Is there a built-in function in KRL for generating a GUID of UUID (or something similar)?
I've created a module that wraps a webservice that might hold you over: UUID Module
Use like so:
ruleset a8x165 {
meta {
name "UUID Module Example"
description <<
Example use of the UUID Module
author "Sam Curren"
logging off
use module a8x164 alias uuid
dispatch {}
global {}
rule first_rule {
select when pageview ".*" setting ()
pre {
testuuid = uuid:new_uuid();
notify("Hello World", "This is a UUID: #{testuuid}");
In Rescript, one can define a Record in this format:
type record1 = {
a : String
but NOT:
type record2 = {
[a] : String
I am looking to write a record that compiles to JS like:
[Op.or]: [12,13]
The use case above comes from Sequelize, and the reference is here.
My current solution:
It's not entirely clear how you intend to interface with the Op construct, whether you can bind to it or not, but here's an example that does, and along with Js.Dict.t effectively produces the same output:
module Op = {
#val external or: string = "Op.or"
(Op.or, [12, 23])
It does not directly compile to the JS you want, however, which might be a problem if you rely on something that actually parses the source code. But short of that, I believe this should do what you ask for.
Trying out relay with react and ran into this today. Here is what I've done so far.
Root Query:
query {
tasks {
React component hierarchy
↳--TaskList (props: tasks)
↳--TaskListItem (props: task)
Now due to the principle of colocation I know I have to write fragments in each component to describe their data needs.
const TaskListItemContainer = createFragmentContainer(
fragment TaskListItem_task on task {
const TaskListContainer = createFragmentContainer(
fragment TaskList_tasks on task {
tasks {
query AppQuery {
When I run the relay compiler I get the following error.
Fragment "TaskList_tasks" cannot be spread here as objects of type "Query" can never be of type "task".
App.js (3:15)
2: query AppQuery {
3: ...TaskList_tasks
4: }
Not able to figure out how to organize the structure because of this problem. Should I modify the schema just to facilitate the structure and reuse of fragments on the client side?
A basic Fragment consists of five things:
the fragment keyword
the name of the Fragment
the on keyword
the type the Fragment applies to
the selection set wrapped in a set of curly brackets
The selection set is one or more fields of the type you specify that you want to request when you use the Fragment. Think of the Fragment as a drop in replacement for a single selection set. If I have a query like this:
query {
then { foo bar } is the selection set I'm requesting, in this case on the Query type (or whatever your query root operation type is called in your schema). So if I want to use a fragment, I would write:
query {
fragment QueryFields on Query {
In your code, you're trying to write a query like:
query {
However, as the error indicates, the type associated with the TaskList_tasks fragment is task. But you're not replacing a selection set for a task type here, you're replacing a selection set for the Query type. So your request is not valid.
TLDR; You need to change the type on your Fragment to Query:
fragment TaskList_tasks on Query {
tasks {
I have a LangBuilder macro class; it's used to build a langObjects:Map<String, Dynamic> of texts in various languages at compile time, and inject this structure in classes via #:build macro. Every item of the Map has a field for every language supported. So the result is:
class Lang{}
trace(Lang.langObjects["hello-world"].en); //outputs "Hello World!"
trace(Lang.langObjects["hello-world"].it); //outputs "Ciao Mondo!"
This works perfectly, but I thought I could make a cleaner job hiding the langObjects structure using a function getLangText with arguments the id of the text (e.g. "hello-world") and the language code (e.g. "it").
So I'm trying to add this function to classes:
public static function getLangText(id:String, lang:String)
Its non-macro version could be expressed as:
public static function getLangText(id:String, lang:String){
var _langObj_id = langObjects[id];
case "it":
case "en":
return _langObj_id.en;
return "Missing Translation";
If i translate this function as a macro with this code:
var code = macro {
var _langObj_id = langObjects[$i{"id"}];
case "it":
case "en":
return _langObj_id.en;
return "Missing translation";
var myFunc:Function = {
args: [{
name: "id",
type: TPath({name: "String", pack: []}),
meta: null
name: "lang",
type: TPath({name: "String", pack: []}),
meta: null
ret: (macro:String),
expr: macro $code
pos: Context.currentPos(),
name: "getLangText",
meta: null,
kind: FieldType.FFun(myFunc),
doc: null,
access: [Access.APublic, Access.AStatic]
... it works without problems. However I would like to know how it could be written without the switch, to make it more flexible and to learn something about haxe macros. I have seen some examples where fields could be accessed in macros with $p{} or with object.$fieldName. However the haxe manual warns that the second form could be used only for simple identifiers; for example object.${fieldName} would not work.
So I try this code:
var code = macro {
var l:String = $i{"lang"};
var _langObj_id = langObjects[$i{"id"}];
return _langObj_id.$l;
The compiler gives an error
Unknown identifier : l
on the line containing return _langObj_id.$l;.
Then i tried to use the $p{} reification:
var code = macro {
var _langObj_id = langObjects[$i{"id"}];
return macro $p{["_langObj_id", $i{"lang"}]};
But the error is similar:
Unknown identifier : lang
I can surely change the langObjects structure to Map<String, Map<String, String>> and then change the code to:
var code = macro {
return macro langObjects[$i{"id"}][$i{"lang"}];
I think this would work, but now i'm trying to understand why both _langObj_id.$lang and $p{["_langObj_id", $i{"lang"}]} wouldn't work, and what would be the correct way to access a field in a situation like that.
The value of the lang parameter is not known at compile- / macro-time, so I don't see how you could generate a field access expression like langObjects["mytext"].en. At runtime when getLangText() is actually called, lang could be "en", or anything else. So that would still require a switch-case, if-else-chain or reflection to handle all the possible values.
If instead of using being created by a build macro, getLangText() was an expression macro / a macro function, the function call would be evaluated at compile-time, and be replaced with the expression it returns. That would allow you to generate the appropriate field access expression based on the parameters. It could look something like this:
class Macro {
public static var langObjects = ["mytext" => {en: "hello", de: "hallo"}];
public static macro function getLangText(id:String, lang:String) {
return macro {
var langObject = Macro.langObjects[$v{id}];
class Main {
static function main() {
trace(Macro.getLangText("mytext", "en"));
trace(Macro.getLangText("mytext", "de"));
Compiles to the following on the JS target:
Main.main = function() {
var langObject = Macro.langObjects.get("mytext");
var langObject1 = Macro.langObjects.get("mytext");
Perhaps that's what you're looking for? Hard to say without knowing what problem you're trying to solve.
Let's say I'm writing a swift module, and I want to name a type with a name which already exists. If the name is from another module, it's easy. I can just use the module name as a namespace:
import Foundation
class MyClass {
class Notification : Foundation.Notification { ... }
My question is, is there any way to do the same with types in the same module? For example, I would like to be able to do something like this:
class Notification { ... }
class MyClass {
class Notification : Module.Notification { ... }
Where Module.Notification is a reference to the type declared above. Is such a thing possible?
You need to use the actual name of your module:
class Notification { ... }
class MyClass {
class Notification : MyAmazingTwitterApp.Notification { ... }
If you're working in Xcode, this defaults to your target name. There's a build setting "Product Module Name", under "Packaging" that lets you change this.
If you're using the Swift build system, this is of course specified in your manifest file, via the PackageDescription.
I'd like to be able to parametrize my exports not only with types (as in, generic exports), but also with values.
Something like:
class Greeter
readonly string _format;
public Greeter( string format ) { _format = format; }
public string Greet( string name ) { return string.Format( _format, name ); }
// ...
var e = new ExportProvider();
e.ExportParametrized<Greeter>( args: new[] { "Hi, {0}!" } );
e.ExportParametrized<Greeter>( args: new[] { "¡Hola, {0}!" } );
// And then:
[ImportMany] IEnumerable<Greeter> Greeters { get; set; }
foreach( var g in Greeters ) Console.WriteLine( g.Greet( "John" ) );
// Should print out:
// Hello, John!
// ¡Hola, John!
One might ask: why don't I simply export the value new Greeter( "Hello, {0}!" ) using ComposablePartExportProvider and CompositionBatch?
While this approach would work in this particular case, it has an important flaw: if the Greeter class had any imports of its own, they would not be satisfied.
The usual way I would go about this is to declare two classes - EnglishGreeter and SpanishGreeter, inherit them both from Greeter, and then provide the appropriate arguments in the call to base constructor.
But this doesn't work for two reasons:
This is a lot of noise to write. Not only do I have to type the whole shebang, I also have to come up with names for those classes, and it doesn't always make sense to have names. Not to mention the DRY principle. But even besides the noise...
Sometimes I don't know the parameters upfront. Say, for example, my greeting formats were coming from some kind of config file.
Here is another thought, to somewhat clarify what I'm looking for.
This problem is almost solved in the TypeCatalog. See, the TypeCatalog knows about the type and it calls the type's constructor to create the part on demand.
One can think of this process from another standpoint: the catalog has a factory function; using that function, it creates the part, then satisfies its non-prerequisite imports, and then returns the part back to the requestor.
Now, in the particular case of TypeCatalog, the factory function just happens to be the type's own constructor. If only I could hook in and replace the factory function with my own, but still leverage the rest of the machinery, that would be exactly what I'm looking for.
You can achieve this by using property exports. You could define a class specifically for those kinds of exports, and it will look like this:
class MyParameterizedExports
private Greeter EnglishGreeter
Greeter g = new Greeter("Hi, {0}!");
return g;
private Greeter SpanishGreeter
Greeter g = new Greeter("¡Hola, {0}!");
return g;
Here you export two separate Greeter instances without having to define a new class for each type of Greeter.