Interplay of values between two vectors in Matlab - matlab

I have two vectors o and c of equal length:
o = [-1 -1 -1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0];
c = [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1 1 1 0 -1];
o represents opening signals (neg or pos) and c represents closing signals, assuming an opening signal has preceeded it with opposite sign. Only one signal can be active at a time so consecuitive signals must be ignored. In the two vectors above, my first signal would be in o(1) and its corresponding closing signal would be found in c(6). This also means that the opening signals in o(2) and o(3) should be ignored and my next opening signal is found at o(7) with its corresponding close at c(10), consequently leading to a void signal at o(8)
I am trying to find a vectorized solution to identifying a correct sequence or indices of opened/closed signals to produce something along the lines of the following solution example:
o = [-1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
c = [ 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1];
I can obviously solve this by looping through each element in a for loop but since my dataset can be up to millions of elements and I find looping in Matlab can be rather 'expensive', I would greatly appreciate if someone has a solution to my problem that is more matrix-oriented, or through arrayfun or something equivalent that may make the code more efficient?

You can use diff, along with some logical operations to get your answer.
-1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
The trick is that the output of diff and your original vector o both have a non-zero value at the same index only for the first occurrence of the value in o (i.e., first occurrence in a chain). So, by multiplying it element-wise with o, you get your answer. The abs is to ensure that a sign change doesn't occur due to the output from diff.
The approach is similar for c, and I'll leave that for you to try :)

Usually looping is not more expensive as performing some other operation which just hiddes the loop behind another function (e.g. arrayfun). From your text it just sounds that you just chose the wrong algorithm. Your problem sounds very linear, that is O(n), but you write about loop in loop which means O(n^2). With millions of elements quadratic runtime is not so nice.
The algorithm you want is something like this:
open = 0;
for i=1:length(o)
if (open == 0)
o(i) = 0;
if (c(i) ~= -open)
c(i) = 0;
open = 0;
It maybe needs some finetunig, as you didnt describe in detail e.g. what the order of the c and o signals are (e.g. if the same index opens and closes is first the open processed or the closed, my example code assumes open), or whether the order of the signals is always ok, or if there must be some error treatment - but I guess you get the idea of the single loop.


Event Multiple Calculator/Generator? - MatLab

This might be an obvious question to some, however I am a beginner coder and would appreciate any links or advice I can get.
I am trying to create a code to generate a matrix with values based on the number of possible occurring events.
I am considering each end-member I have an independent event (this is being applied to a end-member mixing scenario in chemistry). Each of these events can occur 2 different ways (the value can be negative or positive). I am also trying to make this code capable of any number of independent events. I am thinking this matrix will be, ncol = the number of independent events, and nrows = the number of event multiples.
For example: If I have 3 independent events (3 columns in matrix), with 2 possible occurrences each (positive or negative), that means there are 8 event multiples or combinations (8 rows in the matrix).
For each combination (row), I would like to automatically generate the outcomes if I only use "1" to indicate the value is positive and "-1" to indicate the value is negative. The order of the row combinations should not matter.
Unfortunately I am using MatLab R2015a, but I was thinking a similar function to what I'm asking is called "combnk" or "combntns" in MatLab R2016a.
% Beginning of code:
NoIndEvents = 3; % Number of independent events
NoOccur = 2; % Number of occurrences for each ind. event
newmatrix = ones(NoOccur^NoIndEvents,NoIndEvents); % Initialize matrix
% Have no idea how to generate this part...
% My desired output (no hard coding & easily modified for any
% number of columns/ ind. events)
newmatrix =
1 1 1
-1 -1 -1
1 1 -1
1 -1 1
-1 1 1
-1 -1 1
-1 1 -1
1 -1 1
Does anyone know of a function I can use for this? I have a feeling this might be super easy and I just can't wrap my brain around the coding aspect of it...
Thank you in advance!
The issue is that nchoosek, combnk, etc. do not consider ordering of the result so they won't produce enough combinations (i.e [-1 -1 1] is the same as [1 -1 -1]). You could generate all permutations of your input (with each possible value duplicated NoIndEvents times). And then use unique on the first NoIndEvents columns of the result to get all of your permutations.
P = perms(repmat([-1 1], NoIndEvents, 1));
out = unique(P(:,1:NoIndEvents), 'rows')
-1 -1 -1
-1 -1 1
-1 1 -1
-1 1 1
1 -1 -1
1 -1 1
1 1 -1
1 1 1

Clean MATLAB time series data

I have a Matlab time series data set, which consist of a signal that can only be 1 or 0. How can I get rid of all the values except for the changing ones?
For example:
should ideally result in
while keeping the correct time values as well of course.
Thing is, that I need to find the frequency of the signal. The time should be measured from 0->1 to the next time 0->1 occurs. The smallest time / highest frequency is what I need in the end.
You can use the getsamples method to get a time series which contains a subset of the original samples. Remains to identify the indices where the time series has changed, for this purpose you can use diff and logical indexing:
ts = timeseries([1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0],1:8)
ts.getsamples([true;squeeze(diff(ts.Data)) ~= 0])
A simple and clever call to to diff should be sufficient:
>> A = [1; 1; 1; 0; 1; 0; 0; 0];
>> B = A(diff([-Inf; A]) ~= 0)
B =
The code is quite simple. diff finds pairs of differences in an array. Concretely, given an array A, the output is of the following structure:
B = [A(2) - A(1), A(3) - A(2), ..., A(N) - A(N-1)];
N is the total length of the signal. This results in a N-1 length signal. As such, a trick that you can use is to append the array A with -Inf (or some high non-zero value) so that when you find the difference between the first element of this appended array and the actual first element of the true array, you will get some non-zero change. That is registered with diff([-Inf; A]). The next thing you'll want is to check is to see where the differences are non-zero. Whenever there is a non-zero difference, that is a position that you want to keep because there has been a change that occurred. This produces a logical array and so the last step is to use this to index into your array A and thus get the result.
This only extracts out the signal you need however. If you'd like to extract the time in between unique elements, supposing you had some time vector t that was as long as your signal stored in A. You would first record the logical vector in a separate variable, then index into both your time array and the signal array to extract out what you need (original idea from user dfri):
ind = diff([-Inf; A]) ~= 0;
times = t(ind);
B = A(ind);
You can make use of diff and logical to save the results as a logical array, used as a subsequent index filter in your data (say t for time and y for boolean values ))
%// example
t = 0:0.01:0.07;
y = [1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0];
%// find indices to keep
keep = [true logical(diff(y))];
%// truncated data
tTrunc = t(keep)
yTrunc = y(keep)
with the results for the example as follows
tTrunc =
0 0.0300 0.0400 0.0500
yTrunc =
1 0 1 0

removing uniform columns in MATLAB

Say i have a 2D matrix A:
A = [ 1 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
1 1 1 0];
A is not necessarily binary, or even integer (i.e., floats are possible). I want to remove any column that contains uniform valued elements. In the above example, i would get:
1 0
0 0
1 1
To make this fully general, i'd like to allow the user to select the dimension along which rows/columns/slices are removed (i.e., with a DIM option).
Any ideas?
You could try using the min and max functions, which allow you to use the dim argument.
For example
index = min(A,[],1)==max(A,[],1);
will remove the columns you want. It is straightforward to do the same for rows
index = min(A,[],2)==max(A,[],2);
B = A(:,range(A)~=0); %//columns
The other one-liner is not that nice, and ugly one-liners should not be written down. :-) But is basically the same solution as S..'s, except is way more expensive (requires stats toolbox).
Please note that "generality" of subscript-based solutions doesn't extend to N-dimensional arrays as easily, because subscripting in ND arrays without checking beforehand the number of dimensions is difficult. Also, for the 1D arrays the notion of "uniformity" is a bit odd along the singleton dimension (the result is always empty).
Besides the neat solution provided by #S.. there is this simple hack also for your example:
for ii = 1:size(A,2)
T(ii) = all(A(:,ii) == sum(A(:,ii))/numel(A(:,ii)));
ans =
1 0
0 0
1 1
As suggested by #gariepy the right side of the equation can be replaced with mean function.
for ii = 1:size(A,2)
T(ii) = all( A(:,ii) == mean(A(:,ii)) );
A(:,~all(A == repmat(A(1,:),[size(A,1) 1])))
Inspired by #S.. but only checks if every element of the column equals the first element of the column. Seems like a little less work for the processor than finding the min and the max, and checking for equality.

How to make a general case of inserting ones in any type of matrix, in the non-principal diagonal

The title might be confusing, here's a particular example to explain myself. Also, I'm not sure how do you call the diagonal that starts in (1,2) and goes onward: (2,3) ; (3,4) and so on. Non-principal, non-main diagonal, not sure at all.
3x3 case
-1 1 0
-1 0 1
0 -1 1
4x4 case
-1 1 0 0
-1 0 1 0
-1 0 0 1
0 -1 1 0
0 -1 0 1
0 0 -1 1
So if the original matrix was a 4x4 (or any other size), I am able to make a matrix the size of the second example. I now have to insert the -1 and 1's in this fashion. This means n-1 number of -1's inserted if j=1, and then, a n-1 number of ones in the non-principal diagonal. When this is done, it's the same but for j=2 and the next non-principal diagonal, and so on.
Thing is, I'm thinking all the time about loops, and too many cases arise, because what I want is to be able to do this for any possible dimension, not for a particular case.
But then I saw this post Obtaining opposite diagonal of a matrix in Matlab
With this answer: A(s:s-1:end-1)
And it seems like a much cleaner way of doing it, since my own way (not finished since I'm not able to figure all the cases) has too many conditions. With a sentence like that, I could choose the diagonal, insert ones, and do it as many times as required, depending of the n dimension.
This leaves the problem of inserting the -1's, but I guess I could manage something.
It seems to mee that you want to obtain the following matrix B of size n × (n-1)*n/2
n = 4;
idx = fliplr(fullfact([n n]));
idx(diff(idx')<=0,:) = [];
m = size(idx,1);
B = zeros(m,n);
B(sub2ind(size(B),1:m,idx(:,1)')) = -1;
B(sub2ind(size(B),1:m,idx(:,2)')) = 1;
Approach #1
Here's a vectorized approach that has more memory requirements than a non-vectorized or for-loop based one. So, it could be tried out for small to medium sized datasizes.
The basic idea is this. For n=4 as an example, we take
-1 1 0 0
-1 0 1 0
-1 0 0 1
as the basic building block, replicate it n-1 i.e. 3 times and then remove the rows that aren't supposed to be part of the final output as per the requirements of the problem. Because of this very nature, this solution has more memory requirements, as we need to remove rows 6,8,9 for n = 4 case. But this gives us the opportunity to work with everything in one go.
N = n-1; %// minus 1 of the datasize, n
blksz = N*(N+1); %// number of elements in a (n-1)*n blocksize that is replicated
b1 = [-1*ones(N,1) eye(N)] %// Create that special starting (n-1)*n block
idx1 = find(b1~=0) %// find non zero elements for the starting block
idx2 = bsxfun(#plus,idx1,[0:N-1]*(blksz+N)) %// non zero elements for all blocks
b1nzr = repmat(b1(b1~=0),[1 N]) %// elements for all blocks
vald_ind = bsxfun(#le,idx2,[1:N]*blksz) %// positions of valid elements all blocks
mat1 = zeros(N,blksz) %// create an array for all blocks
mat1(idx2(vald_ind)) = b1nzr(vald_ind) %// put right elements into right places
%// reshape into a 3D array, join/concatenate along dim3
out = reshape(permute(reshape(mat1,N,N+1,[]),[1 3 2]),N*N,[])
%// remove rows that are not entertained according to the requirements of problem
out = out(any(out==1,2),:)
Approach #2
Here's a loop based code that could be easier to get a hold on if you have to explain it to yourself or just people and most importantly scales up pretty well on performance criteria across varying datasizes.
start_block = [-1*ones(n-1,1) eye(n-1)] %// Create that special starting (n-1)*n block
%// Find starting and ending row indices for each shifted block to be repeated
ends = cumsum([n-1:-1:1])
starts = [1 ends(1:end-1)+1]
out = zeros(sum(1:n-1),n) %// setup all zeros array to store output
for k1 = 1:n-1
%// Put elements from shifted portion of start_block for creating the output
out(starts(k1):ends(k1),k1:end) = start_block(1:n-k1,1:n-k1+1)
With n=4, the output -
out =
-1 1 0 0
-1 0 1 0
-1 0 0 1
0 -1 1 0
0 -1 0 1
0 0 -1 1
I don't know if I understood properly, but is this what you are looking for:
k=1; % this is to select the k-th diagonal
D=diag(ones(1,size(M,2)-abs(k)), k);
M =
0.9834 -1.0000 0.8402 0.6310 0.0128
0.8963 0.1271 -1.0000 0.3164 0.6054
0.8657 0.6546 0.3788 -1.0000 0.5765
0.8010 0.8640 0.2682 0.4987 -1.0000
0.5550 0.2746 0.1529 0.7386 0.6550

MATLAB:how to summarize the ones in an vector?

For example:
a=[1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0];
Now i want to sum only the ones which are divides by the zeros:
ones=[2 2 3] - That means two ones,then we have 2 zeros which we do not count,then again two ones etc.
How can i do this?
Well, I would suggest finding all places where it switches from 0 to 1 and then finding all places where it switches from 1 to 0, and using those indices to find those lengths. The problem arises at the edges where if the first entry is 1, it doesn't switch to one from zero, and if the last entry is 1, we never find it because nothing switches to 0 at the end. In order to avoid this problem easily, we can add a 0 in the beginning and one at the end. This way we're guaranteed to find each one of those bursts of ones. In essence:
b = [0 a 0];
d = diff(b);
posEdge = find(d==1);
negEdge = find(d==-1);
countOnes = negEdge - posEdge