How to compute a reasonable number of bits for a checksum? - hash

I have around 1500 bytes of data that I want to construct a checksum for so that if the data gets corrupted the chances of the checksum still matching the data is less than say 1 in 10^15, i.e. a low enough probability that I can treat it as it is never going to happen.
The question is how many bits should I compute? I have a sha-160 computation that gives me a 160 bit hash of my data, but I expect this is way larger than necessary. So I'm thinking I could truncate the resulting hash down to say the low 40 bits and use that as a sufficiently large bit pattern that if the data gets corrupted, I will most likely detect it.
So the question is two fold, how many bits is good enough and is taking the lower bits of a sha-160 hash a good approach to take?

You can use the table here to determine approximately how many bits you need for your desired error detection rate.


Does halving every SHA224 2 bytes to 1 byte to halve the hash length introduce a higher collision risk?

Let's say I have strings that need not be reversible and let's say I use SHA224 to hash it.
The hash of hello world is 2f05477fc24bb4faefd86517156dafdecec45b8ad3cf2522a563582b and its length is 56 bytes.
What if I convert every two chars to its numerical representation and make a single byte out of them?
In Python I'd do something like this:
shalist = list("2f05477fc24bb4faefd86517156dafdecec45b8ad3cf2522a563582b")
for first_byte,next_byte in zip(shalist[0::2],shalist[1::2]):
The result will be \x98ek\x9d\x95\x96\x96\xc7\xcb\x9ckhf\x9a\xc7\xc9\xc8\x97\x97\x99\x97\xc9gd\x96im\x94. 28 bytes. Effectively halved the input.
Now, is there a higher hash collision risk by doing so?
The simple answer is pretty obvious: yes, it increases the chance of collision by as many powers of 2 as there are bits missing. For 56 bytes halved to 28 bytes you get the chance of collision increased 2^(28*8). That still leaves the chance of collision at 1:2^(28*8).
Your use of that truncation can be still perfectly legit, depending what it is. Git for example shows only the first few bytes from a commit hash and for most practical purposes the short one works fine.
A "perfect" hash should retain a proportional amount of "effective" bits if you truncate it. For example 32 bits of SHA256 result should have the same "strength" as a 32-bit CRC, although there may be some special properties of CRC that make it more suitable for some purposes while the truncated SHA may be better for others.
If you're doing any kind of security with this it will be difficult to prove your system, you're probably better of using a shorter but complete hash.
Lets shrink the size to make sense of it and use 2 bytes hash instead of 56. The original hash will have 65536 possible values, so if you hash more than that many strings you will surely get a collision. Half that to 1 bytes and you will get a collision after at most 256 strings hashed, regardless do you take the first or the second byte. So your chance of collision is 256 greater (2^(1byte*8bits)) and is 1:256.
Long hashes are used to make it truly impractical to brute-force them, even after long years of cryptanalysis. When MD5 was introduced in 1991 it was considered secure enough to use for certificate signing, in 2008 it was considered "broken" and not suitable for security-related use. Various cryptanalysis techniques can be developed to reduce the "effective" strength of hash and encryption algorithms, so the more spare bits there are (in an otherwise strong algorithm) the more effective bits should remain to keep the hash secure for all practical purposes.

Checksumming: CRC or hash?

Performance and security considerations aside, and assuming a hash function with a perfect avalanche effect, which should I use for checksumming blocks of data: CRC32 or hash truncated to N bytes? I.e. which will have a smaller probability to miss an error? Specifically:
CRC32 vs. 4-byte hash
CRC32 vs. 8-byte hash
CRC64 vs. 8-byte hash
Data blocks are to be transferred over network and stored on disk, repeatedly. Blocks can be 1KB to 1GB in size.
As far as I understand, CRC32 can detect up to 32 bit flips with 100% reliability, but after that its reliability approaches 1-2^(-32) and for some patterns is much worse. A perfect 4-byte hash reliability is always 1-2^(-32), so go figure.
8-byte hash should have a much better overall reliability (2^(-64) chance to miss an error), so should it be preferred over CRC32? What about CRC64?
I guess the answer depends on type of errors that might be expected in such sort of operation. Are we likely to see sparse 1-bit flips or massive block corruptions? Also, given that most storage and networking hardware implements some sort of CRC, should not accidental bit flips be taken care of already?
Only you can say whether 1-2-32 is good enough or not for your application. The error detection performance between a CRC-n and n bits from a good hash function will be very close to the same, so pick whichever one is faster. That is likely to be the CRC-n.
The above "That is likely to be the CRC-n" is only somewhat likely. It is not so likely if very high performance hash functions are used. In particular, CityHash appears to be very nearly as fast as a CRC-32 calculated using the Intel crc32 hardware instruction! I tested three CityHash routines and the Intel crc32 instruction on a 434 MB file. The crc32 instruction version (which computes a CRC-32C) took 24 ms of CPU time. CityHash64 took 55 ms, CityHash128 60 ms, and CityHashCrc128 50 ms. CityHashCrc128 makes use of the same hardware instruction, though it does not compute a CRC.
In order to get the CRC-32C calculation that fast, I had to get fancy with three crc32 instructions on three separate buffers in order to make use of the three arithmetic logic units in parallel in a single core, and then writing the inner loop in assembler. CityHash is pretty damned fast. If you don't have the crc32 instruction, then you would be hard-pressed to compute a 32-bit CRC as fast as a CityHash64 or CityHash128.
Note however that the CityHash functions would need to be modified for this purpose, or an arbitrary choice would need to be made in order to define a consistent meaning for the CityHash value on large streams of data. The reason is that those functions are not set up to accept buffered data, i.e. feeding the functions a chunk at a time and expecting to get the same result as if the entire set of data were fed to the function at once. The CityHash functions would need to modified to update an intermediate state.
The alternative, and what I did for the quick and dirty testing, is to use the Seed versions of the functions where I would use the CityHash from the previous buffer as the seed for the next buffer. The problem with that is that the result is then dependent on the buffer size. If you feed CityHash different size buffers with this approach, you get different hash values.
Another Update four years later:
Even faster is the xxhash family. I would now recommend that over a CRC for a non-cryptographic hash.
Putting aside "performance" issues; you might want to consider using one of the SHA-2 functions (say SHA-256).

Choosing a minimum hash size for a given allowable number of collisions

I am parsing a large amount of network trace data. I want to split the trace into chunks, hash each chunk, and store a sequence of the resulting hashes rather than the original chunks. The purpose of my work is to identify identical chunks of data - I'm hashing the original chunks to reduce the data set size for later analysis. It is acceptable in my work that we trade off the possibility that collisions occasionally occur in order to reduce the hash size (e.g. 40 bit hash with 1% misidentification of identical chunks might beat 60 bit hash with 0.001% misidentification).
My question is, given a) number of chunks to be hashed and b) allowable percentage of misidentification, how can one go about choosing an appropriate hash size?
As an example:
1,000,000 chunks to be hashed, and we're prepared to have 1% misidentification (1% of hashed chunks appear identical when they are not identical in the original data). How do we choose a hash with the minimal number of bits that satisifies this?
I have looked at materials regarding the Birthday Paradox, though this is concerned specifically with the probability of a single collision. I have also looked at materials which discuss choosing a size based on an acceptable probability of a single collision, but have not been able to extrapolate from this how to choose a size based on an acceptable probability of n (or fewer) collisions.
Obviously, the quality of your hash function matters, but some easy probability theory will probably help you here.
The question is what exactly are you willing to accept, is it good enough that you have an expected number of collisions at only 1% of the data? Or, do you demand that the probability of the number of collisions going over some bound be something? If its the first, then back of the envelope style calculation will do:
Expected number of pairs that hash to the same thing out of your set is (1,000,000 C 2)*P(any two are a pair). Lets assume that second number is 1/d where d is the the size of the hashtable. (Note: expectations are linear, so I'm not cheating very much so far). Now, you say you want 1% collisions, so that is 10000 total. Well, you have (1,000,000 C 2)/d = 10,000, so d = (1,000,000 C 2)/10,000 which is according to google about 50,000,000.
So, you need a 50 million ish possible hash values. That is a less than 2^26, so you will get your desired performance with somewhere around 26 bits of hash (depending on quality of hashing algorithm). I probably have a factor of 2 mistake in there somewhere, so you know, its rough.
If this is an offline task, you cant be that space constrained.
Sounds like a fun exercise!
Someone else might have a better answer, but I'd go the brute force route, provided that there's ample time:
Run the hashing calculation using incremental hash size and record the collision percentage for each hash size.
You might want to use binary search to reduce the search space.

Does truncating a sha-160 hash produce a reasonable hash?

I have a sha-160 computation that gives me a 160 bit hash of my data, but I expect this is way larger than necessary. So I'm thinking I could truncate the resulting hash down to say the low 64 bits and use that.
Does taking the low 64 bits of a sha-160 hash computation give a reasonably random 64 bit hash?
Part of what it means for something to be a good hash is that any fixed subset of its bits is also (so far as possible, given how many bits) a good hash. The low 64 bits of a SHA-160 hash should be a good 64-bit hash, in so far as there is such a thing.
Note that for some purposes 64 bits really isn't all that many. For instance, if anything breaks in your application when someone finds two different things with the same hash, you probably want something longer: on average it will only take a modest number of billions of trials to find two things with the same 64-bit hash, no matter what your hashing algorithm.
What bad thing would happen if you just used all 160 bits?

Hash length reduction?

I know that say given a md5/sha1 of a value, that reducing it from X bits (ie 128) to say Y bits (ie 64 bits) increases the possibility of birthday attacks since information has been lost. Is there any easy to use tool/formula/table that will say what the probability of a "correct" guess will be when that length reduction occurs (compared to its original guess probability)?
Crypto is hard. I would recommend against trying to do this sort of thing. It's like cooking pufferfish: Best left to experts.
So just use the full length hash. And since MD5 is broken and SHA-1 is starting to show cracks, you shouldn't use either in new applications. SHA-2 is probably your best bet right now.
I would definitely recommend against reducing the bit count of hash. There are too many issues at stake here. Firstly, how would you decide which bits to drop?
Secondly, it would be hard to predict how the dropping of those bits would affect the distribution of outputs in the new "shortened" hash function. A (well-designed) hash function is meant to distribute inputs evenly across the whole of the output space, not a subset of it.
By dropping half the bits you are effectively taking a subset of the original hash function, which might not have nearly the desirably properties of a properly-designed hash function, and may lead to further weaknesses.
Well, since every extra bit in the hash provides double the number of possible hashes, every time you shorten the hash by a bit, there are only half as many possible hashes and thus the chances of guessing that random number is doubled.
128 bits = 2^128 possibilities
64 bits = 2^64
so by cutting it in half, you get
2^64 / 2^128 percent
less possibilities