Syntax for Avoiding Multiple Subqueries In Postgres - postgresql

I'm new to postgres, so please take it easy on me.
I'm trying to write a query so that for any user, I can pull ALL of the log files (both their activity and the activity of others) for one minute prior and one minute after their name appears in the logs within the same batchstamp.
chat.batchstamp is varchar
chat.datetime is timestamp
chat.msg is text
chat.action is text (this is the field with the username)
Here are the separate commands I want to use, I just don't know how to put them together and if this is really the right path to go on this.
SELECT batchstamp, datetime, msg FROM chat WHERE action LIKE 'username';
Anticipated output:
batchstamp datetime msg
abc 2010-12-13 23:18:00 System logon
abc 2010-12-13 10:12:13 System logon
def 2010-12-14 11:12:18 System logon
SELECT * FROM chat WHERE datetime BETWEEN datetimefrompreviousquery - interval '1 minute' AND datetimefrompreviousquery + interval '1 minute';
Can you please help explain to me what I should do to feed data from the previous query in to the second query? I've looked at subqueries, but do I need to run two subqueries? Should I build a temporary table?
After this is all done, how do I make sure that the times the query matches are within the same batchstamp?
If you're able to point me in the right direction, that's great. If you're able to provide the query, that's even better. If my explanation doesn't make sense, maybe I've been looking at this too long.
Thanks for your time.
Based on nate c's code below, I used this:
( SELECT batchstamp, datetime FROM chat WHERE action = 'fakeuser' )
AS log WHERE chat.datetime BETWEEN log.datetime - interval '1 minute' AND log.datetime + '1 minute';
It doesn't seem to return every hit of 'fakeuser' and when it does, it pulls the logs from every 'batchstamp' instead of just the one where 'fakeuser' was found. Am I in for another nested query? What's this type of procedure called so I can further research it?
Thanks again.

You first query can go in the from clause with '(' brackets around it and 'as alias' name. After that you can reference it as you would a normal table in the rest of the query.
FROM chat,
FROM log
WHERE action LIKE 'username'
) AS log
WHERE chat.datetime BETWEEN
log.datetime - interval '1 minute'
AND log.datetime + interval '1 minute';
That should get you started.

A colleague at work came up with the following solution which seems to provide the results I'm looking for. Thanks for everyone's help.
SELECT batchstamp, datetime, msg INTO temptable FROM chat WHERE action = 'fakeusername';
select a.batchstamp, a.action, a.datetime, a.msg
FROM chat a, temptable b
WHERE a.batchstamp = b.batchstamp
and (
a.datetime BETWEEN b.datetime - interval '1 minute'
AND b.datetime + interval '1 minute'
) and a.batchstamp = '2011-3-1 21:21:37'
group by a.batchstamp, a.action, a.datetime, a.msg
order by a.datetime;


Postgres - Select all rows with a date column value within a range of another row's value?

I'm trying to use a date value as a starting point to construct a date range within a single postgres query. The date value would be something like
SELECT upgraded_at FROM accounts ORDER BY upgraded_at DESC limit 1;
which would then be used as the starting point. I then want to do something like
SELECT * from accounts WHERE upgraded_at >= (basis_date - 2 days) AND upgraded_at < (basis_date + 2 days);
Ideally I'd like to accomplish this with a single query. So I'll need to some subquery to get the starting date, then use that as a variable within the rest of the query.
Also eventually I'm going to be doing this within Sequelize. I definitely need the raw SQL way to do it but I'm also curious if later there's a Sequelize-specific way.
You can actually avoid making two references to the basis date here.
WITH cte AS (
SELECT *, MAX(upgraded_at) OVER () AS max_upgraded_at
FROM accounts
FROM cte
WHERE upgraded_at - max_upgraded_at BETWEEN -2 AND 2;

Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query! gives a different result

So this is apparently one of these weird days... And I know this makes 0 sense.
I'm executing a query in datagrip (a tool to execute raw querys) to the exact same database as in my phoenix application. And they are returning different results.
The query is quite complicated, but it's the only query that shows different results. So I cannot simplify it. I've tried other queries to be sure that I'm having the same database, restarted the server etc.
Here is the exact same query executed from my console. As you can see it is not the same result. A few rows are missing.
I have also checked if this is a timing issue by executing select now() => same result (more or less obviously). If I execute only the generate_series part, it returns the same result. So it could have something to do with the join.
I also checked the last few entries in the ttnmessages table just to be sure there is no general caching issue. The queries do also give the same result there.
So my question is: Is there anything that Ecto does differently upon executing a query? How can I figure this out? I'm grateful for any hint.
EDIT: The query is in both cases:
SELECT g.series AS time, MAX((t.payload ->'pulse')::text::numeric) as pulse
FROM generate_series(date_trunc('hour', now())- INTERVAL '12 hours', date_trunc('hour', now()), INTERVAL '60 min') AS g(series)
LEFT JOIN ttnmessages t
ON t.inserted_at < g.series + INTERVAL '60 min'
AND t.inserted_at > g.series
WHERE t.hardware_serial LIKE '093B55DF0C2C525A'
GROUP BY g.series
ORDER BY g.series;
While I did not find out the cause, I changed the query to the following:
SELECT MAX(t.inserted_at) as time, (t.payload ->'pulse')::text::numeric as pulse
FROM ttnmessages t
WHERE t.inserted_at > now() - INTERVAL '12 hours'
AND t.payload ->'pulse' IS NOT NULL
AND t.hardware_serial LIKE '093B55DF0C2C525A'
GROUP BY (t.payload ->'pulse')
ORDER BY time;
Runtime is < 50ms, so I'm happy with the result.
And I'll ignore the different results from the question. The query here returns the same result just like it's supposed to.

Creating Date Cutoffs on continuous processes

I'm an intern databasing some CNC machine metrics and i'm a little stuck with a particular query, only started sql last week so please forgive me if this is a dumb question.
If a machine is running (state=on) past date,23:59, and I want to collect machine hours for that day, there is no logged off time, as the state=off column has not been recorded yet, thus I cannot collect that machine data. To work around this, I want to record a state off time of 23:59:59, and then create a new row with the same entity ID with a state_on time of day+1,00:00:01.
Here is what I have written so far, where am I going wrong? What combination of trigger, insert, procedure, case, etc should I use? Any suggestions are welcome, I've tried to look at some reference material, and want the first bit to look something like this.
WHEN min(stoff.last_changed) IS NULL
AND now() = '____-__-__ 23:59:59.062538+13'
THEN min(stoff.last_changed) IS now()
ELSE min(stoff.last_changed)
I know this is only the first component, but it fits into a larger select used within a view,let me know if I need to post anything else
This is a fairly complex query because there are a few possibilities you need to consider (given the physical setup of the CNC machine these may not both apply:
The machine might be running at midnight so you need to 'insert' a midnight start time (and treat midnight as the stop time for the previous day).
The machine might be running all day (so there are no records in your table for the day at all)
There are a number of ways you can implement this; I have chosen one that I think will be easiest for you to understand (and have avoided window functions). The response does use CTE's but I think these are easy enough to understand (it's really just a chain of queries; each one using the result of the previous one).
Lets setup some example data:
create table states (
entity_id int,
last_changed timestamp,
state bool
insert into states(entity_id, last_changed, state) values
(1, '2019-11-26 01:00', false),
(1, '2019-11-26 20:00', true),
(1, '2019-11-27 01:00', false),
(1, '2019-11-27 02:00', true),
(1, '2019-11-27 22:00', false);
Now the query (it's not as bad as it looks!):
-- Lets start with a range of dates that you want the report for (needed because its possible that there are
-- no entries at all in the states table for a particular date)
with date_range as (
select i::date from generate_series('2019-11-26', '2019-11-29', '1 day'::interval) i
-- Get all combinations of machine (entity_id) and date
allMachineDays as (
select distinct states.entity_id, date_range.i as started
states cross join date_range),
-- Work out what the state at the start of each day was (if no earlier state available then assume false)
stateAtStartOfDay as (
entity_id, started,
select state
from states
where states.entity_id = allMachineDays.entity_id
and states.last_changed<=allMachineDays.started
order by states.last_changed desc limit 1
,false) as state
from allMachineDays
-- Now we can add in the state at the start of each day to the other state changes
statesIncludingStartOfDay as (
select * from stateAtStartOfDay
select * from states
-- Next we add the time that the state changed
statesWithEnd as (
select started from statesIncludingStartOfDay substate
substate.entity_id = states.entity_id and
substate.started > states.started
order by started asc
limit 1
) as ended
statesIncludingStartOfDay states
-- finally lets work out the duration
ended - started as duration
statesWithEnd states
ended is not null -- cut off the last midnight as its no longer needed
order by entity_id,started
Hopefully this makes sense and there are no errors in my logic! Note that I have made some assumptions about your data (i.e. last_changed is the time that the state began). If you just want a runtime for each day it's pretty easy to just add a group by to the last query and sum up duration.
It might help you to understand this if you run it one step at a time; gor example start with the following and then add in extra with clauses one at a time:
with date_range as (
select i::date from generate_series('2019-11-26', '2019-11-29', '1 day'::interval) i
select * from date_range

how to get each and every Date in between selected date (in DB2)

Dear StackOverflow Community,
as a New to DB2 ,i have a a query
may be its a very basic question for you, please share your knowledge.
i have a start date and End Date.
I need a list of each and every date in between.
Its ok with me ,if it creates a temp table no issue.
Thanks in Advance
You can generate the dates between start and end dates by using Recursive CTE expression. Try below code
with cte(your_columns,startdate,enddate)
as (select your_columns,startdate,enddate,startdate
as derDate
from yourTable
union all
select your_columns,startdate,enddate,derDate+1
from cte where
select * from cte

Postgres issue with Gount / Group By / date_trunc()

I know that there are a couple of threads regarding this, but I read them all w/o any luck.
I have the following query :
select coalesce(count(*)), date_trunc('month', generate_series(min(item.updated_at), max(item.updated_at), '1 month'))
from item
group by date_trunc('month', item.updated_at)
order by date_trunc ;
but it only shows months where items where updated at. And it just skips months with 0 matches.
I tried adding coalesce and generating the series with generate_series(), but it's still not working.
Any clues?.
Thanks a lot in advance.