Inf file PreCopySection - inf

I have found [PreCopySection] section in some inf files. Often it ha only the following content:
I tried to find any documentation on it using MSDN and Google with no luck. The file doesn't contain any other mentions of "PreCopySection" string so I beleive it couldn't be created with any other directive.
Does anyone know its format and what it stand for?


What is the correct way to specify DC metadata for a multi-language ePub?

I am developing an ePub. In the content.opf file I have to specify a series of metadata by using DC standard. For example dc:title and dc:creator.
However my book is a multilanguage book, that is, it contains two translations of the same text: English and Russian. The standard reference manual states that I can have more dc:language statements. For example:
but it does not say how to specify the other metadata for more than one language. Consider, for example, dc:creator. I tried
<dc:creator xml:lang="en">Dario de Judicibus</dc:creator>
<dc:creator xml:lang="ru">Дарио де Юдицибус</dc:creator>
I get an error from the distribution platform validator, which states that the format of ePub is not correct. It looks like I cannot use xml:lang in dc:creator even if, in theory, that is an XML attribute that can be used with any XML tag. Same for dc:title:
<dc:title xml:lang="en">My Book Title</dc:title>
<dc:title xml:lang="ru">Название Mоей Kниги</dc:title>
Could someone who has had to face the same problem as me, namely writing the OPF for an ePub that contains a text in multiple languages, tell me what is the correct way to do it? In the standards for the OPF 3.x I have not been able to find any useful information to establish this.
I verified my code with one of the author of the W3C specifications for OPF and he told me that what I wrote is correct, but that some validator is not used to multi-language documents, so that the problem is the validator, not the code. I write this in case someone else may have the same problem.

How to make a Pod link from a module to a script within the same distribution?

Consider this module App::TimeTracker. If you click on the tracker link in the SYNOPSIS section you end up here whereas you should have ended up here. The Pod source code responsible for the behavior is given here, which shows that the following Pod formatting code was used:
I can fix the problem by providing an absolute link instead:
but this fixes the link to version 3.000 which may change in the future.
So how should this be done in general?
Use the full path without the version number:
The problem is that tracker_bash_autocomplete is not being indexed correctly as documentation by MetaCPAN. The NAME section has a very specific format based on manpages which must be adhered to for MetaCPAN to know how to link to your documentation. Putting tracker bash autocomplete before the hyphen makes MetaCPAN index it as tracker.
=head1 NAME
tracker_bash_autocomplete - whatever

MKDOCS - How to enable hyperlinks based on keywords found in the content?

I am using MkDocs, question I have is - I understand that within the documentation files I can say:
[My Link Name](My link URL)
But it's such a hustle when I want to change up my navigation or change up my keywords.
Can anyone suggest a plugin - At the point of building the documentation, automatically find keywords that would match up with keywords within the mkdocs.ymlfile and create a hyperlink to them.
Thanks in advance!
What you are describing, seems to be a primitive form of interwiki links. There is a plugin that you could use: markdown extra.
You could define your wikilinks, or wikilinks components in your mkdocs.yamlfile, like so, e.g.:
Then you would use the "mustache" notation:
Please refer to the [question on StackOverflow]({{ interwiki.stackoverflow }}48173267)
Which would be equivalent to:
Please refer to the [question on StackOverflow](
I haven't tried it, but that would be the gist. Let me know.
Note that if all you want is to make links within a single web domain, MkDocs supports the standards extensions of python-markdown, hence also WikiLinks.
The syntax in the md file is a "double bracket":
Link to this [[full description]]
Which would become =>
According to the documentation, what you would have to do, is to specify in your mkdocs.yml file:
- wikilinks:
- base_url:
- end_url: .html
Disclaimer: I haven't tried it yet, so anyone who has is welcome to correct me.
There's a simple way to add wikilinks to mkdocs by using the mkdocs-ezlinks-plugin.
Install the plugin:
pip3 install mkdocs-ezlinks-plugin
note that your OS may prefer pip instead of pip3
Add the following to mkdocs.yml:
- search
- ezlinks:
wikilinks: true
The plugin does some really nice translation of links and searches the document tree for matching titles.
[[Page Name]]
[Page Name](../folder2/
[[Page Name|Link Text]]
[Link Text](../folder2/
[[Page Name#Section Heading|Link Text]]
[Link Text](../folder2/

Kodi (fka Xbmc) scraper for onlinetvrecorder (otr) recordings

I would like scrape information for recordings from onlinetvrecorder (otr) in Kodi. Unfortunately the scrapers available can't handle the file format which is like
Renaming is not an option, since the filename is a key for otr. I know there is a scraper called xbmc-otr, but it never left beta status and seems to be outdated.
Any suggestions, on how to correctly display those files in Kodi?
Has anybody written or started a scraper for otr?
After some research I found a solution to the problem. Put the following in %appdata%\Kodi\userdata\advancedsettings.xml (advancedsettings.xml does not exist in advance, you have to create it)
<cleanstrings action="prepend">
The regexp <regexp>_\d\d\.[0-1]\d\.[0-3]\d_[0-2]\d-[0-5]\d_</regexp> matches the timestamp in the otr filename, so that everything right of the match (at the end of the file name) is removed. See the official Kodi documentation for further reference. The remaining file name can be handled by the scrapers shipped with Kodi.
Despite of the relatively coarse regexp I added, all my otr movies were recognized correctly.
The solution is tested with Kodi 15.2 (Isengard), but should work with all versions that support the cleanstrings option.
A similar soltuion works for TV Shows. The only requirement is that the file name contains season and episode information like S01E02 for example.
<tvshowmatching action="prepend">

How do I set a JSDoc tutorial title?

I'm using JSDoc tutorials, as described in
I can't get the configuration options to work, and I haven't yet found any examples or discussion of the topic online.
In my trivial example, I pass a tutorials parameter to JSDoc, and it builds a tutorial file for I would like to give this tutorial a display name of "First Tutorial".
Following this from the online docs:
Each tutorial file can have additional .js/.json file (with same name, just different extension) which will hold additional tutorial configuration. Two fields are supported:
title overrides display name for tutorial with the one specified in it's value (default title for tutorial is it's filename).
children which holds list of sub-tutorials identifiers.
I tried several attempts at adding tutorial1.json, or tutorial1.js but either JSDoc pukes on the json file, or doesn't seem to recognize anything I throw at it in the js file.
Can anyone suggest a simple format for a tutorial configuration file that should work?
(Edited to include one .js file I tried, which did not change the tutorial display name.)
First Tutorial
#title First Tutorial
#title = "First Tutorial";
title = "First Tutorial";
It works with .json extension but not with a .js extension. jsdoc does not seem to try to even read the file if a .js extension is used. So the doc seems incorrect.
With a .json extension, and using jsdoc 3.2.2, the following works:
"title": "Custom Title"
Your .json file needs to be in the same directory as your .md file and have the same name (ignoring extensions).