"Failed to suspend in time" error - iphone

I am getting the following error when i use my app over a period of time between 10-15 minutes,the app hangs and fails to perform any operations further.I use all the functionality provided in the app.I am using Core Plot framework for graph functionality.I cannot figure out the cause of this error.
NOTE:When i check the memory usage with the help of Allocation tools...the usage does not go beyond 4.5 MB.

Have you got CPU intensive tasks that are run on main thread?
That looks to me like the most likely culprit with this little information.


Concurrent operations limit in metro app

In my metro application, I am creating some parallel background downloads using
BackgroundDownloader^ downloader = ref new BackgroundDownloader();
Very often, I get an exception at this point which says:
First-chance exception at 0x75424B32 in WWAHost.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Platform::COMException ^ at memory location 0x03C5E470.
HRESULT:0x8000000E A method was called at an unexpected time.
WinRT information: Quota for maximum number of concurrent operations
exceeded. Wait for an operation to complete before starting new ones.
If there is a handler for this exception, the program may be safely
I have no clue on this limit and there is no documentation on msdn whatsoever about it. Did somone come across such a situation before? Any ideas are welcome.
A little late on this thread but we used BackgroundDownloader to download 1,000 files at once and it is actually much faster to download them all at once instead of in smaller batches.
Please reset the Manifest for Enterprise Authentication Checked and then build the App and release...

Thread 1: Program received signal : "EXC_BAD_ACCESS"

I am currently programming a iPhone-app for my maturity research. But there is an behavior I don't understand: Sometimes when i compile my project there is:
Thread 1: Program received signal : "EXC_BAD_ACCESS".
But when I compile the same code a second, or a third time the code just runs fine and i can't get why. I use some MonteCarloSimulation but when it fails it fails executing one of the first 100 simulations. But when every thing runs fine it executes 1000000 simulations without an error.. Really strange isn't it?
Do you have any idea? Can this be an issue of Xcode or arc?
All other things just work perfect.
Do you have to get any further information? I can also send you my code as an email.
This usually means you're trying to access an object that has already been deallocated.
In order to debug these things, Objective C uses something called "NSZombie" that will keep those objects around so you can at least see what it is that's trying to be called. See this question for some details on how to use it.
This is typically caused by accessing some memory that's been corrupted, chances are you have a reference to an object which has been deleted. A lot of the time you may find that the memory where the object was located has not yet been overwritten, so when you attempt to access that memory your data is still intact and there is no problem, hence it working some of the time.
Another scenario would be that you've got some code writing into memory using a bad reference, so you're writing into an area you shouldn't be. Depending on the memory layout when the program starts, this could have no effect some of the time but cause something catastrophic at other times.

anyway to see method execution times in Xcode?

I need to debug a certain ViewController I have and I can't seem to pinpoint exactly what is causing my lag time for the view to show.
IS there any debugger tool in Xcode that will show me how long my methods are taking to run so i can at least find the right place to start?
Instruments has a profiler built into it ever since iOS 4.0 (before which you used a stand-alone profiler tool called Shark).
Here's a quick little tutorial that will get you started: http://blancer.com/tutorials/flex/78335/apple-profiling-tools-shark-is-out-instruments-is-in/
If you don't know about Instruments, you should. It's how you know what's really going on inside your code while it runs.
Apart from Time Profiler as suggested by Dan you can also use Sampler instrument which generally stops a program at prescribed intervals and records the stack trace information for each of the program’s threads. You can use this information to determine where execution time is being spent in your program and improve your code to reduce running time.
The main difference between sampler & Time profiler :
Sampler instrument operates upon a single process but Time Profiler operates upon a single/All processes.

Correct approach for checking memory allocations in Objective C

I'm wondering what would be the correct approach after executing a command that allocates memory in Objective C (I'm mainly referring to iOS apps).
My dilemma comes from the fact that checking for the success of failure of a memory allocation operation adds lots of lines of code, while wondering whether this is at all useful.
Moreover, sometimes memory allocations are obvious, such as using 'alloc', but sometimes they are taking place behind the scenes. And even if we check each and every allocation - when we find it failed - there isn't much we could actually do. So maybe the correct approach is to just let it fail and have the app crash?
Take a look at this code:
// Explicit memory allocation
NSArray a1 = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:someObj, nil];
if (!a1) {
// Should we make this check at all? Is there really what to do?
// Implicit memory allocation
NSArray a2 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:someObj, nil];
if (!a2) {
// should we make this check at all? Is there really what to do?
What in your opinion would be the correct approach? Check or not check for allocation failures? iOS developers out there - how have you handled it in your apps?
Fantasy: Every memory allocation would be checked and any failure would be reported to the user in a friendly fashion, the app would shut down cleanly, a bug report would be sent, you could fix it and the next version would be perfect [in that one case].
Reality: By the time something as trivial as arrayWithObjects: fails, your app was dead long, long, ago. There is no recovery in this case. It is quite likely that the frameworks have already failed an allocation and have already corrupted your app's state.
Furthermore, once something as basic as arrayWithObjects: has failed, you aren't going to be able to tell the user anyway. There is no way that you are going to be able to reliably put a dialog on screen without further allocations.
However, the failure happened much further before your app failed an allocation. Namely, your app should have received a memory warning and should have responded by (a) persisting state so no customer data is lost and (b) freeing up as much memory as possible to avoid catastrophic failure.
Still, a memory warning is the last viable line of defense in the war on memory usage.
Your first assault on memory reduction is in the design and development process. You should consider memory use from the start of the application development process and you must optimize for memory use as you polish your application for publication. Use the Allocations Instrument (see this Heapshot analysis write-up I did a bit ago -- it is highly applicable) and justify the existence of every major consumer of memory.
iPhone apps should register for UIApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarningNotification notifications. iOS will send these when available memory gets low. Google iphoneappprogrammingguide.pdf (dated 10/12/2011) for more information.
That said, one general approach to the problem I've seen is to reserve a block of memory at app startup as a "cushion". In your code put in a test after each allocation. If an allocation fails, release the cushion so you have enough memory to display an error message and exit. The size of the cushion has to be large enough to accommodate allowing your hobbled app to shutdown nicely. You could determine the size of the cushion by using a memory stress tester.
This is really a tricky problem because it happens so rarely (for well-designed programs). In the PC/mini/mainframe world virtual memory virtually eliminates the problem in but the most pathological programs. In limited memory systems (like smartphones), stress testing your app with a heap monitor tool should give you a good indication of its max memory usage. You could code a high water mark wrapper routine for alloc that does the same thing.
Check them, assert in debug (so you know where/why failures exist), and push the error to the client (in most cases). The client will typically have more context - do they retry with a smaller request? fail somehow? disable a feature? Display an alert to the user, etc, etc. The examples you have provided are not the end of the world, and you can gracefully recover from many - furthermore, you need to (or ought to) know when and where your programs fail.
With the power you have in an Iphone/smartphone, the time it takes to compute a few test is ridiculous to be thinking "is it really worth checking", it is always good test and catch any failures in your code/allocations. (if you don't it sounds more like your lazy to add a few extra lines in your code.
Also "letting the app crash" gives a REALLY poor impression of your application, the user see the app close for no reason and thinks its a poor quality software.
You should always add your tests and if you can't do anything about the error then at least you should display a message before the app closes (makes the user less frustrated).
there a several options when tracking memory allocations, like catching exception. testing if the pointer returned is nil, checking the size of the list etc.
you should think of ways to let your application run in the case the allocation fails:
if it is jsut a view of your interface, display a message saying fail to load the particular view ...
if it is the main and only view, close the application gracefully with a message
I don't know what application you are working on but if you are short on memory, you should consider creating a system to allocate a deallocated memory as your progressing in your app, so that you always have the maximum memory available. it might be slightly slower than keeping everything cached but you app quality will improve if you suppress any force close.

SQLite on iPhone - Techniques for tracking down multithreading-related bugs

I'm working with an Objective-C wrapper around SQLite that I didn't write, and documentation is sparse...
It's not FMDB. The people writing this wrapper weren't aware of FMDB when writing this code.
It seems that the code is suffering from a bug where database connections are being accessed from multiple threads -- which according to the SQLite documentation won't work if the if SQLite is compiled with SQLITE_THREADSAFE 2.
I have tested the libsqlite3.dylib provided as part of the iPhone SDK and seen that it is compiled in this manner, using the sqlite_threadsafe() routine.
Using the provided sqlite library, the code regularly hits SQLITE_BUSY and SQLITE_LOCKED return codes when performing routines.
To combat this, I added some code to wait a couple of milliseconds and try again, with a maximum retry count of 50. The code didn't contain any retry logic prior to this.
Now when a sqlite call returns SQLITE_BUSY or SQLITE_LOCKED, the retry loop is invoked and the retry returns SQLITE_MISUSE. Not good.
Grasping at straws, I replaced the provided sqlite library with a version compiled by myself setting SQLITE_THREADSAFE to 1 - which according to the documentation means sqlite is safe to be used in a multithreaded environment, effectively serialising all of the operations. It incurs a performance hit, that which I haven't measured, but it ridded the app of the SQLITE_MISUSE happening and seemed to not need the retry logic as it never hit a busy or locked state.
What I would rather do is fix the problem of accessing a single db connection from multiple threads, but I can't for the life of me find where it's occurring.
So if anyone has any tips on locating multithreaded bugs I would be extremely appreciative.
Thanks in advance.
I haven't tested this to see if it works, but you could try wrapping access to the db connection in a function and then using Instruments to log accesses to that function which, IIRC, should let you get a thread ID and a stack trace. That should give you a bit of a handle on where it's coming from. Alternatively you could just set a breakpoint on it but that might take a bit longer.