How could I know if a database table is exists in ScalaQuery - scala

I'm trying ScalaQuery, it is really amazing. I could defined the database table using Scala class, and query it easily.
But I would like to know, in the following code, how could I check if a table is exists, so I won't call 'Table.ddl.create' twice and get a exception when I run this program twice?
object Users extends Table[(Int, String, String)]("Users") {
def id = column[Int]("id")
def first = column[String]("first")
def last = column[String]("last")
def * = id ~ first ~ last
object Main
val database = Database.forURL("jdbc:sqlite:sample.db", driver = "org.sqlite.JDBC")
def main(args: Array[String]) {
database withSession {
// How could I know table Users is alrady in the DB?
if ( ??? ) {

ScalaQuery version 0.9.4 includes a number of helpful SQL metadata wrapper classes in the org.scalaquery.meta package, such as MTable:
In the test code for ScalaQuery, we can see examples of these classes being used. In particular, see org.scalaquery.test.MetaTest.
I wrote this little function to give me a map of all the known tables, keyed by table name.
import org.scalaquery.meta.{MTable}
def makeTableMap(dbsess: Session) : Map[String, MTable] = {
val tableList = MTable.getTables.list()(dbsess);
val tableMap ={t => (, t)}.toMap;
So now, before I create an SQL table, I can check "if (!tableMap.contains(tableName))".

This thread is a bit old, but maybe someone will find this useful. All my DAOs include this:
def create = db withSession {
if (!MTable.getTables.list.exists( == MyTable.tableName))

Here's a full solution that checks on application start using a PostGreSQL DB for PlayFramework
import globals.DBGlobal
import models.UsersTable
import org.scalaquery.meta.MTable
import org.scalaquery.session.Session
import play.api.GlobalSettings
import play.api.Application
object Global extends GlobalSettings {
override def onStart(app: Application) {
DBGlobal.db.withSession { session : Session =>
import org.scalaquery.session.Database.threadLocalSession
import org.scalaquery.ql.extended.PostgresDriver.Implicit._
if (!makeTableMap(session).contains("tableName")) {
def makeTableMap(dbsess: Session): Map[String, MTable] = {
val tableList = MTable.getTables.list()(dbsess)
val tableMap = {
t => (, t)

With java.sql.DatabaseMetaData (Interface). Depending on your Database, more or less functions might be implemented.

See also the related discussion here.I personally prefer hezamu's suggestion and extend it as follows to keep it DRY:
def createIfNotExists(tables: TableQuery[_ <: Table[_]]*)(implicit session: Session) {
tables foreach {table => if(MTable.getTables(table.baseTableRow.tableName).list.isEmpty) table.ddl.create}
Then you can just create your tables with the implicit session:
db withSession {
implicit session =>
createIfNotExists(table1, table2, ..., tablen)

You can define in your DAO impl the following method (taken from Slick MTable.getTables always fails with Unexpected exception[JdbcSQLException: Invalid value 7 for parameter columnIndex [90008-60]]) that gives you a true o false depending if there a defined table in your db:
def checkTable() : Boolean = {
val action = MTable.getTables
val future =
val retVal = future map {result =>
result map {x => x}
val x = Await.result(retVal, Duration.Inf)
if (x.length > 0) {
} else {
Or, you can check if some "GIVENTABLENAME" or something exists with println method:
def printTable() ={
val q =
println(Await.result(q, Duration.Inf).toList(0)) //prints first MTable element
println(Await.result(q, Duration.Inf).toList(1))//prints second MTable element
println(Await.result(q, Duration.Inf).toList.toString.contains("MTable(MQName(public.GIVENTABLENAME_pkey),INDEX,null,None,None,None)"))
Don't forget to add
import slick.jdbc.meta._
Then call the methods from anywhere with the usual #Inject(). Using
play 2.4 and play-slick 1.0.0.


Scala What is this "_1" in type?

I would like to understand this error:
found : row.type (with underlying type _#TableElementType)
required: _1#TableElementType
Looks like I was very close, but what is this "1" in _1#TableElementType? Can I convert one in the other?
Edit: useful bits of codes for context (Play + Slick):
abstract class GenericDAO[T <: AbstractTable[_]](...) {
def table: TableQuery[T]
def insert(model: T#TableElementType) = db run (table += model)
trait TableObject[T <: AbstractTable[_]] {
def rowFromJson(jsObject: JsObject): T#TableElementType
def dao(driver: JdbcProfile, db: Database): GenericDAO[T]
// Controller Action with an instance implementing `tableObject` above:
val tableObject = tableObjectFactory("test")
val row = tableObject.rowFromJson(request.body.asJson.get)
val dao = tableObject.dao(driver, db) // tableObject has a DOA extending GenericDAO
Example of tableObject:
object TestTable extends TableObject[Test] {
def dao(driver: JdbcProfile, db: Database) = new TestDAO(driver, db)
def rowFromJson(j: JsObject): TestRow = { TestRow(...) }
class TestDAO(...) extends GenericDAO[Test](driver, db) { ... }
I use a factory to get the right one from the url:
object TableObjectFactory {
def tableObjectFactory(name: String) = {
name match {
case "test" => TestTable
case "projects" => ProjectsTable
case "people" => PeopleTable
Although it doesn't explain much, it works if I make the DAO parse the request body and insert, instead of producing the row object separately and applying one of the DAO's methods on it.
I got all kinds of similar errors with names such as _$1#TableElementType, _1$u#TableElementType etc., but I think they are compiler aliases for different instances of the same class.
So the solution was to do
val j: JsValue = request.body.asJson.get
val tableObject: TableObject[_] = tableObjectFactory(table)
val dao = tableObject.dao(driver, db)
val res: Future[Int] = dao.insert(j)
where this new insert method now is abstract in GenericDAO, and in the concrete implementations takes a JsValue and parses it, then inserts:
class TestDAO(override val driver: JdbcProfile, override val db: Database) extends GenericDAO[Test](driver, db) {
import this.driver.api._
val table = TableQuery[Test]
//def insert(model: TestRow) = db run (table += model) // NO!
def insert(j: JsValue): Future[Int] = {
val row = TestRow(
(j \ "id").as[Int],
(j \ "name").as[String],
(j \ "value").as[Float],
(j \ "other").as[String]
db run (table += row)
At the same time, it makes Play forms completely useless, which is a good thing anyway.

How to return full row using Slick's insertOrUpdate

I am currently learning Play2, Scala and Slick 3.1, and am pretty stuck with the syntax for using insertOrUpdate and wonder if anyone can please help me.
What I want to do is to return the full row when using insertOrUpdate including the auto inc primary key, but I have only managed to return the number of updated/inserted rows.
Here is my table definition:
package models
final case class Report(session_id: Option[Long], session_name: String, tester_name: String, date: String, jira_ref: String,
duration: String, environment: String, notes: Option[String])
trait ReportDBTableDefinitions {
import slick.driver.PostgresDriver.api._
class Reports(tag: Tag) extends Table[Report](tag, "REPORTS") {
def session_id = column[Long]("SESSION_ID", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def session_name = column[String]("SESSION_NAME")
def tester_name = column[String]("TESTER_NAME")
def date = column[String]("DATE")
def jira_ref = column[String]("JIRA_REF")
def duration = column[String]("DURATION")
def environment = column[String]("ENVIRONMENT")
def notes = column[Option[String]]("NOTES")
def * = (session_id.?, session_name, tester_name, date, jira_ref, duration, environment, notes) <> (Report.tupled, Report.unapply)
lazy val reportsTable = TableQuery[Reports]
Here is the section of my DAO that relates to insertOrUpdate, and it works just fine, but only returns the number of updated/inserted rows:
package models
import play.api.db.slick.DatabaseConfigProvider
import scala.concurrent.Future
class ReportsDAO #Inject()(protected val dbConfigProvider: DatabaseConfigProvider) extends DAOSlick {
import driver.api._
def save_report(report: Report): Future[Int] = {
I have tried playing with "returning" but I can't get the syntax I need and keep getting type mismatches e.g. the below doesn't compile (because it's probably completely wrong!)
def save_report(report: Report): Future[Report] = {
Any help appreciated - I'm new to Scala and Slick so apologies if I'm missing something really obvious.
Solved - posting it incase it helps anyone else trying to do something similar:
//will return the new session_id on insert, and None on update
def save_report(report: Report): Future[Option[Long]] = {
val insertQuery = (reportsTable returning
Works well - insertOrUpdate doesn't returning anything it seems on update, so if I need to get the updated data after the update operation I can then run a subsequent query to get the information using the session id.
You cannot return whole Report, first return Id (returning( and then get whole object
Check if report exists in the database if it exists update it, if not go ahead inserting the report into the database.
Note do above operations in all or none fashion by using Transactions
def getReportDBIO(id: Long): DBIO[Report] = reportsTable.filter(_.session_id === id).result.head
def save_report(report: Report): Future[Report] = {
val query = reportsTable.filter(_.session_id === report.session_id)
val existsAction = query.exists.result
val insertOrUpdateAction =
(for {
exists <- existsAction
result <- exists match {
case true =>
query.update(report).flatMap {_ => getReportDBIO(report.session_id)}.transactionally
case false => {
val insertAction = reportsTable.returning( += report
val finalAction = insertAction.flatMap( id => getReportDBIO(id)).transactionally //transactionally is important
} yield result).transactionally
Update your insertOrUpdate function accordingly
You can return the full row, but it is an Option, as the documentation states, it will be empty on an update and will be a Some(...) representing the inserted row on an insert.
So the correct code would be
def save_report(report: Report): Future[Option[Report]] = {}

How to write a global object for table creation using Slick MultiDBCake principle?

I'm using Play framework btw. Slick does not help you "create" tables. Users have to create it by themselves, using tableQuery.ddl.create. When it was still Slick 1.0, I read a post about creating a Global.scalaand inside it looks like this:
import play.api._
import scala.slick.jdbc.meta.MTable
import play.api.Play.current
import play.api.db.slick._
import models.current.dao._
import models.current.dao.profile.simple._
object Global extends GlobalSettings {
override def onStart(app: Application) {
DB.withSession {implicit rs =>
databaseCreate(Articles, Labels, Article_Labels, Users, Messages)
def databaseCreate(tables: TableQuery[_]*) = {
for (table <- tables)
if (MTable.getTables(table.toString).list.isEmpty) table.ddl.create
However, since it is Slick 2.0 and I'm using the Cake pattern, this doesn't work anymore. I used to be able to pull Table class out and there is an attribute called name which I can call, but now with the new and improved Cake pattern, all I'm left with is TableQuery, which literally has nothing. (Cake pattern example is here:
My DAO class looks like this:
class DAO(override val profile: JdbcProfile) extends ArticleComponent with Article_LabelComponent with LabelComponent with MessageComponent with UserComponent with Profile {
val Articles = TableQuery[Articles]
val Article_Labels = TableQuery[Article_Labels]
val Labels = TableQuery[Labels]
val Messages = TableQuery[Messages]
val Users = TableQuery[Users]
object current {
val dao = new DAO(DB(play.api.Play.current).driver)
How should I modify my Global.scala to create a table if a table is not present in the Database?
take a look :
and you can put directly ddl create statement in Glabal.scala:
object Global extends GlobalSettings
override def onStart(app: Application): Unit = {"Apllication has started")
try {
Connection.databaseObject.withSession { implicit session: Session =>
(Articles.ddl ++ Article_Labels.ddl ++ Labels.ddl ++ Messages.ddl ++ Users.ddl).create"All tables have been created")
} catch {
case ex: Exception => + ex.printStackTrace())
define connection object:
object Connection {
def databaseObject(): Database = {

How to query OrientDB asynchronously from Play controller?

I am writing a Play (2.2) controller in Scala, which should return the result of a query against OrientDB. Now, I have succeeded in writing a synchronous version of said controller, but I'd like to re-write it to work asynchronously.
My question is; given the below code (just put together for demonstration purposes), how do I re-write my controller to interact asynchronously with OrientDB (connecting and querying)?
import play.api.mvc.{Action, Controller}
import play.api.libs.json._
import com.orientechnologies.orient.`object`.db.OObjectDatabasePool
import java.util
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.query.OSQLSynchQuery
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
object Packages extends Controller {
def packages() = Action { implicit request =>
val db ="http://localhost:2480", "reader", "reader")
try {
val packages = db.query[util.List[models.Package]](new OSQLSynchQuery[models.Package]("select from Package")).asScala.toSeq
"packages" -> Json.toJson(packages)
finally {
Specifically, I wish to use OrientDB's asynchronous API. I know that asynchronous queries are supported by the API, though I'm not sure if you can connect asynchronously as well.
Attempted Solution
Based on Jean's answer, I've tried the following asynchronous implementation, but it fails due to a compilation error value execute is not a member of Nothing possible cause: maybe a semicolon is missing before 'value execute'?:
def getPackages(): Future[Seq[models.Package]] = {
val db = openDb
try {
val p = promise[Seq[models.Package]]
val f = p.future
new OSQLAsynchQuery[ODocument]("select from Package",
new OCommandResultListener() {
var acc = List[ODocument]()
def result(iRecord: Any): Boolean = {
val doc = iRecord.asInstanceOf[ODocument]
acc = doc :: acc
def end() {
// This is just a dummy
// Fails
finally {
One way could be to start a promise, return the future representing the result of that promise, locally accumulate the results as they come and complete de promise ( thus resolving the future ) when orient db notifies you that the command has completed.
def executeAsync(osql: String, params: Map[String, String] = Map()): Future[List[ODocument]] = {
import scala.concurrent._
val p = promise[List[ODocument]]
val f =p.future
val req: OCommandRequest = database.command(
new OSQLAsynchQuery[ODocument]("select * from animal where name = 'Gipsy'",
new OCommandResultListener() {
var acc = List[ODocument]()
def result(iRecord:Any):Boolean= {
val doc = iRecord.asInstanceOf[ODocument]
def end() {
Be careful though, to enable graph navigation and field lazy loading, orientdb objects used to keep an internal reference to the database instance they were loaded from ( or to depend on a threadlocal database connected instance ) for lazily loading elements from the database. Manipulating these objects asynchronously may result in loading errors. I haven't checked changes from 1.6 but that seemed to be deeply embedded in the design.
It's as simple as wrapping the blocking call in a Future.
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext
import scala.concurrent.Future
object Packages extends Controller {
def packages = Action.async { implicit request =>
val db ="http://localhost:2480", "reader", "reader")
val futureResult: Future[Result] = Future(
db.query[util.List[models.Package]](new OSQLSynchQuery[models.Package]("select from Package")).asScala.toSeq
queryResult => Ok(Json.obj("packages" -> Json.toJson(packages)))
).recover {
// Handle each of the exception cases legitimately
case e: UnsupportedOperationException => UnsupportedMediaType(e.getMessage)
case e: MappingException => BadRequest(e.getMessage)
case e: MyServiceException => ServiceUnavailable(e.toString)
case e: Throwable => InternalServerError(e.toString + "\n" + e.getStackTraceString)
futureResult.onComplete { case _ =>
Note that I did not compile the code. There is a lot of room to improve the code.

Comparing type mapped values in Slick queries

Consider the Favorites table object below, we want to write a query to find Favorites by their type (defined below). We have also defined a Typemapper, to map a FavoriteType to a String for the database
import scala.slick.driver.PostgresDriver.simple._
//Other imports have been omitted in this question
object Favorites extends Table[Favorite]("favorites") {
// Convert the favoriteTypes to strings for the database
implicit val favoriteMapping: TypeMapper[FavorietType] = MappedTypeMapper.base[FavorietType, String](
favType => FavorietType.values.find(_ == favType).get.mapping,
mapping => FavorietType.values.find(_.mapping == mapping).get
def favoriteType = column[FavoriteType]("type")
//other columns here
This is the query I want to write (however it does not compile)
def queryByFavoriteType(ftype : FavoriteType)(implicit s: Session) = {
f <- Favorieten if f.favoriteType === ftype
) yield f
Here I have defined de different FavoriteType objects (this is outside the Favorieten Object)
sealed case class FavorietType(mapping: String) {
override def toString = mapping.capitalize
object FavoriteType {
object Exam extends FavoriteType("examen")
object Topic extends FavoriteType("onderwerp")
object Paper extends FavoriteType("profielwerkstuk")
val values = Seq(Exam , Topic , Paper )
The problem I have here is that the query does not compile:
value === is not a member of scala.slick.lifted.Column[models.gebruiker.FavorietType]
It appears that === can not be used to compare a User-defined type, is this true? Is there an alternative way to do this?
Related issue: before I had my TypeMapper without explicit type, it was defined as implicit val favoriteMapping = MappedTypeMapper.base[FavorietType, String]( ...
When I would write a query that would compare a FavoriteType.Exam (for example) such as
def queryByFavoriteExam()(implicit s: Session) = {
for(f <- Favorieten if f.favorietType === FavorietType.Exam) yield f
This would result in the error could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type scala.slick.lifted.TypeMapper[models.gebruiker.FavorietType.Exam.type]
The solution for this is the same as the one presented below
When in doubt with Slick, go check out the unit tests. After reading their docs on mapping in a custom type and then looking at their unit tests, I got your query code to compile by changing it to:
def queryByFavoriteType(ftype : FavoriteType)(implicit s: Session) = {
for(f <- Favorites if f.favoriteType === (ftype:FavoriteType)) yield f
Also, I had imported the H2Driver just to get things to compile (import scala.slick.driver.H2Driver.simple._). I was assuming that you also had imported whatever driver it is that you need for your db.
My full code example is as follows:
import scala.slick.driver.PostgresDriver.simple._
import scala.slick.session.Session
sealed case class FavoriteType(mapping: String) {
override def toString = mapping.capitalize
case class Favorite(ft:FavoriteType, foo:String)
object FavoriteType {
object Exam extends FavoriteType("examen")
object Topic extends FavoriteType("onderwerp")
object Paper extends FavoriteType("profielwerkstuk")
val values = Seq(Exam , Topic , Paper )
object Favorites extends Table[Favorite]("favorites") {
// Convert the favoriteTypes to strings for the database
implicit val favoriteMapping = MappedTypeMapper.base[FavoriteType, String](
{favType => FavoriteType.values.find(_ == favType).get.mapping},
{mapping => FavoriteType.values.find(_.mapping == mapping).get}
def favoriteType = column[FavoriteType]("type")
def foo = column[String]("foo")
def * = favoriteType ~ foo <> (Favorite.apply _, Favorite.unapply _)
def queryByFavoriteType(ftype : FavoriteType)(implicit s: Session) = {
for(f <- Favorites if f.favoriteType === (ftype:FavoriteType)) yield f