How to get the type of an object in a collection of objects at runtime? - c#-3.0

In my code I get the type of an object (Party object) in a for loop and get the property info of a particular property "firstname". All the objects in the Parties[] collection return the same type so I would like to get the type outside of do while loop only once and still need to be able to get the property "firstname" from the correct party object.
Is it possible to do this way? Thanks for any help.
public List<Party> Parties { get; set; }
PropertyInfo info = null;
i = 1
foreach (Field field in TotalFields)
info = Parties[i - 1].GetType().GetProperty("firstname");
//some other code here
} while (i <= Parties.Count);

When you get the value for a property through a PropertyInfo object, you need to pass an object instance from which to fetch the value. This means that you can reuse the same PropertyInfo instance for several objects, given that they are of the same type as the PropertyInfo was created for:
// Note how we get the PropertyInfo from the Type itself, not an object
// instance of that type.
PropertyInfo propInfo = typeof(YourType).GetProperty("SomeProperty");
foreach (YourType item in SomeList)
// this assumes that YourType.SomeProperty is a string, just as an example
string value = (string)propInfo.GetValue(item, null);
// do something sensible with value
Your question is tagged as being C# 3, but for completeness it's worth mentioning that this can be made somewhat simpler in C# 4 by using dynamic:
foreach (dynamic item in SomeList)
string value = item.SomeProperty;
// do something sensible with value


Avoid lazyloader attribute

I´ve been looking for how avoid return a list without the attribute lazyLoader, I want to continue using the lazyLoader but I don´t want return the attribute when I return the whole list of my entity from my controller
I´m working with .NET core.
"lazyLoader": {},
"id": "id1"
"name": "name"
"lazyLoader": {},
"id": "id2",
"name": "name2"
You can do a select of you collection only retrieving the rest of the data.
That way your objects will not have the Navigation property at all.
db.YourCollection.Where(your condition)Select(x => new { id = , name = } );
In Entity Framework, if you have an object where one or more of its properties use lazy loading, check its runtime type name using GetType().Name. For an object of a Car class, for example, you will notice that the runtime type is actually something called CarProxy, which is a temporary in-memory type created by Entity Framework using reflection. This "fake" proxy class's base type is Car, and has all the original Car properties, but includes an extra one called LazyLoader for properties that may need it.
If you do further checking on this "fake" CarProxy type, you will also see that Assembly.IsDynamic = true, which is indicative that the class was created dynamically using reflection (see documentation):
var TheCar = DBContext.Cars.Find(1);
Console.WriteLine(TheCar.GetType().Assembly.IsDynamic.ToString()); //will echo "true"
Luckily, Newtonsoft.Json has an override on the JsonConvert.SerializeObject() method that allows us to provide a base type, so that the resulting JSON doesn't contain properties that don't exist in that type. So, to eliminate the LazyLoader property, just provide the object's BaseType as the type parameter:
var TheCar = DBContext.Cars.Find(1);
var TheJSON = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(TheCar, TheCar.GetType().BaseType);
To make sure you don't get any circular reference loops when serializing (a very high probability when using lazy loading), call the serializer with the following setting:
var TheCar = DBContext.Cars.Find(1);
var Settings = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings
ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore
var TheJSON = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(TheCar, TheCar.GetType().BaseType, Settings);
Note: This may only work on the first level deep when the serializer travels through the object. If there are yet more lazy-loading child properties of the object you provide to the serializer, the "LazyLoader" property may appear again. I haven't tested it so I can't say for sure.
I know this is old, but add
public boolean ShouldSerializeLazyLoader() { return false; }
to all the classes down the tree of the ones you want to serialize, and you will get a lazyloader free JSON.
The checked answer for this question is just working for the root object, if we have many nested lazyloaded objects, this solution will not work.
Although the answer of #Marcello-Barbiani is correct but it is not a good way to add this function to all entities we have.
The best way is create a new ContractResolver derived from DefaultContractResolver and check if property is Lazyloader then skip it as below:
public class NonLazyloaderContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
public new static readonly NonLazyloaderContractResolver Instance = new NonLazyloaderContractResolver();
protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
JsonProperty property = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);
if (property.PropertyName == "LazyLoader")
property.ShouldSerialize = i => false;
return property;
after that adding above class pass it through JsonSerializerSettings while serializing the object:
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newProduct, new JsonSerializerSettings() {
ContractResolver = new NonLazyloaderContractResolver(),
ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore,
DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore });
and finally if you are using core or core webapi add this contract as default contractresolver in startup.cs file:
.AddJsonOptions(options =>
options.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new NonLazyloaderContractResolver();
options.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;

what is the guid-like id associated with a dynamic proxy in Entity Framework?

I'm trying to figure out an exception, and wondering how the id for an Entity object is generated:
TaskInstance is the Entity here. It has the same identifier every time the exception happens. Just wondering how it works underneath.
Somehwere in EF's code base concerning proxy type generation, there is this method ...
// <summary>
// Creates an SHA256 hash of a description of all the metadata relevant to the creation of a proxy type
// for this entity type.
// </summary>
private string BuildEntityTypeHash()
using (var sha256HashAlgorithm = MetadataHelper.CreateSHA256HashAlgorithm())
var hash = sha256HashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(BuildEntityTypeDescription()));
// convert num bytes to num hex digits
var builder = new StringBuilder(hash.Length * 2);
foreach (var bite in hash)
builder.Append(bite.ToString("X2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
return builder.ToString();
... where BuildEntityTypeDescription() is a method that builds a string from the type's navigation properties, key members etc.
So, basically, the proxy type name is a hashed representation of the type's meta data, so it will always be the same string as long as the type doesn't change.

how can pass T dynamicaly in Ilist<T>?

i have a question.i have a method (Filter),i want to pass T dynamic.but it dosen`t can i do it?
public List<T> Filter<T>(string TypeOfCompare)
List<T> ReturnList2 = new List<T>();
return ReturnList2;
IList MakeListOfType(Type listType)
Type listType1 = typeof(List<>);
Type specificListType = listType.MakeGenericType(listType1);
return (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(specificListType);
Filter < ConstructGenericList(h) > ("s");
IList MakeListOfType(Type listType)
Type listType1 = typeof(List<>);
Type specificListType = listType.MakeGenericType(listType1);
return (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(specificListType);
It should be the other way round, you should call MakeGenericType on the generic type definition, not on the generic type argument. So the code becomes this:
IList MakeListOfType(Type elementType)
Type listType = typeof(List<>);
Type specificListType = listType.MakeGenericType(elementType);
return (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(specificListType);
(note that I changed the variables names to make the code clearer)
Generic parameters must have a type able to be determined at compile time (without resorting to something like functional type inference that some other languages have). So, you can't just stick a function between the angle brackets to get the type you want.
Now that I know what you're trying to do, I would suggest a different approach entirely.
You mention that you are using Entity Framework, and you are trying to use one method to get a list of different types of objects. Those objects -- like Student and Teacher -- must have something in common, though, else you would not be trying to use the same method to retrieve a list of them. For example, you may just be wanting to display a name and have an ID to use as a key.
In that case, I would suggest defining an interface that has the properties common to Student, Teacher, etc. that you actually need, then returning a list of that interface type. Within the method, you would essentially be using a variant of the factory pattern.
So, you could define an interface like:
public interface INamedPerson
int ID { get; }
string FirstName { get; }
string LastName { get; }
Make your entities implement this interface. Auto-generated entities are (typically) partial classes, so in your own, new code files (not in the auto-generated code files themselves), you would do something like:
public partial class Student : INamedPerson
public int ID
return StudentId;
public partial class Teacher : INamedPerson
public int ID
return TeacherId;
Now, you may not even need to add the ID property if you already have it. However, if the identity property in each class is different, this adapter can be one way to implement the interface you need.
Then, for the method itself, an example would be:
public List<INamedPerson> MakeListOfType(Type type)
if (type == typeof(Student))
// Get your list of students. I'll just use a made-up
// method that returns List<Student>.
return GetStudentList().Select<Student, INamedPerson>(s => (INamedPerson)s)
if (type == typeof(Teacher))
return GetTeacherList().Select<Teacher, INamedPerson>(t => (INamedPerson)t)
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type.");
Now, there are certainly ways to refine this pattern. If you have a lot of related classes, you may want to use some sort of dependency injection framework. Also, you may notice that there is a lot of duplication of code. You could instead pass a function (like GetStudentList or GetTeacherList) by doing something like
public List<INamedPerson> GetListFromFunction<T>(Func<IEnumerable<T>> theFunction) where T : INamedPerson
return theFunction().Select<T, INamedPerson>(t => (INamedPerson)t).ToList<INamedPerson>();
Of course, using this function requires, once again, the type passed in to be known at compile time. However, at some point, you're going to have to decide on a type, so maybe that is the appropriate time. Further, you can make your life a little simpler by leaving off the generic type at method call time; as long as you are passing in a function that takes no arguments and returns an IEnumerable of objects of the same type that implement INamedPerson, the compiler can figure out what to use for the generic type T.

How do I get EF to persist empty strings as NULL?

In my domain, there's no important distinction between NULL and an empty string. How do I get EF to ignore the difference between the two and always persist an empty string as NULL?
Empty string is not default value for string property so it means your code is setting empty strings somewhere. In such case it is your responsibility to handle it.
If you are using code first with POCOs you can use custom setter:
private string _myProperty;
public string MyProperty
get { return _myProperty; }
if (value == String.Empty)
_myProperty = null;
_myProperty = value;
Here is a function I placed in my DbContext subclass that replaces empty or whitespace strings with null.
I still didn't optimize it so any performance hints will be very appreciated.
private const string StringType = "String";
private const EntityState SavingState = EntityState.Added | EntityState.Modified;
public override int SaveChanges()
var objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext;
var savingEntries =
foreach (var entry in savingEntries)
var curValues = entry.CurrentValues;
var fieldMetadata = curValues.DataRecordInfo.FieldMetadata;
var stringFields = fieldMetadata.Where(f =>
f.FieldType.TypeUsage.EdmType.Name == StringType);
foreach (var stringField in stringFields)
var ordinal = stringField.Ordinal;
var curValue = curValues[ordinal] as string;
if (curValue != null && curValue.All(char.IsWhiteSpace))
curValues.SetValue(ordinal, null);
return base.SaveChanges();
Optimization considerations:
Identify a string type property by different way other than string comparison I tried to look-up some enumeration of the built-in types but didn't find
Cache string fields for types (maybe is unnecessary, will have to decompile and see what the original impl does
Order result by entity type, backup iterated entity type, if next iterated entity is same type, use previous metadata, again, if the metadata is anyway there, performance is cheaper the way it is
Limit string length for whitespace check - i.e. if a string length > x, skip checking whether its a whitespace string or not
I'm using Silverlight and the TextBoxes in the UI set all the string properties to empty strings.
I tried setting:
Text="{Binding MyStringProperty,
But it didn't help much.
That's not Entity Framework's job.
You should do it in your repository, or in the database with triggers.
Or do it at the start (e.g when the data comes in, UI, external source, etc)

Preventing a model binder from returning a list of null objects in ASP.NET MVC

I have a pretty complex object with numerous datatypes. A few datatypes are Lists (LazyLists to be exact).
In my form, I let the user enter up to, say 3 items for this list and my form input names correspond appropriately:
If the user decides to only enter one object's values, that's fine with me, but I do not want a list like this:
myObjList[0] = {Name = "joe", Email = ""}
myObjList[1] = {Name = null, Email = null}
myObjList[2] = {Name = null, Email = null}
The problem I've found is that the DefaultModelBinder will create the object first then just not bind the properties - leaving the object with null properties. In the case of a list, the UpdateCollection method doesn't seem to care, and just adds the objects while there are objects to add.
Any ideas? Is there something simple I'm missing?
This seems to work well. I bind the list normally, then I return only the items that are not equal to a new EventContact (where all the fields are null).
public class EventContactListModelBinder : IModelBinder
#region IModelBinder Members
public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
LazyList<EventContact> contacts = (LazyList<EventContact>)ModelBinders.Binders.DefaultBinder.BindModel(controllerContext, bindingContext);
var p = (from e in contacts
where !e.Equals(new EventContact())
select e).AsQueryable();
return new LazyList<EventContact>(p);
I'm still open to a more elegant solution if one exists :)