Coding with Scala implicits in style - scala

Are there any style guides that describe how to write code using Scala implicits?
Implicits are really powerful, and therefore can be easily abused. Are there some general guidelines that say when implicits are appropriate and when using them obscures code?

I don't think there is a community-wide style yet. I've seen lots of conventions. I'll describe mine, and explain why I use it.
I call my implicit conversions one of
implicit def whatwehave_to_whatwegenerate
implicit def whatwehave_whatitcando
implicit def whatwecandowith_whatwehave
I don't expect these to be used explicitly, so I tend towards rather long names. Unfortunately, there are numbers in class names often enough so the whatwehave2whatwegenerate convention gets confusing. For example: tuple22myclass--is that Tuple2 or Tuple22 you're talking about?
If the implicit conversion is defined away from both the argument and result of the conversion, I always use the x_to_y notation for maximum clarity. Otherwise, I view the name more as a comment. So, for instance, in
class FoldingPair[A,B](t2: (A,B)) {
def fold[Z](f: (A,B) => Z) = f(t2._1, t2._2)
implicit def pair_is_foldable[A,B](t2: (A,B)) = new FoldingPair(t2)
I use both the class name and the implicit as a sort of a comment about what the point of the code is--namely to add a fold method to pairs (i.e. Tuple2).
I use implicit conversions the most for pimp-my-library style constructions. I do this all over the place where it adds missing functionality or makes the resulting code look cleaner.
val v = Vector(Vector("This","is","2D" ...
val w = v.updated(2, v(2).updated(5, "Hi")) // Messy!
val w = change(v)(2,5)("Hi") // Okay, better for a few uses
val w = v change (2,5) -> "Hi" // Arguably clearer, and...
val w = v change ((2,5) -> "Hi", (2,6) -> "!")) // extends naturally to this!
Now, there is a performance penalty to pay for implicit conversions, so I don't write code in hotspots this way. But otherwise, I am very likely to use a pimp-my-library pattern instead of a def once I go above a handful of uses in the code in question.
There is one other consideration, which is that tools are not as reliable yet at showing where your implicit conversions come from as where your methods come from. Thus, if I'm writing code that is difficult, and I expect that anyone who is using or maintaining it is going to have to study it hard to understand what is required and how it works, I--and this is almost backwards from a typical Java philosophy--am more likely to use PML in this fashion to render the steps more transparent to a trained user. The comments will warn that the code needs to be understood deeply; once you understand deeply, these changes help rather than hurt. If, on the other hand, the code's doing something relatively straightforward, I'm more likely to leave defs in place since IDEs will help me or others quickly get up to speed if we need to make a change.
Avoiding explicit conversions
I try to avoid explicit conversions. You certainly can write
implicit def string_to_int(s: String) = s.toInt
but it's awfully dangerous, even if you seem to be peppering all your strings with .toInt.
The main exception I make is for wrapper classes. Suppose, for example, you want to have a method take classes with a pre-computed hash code. I would
class Hashed[A](private[Hashed] val a: A) {
override def equals(o: Any) = a == o
override def toString = a.toString
override val hashCode = a.##
object Hashed {
implicit def anything_to_hashed[A](a: A) = new Hashed(a)
implicit def hashed_to_anything[A](h: Hashed[A]) = h.a
and get back whatever class I started with either automatically or, at worst, by adding a type annotation (e.g. x: String). The reason is that this makes wrapper classes minimally intrusive. You don't really want to know about the wrapper; you just need the functionality sometimes. You can't completely avoid noticing the wrapper (e.g. you can only fix equals in one direction, and sometimes you need to get back to the original type). But this often lets you write code with minimal fuss, which is sometimes just the thing to do.
Implicit parameters
Implicit parameters are alarmingly promiscuous. I use default values whenever I possibly can instead. But sometimes you can't, especially with generic code.
If possible, I try to make the implicit parameter be something that no other method would ever use. For example, the Scala collections library has a CanBuildFrom class that is almost perfectly useless as anything other than an implicit parameter to collections methods. So there is very little danger of unintended crosstalk.
If this is not possible--for example, if a parameter needs to be passed to several different methods, but doing so really distracts from what the code is doing (e.g. trying to do logging in the middle of arithmetic), then rather than make a common class (e.g. String) be the implicit val, I wrap it in a marker class (usually with an implicit conversion).

I don't believe I have come across anything, so let's create it here! Some rules of thumb:
Implicit Conversions
When implicitly converting from A to B where it is not the case that every A can be seen as a B, do it via pimping a toX conversion, or something similar. For example:
val d = "20110513".toDate //YES
val d : Date = "20110513" //NO!
Don't go mad! Use for very common core library functionality, rather than in every class to pimp something for the sake of it!
val (duration, unit) = 5.seconds //YES
val b = someRef.isContainedIn(aColl) //NO!
aColl exists_? aPred //NO! - just use "exists"
Implicit Parameters
Use these to either:
provide typeclass instances (like scalaz)
inject something obvious (like providing an ExecutorService to some worker invocation)
as a version of dependency injection (e.g. propagate the setting of service-type fields on instances)
Don't use for laziness' sake!

This one is so little-known that it has yet to be given a name (to the best of my knowledge), but it's already firmly established as one of my personal favourites.
So I'm going to go out on a limb here, and name it the "pimp my type class" pattern. Perhaps the community will come up with something better.
This is a 3-part pattern, built entirely out of implicits. It's also already used in the standard library (since 2.9). Explained here via the heavily cut-down Numeric type class, which should hopefully be familiar.
Part 1 - Create a type class
trait Numeric[T] {
def plus(x: T, y: T): T
def minus(x: T, y: T): T
def times(x: T, y: T): T
implicit object ShortIsNumeric extends Numeric[Short] {
def plus(x: Short, y: Short): Short = (x + y).toShort
def minus(x: Short, y: Short): Short = (x - y).toShort
def times(x: Short, y: Short): Short = (x * y).toShort
Part 2 - Add a nested class providing infix operations
trait Numeric[T] {
// ...
class Ops(lhs: T) {
def +(rhs: T) = plus(lhs, rhs)
def -(rhs: T) = minus(lhs, rhs)
def *(rhs: T) = times(lhs, rhs)
// ...
Part 3 - Pimp members of the type class with the operations
implicit def infixNumericOps[T](x: T)(implicit num: Numeric[T]): Numeric[T]#Ops =
new num.Ops(x)
Then use it
def addAnyTwoNumbers[T: Numeric](x: T, y: T) = x + y
Full code:
object PimpTypeClass {
trait Numeric[T] {
def plus(x: T, y: T): T
def minus(x: T, y: T): T
def times(x: T, y: T): T
class Ops(lhs: T) {
def +(rhs: T) = plus(lhs, rhs)
def -(rhs: T) = minus(lhs, rhs)
def *(rhs: T) = times(lhs, rhs)
object Numeric {
implicit object ShortIsNumeric extends Numeric[Short] {
def plus(x: Short, y: Short): Short = (x + y).toShort
def minus(x: Short, y: Short): Short = (x - y).toShort
def times(x: Short, y: Short): Short = (x * y).toShort
implicit def infixNumericOps[T](x: T)(implicit num: Numeric[T]): Numeric[T]#Ops =
new num.Ops(x)
def addNumbers[T: Numeric](x: T, y: T) = x + y
object PimpTest {
import PimpTypeClass.Numeric._
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val x: Short = 1
val y: Short = 2
println(addNumbers(x, y))


What's wrong with delegation-based typeclasses encoding

Typeclasses coherence is a well-known problem.
For example a Monad has to be a Functor and a Traversable has to be a Functor as well. If has to be is represented via inheritance (Monad[F[_]] extends Functor[F[_]]) then there will most probably be ambiguity in implicit resolution.
I applied the rule of thumb: if you have a problem with inheritance replace it by delegation. Here is an example:
trait Semigroup[A] {
def append(a: A, b: A): A
trait Monoid[A] {
def zero(): A
val semigroup: Semigroup[A]
def append(a: A, b: A): A = semigroup.append(a, b)
implicit object IntSemigroup extends Semigroup[Int] {
override def append(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b
implicit object IntMonoid extends Monoid[Int] {
override def zero(): Int = 0
override val semigroup: Semigroup[Int] = IntSemigroup
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
println(implicitly[Monoid[Int]].append(2, 3))
I guess this approach doesn't work since it's obvious but not used in scalaz/cats. Could you please point me to the problems?
With representing it using inheritance, you get inference for free - a Monad is automatically a Functor. With representing it using delegation, you don't.
You would have to define lots of implicit conversions to get around that, which would be a pain. But (simple) implicit conversions don't chain automatically in Scala, so with them, it still wouldn't infer Functor from Monad via the intermediate type class Applicative.
P.S. In practice, you usually don't get ambiguity in resolution if you do things right. That means, (a) use foo.some instead of Some(foo) and the like, and (b) use value classes or similar to semantically disambiguate types for which you wish to use different instances. And if all else fails, explicitly pass in the instance (which you can't do in Haskell).

Implement abstract behaviour just once... trait as contract, abstract class as concrete-helper

I'm currently thinking about refactoring my personal linear-algebra package.
One thing that really bothers me is:
Currently I only support Vectors and Matrices that consist of floats. Now I'd like to add in support for ints, doubles and possibly even for booleans, but I'll have to think about that.
One thing tho: I do not want to write code multiple times. In fact, that's one thing I truly hate in programming. I want a single source of responsibility for a certain code/behaviour.
For most, well, all operations a Vector has there is a certain pattern. It doesn't matter if I add two Two-dimensional-vectors that hold ints or floats, the operation is always the same.
Now, naively I though "Well, how difficult can this be?!" Turns out, for me as a Scala-noobie, it's not that easy.
I began with:
trait Vector[Vec <: Vector]
def add(v: Vec): Unit
def subtract(v: Vec): Unit
def multiply(v: Vec): Unit
def multiply(s: Numeric): Unit
def dot(v: Vec): Numeric
def length(): Numeric
def distance(v: Vec): Numeric
def normalise(): Unit
def divide(length: Numeric): Unit
def toArray(): Array[Numeric]
My thoughts: Adding in a bound would help me, as I proceed.
abstract class Vector2(var x: Numeric, var y: Numeric) extends Vector[Vector2]
override def add(v: Vector2): Unit =
this.x += v.x
this.y += v.y
Then I wanted to create sub-types like:
class IntVector2(var x: Int, var y: Int) extends Vector2
and be done with it.
Problem begins here:
abstract class Vector2(var x: Numeric, var y: Numeric) extends Vector[Vector2]
override def add(v: Vector2): Unit =
this.x += v.x // **here is the problem **
this.y += v.y
It says
Type mismatch, expected: String, actual: Numeric
I thought I'd be brainy by using Numeric as the upper-bound, as I assumed an addition would be defined for all... how wrong was I?
How can I solve this? Any ideas?
Also, before I forget...
Assume cases where I need to use a helper, like math.sqrt(...). What to do there?
Currently (only implemented for floats, mind!) I do this:
def length(): Float =
math.sqrt(x * x + y * y).toFloat
Now if I want to have the same for doubles and ints, how can I make this generic? Like, without .toFloat
Also, I'm fully aware that with booleans I would get a problem, as some operations are simply not defined at all... No reason to freak out, I hope :)
You should really consider looking inside scala standard collection library. Give attention to all classes that ends with Like: TraversableLike, SeqLike, SetLike and so on. They use higher-order types and typeclass polymorphism. Notice all uses of implicit arguments to methods like def map[B, That](f: (A) ⇒ B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That.
Here is the project that provide many numeric abstractions and may be used as a reference.

Returning an Ordered[T] from a method in Scala

I have a simple trait that requires the implementation to have a method quality(x:A) which I want to return an Ordered[B]. In other words, quality transforms A to Ordered[B]. Such that I can compare to B's.
I have the following basic code:
trait Foo[A] {
def quality[B](x:A):Ordered[B]
def baz(x1:A, x2:A) = {
// some algorithm work here, and then
if (quality(x1) > quality(x2)) {
// some stuff
Which I want to implement like follows:
class FooImpl extends Foo[Bar] {
def quality(x:Bar):Double = {
I figured this could work because Double is implicitly converted to RichDouble which implements Ordered[Double] if I am correct.
But at the > in the baz method of the trait it gives me an error of quality(x2) stating: Type mismatch, expected Nothing, actual Ordered[Nothing]
I do not understand this, because, coming from C#, I find it comparable to returning something like IEnumerable<A> and then using al the nice extension methods of an IEnumerable.
What am I missing here? What I want to to with the trait is define a complex algorithm inside the trait, but the key functions need to be defined by the class implementing the trait. On of these functions is needed to calculate a quality factor. This can be a Double, Int or whatnot but it can also be something more sophisticated. I could rewrite it that it always returns Double and that is certainly possible, but I want the trait to be as generic as possible because I want it to describe behavior and not implementation. I thought about the class A implementing Ordered[A] but that also seems weird, because it is not the 'purpose' of this class to be compared.
Using Ordering[A] you can compare As without requiring A to implement Ordered[A].
We can request that an Ordering[A] exists in baz by adding an implicit parameter :
trait Foo[A] {
def baz(x1:A, x2:A)(implicit ord: Ordering[A]) =
if (, x2)) "first is bigger"
else "first is smaller or equal"
Lets create a Person case class with an Ordering in its companion object.
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
object Person {
implicit val orderByAge =[Person, Int](_.age)
We can now use Foo[Person].baz because an Ordering[Person] exists :
val (alice, bob) = (Person("Alice", 50), Person("Bob", 40))
val foo = new Foo[Person] {}
foo.baz(alice, bob)
// String = first is bigger
// using an explicit ordering
foor.baz(alice, bob)([Person, String](
// String = first is smaller or equal
In the same manner as I compared Persons by age, you could create an Ordering[A] to compare your A by your quality function.
To complement Peter's answer: in Scala we have two traits: Ordering[T] and Ordered[A]. You should use them in different situations.
Ordered[A] is for cases when a class you implement can be ordered naturally and that order is the only one.
class Fraction(val numerator: Int, val denominator: Int) extends Ordered[Fraction]
def compare(that: Fraction) = {
(this.numerator * that.denominator) compare (this.denominator * that.numerator)
Ordering[T] is for cases when you want to have different ways to order things. This way the strategy of defining the order can be decoupled from the class being ordered.
For an example I will borrow Peter's Person:
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
object PersonNameOrdering extends Ordering[Person]
def compare(x: Person, y: Person) = compare
Note, that since PersonNameOrdering doesn't have any instance fields, all it does is encapsulate the logic of defining an order of two Person's. Thus I made it an object rather than a class.
To cut down the boilerplate you can use Ordering.on to define an Ordering:
val personAgeOrdering: Ordering[Person] = Ordering.on[Person](_.age)
Now to the fun part: how to use all this stuff.
In your original code Foo[A].quantity was indirectly defining a way to order your A's. Now to make it idiomatic Scala let's use Ordering[A] instead, and rename quantity to ord:
trait Foo[A] {
def baz(x1: A, x2: A, ord: Ordering[A]) = {
import ord._
if (x1 > x2) "first is greater"
else "first is less or equal"
Several things to note here:
import ord._ allows to use infix notation for comparisons, i.e. x1 > x2 vs, x2)
baz is now parametrized by ordering, so you can dynamically choose how to order x1 and x2 on a case-by-case basis:
foo.baz(person1, person2, PersonNameOrdering)
foo.baz(person1, person2, personAgeOrdering)
The fact that ord is now an explicit parameter can sometimes be inconvenient: you may not want to pass it explicitly all the time, while there might be some cases when you want to do so. Implicits to the rescue!
def baz(x1: A, x2: A) = {
def inner(implicit ord: Ordering[A]) = {
import ord._
if (x1 > x2) "first is greater"
else "first is less or equal"
Note the implicit keyword. It is used to tell the compiler to draw the parameter from the implicit scope in case you don't provide it explicitly:
// put an Int value to the implicit scope
implicit val myInt: Int = 5
def printAnInt(implicit x: Int) = { println(x) }
// explicitly pass the parameter
printAnInt(10) // would print "10"
// let the compiler infer the parameter from the implicit scope
printAnInt // would print "5"
You might want to learn where does Scala look for implicits.
Another thing to note is the need of a nested function. You cannot write def baz(x1: A, x2: A, implicit ord: Ordering[A]) - that would not compile, because the implicit keyword applies to the whole parameter list.
In order to cope with this little problem baz was rewritten in such a clunky way.
This form of rewritting turned out to be so common that a nice syntactic sugar was introduced for it - multiple parameter list:
def baz(x1: A, x2: A)(implicit ord: Ordering[A]) = {
import ord._
if (x1 > x2) "first is greater"
else "first is less or equal"
The need of an implicit parametrized by a type is also quite common so the code above can be rewritten with even more sugar - context bound:
def baz[A: Ordering](x1: A, x2: A) = {
val ord = implicitly[Ordering[A]]
import ord._
if (x1 > x2) "first is greater"
else "first is less or equal"
Please bear in mind that all these transformations of baz function are nothing but syntactic sugar application. So all the versions are exactly the same and compiler would desugarize each of the versions to the same bytecode.
To recap:
extract the A ordering logic from quantity function to the Ordering[A] class;
put an instance of Ordering[A] to the implicit scope or pass the ordering explicitly depending on your needs;
pick "your flavor" of syntactic sugar for baz: no sugar/nested functions, multiple parameter list or context bound.
To answer the original question "why doesn't it compile?" let me start from a little digression on how infix comparison operator works in Scala.
Given the following code:
val x: Int = 1
val y: Int = 2
val greater: Boolean = x > y
Here's what actually happens. Scala doesn't have infix operators per se, instead infix operators are just a syntactic sugar for single parameter method invocation. So internally the code above transforms to this:
val greater: Boolean = x.>(y)
Now the tricky part: Int doesn't have an > method on its own. Pick ordering by inheritance on the ScalaDoc page and check that this method is listed in a group titled "Inherited by implicit conversion intWrapper from Int to RichInt".
So internally compiler does this (well, except that for performance reasons that there is no actual instantiation of an extra object on heap):
val greater: Boolean = (new RichInt(x)).>(y)
If we proceed to ScalaDoc of RichInt and again order methods by inheritance it turns out that the > method actually comes from Ordered!
Let's rewrite the whole block to make it clearer what actually happens:
val x: Int = 1
val y: Int = 2
val richX: RichInt = new RichInt(x)
val xOrdered: Ordered[Int] = richX
val greater: Boolean = xOrdered.>(y)
The rewriting should have highlighted the types of variables involved in comparison: Ordered[Int] on the left and Int on the right. Refer > documentation for confirmation.
Now let's get back to the original code and rewrite it the same way to highlight the types:
trait Foo[A] {
def quality[B](x: A): Ordered[B]
def baz(x1: A, x2: A) = {
// some algorithm work here, and then
val x1Ordered: Ordered[B] = quality(x1)
val x2Ordered: Ordered[B] = quality(x2)
if (x1Ordered > x2Ordered) {
// some stuff
As you can see the types do not align: they are Ordered[B] and Ordered[B], while for > comparison to work they should have been Ordered[B] and B respectively.
The question is where do you get this B to put on the right? To me it seems that B is in fact the same as A in this context. Here's what I came up with:
trait Foo[A] {
def quality(x: A): Ordered[A]
def baz(x1: A, x2: A) = {
// some algorithm work here, and then
if (quality(x1) > x2) {
"x1 is greater"
} else {
"x1 is less or equal"
case class Cargo(weight: Int)
class CargoFooImpl extends Foo[Cargo] {
override def quality(x: Cargo): Ordered[Cargo] = new Ordered[Cargo] {
override def compare(that: Cargo): Int = x.weight compare that.weight
The downside of this approach is that it is not obvious: the implementation of quality is too verbose and quality(x1) > x2 is not symmetrical.
The bottom line:
if you want the code to be idiomatic Scala go for Ordering[T]
if you don't want to mess with implicits and other Scala magic implement quality as quality(x: A): Double for all As; Doubles are good and generic enough to be compared and ordered.

How can one provide manually specialized implementations with Scala specialization?

Specialization promises to provide high-efficiency implmentations for primitive types
with minimal extra boilerplate. But specialization seems to be too eager for its own good.
If I want to specialize a class or method,
def foo[#specialized(Byte) A](a: A): String = ???
class Bar[#specialized(Int) B] {
var b: B = ???
def baz: B = ???
then I am required to write a single implementation that covers both the specialized and the generic cases.
What if those cases are really different from each other, such that the implementations do not overlap?
For example, if I wanted to perform math on bytes, I would need to insert a bunch of & 0xFFs into the
I could possibly write a specialized type-class to do the math right, but doesn't that just push the same
problem back one level? How do I write my specialized + method for that type class in a way that doesn't
conflict with a more general implementation?
class Adder[#specialized(Byte) A] {
def +(a1: A, a2: A): A = ???
Also, once I do create a type-class this way, how do I make sure the correct type class is used for my specialized methods
instead of the general version (which, if it is truly general, should probably compile and certainly would run, except that it isn't what I want)?
Is there a way to do this without macros? Is it easier with macros?
This is my best attempt so far. It works but the implementation isn't pretty (even if the results are). Improvements are welcome!
There is a macro-free way to do this, both at the class and method level, and it does involve type classes--quite a lot of
them! And the answer is not exactly the same for classes and methods. So bear with me.
Manually Specialized Classes
You manually specialize classes the same way that you manually provide any kind of different implementation for classes:
your superclass is abstract (or is a trait), and the subclasses provide the implementation details.
abstract class Bippy[#specialized(Int) B] {
def b: B
def next: Bippy[B]
class BippyInt(initial: Int) extends Bippy[Int] {
private var myB: Int = initial
def b: Int = myB
def next = { myB += 1; this }
class BippyObject(initial: Object) extends Bippy[Object] {
private var myB: Object = initial
def b: B = myB
def next = { myB = myB.toString; this }
Now, if only we had a specialized method to pick out the right implementations, we'd be done:
object Bippy{
def apply[#specialized(Int) B](initial: B) = ??? // Now what?
So we've converted our problem of providing custom specialized classes and methods into just
needing to provide custom specialized methods.
Manually Specialized Methods
Manually specializing a method requires a way to write one implementation that can nonetheless
select which implementation you want (at compile time). Type classes are great at this. Suppose
we already had type classes that implemented all of our functionality, and that the compiler would
select the right one. Then we could just write
def foo[#specialized(Int) A: SpecializedFooImpl](a: A): String =
...or we could if implicitly was guaranteed to preserve specialization and if we only
ever wanted a single type parameter. In general these things are not true, so we'll write
our type class out as an implicit parameter rather than relying on the A: TC syntactic sugar.
def foo[#specialized(Int) A](a: A)(implicit impl: SpecializedFooImpl[A]): String =
(Actually, that's less boilerplate anyway.)
So we've converted our problem of providing custom specialized methods into just needing
to write specialized typeclasses and getting the compiler to fill in the correct ones.
Manually Specialized Type Classes
Type classes are just classes, and now we have to write specialized classes again, but
there's a critical difference. The user isn't the one asking for arbitrary instances.
This gives us just enough extra flexibility for it to work.
For foo, we need an Int version and a fully generic version.
trait SpecFooImpl[#specialized (Int), A] {
def apply(param: A): String
final class SpecFooImplAny[A] extends SpecFooImpl[A] {
def apply(param: A) = param.toString
final class SpecFooImplInt extends SpecFooImpl[Int] {
def apply(param: Int) = "!" * math.max(0, param)
Now we could create implicits to supply those type classes like so
implicit def specFooAsAny[A] = new SpecFooImplAny[A]
implicit val specFooAsInt = new SpecFooImplInt
except we have a problem: if we actually try to call foo: Int, both implicits will apply.
So if we just had a way to prioritize which type class we chose, we'd be all set.
Selection of type classes (and implicits in general)
One of the secret ingredients the compiler uses to determine the right implicit to use
is inheritance. If implicits come from A via B extends A, but B
declares its own that also could apply, those in B win if all else is equal.
So we put the ones we want to win deeper in the inheritance hierarchy.
Also, since you're free to define implicits in traits, you can mix them in anywhere.
So the last piece of our puzzle is to pop our type class implicits into a chain
of traits that extend each other, with the more generic ones appearing earlier.
trait LowPriorityFooSpecializers {
implicit def specializeFooAsAny[A] = new SpecializedFooImplAny[A]
trait FooSpecializers extends LowPriorityFooSpecializers {
implicit val specializeFooAsInt = new SpecializedFooImplInt
Mix in the highest-priority trait to wherever the implicits are needed, and the
type classes will be picked as desired.
Note that the type classes will be as specialized as you make them even if the
specialized annotation is not used. So you can do without specialized at all,
as long as you know the type precisely enough, unless you want to use specialized
functions or interoperate with other specialized classes. (And you probably do.)
A complete example
Let's suppose we want to make a two-parameter specialized bippy function that
will do apply the following transformation:
bippy(a, b) -> b
bippy(a, b: Int) -> b+1
bippy(a: Int, b) -> b
bippy(a: Int, b: Int) -> a+b
We should be able to achieve this with three type classes and a single specialized
method. Let's try, first the method:
def bippy[#specialized(Int) A, #specialized(Int) B](a: A, b: B)(implicit impl: SpecBippy[A, B]) =
impl(a, b)
Then the type classes:
trait SpecBippy[#specialized(Int) A, #specialized(Int) B] {
def apply(a: A, b: B): B
final class SpecBippyAny[A, B] extends SpecBippy[A, B] {
def apply(a: A, b: B) = b
final class SpecBippyAnyInt[A] extends SpecBippy[A, Int] {
def apply(a: A, b: Int) = b + 1
final class SpecBippyIntInt extends SpecBippy[Int, Int] {
def apply(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
Then the implicits in chained traits:
trait LowerPriorityBippySpeccer {
// Trick to avoid allocation since generic case is erased anyway!
private val mySpecBippyAny = new SpecBippyAny[AnyRef, AnyRef]
implicit def specBippyAny[A, B] = mySpecBippyAny.asInstanceOf[SpecBippyAny[A, B]]
trait LowPriorityBippySpeccer extends LowerPriorityBippySpeccer {
private val mySpecBippyAnyInt = new SpecBippyAnyInt[AnyRef]
implicit def specBippyAnyInt[A] = mySpecBippyAnyInt.asInstanceOf[SpecBippyAnyInt[A]]
// Make this last one an object so we can import the contents
object BippySpeccer extends LowPriorityBippySpeccer {
implicit val specBippyIntInt = new SpecBippyIntInt
and finally we'll try it out (after pasting everything in together in :paste in the REPL):
scala> import Speccer._
import Speccer._
scala> bippy(Some(true), "cod")
res0: String = cod
scala> bippy(1, "salmon")
res1: String = salmon
scala> bippy(None, 3)
res2: Int = 4
scala> bippy(4, 5)
res3: Int = 9
It works--our custom implementations are enabled. Just to check that we can use
any type, but we don't leak into the wrong implementation:
scala> bippy(4, 5: Short)
res4: Short = 5
scala> bippy(4, 5: Double)
res5: Double = 5.0
scala> bippy(3: Byte, 2)
res6: Int = 3
And finally, to verify that we have actually avoided boxing, we'll time bippy at
summing a bunch of integers:
scala> val th = new ichi.bench.Thyme
th: ichi.bench.Thyme = ichi.bench.Thyme#1130520d
scala> val adder = (i: Int, j: Int) => i + j
adder: (Int, Int) => Int = <function2>
scala> var a = Array.fill(1024)(util.Random.nextInt)
a: Array[Int] = Array(-698116967, 2090538085, -266092213, ...
scala> th.pbenchOff(){
var i, s = 0
while (i < 1024) { s = adder(a(i), s); i += 1 }
var i, s = 0
while (i < 1024) { s = bippy(a(i), s); i += 1 }
Benchmark comparison (in 1.026 s)
Not significantly different (p ~= 0.2795)
Time ratio: 0.99424 95% CI 0.98375 - 1.00473 (n=30)
First 330.7 ns 95% CI 328.2 ns - 333.1 ns
Second 328.8 ns 95% CI 326.3 ns - 331.2 ns
So we can see that our specialized bippy-adder achieves the same kind of performance
as specialized Function2 does (about 3 adds per ns, which is about right for a modern
To write custom specialized code using the #specialized annotation,
Make the specialized class abstract and manually supply concrete implementations
Make specialized methods (including generators for a specialized class) take typeclasses that do the real work
Make the base typeclass trait #specialized and provide concrete implementations
Provide implicit vals or defs in an inheritance-hierarchy of traits so the correct one is selected
It's a lot of boilerplate, but at the end of it all you get a seamless custom-specialized experience.
This is an answer from the scala internals mailing list:
With miniboxing specialization, you can use the reflection feature:
import MbReflection._
import MbReflection.SimpleType._
import MbReflection.SimpleConv._
object Test {
def bippy[#miniboxed A, #miniboxed B](a: A, b: B): B =
(reifiedType[A], reifiedType[B]) match {
case (`int`, `int`) => ([Int] +[Int]).as[B]
case ( _ , `int`) => ([Int] + 1).as[B]
case (`int`, _ ) => b
case ( _ , _ ) => b
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
def x = 1.0
assert(bippy(3,4) == 7)
assert(bippy(x,4) == 5)
assert(bippy(3,x) == x)
assert(bippy(x,x) == x)
This way, you can choose the exact behavior of the bippy method based on the type arguments without defining any implicit classes.
I know it's quite old, but I bumped at it looking for something else and maybe it'll prove useful. I had a similar motivation, and answered it in how to check I'm inside a specialized function or class
I used a reverse lookup table - SpecializedKey is a specialized class which equals all other instances with the same specialization, so I can perform a check like this
def onlyBytes[#specialized E](arg :E) :Option[E] =
if (specializationFor[E]==specializationFor[Byte]) Some(arg)
else None
Of course, there's no performance benefit when working with individual primitive values, but with collections, especially iterators, it becomes useful.
final val AllButUnit = new Specializable.Group((Byte, Short, Int, Long, Char, Float, Double, Boolean, AnyRef))
def specializationFor[#specialized(AllButUnit) E] :ResolvedSpecialization[E] =
Specializations(new SpecializedKey[E]).asInstanceOf[ResolvedSpecialization[E]]
private val Specializations = Seq(
spec => spec.key -> spec :(SpecializedKey[_], ResolvedSpecialization[_])
private def resolve[#specialized(AllButUnit) E :ClassTag] :ResolvedSpecialization[E] =
new ResolvedSpecialization[E](new SpecializedKey[E], new Array[E](0))
class ResolvedSpecialization[#specialized(AllButUnit) E] private[SpecializedCompanion]
(val array :Array[E], val elementType :Class[E], val classTag :ClassTag[E], private[SpecializedCompanion] val key :SpecializedKey[E]) {
private[SpecializedCompanion] def this(key :SpecializedKey[E], array :Array[E]) =
this(array, array.getClass.getComponentType.asInstanceOf[Class[E]], ClassTag(array.getClass.getComponentType.asInstanceOf[Class[E]]), key)
override def toString = s"#specialized($elementType)"
override def equals(that :Any) = that match {
case r :ResolvedSpecialization[_] => r.elementType==elementType
case _ => false
override def hashCode = elementType.hashCode
private class SpecializedKey[#specialized(AllButUnit) E] {
override def equals(that :Any) = that.getClass==getClass
override def hashCode = getClass.hashCode
def className = getClass.getName
override def toString = className.substring(className.indexOf("$")+1)

Why "avoid method overloading"?

Why does Jorge Ortiz advise to avoid method overloading?
Overloading makes it a little harder to lift a method to a function:
object A {
def foo(a: Int) = 0
def foo(b: Boolean) = 0
def foo(a: Int, b: Int) = 0
val function = foo _ // fails, must use = foo(_, _) or (a: Int) => foo(a)
You cannot selectively import one of a set of overloaded methods.
There is a greater chance that ambiguity will arise when trying to apply implicit views to adapt the arguments to the parameter types:
scala> implicit def S2B(s: String) = !s.isEmpty
S2B: (s: String)Boolean
scala> implicit def S2I(s: String) = s.length
S2I: (s: String)Int
scala> object test { def foo(a: Int) = 0; def foo(b: Boolean) = 1; foo("") }
<console>:15: error: ambiguous reference to overloaded definition,
both method foo in object test of type (b: Boolean)Int
and method foo in object test of type (a: Int)Int
match argument types (java.lang.String)
object test { def foo(a: Int) = 0; def foo(b: Boolean) = 1; foo("") }
It can quietly render default parameters unusable:
object test {
def foo(a: Int) = 0;
def foo(a: Int, b: Int = 0) = 1
Individually, these reasons don't compel you to completely shun overloading. I feel like I'm missing some bigger problems.
The evidence is stacking up.
It complicates the spec
It can render implicits unsuitable for use in view bounds.
It limits you to introduce defaults for parameters on only one of the overloaded alternatives.
Because the arguments will be typed without an expected type, you can't pass anonymous function literals like '' as arguments to overloaded methods.
You can't (currently) use overloaded methods in package objects.
Applicability errors are harder to diagnose for callers of your API.
static overload resolution can rob an API of all type safety:
scala> object O { def apply[T](ts: T*) = (); def apply(f: (String => Int)) = () }
defined object O
scala> O((i: String) => f(i)) // oops, I meant to call the second overload but someone changed the return type of `f` when I wasn't looking...
The reasons that Gilad and Jason (retronym) give are all very good reasons to avoid overloading if possible. Gilad's reasons focus on why overloading is problematic in general, whereas Jason's reasons focus on why it's problematic in the context of other Scala features.
To Jason's list, I would add that overloading interacts poorly with type inference. Consider:
val x = ...
A change in the inferred type of x could alter which foo method gets called. The value of x need not change, just the inferred type of x, which could happen for all sorts of reasons.
For all of the reasons given (and a few more I'm sure I'm forgetting), I think method overloading should be used as sparingly as possible.
I think the advice is not meant for scala especially, but for OO in general (so far I know scala is supposed to be a best-of-breed between OO and functional).
Overriding is fine, it's the heart of polymorphism and is central to OO design.
Overloading on the other hand is more problematic. With method overloading it's hard to discern which method will be really invoked and it's indeed a frequently a source of confusion. There is also rarely a justification why overloading is really necessary. The problem can most of the time be solved another way and I agree that overloading is a smell.
Here is an article that explain nicely what I mean with "overloading is a source of confusion", which I think is the prime reason why it's discouraged. It's for java but I think it applies to scala as well.