How to merge dynamic forms with Adobe Livecycle? - merge

I have a number PDF documents which are dynamic forms. I want to make one document that contains all pages of the fist document, then all pages of the second, and so on. How can I do it programmatically with the Java API of Adobe Livecycle Enterprise Server?
I found documentation here, but it does not work for dynamic forms. Maybe I can convert the dynamic forms to static forms first? How can I do that?
Thanks in advance for your answers.

It depends on how many of these you need to create. I assume you are going to be making large numbers of these PDF's. The correct thing to use is Adobe LC Output ES2. The process is first to render your dynamic XFA based forms to static PDF using the Output service with whatever data you have and then to assemble them with the Assembler service (requires a DDX file with the rules for the assembly).
There are APIs (inc. Java) to call these services directly or you can write an orchestration(in Workbench) that does all the steps and you can call the orchestration from various API's including Java. The short lived orchestration capability is also licensed with Output.
This sample would be a good thing to review to see how to construct the orchestration (service) XDP and DDX.
Places to review invoking orchestrations in Java are:
Best of luck C.

This is how I did it:
Add a numeric field to the master pages
Mark it as calculated - read only
Select current page number, in the menu below. you can also have another with total number of pages.


How to connect ontology and web application

I'm working on a project, within which we are using semantic web technologies and creating web application allows user to get recommendation in order to take right decision ( won't get into the details).
For me and my team its a first experience to work with ontology.
We've already created ontology (have rdf and owl formatted files)(We are using eclipse to keep them).
Separately, we've created web application. My question how to connect web page and owl, rdf formatted data, more precisely, how to ensure input through webpage to dataset and get output on page.
I've found some info( on old forums), that its easyrdf which can be used as embedded in php script. But not clear.
Based on youtube tutorials, I've downloaded jena fuseki and don't know what is the next step.
I would be glad to get any advice, suggestion :)
In my view, there is no a single way to do this.
I usually set up some back-end application in order to pre-process this kind of information (build SPARQL queries, execute them and parse the results) and then return to the front in some way understandable by that side.
So, you could have all your data in RDF format store, for example, in a TDF exposed by Fuseki and interact with that data with some back-end, aimed to consume, update and parse the results you could find there.
That's my advice, hope could be useful for you.
Good luck!

Nutch Parser Plugin Collect Contact Information

I am working on a project that need to identify contact points on company's website and used for the purpose of enhancing security.
Right now, I managed to use Apache Nutch to crawl several rounds of sites. The next step will be to parse the HTML pages and locate where the contact information is. In this case, I am only interested in email addresses and phone numbers....
Here is what I am planning to do, we can write a map reduce jobs to parse HTML file and use things like regular expression in combo with Jsoup/Beautifulsoup HTML parsers to find the regular expression.
However, I am wondering is there any parser plugin that has already been implemented and maybe tested used for this purpose?
You should not need to write a custom map reduce job. Just implement a bespoke HTMLParseFilter which will give you a DOM to run XPath expressions on + the text of the document if you want regular expressions.
Having worked on something similar for a customer a few years ago, I found that there were many pages implementing You could write a custom HTMLParse filter with Xpath to extract normalised info from the microdata. You can look at the microdata parser which is for StormCrawler as a an example of how to leverage Apache Any23 to extract microdata.
If you want a more NLP-intensive method, you could use Behemoth to process Nutch segments with tools such as Apache UIMA or GATE.

CCDA to FHIR xml

Is it Possible to convert a complete CCDA xml to a FHIR based xml? I would like to convert an complete CCDA xml to a FHIR compatible XML through Mirthconnect interface.
I like to have sample messages that shows how a complete CCDA is been transformed to FHIR based XML, I googled and ended up with no answers. It would be great if you guys help me.
Strictly speaking, C-CDA is consolidated CDA. It is an IG - Implementation Guide.
In simple terms, there are various IG for generating a CDA document HITSP/C83 for one is an example and there are several others. The main problem with all these seperate IG is that they are not uniform. C-CDA was created to bring uniformity of data. This presentation here is a good place to start. Basically, it says you got to have at least 4 mandatory section in your CCD, and rest optional sections. It entirely depends on your use case.
Secondly, You need to download a copy of a valid C-CDA file from this site. Let's take inpatient summary document.
So that would be your target document, and consider it as a template.
Third, You got to tell your engineering team or if you are the developer yourself, then you need to build logic to extract and place information into that template. This is an iterative process, and everytime you need to validate your developed document, against the validator (site given above).
Until and unless the validator says 0 errors present, your document is not ready.
So, There does not exist a ready made code or logic that you can just plug and play and start developing C-CDA documents.

Form creation interface and simple back-end, should I go for CMS or is there a better option?

I often need to create similar, but very long HTML forms for a client. The forms contain some inter-dependent fields and lot of validations. Some images also need to be uploaded.
Then the client needs to check the database in the CPanel and export it from there.
I want to create something with easy interface which can create complicated forms. Also, client is asking for easy-to-operate back end. The CMS option looks like an overkill. I want to keep the site as lightweight as possible because of performance requirement.
Please suggest me the best path I should take. Should I try to develop everything from scratch? Should I use a CMS? Is there any particular CMS more suitable for the task?
We use ChronoForms along with Joomla 3.1 to create such forms. It has two modes, an easier one that limits the functionality but creation of forms is much easier. The other one offers the full capabilities of the engine but requires manual steps to do even simple things.
Having said that, ChronoForms is the most powerful web based forms designer I have come across. It seems they also support Wordpress now.
They have a drag-drop mechanism to design the forms. Validations are easy to do via check boxes for the standard ones. You can save the results into database tables, send emails, redirect users to specific pages, add captchas.
The backend allows you to view the records and create new tables based on the fields of the form. You can also export the result as CSV.

Adding pages "on the fly" with a CMS system

I am in the process of building a website content management system for one of my clients. It's a highly customized system, so I cannot use any "of the shelve" solution.
I need to allow my client to add pages to the website on the fly. I have two options here:
(1) Create a database driven page in the format of (query the database with the category and page ID's, grab the data and show it on the page) - or -
(2) Allow the management system to create static pages, something like and , etc.
I believe that, while the former is much easier to implement, the latter is a better both for the user AND for Google.
My questions are (finally): (1) Would you agree that the latter is a better solution, and (2) What is the best way to implement such a solution? Should I create and update each file using the FileSystem (i.e. - the site's management system requires the user to supply a page/file name, page title and content, and creates the page on the fly based on these parameters)? Is there a better way?
Thank you!
It's entirely possible to have database driven pages with nice URLs. StackOverflow itself is a great example - this question's URL is, but the page is built from the database, not static HTML.
I would use the first solution, but mask the addresses using a custom request handler. Basically, give each of your pages a unique string ID (such as about-us) and then, with your request handler that takes all requests, find this particular page in the database and render it.
See this article for some additional info (found it when googling for custom http handlers in ASP.NET.) In that article, it has the following handler added:
<add verb="*" path="*.piechart" type="PieChartHandler"/>
You would probably want to catch all paths (*), excluding certain media paths used for CSS, images and JavaScript.
More resources:
Custom HTTP Handler
HttpHandler in ASP.Net
I'd stay clear of static pages if I where you. Dynamic Data, MVC and some good planning should take you a long way!
What you need to do is to create some or many templates that each view/controller in mvc can use. Let whoever is responsible for the content handle it through dynamic data entities.
I would use the first idea, but work out a better URL scheme. If the system doesn't provide nice URLs (without ?), you'll have trouble getting the search engines to parse the whole site. Also using numbers instead of words make it hard on users to pass around URLs.
If you start to have performance problems you could add caching that would generate static pages from time to time. I would avoid doing that until you have to; caching can cause many headaches along the way to getting it right.
Although the existing advice is more-or-less sound, the commentators have failed to consider one factor which, admittedly, you haven't given much detail on. Are these pages that they'll edit once they're built, or a they one-shot creations? If the latter, your plan of generating static pages isn't quite so bad as they suggest. Why bother even having to think about database schemas and caching, when you can just serve flat content.
It will probably make for pretty lifeless, end-of-the-road pages, but if that's what you want ...