Change Custom annotation Label without removing it from Map in iPhone - iphone

I am diplaying a Custom annotation in the center of the map. Which continues need to update its label how far is it from the center of the map.
P.S. Center of the map means the centre of the visible region in the map.
So by default my annotation is in the center of the map with label 0 then when I move the map it must update itself.
Currently on each move I am removing the annotation and adding the annotation with updated text. But its not the correct way..
Kindly help.... Thanks in advance....

I'd add a UIView with the label on it on the view that contains map right after adding map view. The size of this new view should be the same to size of the map. The tricky part is handling touches on it and then transferring them to the map view. You can dig into this tutorial. It is not map view but web view, nevertheless principles are the same.
If you choose that way you don't have to add this label as an annotation.


string under Map Kit pin (mkannotationview image)

I am trying to set names under pins that are on a map. Each name should be specific.
I am not using default pins, hence each pin is a specific image.
I was thinking of generating some kind of image that would present the image of the pin and the name as a label under it. Then append the whole thing as the image of the mkannotationview. But this looks like a mess to me.
Is there a way I could possibly append a label under a mkannotationview?
Or should a make a custom mkannotationview?
Thank you for your time.
Starting with iOS 11, if you subclass MKMarkerAnnotationView, you get those texts below the bubble for free, including collition detections: the text is sometimes rendered more left or right, depending where there is some space left on the map.
The MKAnnotationView class is a subclass of UIView, so you should be able to subclass it fairly easily.
I would probably create a custom subclass, and have my subclass add a label as a subview of the MKAnnotationView. You might need to adjust the frame of the view to make room for the label you're adding.

Multiple Annotations ( MKAnnotationView ) in the same location Coordinates

Hi I am trying to implement Annotations grouping and animation if the user touch.
I did look a the different cluster Library solution but this wont work for my because I have multiple Annotations in the same Coordinates.
So this is what I want to do
1- I identify where there are multiple Annotations in the same place (Coordinates)?
how can implement this ? find the annotations in the same coordinates and make a new group annotation ?
2- change the colour of that Annotation (to let the user know)
I can do this on this method
-(MKAnnotationView*)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:(id<MKAnnotation>)annotation;
3- if the user touch the annotations in that group , annotations will move in a circle around their location.
So far I have all my annotation on the map some have a very dark shadow.
I want to focus in the first task now - grouping
I am not asking for code example I can do that I just need help figuring out what methods to use to implement the task .
Thanks for your help.
I ended up implementing this code from StormID
Handling MKMapView Annotation Pins on the Same Coordinate
I have to make some changes but it works great.
To get rid of the dark shadow, which is caused by stacked annotation views, I would change your mapView:viewForAnnotation: to recognize when the passed annotation has the same coordinates as another and only return a view (of a different color) for one of those annotations.
Then, for your animation, upon touch of the grouped annotation, I would set mapView.scrollEnabled = mapView.zoomEnabled = NO temporarily for simplicity's sake, hide the group annotation, and create an overlay with animations of the individual annotations yourself. Upon another touch, animate them back to the center, remove them and the overlay, and unhide the grouped annotation and re-enable the map.

Custom annotation view using MKCircle

I am trying to make a custom view for a custom MKAnnotation I have. What I want is a solid circle with a number inside, and a colour depending on what the value of that number is. The number's value will be taken from my custom MKAnnotation class. I currently have the annotation view as a map pin, and I have a callout method assigned to it etc. so I want my new view to function the same as this pin view. How would I go about this? I can't seem to find anything that teaches me how to do this: would I have to create the circle as an overlay and handle the drawing in the map view controller?

Dragging a custom pin on a Map View

I've managed to create a custom image for the pin which is dropped on a map, using MKAnnotationView...
My question is how do I make this custom image draggable on the map? So I can move the image to other parts of the map?
Have a look at the MKAnnotationView docs. There's a property called draggable there, and you have to also implement the MKAnnotation protocol setCoordinate: method to update the position of the annotation.
Don't forget that it's only supported in iOS 4.0 and above.
You can look this tutorial : mapkit-annotation-drag-and-drop-with

zoom in, zoom out on mkmapview shows the hidden mkannotations

i have a strange problem on my mapview.
I have filtering option on my map to show and hide some annotations.
[[self.gmapViewController.gMap viewForAnnotation:annot] setHidden:YES]; or
[[self.gmapViewController.gMap viewForAnnotation:annot] setHidden:NO];
and i center the map to a particular location when i filter the mkmpaview.
but the issue is ... when i try to zoom in or zoom out, the hidden annotations are getting displayed on the map.
how to avoid it doing that.
Could any one ..let me know the solution please...
Why cant you remove the annotations and then again add annotations where you want instead of hidding and showing.
You can't rely on specific annotation views to continue to represent the same annotation as the map view's boundaries change; it reuses them, much as a UITableView reuses its cells. What you need to do is change some property of annot itself as well as changing the hidden state of the annotation view that currently represents it, then check for that property and set the appropriate hidden state in your MKMapViewDelegate -mapView:viewForAnnotation: method as well.