Enumerators, iterators, IEnumerable - a bit confused - asp.net-mvc-2

I've read through the Iterators/Enumerators section of C# 3.0 in a Nutshell several times, but I'm still having a hard time grasping it. From their names, my initial thought is that an Iterator would iterate over a group of Enumerable objects. Am I on the right track? If so, then what about common generic collections, like a List<T>? Does List create/make use of an Iterator during some of its operations? Is T automatically Enumerable? Is there a cast? Does one even have anything to do with the other?
On a somewhat related note, while learning MVC, I've seen code like so:
public Article GetArticle(int id)
return _siteDB.Articles.SingleOrDefault(a => a.ArticleID == id);
public IEnumerable<Article> GetArticle(string title)
return _siteDB.Articles.Where(a => a.Title.StartsWith(title)).AsEnumerable<Article>();
What does having a return type of IEnumerable<T> give me?
EDIT: Okay, I think I'm beginning to get it. My confusion remains with Iterators. The book describes them as producers of Enumerators. I don't see where that actually happens with yield return. Does each yield create a new Enumerator?

The type IEnumerable gives you IEnumerable :)
It is an interface defining method GetEnumerator(), which returns IEnumerator. You can call the method as many times as you like and you always obtain new instance of IEnumerator.
The IEnumerator have property Current and methods MoveNext() and Reset() allowing the collection enumeration. The enumeration itself can be done by calling MoveNext() and reading the Current property if previous call of MoveNext() returns true.
Good example of implementation and usage is in documentation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.collections.ienumerator.aspx

From their names, my initial thought is that an Iterator would iterate over a group of Enumerable objects. Am I on the right track? If so, then what about common generic collections, like a List? Does List create/make use of an Iterator during some of its operations?
An iterator is a way to implement a method returning an IEnumerable<T> - it's really an implementation detail. Instead of having to create some custom class to enumerate through a collection, you can use an iterator to implement it, and the compiler does the hard work for you.
What does having a return type of IEnumerable give me?
This basically allows you to enumerate over the type. For example, the second method (which I would personally call GetArticles), would allow you to write:
foreach(var article in GetArticle(theTitle))
// Do something with article

Lets see if I can answer this.
So a List implements IEnumerable, and its not the T that has to implement it, anything in a list can be iterated, using a forech or for loop, for example. If you use a generic list like List, this means that what you have is a list of T where T is the object type defined by you, that means you don't have to cast it, but in the other hand you can only put objects of that same type in that list.
The code you have up there, can mean a series of thing:
1 - Any variable that implements IEnumerable will be able to hold the result of GetArticle,
List yourList = GetArticle("test");
Queue myQueue = GetArticle("test");
2 - The actual processing of the query will be delayed. If you call Count for example, after you call the method, thats when it actually get executed/resolved.
3 - Because of number 2, if you are doing that on a DB as the code suggests, then you connection has to remain open till the time where you make use of the list, otherwise you will get an exception.
I think I have answered the questions.


Swift generics: How to represent 'no type'?

I am using Google's promises library, and I would like to create promise without any type (because I don't need any).
However, I am being forced to pick some type:
let promise = Promise<SomeType>.pending()
Is there a type I could pass in place of SomeType that would essentialy mean 'no type', when I need promises just for async flow and exception catching, but I don't want to return a specific value from a function?
For example, some type whose only valid value is nil?
I have encountered this problem in multiple places, the only workaround I found so far is to always provide a non-generic alternative, but it gets really tedious and leads to duplicate code.
Types are sets of values, like Int is the set of all integer numbers, String is the set of all sequences of characters and so on.
If you consider the number of items in the set, there are some special types with 0 items and 1 items exactly, and are useful in special cases like this.
Never is the type with no values in it. No instance of a Never type can be constructed because there are no values that it can be (just like an enum with no cases). That is useful to mark situations, code flow etc as 'can't happen', for example the compiler can know that a function that returns Never, can never return. Or that a function that takes Never can never be called. A function that returns Result<Int, Never> will never fail, but is in the world of functions returning Result types. But because never can't be constructed it isn't what you want here. It would mean a Promise that can't be fulfilled.
Void is the type with exactly 1 value. It's normally spelled () on the left and Void on the right, of a function definition. The value of a void is not interesting. It's useful to make a function that returns Void because those are like what other languages call subroutines or procedures. In this case it means a Promise that can be fulfilled but not with any value. It can only be useful for its side effects, therefore.
Is it a correct solution or a workaround if we create an empty class
class Default_Class : Codable {
and use this as Promise<Default_Class>.pending

Java: help understanding the use of interfaces as a data type?

I am having trouble understanding with some of the code snippets about this part of the Java tutorial: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/interfaceAsType.html
public Object findLargest(Object object1, Object object2) {
Relatable obj1 = (Relatable)object1;
Relatable obj2 = (Relatable)object2;
if ((obj1).isLargerThan(obj2) > 0)
return object1;
return object2;
public interface Relatable {
// this (object calling isLargerThan)
// and other must be instances of
// the same class returns 1, 0, -1
// if this is greater than,
// equal to, or less than other
public int isLargerThan(Relatable other);
In the first example, why am I downcasting Object types into Relatable types? What happens if the first method doesn't include the first two statements?
Let's say I wrote a Rectangle class that implements the Relatable interface and has the "findLargest" method. If I know that I'm comparing two Rectangle objects, why not just make the first method downcast the objects into Rectangles instead?
You cast the Objects into Relatable types because otherwise you cannot use the methods declared in the Relatable interface. Since Object does not have the isLargerThan method, you would get a compiler error without casting. Honestly, in my opinion the findLargest method as shown here was not very well designed; a better illustration of the purpose of Interfaces would be to ask for Relatable objects as the parameters like so:
public Object findLargest(Relatable object1, Relatable object2) {
//implementation not shown to save space
This way, the user must pass Relatable objects, but they can pass any object whose class implements Relatable (such as Rectangle)
"If I know that I'm comparing two Rectangle objects..."True, if you know that you are comparing two Rectangle objects, there is little use for an interface, but the purpose of interfaces is to allow you to create a generic "type" of object that can be used to define common features of several different classes.For example, what if you also had a Circle class and a Square class (both of which implemented Relatable)? In this case, you do not necessarily know the exact type of object you have, but you would know that it is Relatable, so it would be best to cast to type Relatable and use the isLargerThan method in a case like this.
Interfaces define a set of methods which every class which the interface implements has to implement. The downcast is necessary to get access to these methods.
You don't know if you are comparing rectangles with this interface. You could get any Relatble passed. This is one of the cases generics come in handy.
1.In the first example, why am I down casting Object types into Relatable types? What happens if the first method doesn't include the first two statements?
Every object has some basic functionality and you want a specific object write now. You are down casting your object into a "Relatable" so you can use the "isLargerThan" method(an object wont have it since it has only basic common stuff).
If you didn't down cast, you would not pass compilation.
2.Let's say I wrote a Rectangle class that implements the Relatable interface and has the "findLargest" method. If I know that I'm comparing two Rectangle objects, why not just make the first method downcast the objects into Rectangles instead?
Since you want to create something generic.
Lets say you have a Student and a Driver. Both of them are People. You can create an interface called IPeople and make both the Student and the driver implement it.
IPeople will have a method called "getAge()" that each of them will implement.
IPeople will have all the functionality that you need for "People". That's how you create cross object functionality under the "same hat".

Is IEnumerable<object> the proper container for generic data sets?

Using Entity Framework, is IEnumerable the correct container to use to send back a generic data set? I.e. when I do not want to send back a list of the object, but just a generic a result set.
public IEnumerable<object> SelectPlayerFirstAndLastNameList()
return (from p in rlpEntities.Players select new { p.PlayerFirstName, p.PlayerLastName });
Here is the reference article, which talks about IList(inherits ICollection( and IEnumerable(Base Generic Interface for IQueryable,ICollection,List).
Here are the links which states generics & it's differences & it's usages,
Difference among IEnumerable , IQueryable, ICollection,IList, List
IEnumerable vs. ICollection vs. IQueryable vs. IList
Looking at your linq, it's about specific object & can be extended further in future. IQueryable is right fit for such scenario, as it gives client to iterate/add/remove items.
Check this link out Why use ICollection and not IEnumerable or List<T> on many-many/one-many relationships?.
It really depends on your scenario, but IEnumerable<> would be used when you need to iterate, and List<> when you need to iterate and modify or sort the data.
IEnunerable<> - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.collections.ienumerable.aspx
List<> - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6sh2ey19.aspx
You can also use generics, to pass on whatever types you are querying against, like for instance
public IEnumerable<T> SelectPlayerFirstAndLastNameList<T>()
return (IEnumerable<T>)(from p in rlpEntities.Players);
So you can pass either object, or a known defined type. To call this you would do
var x = SelectPlayerFirstAndLastNameList<YourClassHere>();
I think what you have is correct but decide for yourself whether you should use it.
From MSDN: Anonymous Types in the Remarks section:
Anonymous types are class types that derive directly from object, and
that cannot be cast to any type except object.
To pass an anonymous type, or a collection that contains anonymous
types, as an argument to a method, you can declare the parameter as
type object. However, doing this defeats the purpose of strong typing.
If you must store query results or pass them outside the method
boundary, consider using an ordinary named struct or class instead of
an anonymous type.

After raising IEnumerable.OrderBy(), the source list was not sorted,why?

1.First I defined an extension method for the IEnumerable.Add() like the code below
public static IEnumerable<T> Add<T, TKey>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable, T value, Func<T, TKey> orderBy)
if (enumerable == null)
return null;
if (enumerable is IList<T>)
var list = enumerable as IList<T>;
if (!enumerable.Contains(value))
enumerable = enumerable.OrderBy(orderBy);
2.Then,I raised the extension method like this to sort the itemlist according to the "Date" property when a new item was added to the list:
itemList.Add(item, o => o.Date);
3.After all,it appears that the "itemList" was not sorted.
4.I followed the extension method and found that "enumerable" was a new instance after "enumerable = enumerable.OrderBy(orderBy)" and it was sorted,but the "list" was not.
5.Then I tried to cast the sorted enumerable to list like "list=enumerable.ToList()",both of them("enumerable" and "list") were sorted.
6.After that ,when the call stack went back to the "itemList.Add(item, o => o.Date);",the "itemList" was not sorted at all!!!
Anyone can give me some advices?Thanks a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot!!
I believe your problem is that the reference to enumerable is being passed by value rather than by reference. See Jon Skeet's article about passing parameters by value or reference for more information about what that means. In short, C# passes a copy of the parameter's reference so assigning a new value to parameter does not change the reference of the object that was passed in. To pass a parameter by reference you specify the ref keyword, but I don't think that will work with an extension method. If you're dead set on making this work I would suggest inserting the items into your List in sorted order, probably requiring that T implement IComparable.
First off, see the Skeet's article it's really quite informative and I will probably only be half as clear as he is. Second, when you pass an object as a parameter to a method you are passing a copy of the reference. This means you can still access members of the object but, the same way that a value type is passed by copy, if you modify the reference (ie assign it a new value) you wont modify the original reference. Specifying ref means that you are passing a reference to the reference and changing the reference (assigning a value to it) will affect the original object.
Neither OrderBy or ToList will affect the source list. When you did this: list=enumerable.ToList() you changed your variable to point to a whole new list instance.
It appears to me that this method does too much. I would keep adding and sorting as separate operations. The fact that this extends IEnumerable but silently does nothing if the target is not an IList is a code smell.

Serializing data using IEnumerable<T> with WebGet

possible duplicate:
Cannot serialize parameter of type ‘System.Linq.Enumerable… ’ when using WCF, LINQ, JSON
If my method signiature looks like this, it works fine.
MyClass[] WebMethod()
If the signiature looks like this
IEnumerable<T> WebMethod()
I get the following error:
Cannot serialize parameter of type 'X.Y.Z.T+<WebMethod>d__2c' (for operation 'WebMethod', contract 'IService') because it is not the exact type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[X.Y.Z.T]' in the method signature and is not in the known types collection. In order to serialize the parameter, add the type to the known types collection for the operation using ServiceKnownTypeAttribute.
I have tried adding.
Same error.
Is this a bug in 2010 beta 2, or is this likely to be correct going forward?
The iterator types generated by the C# compiler are not serializable and never will be.
If you read this page, you'll see that it wouldn't make sense to serialize the iterator.
You need to return an array.
EDIT: The simplest way to do that is to move your iterator to a seperate method, and change WebMethod to
MyClass[] WebMethod() { return OtherMethod().ToArray(); }
I've run into the same issue, and in my case it's simply not possible to change my entire object graph from iterator-based IEnumerable to concrete types. I simply cannot afford the memory to convert over to concrete types like List or Array. Additionally, what about the case where I return an IEnumerable of some object that has an IEnumerable property. It is unacceptable that I have to recurse my entire object graph converting all IEnumerables.
I don't see any good reason why the DataContractSerializer can't iterate any IEnumerable type and render its elements to XML in the same manner as any other collection type, even if the IEnumerable doesn't have a concrete backing type.
This is a bug which should be fixed.