Return Back To Application From Browser - iphone

I'm implementing a website call on button touch(in iPhone), so my browser get called in that case and website get opened.
I'm using following code:
- (IBAction) websiteButtonTouched{
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#""]];
Now what I want is to COME BACK TO MY APPLICATION FROM BROWSER as In iPhone4.0 and Up the application remain running at background we only have to call that when browser quite...
Thanks In Advance.. :P

Why not create your own in-app browser? Just put a UIWebView inside a navigation controller then put an address bar and a search bar.

Please see this question:
iPhone - Open Application from Web Page
As for returning to application where you left off -- if the device supports backgrounding (iOS4+) and your backgrounded app wasn't unloaded (due to memory shortage), the app will return the point you left it.
However, you also have to handle the returning to correct point in app yourself, in the cases that the device doesn't support backgrounding, or app was unloaded due to memory shortage: you can do this by storing information about current state of the app before it exits.
This web page has some very nice flow charts which describe app backgrounding and foregrounding etc.:


how to open the app store when clicking button

enter image description hereI want to open the app store when I click a certain button but, I have looked everywhere, and the code I have tried takes me to a safari link or doesn't do anything at all. can anyone help me? what i want it to achieve is that i hit the button and it opens up the app store with my specified app
UPDATE: i tried the method below and it opened oped up safari saying it could open the page
Zenprogrammer79 if your using the iOS simulator the link won't work because there is no App Store on the simulator but it should work on a real iOS device
zenProgrammer79 if you have a link to another app in the App Store, you can put this code in the section of where your button gets pressed (the IBAction) (objective-c)
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"link to the application link looks like"]];
if you are using swift i believe this will work
UIApplication.sharedApplication().openURL(NSURL(string: "")!)
if this doesn't work then your link to the app is probably wrong.

iPhone - Sending the app to the background

In my app, when it runs for the first time, it shows a UIViewAlert and offers you to see the preferences for the app - and the user has 2 choices - yes or no. If the user hits no the alert fades away and the application continues running. I want to set it in such a way, that if the user hits yes, my app will go to the background, the settings tab of the app will be opened (I added a settings bundle to the app). Is it possible to do such a thing? Thanks!
No, this is not possible. But you can create a settings view in you app and show it instead of trying to open the settings app.
Normally, you do want to encourage users to use your app as long as possible, and making them quit your app yourself is not the best way to achieve that.
No, this isn't possible.
But you could use InAppSettingsKit and modally show a view controller with the settings inside the app.
You can find out more here -

how to move moretab in iphone

in my applicaton,i have one directions tab in moretab.In directions tab, i displays the safari view through coding like this
NSString* url = #",-117.834073&daddr=33.67425,-117.835073&dirflg=w";//[NSString stringWithFormat: #"",#"1101+E+Fletcher+Ave+Tampa+FL+33612"];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url]];
when click the directions tab it shows the safari browser.But my problem is after open the safari view, iam not able to move the more tab again. now what i want be done is ,when closing this safari view and reopen my application it directly shows the more tab not directions tab.How to do this.
Often times directing the user to Safari can be very confusing and some users don't understand how to come back. Consider using UIWebView instead for this since it stays inside your app and also provides you with the control that you are talking about now.
If you absolutely have to direct the user to safari I would take a look at this post that talk about how to catch the events of a user leaving your app and different states for that.

App terminating when button clicked

I am very new to iphone coding.
I followed this tutorial to make a button in an app, but instead of having it change the background colour in the app, I made it a weblink using:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#""]];
This all works find when doing it in a "Window based application", but if I follow the exact same guide when putting a button into a Tab Bar Application I run into trouble.
The app builds fine, but when I click the button the application just terminates.
Any ideas?
We'd need some actual code to really debug the matter but EXC_BAD_ACCESS means you're trying to access an object that has already been deallocated from memory.

Launching Safari in-app?

Is it possible to Launch Safari without having the app close? Just like the in-app email compose window.
I'm aware of how to display a webpage in UIWebView. I'd like to use a full web browser, i.e. Safari.
You can use a UIWebView to display web content in your app.
You can create a UIWebView with the URL to display. It will follow any links that the user touches, but that won't give you the address bar, search, navigation buttons, bookmarks or the page (tab) control. Those you'll have to add yourself, but odds are you don't want all of that. (Do you really need Google searches in your app?)
Creating a controller to manage a UIWebView and as much or as little navigation as you need is pretty easy. With a little planning, your custom controller class will also a good thing to keep in your library for the next app.
No you can not make use of the full Safari from within your own application. Your application must terminate for Safari to open.
In iPhone OS 2.0 you also had to terminate in order to send e-mails, so some chance exists that Apple couls open up Safari in the same way for iPhone OS 4.0. Make sure to request it at if you are eager.
The second best option currently available is to roll your own "Browser view controller" using UIWebView. Let it have back, forward, stop/reload buttons, and an extra button for opening in Safari if the user is not content. This is how many of the greatest apps our there, like Tweetie, does it.