I wonder if there is a MATLAB solution to split a matrix into sub matrices like the following:
The matrix is:
A =
16 2 3
5 11 10
9 7 6
4 14 15
5 1 3
I would like to take the rows that are starting with 5 to another matrix, those that start with 16 to another, etc..
Is there a function for this or should I go with if/for approach?
Here's one solution that uses the functions SORTROWS, UNIQUE, ACCUMARRAY, and MAT2CELL to create a cell array with each cell storing a set of rows with the same value in the first column:
>> sortedA = sortrows(A,1); %# Sort the rows by the first column
>> [~,~,uniqueIndex] = unique(sortedA(:,1)); %# Find indices of unique values
%# in the first column
>> cellA = mat2cell(sortedA,... %# Break matrix up by rows
accumarray(uniqueIndex(:),1),3); %# into a cell array
>> cellA{:} %# Display the contents of the cells
ans =
4 14 15
ans =
5 11 10
5 1 3
ans =
9 7 6
ans =
16 2 3
I think I found it = )
for n=1:max(max(A))
M{n} = A(find(A(:,1)==n),:);
Now M{n} is the matrix of all rows that start with n. = )
Let's say we have the following matrix
16 2 3 13
5 11 10 8
9 7 6 12
4 14 15 1
and we want to extract 3 submatrices, identified by the indexes for top left and bottom right corners. The indexes for a submatrix are contained in a row of the matrix i; columns 1 and 2 of i are the row indexes of the corners, columns 3 and 4 of i are the column indexes of the corners.
i =
1 1 1 3
2 4 1 2
3 4 3 4
>> A(i(1,1):i(1,2),i(1,3):i(1,4))
ans =
16 2 3
>> A(i(2,1):i(2,2),i(2,3):i(2,4))
ans =
5 11
9 7
4 14
>> A(i(3,1):i(3,2),i(3,3):i(3,4))
ans =
6 12
15 1
The command A(i(,):i(,),i(,):i(,)) which I used to extract the submatrices is not very convenient, so I wonder is there a better way to do the job ?
If you don't want to type it all out then why not write a wrapper function?
A = magic(4);
S = #(r) A(i(r,1):i(r,2),i(r,3):i(r,4));
If A may change after the definition of S then you would need to make it a parameter to the function.
S = #(A,r) A(i(r,1):i(r,2),i(r,3):i(r,4));
A = magic(4)
Similarly if i may change then you would need to make it a parameter as well.
Unfortunately, contrary to my comment, if you want to perform assignment then A(I(r)) won't work exactly the same as what you've posted since this always returns an array instead of a matrix. One possible workaround is to use cell arrays in place of comma-separated-lists, but this isn't as elegant as the read only option. For example
S = #(r) {i(r,1):i(r,2) , i(r,3):i(r,4)};
s = S(1); A(s{:})
s = S(2); A(s{:})
s = S(3); A(s{:})
Following the same principle you could pre-define a cell array from i to make access one line.
s = arrayfun(#(r) {i(r,1):i(r,2),i(r,3):i(r,4)}, 1:size(i,1), 'UniformOutput', false);
data = reshape(1:21504,[256,4,21]);
I test some indexes, such as:
data(:,5:4:end) ~= data(:,5:4:end,1)
data(:,5:4:end) ~= data(:,1,5:4:end)
So what is the meaning of data(:,5:4:end)?
I test some other indexes, such as:
data(1,1) == data(1,1,1)
data(1,1:3) == data(1,1:3,1)
And find some strange behavior ,such as data(1,1:10,1) returns error but data(1,1:10) is ok.
So What's happening here?
How can I understand this mechanism?
>> size(data)
ans =
256 4 21
data(1,1:10,1) selects column 1-10 from first row (all three dimensions are explicitly set), but there are only 4 columns. Therefore the error.
data(1,1:10), on the other hand, uses Linear indexing, which interpretes dimensions 2 and 3 as one long strung of values and selects its first 10 values.
Linear Indexing
What does this expression A(14) do?
When you index into the matrix A using only one subscript, MATLAB treats A as if its elements were strung out in a long column vector, by going down the columns consecutively, as in:
The expression A(14) simply extracts the 14th element of the implicit column vector. Indexing into a matrix with a single subscript in this way is often called linear indexing.
Here are the elements of the matrix A along with their linear indices:
The linear index of each element is shown in the upper left.
From the diagram you can see that A(14) is the same as A(2,4).
The single subscript can be a vector containing more than one linear index, as in:
A([6 12 15])
ans =
11 15 12
Consider again the problem of extracting just the (2,1), (3,2), and (4,4) elements of A. You can use linear indexing to extract those elements:
A([2 7 16])
ans =
5 7 1
That's easy to see for this example, but how do you compute linear indices in general? MATLAB provides a function called sub2ind that converts from row and column subscripts to linear indices. You can use it to extract the desired elements this way:
idx = sub2ind(size(A), [2 3 4], [1 2 4])
ans =
2 7 16
ans =
5 7 1
(Copied from http://de.mathworks.com/company/newsletters/articles/matrix-indexing-in-matlab.html)
data(:, 5:4:end) will access all elements in the first dimension of data and starting from index 5 every 4th index until the last index in the second dimension of data. The syntax for this indexing technique can be explained like this:
If data has more dimensions than you used for indexing, this will assume : for every dimension after that.
To sum up my question:
data(:,:,1) =
1 3 5
2 4 6
data(:,:,2) =
7 9 11
8 10 12
data(:,:,3) =
13 15 17
14 16 18
data(:,:,4) =
19 21 23
20 22 24
Using this example you can know what Matlab doing:
ans =
ans =
ans =
1 23
2 24
ans =
9 17
10 18
If you use data(:,13),it throws an error.
So, I have this cell array contains n x 2 matrix in each cell. Here is the sample data :
[16 17;17 17]
<6x2 double>
<52x2 double>
[17 17;17 18]
[17 18;17 17]
What I am going to do is eliminate the duplicated matrix (matrices with same values or reversed values). in this case is [17 18; 17 17] (5th row), because we already have [17 17; 17 18] (4th row)
I tried using unique function but it says that the function just worked for strings. I also tried to find it with cellfun like this
cellfun(#(x) x==whatToSearch, lineTraced, 'UniformOutput', false)
but it says 'Matrix dimension must agree'
Thanks in advance.
Here is a solution. Given a m x 1 column cell array C of matrices, this code deletes the equivalent duplicates. (Here it will delete the 4th and 5th matrices, which are equivalent to the 1st).
C{1} = magic(3);
C{2} = magic(4);
C{3} = magic(5);
C{4} = C{1};
C{5} = flipud(C{1});
myEq = #(A,B) isequal(A,B) | isequal(A,flipud(B)); %// equivalence operator tests for same or up-down flipped matrix
C = C(:); %// ensure the cell array is a column
Crep = repmat(C,1,size(C,1)); %// repeat cell array along rows to get a square
comp = cellfun(myEq,Crep,Crep'); %'//get a comparison matrix by comparing with transpose
comp = tril(comp) - eye(size(comp)); %// ignore upper triangle and diagonal
idx = find( sum(comp,2)==0 ); %// get index of matrices we want to keep
result = C(idx); %// get result
The output is deletes the 4th and 5th matrices, leaving the first three magic matrices:
>> result
result =
[3x3 double] [4x4 double] [5x5 double]
>> result{1}, result{2}, result{3}
ans =
8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2
ans =
16 2 3 13
5 11 10 8
9 7 6 12
4 14 15 1
ans =
17 24 1 8 15
23 5 7 14 16
4 6 13 20 22
10 12 19 21 3
11 18 25 2 9
Here's code that does what you want.
mydup = rand(5,2);
mycell = {mydup;mydup;rand(7,2);rand(3,2);rand(5,2)}
myNewCell = trimCell(mycell)
Where trimCell is the function below:
function myNewCell = trimCell(myCell)
exclude = false(size(myCell));
for iter = 1:size(myCell,1)
toCompare = myCell{iter};
comparisons = cellfun(#(x) all(size(x)==size(toCompare)) && myEquals(x, toCompare),myCell);
% comparisons has at least 1 true in it, because toCompare==toCompare
exclude(iter) = sum(comparisons)>1;
myNewCell = myCell(~exclude);
function boolValue = myEquals(x,y)
boolValue = true;
for iter = 1:size(x,1)
thisRow = all(sort(x(iter,:))==sort(y(iter,:)));
boolValue = boolValue && thisRow;
if ~boolValue
Basically, what this function does, is, for each matrix in the cell it checks first if the sizes are equal. If the sizes aren't equal, then we know the matrices aren't equal, even if we reorder the rows.
If they are the same size, then we need to check if they're equal after row reordering. That's accomplished by the function myEquals which goes through row by row and sorts the rows before comparing them. It exits with false on the first row it finds that is not equal after reordering.
Hope this helps,
I have a matrix in Matlab which looks similar to this, except with thousands of rows:
A =
5 6 7 8
6 1 2 3
5 1 4 8
5 2 3 7
5 8 7 2
6 1 3 8
5 2 1 6
6 3 2 1
I would like to get out a matrix that has three random rows with a '5' in the first column and three random rows with a '6' in the first column. So in this case, the output matrix would look something like this:
A =
5 6 7 8
6 1 2 3
5 2 3 7
6 1 3 8
5 2 1 6
6 3 2 1
The rows must be random, not just the first three or the last three in the original matrix.
I'm not really sure how to begin this, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: This is the most successful attempt I've had so far. I found all the rows with a '5' in the first column:
BLocation = find(A(:,1) == 5);
B = A(BLocation,:);
Then I was trying to use 'randsample' like this to find three random rows from B:
C = randsample(B,3);
But 'randsample' does not work with a matrix.
I also think this could be done a little more efficiently.
You need to run randsample on the row indices that satisfy the conditions, i.e. equality to 5 or 6.
n = size(A,1);
% construct the linear indices for rows with 5 and 6
indexA = 1:n;
index5 = indexA(A(:,1)==5);
index6 = indexA(A(:,1)==6);
% sample three (randomly) from each
nSamples = 3;
r5 = randsample(index5, nSamples);
r6 = randsample(index6, nSamples);
% new matrix from concatenation
B = [A(r5,:); A(r6,:)];
Update: You can also use find to replace the original index construction, as yuk suggested, which proves to be faster (and optimized!).
Bechmark (MATLAB R2012a)
A = randi(10, 1e8, 2); % 10^8 rows random matrix of 1-10
n = size(A,1);
indexA = 1:n;
index5_1 = indexA(A(:,1)==5);
index5_2 = find(A(:,1)==5);
Elapsed time is 1.234857 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.679076 seconds.
You can do this as follows:
The above code uses logical indexing. You can also do this with find function (logical indexing is always faster than find).
I have matrix a <500 x 500> and matrix b <500 x 2>.
Matrix b contains two types of values which are row and column coordinates for matrix a. I would like to use the values in matrix b to to copy all the values that fall on the row and column coordinates of matrix a.
see example below
matrix a matrix b output
1 2 3 4 5 1 5 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 2 5 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 1 3 11 12 13
Because every row will have a different length you'll need to save the values into a cell array.
Something like this should work:
output = cell( size(b,1),1);
for i = 1:size(a,1)
output{i} = a(i, b(i,1):b(i,2) )