AVAudioPlayer: volume buttons work on some devices and not others - iphone

I have an app that uses AVAudioPlayer to play some embedded MP3 files. The volume buttons work reliably on the 3GS I mostly use for testing -- they worked under 4.1 and work now after upgrading to 4.3.1. On my boss's iPhone 4 running 4.2.1, they don't seem to work in our app at at all; and on the iPod Touch (also running 4.2.1) that's my secondary test machine, I've been able to get them to work once but can't reproduce how I did it.
I tried a hack I found, creating a dummy AVAudioPlayer at application startup but leaving it in prepareToPlay state, and found I was able to use the volume buttons on my initial screen, but once I was playing real audio they stopped working.
Anyone run into this? Any ideas why it works on some phones and not others?
Update: I updated the Touch to 4.3.1 and the problem went away. I assume therefore it's probably a bug in 4.2.1, but I'd still like to know if anyone's seen it and/or can point me to a bug report.

I had same problem. I found that the YouTube App was setting the default volume on the AVAudioPlayer. Found this with iPhone 4.3.3 so I am not sure if you are out of the woods yet.


iPhone App Different Behaviour Archive Version Compared to XCode Debugging

I've got a frustrating problem here in that my iPhone app seems to run fine in XCode (running in the simulator or debugging it with iPhone plugged in), but archive versions act differently.
My sprites are supposed to perform movement only in a strict grid pattern and at constant speeds, but they are sort of skipping around and moving in unexpected diagonals.
I don't think it's IOS7-related because the problem doesn't manifest in the new version (7) of the simulator.
I never saw this problem in months of development and dev testing. It only seems to have started happening since I started producing and distributing archives.
App details:
Game, cocos2D
MacBook Air, iPhone5, IOS7
I ended up getting some help from someone on the Apple Developer Forums, but I'd like to update this posting as well, even though it's redundant.
I've been running XCode for over 2 years and I didn't realize build configurations could cause different behaviour.
By setting the Run scheme to use the Release build configuration I was able to re-create the problem on the device.
The problem still existed of course, but this posting I found suggested turning off compiler optimizations to solve a vaguely similar problem.
That did it. Somehow the calculations that occur to control sprite vectors in my application behave strangely with compiler optimizations turned on.

iPhone 5 app rotating when it shouldn't (only on app store)

I have an app that shouldn't rotate unless on one particular screen.
The problem is that it is rotating on all screens, but the real big problem is that it only occurs when the users download the app from app store and are using it on iPhone 5, so I can't really find a way to test and fix the bug, since I wasn't able to reproduce it (in a development environment) so far.
I believe this is not an iOS problem since other devices with the same version are doing ok with the version I uploaded to apple through XCode, the bug really only occur when downloaded from app store and is installed on iPhone 5.
Any thoughts on what might be happening or how to fix it?
Thanks in advance!

iPhone Simulator Intermittent Slowdown

Almost every time I use the iPhone Simulator, I get intermittent slowdowns. Everything is running smooth and then the whole UI randomly drops down to 1-5fps. View pushes, animations and everything related to the UI just becomes sluggish for 2-10 seconds. Then all of sudden it comes back to normal again.
I've googled this issue several times and just can't find a solution. My guess is that there's some 3rd party extension/plugin that's causing this slowdown, but I'm not sure how to debug this.
This has been the case for the last 4 SDK installations. Happens on all simulators (iPhone, iPhone 4 and iPad). Happens in my own apps as well as in Apple's stock apps (Photos, Safari, Settings) and even in the Home Screen.
This issue makes debugging/testing extremely annoying. Any guess what could be the issue?
Ended up deleting everything in the ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator folder. It had some really old folders back from the 3.0 days. Maybe some incompatibility, I'm not sure.
Haven't had the issue since.
EDIT: Nope, this is only a temporary fix. Still looking for a permanent solution.
I know it's been a while, but it seems like Xcode 4.2 fixed this for good.
I noticed some slowdowns in the simulator when FaceTime for Mac is running, but it's not as bad as you describe. Have you tried when nothing else is running on your Mac?
Total long shot: Are you using Core Location at all? (GPS Stuff)?
I have seen the same kind of behavior your are talking about when I turn location tracking on inside my simulated iPhone app.

App freeze and then crashes on splash screen

I have an iPhone App published for a while, developed under the SDK3, and everything works great. Some weeks ago, when Apple released the SDK4 I made some changes to my app to support multitasking (it plays audio in the background).
In my simulator and my device (iPhone 3GS iOS4) the app runs great, there is no problem at all. But, now when I submit the update, a lot of users are contacting me because they say that the app freezes on the splash screen and after waiting about 40-60 seconds, it crashes.
By asking to the users, I have determinate that the problem is only in those devices that haves iOS4 (iPhone 3Gs and 4G).
I tested the app over and over in my simulator and my device but it never happens to me!! Some one have any idea or information about this?
I will really appreciate it. Thanks.
After search for the crashes, and try over and over, I can't reproduce the bug on
my devices. So, I decide to start reading at the Apple Developer Forums and I
found a thread where my suspicions are affirmed: this problem is caused by an internal
iOS4 bug.
"There's a bug in the App Store's code signing process. Talk to DTS: they can
help you with the workaround. Mention rdar://7909951."
"...but it should be the cause of nearly all "failed to launch in time" inside
libobjc:_mapStrHash..." (This appears in some of my app crashes)
Here is the link to the post: failed to launch in time in iOS4
There is no certain solution, but some suggest that a start is changing from arm6 to arm7 and try.
You can try changing some code in the app for producing a different binary and submit it again.
I hope it can help anyone else.
Check the crash report on itunesconnect.apple.com
iPhone 3G also supports iOS 4, except it "doesn't support multitasking" (presumably due to lack of RAM?). If you're only seeing crashes on the 3GS and 4, then that might be the issue.
Default.png is shown on launch, but it's also shown on the foreground when the OS didn't manage to get a screenshot while backgrounding, or for various other reasons (e.g. your app was launched with openURL, so the UI is likely to be different).

No Microphone error on iPod Touch

I've build an iPhone app that should work on an iPod Touch as well, but I'm getting reports that the app is not working on iPod touches. It's displaying an error message saying there's no mic available on the device. The thing is, the app does nothing whatsoever with audio, and I can't find anything related in the project settings.
The other problem is I don't have an iPod Touch available to test this myself. Are some people running an old firmware version? Am I compiling the wrong firmware version? To my surprise I couldn't find anything about this on SO or Google…
Any help is appreciated
i have found the "solution" to the problem.
This error got reported to me, as if the problem happens, when the app is run. This is not the case. The error is displayed when you try to install the app from app store. The reason for this is, that you set it to "iPhone and iPod Touch (2nd Generation)" in the AppStore. 2nd Generation iPod Touch has a microphone and therefore, if you put it in the store with that setting, it is assumed that the app makes use of the microphone.
The solution is to change this setting in AppStore
I got an iPod touch yesterday and tested out the voice memo function and it worked great. Today I tried to record something else but got the "no mic" error. After a moment of panic (thinking my unit was defective) I realized I'd switched to use another headset that didn't have the built-in mic the factory earbuds apparently have. So.... the problem is not likely related to the app, but simply not using the ear or headphones with a mic attached. :-)
I really wanted to use this feature, so I bought earbuds with a microphone at Target. When I inserted them into the jack, the error message remained. I went to the Apple store, and the guy pointed out that the end you insert into the jack is in three segments. When you push the stick in comfortably, it's still not all the way in, though it seems to be. You have to push it in hard, past the comfort level. That worked for me. I thought the factory earphones should have come with a mic, or Apple should have offered me an upgrade me for a small fee. I got the iTouch free with a Macbook, but now it has cost me $30 to use my favorite app.
It will work if you plug in ear phones :)