is it canonical? I hope one of the canons will correct it. (Or rather, cannons, one of the big guns.) If the view bound is an upper bound, you lose application to Array and String. It doesn't seem to matter if the bound is GenTraversableLike or TraversableLike; but IsTraversableLike gives you a GenTraversableLike.
import language.implicitConversions
import scala.collection.{ GenTraversable=>GT, GenTraversableLike=>GTL, TraversableLike=>TL }
import scala.collection.generic.{ CanBuildFrom=>CBF, IsTraversableLike=>ITL }
class GroupIdenticalImpl[A, R <% GTL[_,R]](val r: GTL[A,R]) {
def groupIdentical[That](implicit cbf: CBF[R, R, That]): That = {
val builder = cbf(r.repr)
def group(r: GTL[_,R]) {
val first = r.head
val (same, rest) = r.span(_ == first)
builder += same
if (!rest.isEmpty) group(rest)
if (!r.isEmpty) group(r)
implicit def groupIdentical[A, R <% GTL[_,R]](r: R)(implicit fr: ITL[R]):
GroupIdenticalImpl[fr.A, R] =
new GroupIdenticalImpl(fr conversion r)
There's more than one way to skin a cat with nine lives. This version says that once my source is converted to a GenTraversableLike, as long as I can build the result from GenTraversable, just do that. I'm not interested in my old Repr.
class GroupIdenticalImpl[A, R](val r: GTL[A,R]) {
def groupIdentical[That](implicit cbf: CBF[GT[A], GT[A], That]): That = {
val builder = cbf(r.toTraversable)
def group(r: GT[A]) {
val first = r.head
val (same, rest) = r.span(_ == first)
builder += same
if (!rest.isEmpty) group(rest)
if (!r.isEmpty) group(r.toTraversable)
implicit def groupIdentical[A, R](r: R)(implicit fr: ITL[R]):
GroupIdenticalImpl[fr.A, R] =
new GroupIdenticalImpl(fr conversion r)
This first attempt includes an ugly conversion of Repr to GenTraversableLike.
import language.implicitConversions
import scala.collection.{ GenTraversableLike }
import scala.collection.generic.{ CanBuildFrom, IsTraversableLike }
type GT[A, B] = GenTraversableLike[A, B]
type CBF[A, B, C] = CanBuildFrom[A, B, C]
type ITL[A] = IsTraversableLike[A]
class FilterMapImpl[A, Repr](val r: GenTraversableLike[A, Repr]) {
def filterMap[B, That](f: A => Option[B])(implicit cbf : CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That =
implicit def filterMap[A, Repr](r: Repr)(implicit fr: ITL[Repr]): FilterMapImpl[fr.A, Repr] =
new FilterMapImpl(fr conversion r)
class GroupIdenticalImpl[A, R](val r: GT[A,R])(implicit fr: ITL[R]) {
def groupIdentical[That](implicit cbf: CBF[R, R, That]): That = {
val builder = cbf(r.repr)
def group(r0: R) {
val r = fr conversion r0
val first = r.head
val (same, other) = r.span(_ == first)
builder += same
val rest = fr conversion other
if (!rest.isEmpty) group(rest.repr)
if (!r.isEmpty) group(r.repr)
implicit def groupIdentical[A, R](r: R)(implicit fr: ITL[R]):
GroupIdenticalImpl[fr.A, R] =
new GroupIdenticalImpl(fr conversion r)
Just using the basic JDBC interface to read some data using Scala.
In F# (using System.Data.SqlClient namespace) we could do something like this to return an immutable list from the database.
let rs = cmd.ExecuteReader()
[while rs.Read() do yield rs.GetInt32(1)]
In Scala this proves more difficult, as far as I know there is no "while" comprehension like F#. Effectively I'd like to do something close to F# in Scala without having to use mutable vars - if only because they look ugly and add to Lines of Code.
Something like this seems to be commonplace in my Scala code right now:
var result = Seq.empty[Int]
val rs = stmt.executeQuery()
while ( {
result = result :+ rs.getInt(1) }
I would create a custom subclass of Iterator that wraps a query result. It's really easy; senia showed how.
But you could also
val rs = stmt.executeQuery
val it = Iterator.continually(if ( Some(rs.getInt(1)) else None)
val result = it.takeWhile(_.isDefined).toList.flatten
You could use same way in scala, but I think it's ugly:
class Reader(var i: Int){
def read = { i-=1; i > 0 }
def getInt32 = i
val r = new Reader(10)
Stream.from(0).takeWhile{ _ =>}.map{ _ => r.getInt32}.toList
// List(9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
Idiomatic scala way is to convert your Reader to an Iterator:
implicit class ReaderIterator(r: Reader) extends Iterator[Int] {
def hasNext =
def next = r.getInt32
scala> new Reader(10).toList
res0: List[Int] = List(9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
But if you are really missing this syntax you could add it:
import scala.collection.immutable.VectorBuilder
class FWhile(c: => Boolean){
def apply[T](e: => T): Seq[T] = {
val b = new VectorBuilder[T]
while (c) b += e
object FWhile{
def apply(c: => Boolean) = new FWhile(c)
scala> FWhile({r.getInt32}
res0: Seq[Int] = Vector(9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
You could use an implicit class together with an implicit CanBuildFrom. This does use a mutable builder, but not at the caller's side:
object MyResultSetContainer {
implicit class MyResultSet(rs: ResultSet) {
def map[T, C <: Iterable[T]](f: (ResultSet) => T)
(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Nothing, T, C]): C = {
val builder = cbf()
while ( {
builder += f(rs)
to be used like this:
import MyResultSetContainer._
val rs = stmnt.executeQuery("select * from pg_user")
val names = for (row <- rs) yield (row.getString(1))
The for comprehension uses map under the hood, so if you prefer map directly:
val names = => row.getString(1))
which produces a sequence. Thanks to CanBuildFrom you can produce other collections as well by providing a type explicitly:
val names: List[String] = => row.getString(1))
How does CanBuildFrom work? The Scala compiler looks at the types involved in this expression: There is the resulting type, and the type returned by the function called by map. Based on this information, the Scala compiler provides a factory implicitly which can be used to create a suitable builder. So you need only one method to produce different types of collections.
If you want to return multiple values, just return a tuple:
val columns = => (row.getInt(2), row.getString(1)))
and the tuple can be used to create a Map directly:
val keyNamesMap: Map[Int, String] = => (row.getInt(2), row.getString(1)))
This is based on the idea that a result set is a list of rows, and so the map function should be available on top of it. The implicit class is used to add the map method to the underlying result set implicitly.
I'm learning Scala as it fits my needs well but I am finding it hard to structure code elegantly. I'm in a situation where I have a List x and want to create two Lists: one containing all the elements of SomeClass and one containing all the elements that aren't of SomeClass.
val a = x collect {case y:SomeClass => y}
val b = x filterNot {_.isInstanceOf[SomeClass]}
Right now my code looks like that. However, it's not very efficient as it iterates x twice and the code somehow seems a bit hackish. Is there a better (more elegant) way of doing things?
It can be assumed that SomeClass has no subclasses.
While using plain partition is possible, it loses the type information retained by collect in the question.
One could define a variant of the partition method that accepts a function returning a value of one of two types using Either:
import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
def partition[X,A,B](xs: List[X])(f: X=>Either[A,B]): (List[A],List[B]) = {
val as = new ListBuffer[A]
val bs = new ListBuffer[B]
for (x <- xs) {
f(x) match {
case Left(a) => as += a
case Right(b) => bs += b
(as.toList, bs.toList)
Then the types are retained:
scala> partition(List(1,"two", 3)) {
case i: Int => Left(i)
case x => Right(x)
res5: (List[Int], List[Any]) = (List(1, 3),List(two))
Of course the solution could be improved using builders and all the improved collection stuff :) .
For completeness my old answer using plain partition:
val (a,b) = x partition { _.isInstanceOf[SomeClass] }
For example:
scala> val x = List(1,2, "three")
x: List[Any] = List(1, 2, three)
scala> val (a,b) = x partition { _.isInstanceOf[Int] }
a: List[Any] = List(1, 2)
b: List[Any] = List(three)
Just wanted to expand on mkneissl's answer with a "more generic" version that should work on many different collections in the library:
scala> import collection._
import collection._
scala> import generic.CanBuildFrom
import generic.CanBuildFrom
scala> def partition[X,A,B,CC[X] <: Traversable[X], To, To2](xs : CC[X])(f : X => Either[A,B])(
| implicit cbf1 : CanBuildFrom[CC[X],A,To], cbf2 : CanBuildFrom[CC[X],B,To2]) : (To, To2) = {
| val left = cbf1()
| val right = cbf2()
| xs.foreach(f(_).fold(left +=, right +=))
| (left.result(), right.result())
| }
partition: [X,A,B,CC[X] <: Traversable[X],To,To2](xs: CC[X])(f: (X) => Either[A,B])(implicit cbf1: scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[CC[X],A,To],implicit cbf2: scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[CC[X],B,To2])(To, To2)
scala> partition(List(1,"two", 3)) {
| case i: Int => Left(i)
| case x => Right(x)
| }
res5: (List[Int], List[Any]) = (List(1, 3),List(two))
scala> partition(Vector(1,"two", 3)) {
| case i: Int => Left(i)
| case x => Right(x)
| }
res6: (scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Int], scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Any]) = (Vector(1, 3),Vector(two))
Just one note: The partition method is similar, but we need to capture a few types:
X -> The original type for items in the collection.
A -> The type of items in the left partition
B -> The type of items in the right partition
CC -> The "specific" type of the collection (Vector, List, Seq etc.) This must be higher-kinded. We could probably work around some type-inference issues (see Adrian's response here: ), but I was feeling lazy ;)
To -> The complete type of collection on the left hand side
To2 -> The complete type of the collection on the right hand side
Finally, the funny "CanBuildFrom" implicit paramters are what allow us to construct specific types, like List or Vector, generically. They are built into to all the core library collections.
Ironically, the entire reason for the CanBuildFrom magic is to handle BitSets correctly. Because I require CC to be higher kinded, we get this fun error message when using partition:
scala> partition(BitSet(1,2, 3)) {
| case i if i % 2 == 0 => Left(i)
| case i if i % 2 == 1 => Right("ODD")
| }
<console>:11: error: type mismatch;
found : scala.collection.BitSet
required: ?CC[ ?X ]
Note that implicit conversions are not applicable because they are ambiguous:
both method any2ArrowAssoc in object Predef of type [A](x: A)ArrowAssoc[A]
and method any2Ensuring in object Predef of type [A](x: A)Ensuring[A]
are possible conversion functions from scala.collection.BitSet to ?CC[ ?X ]
partition(BitSet(1,2, 3)) {
I'm leaving this open for someone to fix if needed! I'll see if I can give you a solution that works with BitSet after some more play.
Use list.partition:
scala> val l = List(1, 2, 3)
l: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
scala> val (even, odd) = l partition { _ % 2 == 0 }
even: List[Int] = List(2)
odd: List[Int] = List(1, 3)
For partitioning by type, use this method:
def partitionByType[X, A <: X](list: List[X], typ: Class[A]):
Pair[List[A], List[X]] = {
val as = new ListBuffer[A]
val notAs = new ListBuffer[X]
list foreach {x =>
if (typ.isAssignableFrom(x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass)) {
as += typ cast x
} else {
notAs += x
(as.toList, notAs.toList)
scala> val (a, b) = partitionByType(List(1, 2, "three"), classOf[java.lang.Integer])
a: List[java.lang.Integer] = List(1, 2)
b: List[Any] = List(three)
If the list only contains subclasses of AnyRef, becaus of the method getClass. You can do this:
scala> case class Person(name: String)
defined class Person
scala> case class Pet(name: String)
defined class Pet
scala> val l: List[AnyRef] = List(Person("Walt"), Pet("Donald"), Person("Disney"), Pet("Mickey"))
l: List[AnyRef] = List(Person(Walt), Pet(Donald), Person(Disney), Pet(Mickey))
scala> val groupedByClass = l.groupBy(e => e.getClass)
groupedByClass: scala.collection.immutable.Map[java.lang.Class[_],List[AnyRef]] = Map((class Person,List(Person(Walt), Person(Disney))), (class Pet,List(Pet(Donald), Pet(Mickey))))
scala> groupedByClass(classOf[Pet])(0).asInstanceOf[Pet]
res19: Pet = Pet(Donald)
Starting in Scala 2.13, most collections are now provided with a partitionMap method which partitions elements based on a function returning either Right or Left.
That allows us to pattern match a given type (here Person) that we transform as a Right in order to place it in the right List of the resulting partition tuple. And other types can be transformed as Lefts to be partitioned in the left part:
// case class Person(name: String)
// case class Pet(name: String)
val (pets, persons) =
List(Person("Walt"), Pet("Donald"), Person("Disney")).partitionMap {
case person: Person => Right(person)
case pet: Pet => Left(pet)
// persons: List[Person] = List(Person(Walt), Person(Disney))
// pets: List[Pet] = List(Pet(Donald))