eclipse run configuration- program does not exist - but it does - eclipse

just what the heck is it?
the program is there right in the projects folder.
it cant seem to detect its own project folders debug.
i am using posix style paths for cygwin on windows. it compiles and builds the exe fine.
now it cant auto detect the exe in the projects workspace.
I had even tried adding the project folder path to the include settings. both in windows and posix style . but neither does that show up in the project explorer nor does it work.
earlier i tried using gnu style paths but the gdb didnt work.


Gtkmm in Eclipse makefile project: "could not be resolved"

I am trying to migrate a custom C++ project which uses Gtkmm3.0 to Eclipse (Oxygen) on Ubuntu 16.04. The project has its own Makefile and builds fine from the terminal within Eclipse. What I have not been able to do so far is tell the indexer about Gtkmm, and I get lots of these (which is very annoying):
When I hover over the little red bugs, it says:
Type 'Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context>' could not be resolved.
I have done a lot of Googling on this and found nothing so far because all answers seem to assume the project's build tools are managed by Eclipse (See this or this, for example). In my case I have a makefile project instead of an executable project and hence some options are not available to me. For example, the first links speaks about configuring the builder:
We have to add all this directories. On Eclipse select the Project->Properties menu option. Select C/C++ Build->Settings property page and GNU C++ Compiler->Directories from the Tool Settings tab. Now we have to add all directories. In my case (Makefile project) only two tabs are available there: Binary Parsers and Error Parsers.
How can I tell the Eclipse indexer I am using Gtkmm3.0?
Found the solution that works for me:
Open a terminal and enter:
pkg-config --cflags gtkmm-3.0
You will see a list of includes directories (starting with -I). These are the directories you want to add in Eclipse so that it can locate the Gtkmm symbols in the editor.
In Eclipse, go to:
Project -> Properties -> C++ General -> Paths and Symbols
In the Includes tab, select GNU C++. You need to add here add the include directories found in step 1. There is no automated way to do this, yo must enter them one by one.
One trick that can save you some time is to edit manually the Eclipse project setting XML file and add the include directories directly in the XML file. By the end, you should have something that looks like this:
That did it for me, hope this helps!

How to set path to `gfortran` in Eclipse?

A colleague got a new mac, and he codes with Eclipse and gfortran. And Makefiles. But now he cannot build.
I figured that Eclipse does not use the same PATH as shell, so while Eclipse is happy to build with a makefile, it cannot find gfortran. (The Makefile works fine when ran form the mac terminal.)
Eclipse can build, if I put the full path in the Makefile (FC=/usr/local/bin/gfortran). But this is extra nuisance when other people use Ubuntu where gfortran has a different path.
Question: How/where to configure Eclipse (Juno) so that it can find gfortran? (I could not find, I tried.)
Why not just use Photran. It is based on Eclipse and is set up for Fortran.

update eclipse workspace with ant-errors

I have LaTeX project that is hosted in the eclipse environment. To compile the LaTeX code I'm using an ant script that calls pdflatex.exe from a local MiKTeX installation. This works fine for me so far.
Now the question: In case the compilation with pdflatex.exe detects some errors in the .tex files. Is there any way to tell eclipse from the ant script, what files have errors and to mark those files in the project explorer with a red mark or something so that they are easily to identify?
The marks are called label decorations. How do I set them via an ant script? Is there some file-property that could be set eventually?
You can't add error markers on project resources from an Ant script, but you could try TeXlipse plugin that may do the work for you.

Setting up Pylint with PyDev

I have installed pylint via easy_install. I can run pylint <filename> with success. But pydev refuses to use it.
I checked "use pylint"
I configured correct path
I updated my python interpreter in eclipse to have pylit in pythonpath
I use Eclipse Galileo
I have build automatically checked
I tried cleaning whole project and no errors
What am I doing wrong?
I'm guessing you may need to mark the folder that contains your code as a source folder. You can do this under project properties.
add relevant folders to the list of sources.
I've noticed that Pydev won't run Pylint on files with dashes (hyphens) the the filename; according to the Pydev devs, '-' is not a valid Python module name character, and it doesn't look like they intend to fix it:
As if nobody writes scripts in Python... Grumble grumble...
To provide an alternative solution, pylint can be used as an External Tool in Eclipse. This requires having previously installed the pylint package for a Python installation.
Remember to first have a pylintrc file somewhere where pylint can find it, failing which a "No config file found" error is printed. Typically I would touch pylintrc inside the project directory, and keep the file in version control. For reference, see pylint command-line options.
In Eclipse, select Run, External Tools, External Tools Configurations.... Click the toolbar button to create a New launch configuration. Configure as below or as desired:
Name: pylint
Location: ${system_path:pylint}
Working Directory: ${project_loc}
Arguments: --reports=n "${resource_loc}"
Remember to click inside an open file to switch focus to it before running the above external tool for it. Failing this, an error can occur.
The output of the external tool will by default be printed to the console.
Related: Setting up pep8 as an External Tool in Eclipse

System.getProperty("user.dir") anomaly in Eclipse

In my current project settings, I have configured Eclipse to place the compiled .class files in the /bin directory.
My puzzle is that, when I run the application via the IDE and get it to print the current working directory (System.out.println(System.getProperty("user.dir")) I expect the console output to be /bin - instead the value printed is the projectRoot folder (without the /bin suffix).
If I were to navigate to the /bin folder directly, and execute my java class, the current working directory is printed as I expect it to be. What I would like is the Eclipse IDE to behave similarly.
Any ideas as to why I am observing this disparity? I have gone through many project build settings, but cannot seem to find anything that would cause this anomaly.
Kind regards,
In Eclipse, the working directory defaults to the project directory.
You can change this in the run properties
(Project->Properties->Run/DebugSettings->Edit->Arguments tab, at the bottom of the page).
Edit: Actually, the easiest way to get to it is Run->Open Run Dialog->Arguments tab.
It's been a while since I used Eclipse.
From an example of Eclipse Setup New Project
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