Legend for multiple lines in Matlab plot - matlab

I have 13 lines on a plot, each line corresponding to a set of data from a text file. I'd like to label each line starting with the first set of data as 1.2, then subsequently 1.25, 1.30, to 1.80, etc., with each increment be 0.05. If I were to type it out manually, it would be
legend('1.20','1.25','1.30', ...., '1.80')
However, in the future, I might have more than 20 lines on the graph. So typing out each one is unrealistic. I tried creating a loop in the legend and it doesn't work.
How can I do this in a practical way?
N_FILES=13 ;
N_FRAMES=2999 ;
a=1.20 ;b=0.05 ;
phi_matrix = zeros(N_FILES,N_FRAMES) ;
for i=1:N_FILES
eta=a + (i-1)*b ;
fname=sprintf('phi_per_timestep_eta=%3.2f.txt', eta) ;
x=linspace(1,N_FRAMES,N_FRAMES) ;
plot(x,phi_matrix) ;
Need help here:
legend(a+0*b,a+1*b,a+2*b, ...., a+N_FILES*b)

As an alternative to constructing the legend, you can also set the DisplayName property of a line so that the legend is automatically correct.
Thus, you could do the following:
N_FILES = 13;
N_FRAMES = 2999;
a = 1.20; b = 0.05;
% # create colormap (look for distinguishable_colors on the File Exchange)
% # as an alternative to jet
cmap = jet(N_FILES);
x = linspace(1,N_FRAMES,N_FRAMES);
hold on % # make sure new plots aren't overwriting old ones
for i = 1:N_FILES
eta = a + (i-1)*b ;
fname = sprintf('phi_per_timestep_eta=%3.2f.txt', eta);
y = load(fname);
%# plot the line, choosing the right color and setting the displayName
% # turn on the legend. It automatically has the right names for the curves

Use 'DisplayName' as a plot() property, and call your legend as
My code looks like this:
x = 0:h:xmax; % get an array of x-values
y = someFunction; % function
plot(x,y, 'DisplayName', 'Function plot 1'); % plot with 'DisplayName' property
legend('-DynamicLegend',2); % '-DynamicLegend' legend
source: http://undocumentedmatlab.com/blog/legend-semi-documented-feature/

legend can also take a cell list of strings as an argument. Try this:
legend_fcn = #(n)sprintf('%0.2f',a+b*n);
legend(cellfun(legend_fcn, num2cell(0:N_FILES) , 'UniformOutput', false));

The simplest approach would probably be to create a column vector of the numbers to use as your labels, convert them to a formatted character array with N_FILES rows using the function NUM2STR, then pass this as a single argument to LEGEND:

I found this I found through Google:
legend(string_matrix) adds a legend containing the rows of the matrix string_matrix as labels. This is the same as legend(string_matrix(1,:),string_matrix(2,:),...).
So basically, it looks like you can construct a matrix somehow to do this.
An example:
strmatrix = ['a';'b';'c';'d'];
x = linspace(0,10,11);
ya = x;
yb = x+1;
yc = x+2;
yd = x+3;


Handling and eliminating multiples entries in MatLab legend

I currently want to have the legend of graph, however i'm plotting several lines that should be group in only 3 types.
My currently option is to use a dummy plot out of the boundaries, plotting the relevant data and calling the legend just at the end. It works but it is prone to errors. I wanted to update the legend and select just a few of the plots.
I tried to use the leg_handle.String, but then it comes two problems:
It still plot 5 handles instead of 3.
It does not have the proper line style & color.
Any ideas?
Bellow follow the code (with dummy plot commented) and the pictures of the current version giving the error and what i want to look.
hold on
%dummy plot
% leg_text={'a','b','c'};
% plot(100,100,'-r')
% plot(100,100,'-b')
% plot(100,100,'-k')
for ii=1:20,
for ii=30:50,
for ii=70:80,
Yaxl=[-1 80];
Xaxl=[1 11];
set(gca, 'Visible','on', ...
'Box','on', ...
'Xlim',Xaxl, ...
% legend(leg_text)
%want to use
leg_hand.String=leg_hand.String([1 21 42]);
%extra comand will give the things that i wanted above
% leg_hand.String=leg_hand.String([1 2 3]);
What it gives:
What I expect to have:
I have tried this method using [a,b,c,d]=legend, but this give only the a handle that i already using.
This little workaround should do the job:
hold on;
h = gobjects(3,1);
for ii = 1:20
h(1) = plot(1:11,linspace(0,ii,11),'-r');
for ii = 30:50
h(2) = plot(1:11,linspace(0,ii,11),'-b');
for ii = 70:80
h(3) = plot(1:11,linspace(ii,25,11),'-k');
set(gca,'Box','on','Layer','top','Visible','on','Xlim',[1 11],'Ylim',[-1 80]);
hold off;
Actually, what I did is very simple. I created an array of graphical objects of size 3 (one for each iteration) using the gobjects function. Then, inside each iteration, I assigned the last plotted line to its respective array placeholder. Finally, I created the legend using the three graphical objects I previously stored.
hold on;
h1 = gobjects(20,1);
for ii = 1:20
h1(ii) = plot(1:11,linspace(0,ii,11),'-r');
h2 = gobjects(21,1);
for ii = 30:50
h2(ii-29) = plot(1:11,linspace(0,ii,11),'-b');
h3 = gobjects(11,1);
for ii = 70:80
h3(ii-69) = plot(1:11,linspace(ii,25,11),'-k');
set(gca,'Box','on','Layer','top','Visible','on','Xlim',[1 11],'Ylim',[-1 80]);
legend([h1(1) h2(1) h3(1)],'A','B','C');
hold off;
You create an array of graphical objects for storing the plot handlers produced by every iteration. Then you create the legend using the first (basically, any) item of each array of graphical objects.

MATLAB Plot - Legend entry for multiple data rows - getcolumn

Consider the following example:
x = magic(3);
figure(1); clf(1);
plot( x, '-r', 'DisplayName', 'Magic' );
legend( 'show' );
The resulting legend entries in MATLAB R2014a are
The problem stems from function [leg,labelhandles,outH,outM] = legend(varargin) in legend.m (Copyright 1984-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.), line 628:
str{k} = get(ch(k),'DisplayName');
More specifically, the function get
prepends getcolumn( and
appends , <Column Number>).
Is there an easy way to display exactly one legend entry (or multiple, but without the pre- and appended strings) for multiple data rows named after DisplayName, which have the same visual properties?
An alternative would of course be to programatically create multiple (or one) legend entries through plot handles (see below), but I would like to keep things short and simple.
One entry:
x = magic(3);
figure(1); clf(1);
h = plot( x, '-r' );
legend( h(1), 'Magic' );
Multiple entries:
x = magic(3);
figure(1); clf(1);
h = plot( x, '-r' );
strL = cell( 1, numel(h) );
for k = 1:numel(h)
strL{k} = sprintf( 'Magic %d', k );
legend( h, strL );
In MATLAB R2014b, the problem with getcolumn(Name,Row) does not appear anymore for the first code example.
If you want to set multiple display names for the legend entries in short syntax, you just need to prepare a cell array with them, let's say it's called leg_names, and then use set to apply them to all at once:
Let's take a look at an example:
x = magic(3); % your data
p = plot( x,'-r'); % plot and get an array of handles to the lines
% create a list of the desired names for the legend entries:
leg_names = [repmat('Magic ',size(x,2),1) num2str((1:size(x,2)).')];
set(p,{'DisplayName'},cellstr(leg_names)); % set all display names
legend('show'); % show the legend
The result is exactly as in your examples at the end of the question.
Also, note that the syntax: [lgd,icons,plots,txt] = legend(___) is not recommended (from the docs):
Note: This syntax is not recommended. It creates a legend that does not support all graphics features. Instead, use the lgd = legend(__) syntax to return the Legend object and set Legend Properties.

Reset ColorOrder index for plotting in Matlab / Octave

I have matrices x1, x2, ... containing variable number of row vectors.
I do successive plots
hold all % or hold on
Matlab or octave normally iterates through ColorOrder and plot each line in different color. But I want each plot command to start again with the first color in colororder, so in default case the first vector from matrix should be blue, second in green, third in red etc.
Unfortunately I cannot find any property related to the color index niether another method to reset it.
Starting from R2014b there's a simple way to restart your color order.
Insert this line every time you need to reset the color order.
ax = gca;
ax.ColorOrderIndex = 1;
You can shift the original ColorOrder in current axes so that the new plot starts from the same color:
set(gca, 'ColorOrder', circshift(get(gca, 'ColorOrder'), numel(h)))
You can wrap it in a function:
function h=plotc(X, varargin)
h=plot(X, varargin{:});
set(gca, 'ColorOrder', circshift(get(gca, 'ColorOrder'), numel(h)));
if nargout==0,
clear h
and call
hold all
Define a function that intercepts the call to plot and sets 'ColorOrderIndex' to 1 before doing the actual plot.
function plot(varargin)
if strcmp(class(varargin{1}), 'matlab.graphics.axis.Axes')
h = varargin{1}; %// axes are specified
h = gca; %// axes are not specified: use current axes
set(h, 'ColorOrderIndex', 1) %// reset color index
builtin('plot', (varargin{:})) %// call builtin plot function
I have tested this in Matlab R2014b.
I found a link where a guy eventually solves this. He uses this code:
t = linspace(0,1,lineCount)';
s = 1/2 + zeros(lineCount,1);
v = 0.8*ones(lineCount,1);
lineColors = colormap(squeeze(hsv2rgb(t,s,v)))
ax.ColorOrder = lineColors;
Which should work for you assuming each of your matrices has the same number of lines. If they don't, then I have a feeling you're going to have to loop and plot each line separately using lineColors above to specify an RBG triple for the 'Color' linespec property of plot. So you could maybe use a function like this:
function h = plot_colors(X, lineCount, varargin)
%// For more control - move these four lines outside of the function and make replace lineCount as a parameter with lineColors
t = linspace(0,1,lineCount)'; %//'
s = 1/2 + zeros(lineCount,1);
v = 0.8*ones(lineCount,1);
lineColors = colormap(squeeze(hsv2rgb(t,s,v)));
for row = 1:size(X,1)
h = plot(X(row, :), 'Color', lineColors(row,:), varargin{:}); %// Assuming I've remembered how to use it correctly, varargin should mean you can still pass in all the normal plot parameters like line width and '-' etc
hold on;
where lineCount is the largest number of lines amongst your x matrices
If you want a slightly hacky, minimal lines-of-code approach perhaps you could plot an appropriate number of (0,0) dots at the end of each matrix plot to nudge your colourorder back to the beginning - it's like Mohsen Nosratinia's solution but less elegant...
Assuming there are seven colours to cycle through like in matlab you could do something like this
% number of colours in ColorOrder
nco = 7;
% plot matrix 1
% work out how many empty plots are needed and plot them
nep = nco - mod(size(x1,1), nco); plot(zeros(nep,nep));
% plot matrix 2
% cover up the coloured dots with a black one at the end

Add space between plots for the plotmatrix function

Is there a way to add some space between the plots for the plotmatrix function? (I would like to label every x and y axis)
You can do it by using a specific output argument in the call to plotmatrix. You can then retrieve the position of each individual axes and modify it (making it smaller).
rng default
X = randn(50,3);
Y = reshape(1:150,50,3);
%// Use this output argument
[~,AX,~,~,~] = plotmatrix(X,Y);
%// Fetch all the positions and alter them (make axes smaller)
AllPos = get(AX(:),'Position');
AllPos = vertcat(AllPos{:});
NewPos = [AllPos(:,1)+.05 AllPos(:,2)+.05 AllPos(:,3)-.1 AllPos(:,4)-.1]
%// Update the plot
for k = 1:numel(AX)
xlabel(sprintf('Axes %i',k))
Outputs the following:
In contrast to the original plot:

Matlab plot of several digital signals

I'm trying to find a way to nicely plot my measurement data of digital signals.
So I have my data available as csv and mat file, exported from an Agilent Oscilloscope. The reason I'm not just taking a screen shot of the Oscilloscope screen is that I need to be more flexible (make several plots with one set of data, only showing some of the lines). Also I need to be able to change the plot in a month or two so my only option is creating a plot from the data with a computer.
What I'm trying to achieve is something similar to this picture:
The only thing missing on that pic is a yaxis with 0 and 1 lines.
My first try was to make a similar plot with Matlab. Here's what I got:
What's definitely missing is that the signal names are right next to the actual line and also 0 and 1 ticks on the y-axis.
I'm not even sure if Matlab is the right tool for this and I hope you guys can give me some hints/a solution on how to make my plots :-)
Here's my Matlab code:
close all;
MD.RAW = load('Daten/UVLOT1 debounced 0.mat'); % get MeasurementData
MD.N(1) = {'INIT\_DONE'};
MD.N(2) = {'CONF\_DONE'};
MD.N(3) = {'NSDN'};
MD.N(4) = {'NRST'};
MD.N(5) = {'1V2GD'};
MD.N(6) = {'2V5GD'};
MD.N(7) = {'3V3GD'};
MD.N(8) = {'5VGD'};
MD.N(9) = {'NERR'};
MD.N(10) = {'PGD'};
MD.N(11) = {'FGD'};
MD.N(12) = {'IGAGD'};
MD.N(13) = {'GT1'};
MD.N(14) = {'NERRA'};
MD.N(15) = {'GT1D'};
MD.N(16) = {'GB1D'};
% concat vectors into one matrix
MD.D = [MD.RAW.Trace_D0, MD.RAW.Trace_D1(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D2(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D3(:,2), ...
MD.RAW.Trace_D4(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D5(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D6(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D7(:,2), ...
MD.RAW.Trace_D8(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D9(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D10(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D11(:,2), ...
MD.RAW.Trace_D12(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D13(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D14(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D15(:,2)];
cm = hsv(size(MD.D,2)); % make colormap for plot
hold on;
% change timebase to ns
MD.D(:,1) = MD.D(:,1) * 1e9;
% plot lines
for i=2:1:size(MD.D,2)
plot(MD.D(:,1), MD.D(:,i)+(i-2)*1.5, 'color', cm(i-1,:));
hold off;
legend(MD.N, 'Location', 'EastOutside');
xlabel('Zeit [ns]'); % x axis label
title('Messwerte'); % title
set(gca, 'ytick', []); % hide y axis
Thank you guys for your help!
Here's a pic what I basically want. I added the signal names via text now the only thing that's missing are the 0, 1 ticks. They are correct for the init done signal. Now I just need them repeated instead of the other numbers on the y axis (sorry, kinda hard to explain :-)
So as written in my comment to the question. For appending Names to each signal I would recommend searching the documentation of how to append text to graph. There you get many different ways how to do it. You can change the position (above, below) and the exact point of data. As an example you could use:
text(x_data, y_data, Var_Name,'VerticalAlignment','top');
Here (x_data, y_data) is the data point where you want to append the text and Var_Name is the name you want to append.
For the second question of how to get a y-data which contains 0 and 1 values for each signal. I would do it by creating your signal the way, that your first signal has values of 0 and 1. The next signal is drawn about 2 higher. Thus it changes from 2 to 3 and so on. That way when you turn on y-axis (grid on) you get values at each integer (obviously you can change that to other values if you prefer less distance between 2 signals). Then you can relabel the y-axis using the documentation of axes (check the last part, because the documentation is quite long) and the set() function:
set(gca, 'YTick',0:1:last_entry, 'YTickLabel',new_y_label(0:1:last_entry))
Here last_entry is 2*No_Signals-1 and new_y_label is an array which is constructed of 0,1,0,1,0,....
For viewing y axis, you can turn the grid('on') option. However, you cannot chage the way the legends appear unless you resize it in the matlab figure. If you really want you can insert separate textboxes below each of the signal plots by using the insert ->Textbox option and then change the property (linestyle) of the textbox to none to get the exact same plot as above.
This is the end result and all my code, in case anybody else wants to use the good old ctrl-v ;-)
close all;
MD.RAW = load('Daten/UVLOT1 debounced 0.mat'); % get MeasurementData
MD.N(1) = {'INIT\_DONE'};
MD.N(2) = {'CONF\_DONE'};
MD.N(3) = {'NSDN'};
MD.N(4) = {'NRST'};
MD.N(5) = {'1V2GD'};
MD.N(6) = {'2V5GD'};
MD.N(7) = {'3V3GD'};
MD.N(8) = {'5VGD'};
MD.N(9) = {'NERR'};
MD.N(10) = {'PGD'};
MD.N(11) = {'FGD'};
MD.N(12) = {'IGAGD'};
MD.N(13) = {'GT1'};
MD.N(14) = {'NERRA'};
MD.N(15) = {'GT1D'};
MD.N(16) = {'GB1D'};
% concat vectors into one matrix
MD.D = [MD.RAW.Trace_D0, MD.RAW.Trace_D1(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D2(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D3(:,2), ...
MD.RAW.Trace_D4(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D5(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D6(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D7(:,2), ...
MD.RAW.Trace_D8(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D9(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D10(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D11(:,2), ...
MD.RAW.Trace_D12(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D13(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D14(:,2), MD.RAW.Trace_D15(:,2)];
cm = hsv(size(MD.D,2)); % make colormap for plot
hold on;
% change timebase to ns
MD.D(:,1) = MD.D(:,1) * 1e9;
% plot lines
for i=2:1:size(MD.D,2)
plot(MD.D(:,1), MD.D(:,i)+(i-2)*2, 'color', cm(i-1,:));
text(MD.D(2,1), (i-2)*2+.5, MD.N(i-1));
hold off;
%legend(MD.N, 'Location', 'EastOutside');
xlabel('Zeit [ns]'); % x axis label
title('Messwerte'); % title
% make y axis and grid the way I want it
set(gca, 'ytick', 0:size(MD.D,2)*2-3);
grid off;
set(gca, 'YTickLabel', {'0'; '1'});