I am looking for an ebook or online tutorial for building a chat application iphone sdk / XMPP server. I am currently using the xmppframework.
Any guide or any help would be appreciated.
The xmppframework has a tutorial for iPhone: https://github.com/robbiehanson/XMPPFramework/wiki/GettingStarted_iOS
I am new to ionic and i am developing an android application using ionic 2 and Laravel. I want to integrate text, audio and video chat into this app. One solution that I found is using Cometchat. It would be really helpful if you could give some pointers about what are the services available there and how to implement this video chat feature using these services. Thank you.
nowadays the Ionic 4 Can Do Your Application And This Project With WEBRTC and make Your Chat Text message with socket.io technology,
I need to integrate the Telegram Chat on my application but I have the problems with the downloaded code.
Can someone help me with tutorial or another info?
i am supposed to work on Game Development for that i am looking for SFS (SmartFoxServer) which can be used in conjunction with Cocos2d framework, can any one please tell how i have to connect to the SFS.
There is an iPhone API for SmartFox server. The rest is up to you. Here you can download some iOS samples and here are the explanations.
I am new in iPhone app development. I have to implement the OCR in my iPhone app. Is there any free API for implementing the OCR in iPhone app? I have found ABBYY API for it but it is not free. Please suggest me regarding it.
Thanks in advance
Please see this question:
I google d a lot but i could not find a tutorial for web app if some one can provide me the with tutorial it would be a great help.
During my search i found this site http://www.iwebkit.net but could not get the idea i want is basic idea for web app with tutorial .
The website provides info about some iwebkit framework .
Thanks in advance.
Did you try apple developer site? Here's the webapp tut: http://developer.apple.com/library/safari/#documentation/AppleApplications/Conceptual/Dashcode_UserGuide/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/MakingaWebApp/MakingaWebApp.html%23//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40004692-CH18
Here is a good site with many different tutorial mobile apps and web apps...
- http://code.tutsplus.com/