Can the C preprocessor perform simple string manipulation? - macros

This is C macro weirdness question.
Is it possible to write a macro that takes string constant X ("...") as argument and evaluates to sting Y of same length such that each character of Y is [constant] arithmetic expression of corresponding character of X.
This is not possible, right ?

No, the C preprocessor considers string literals to be a single token and therefore it cannot perform any such manipulation.
What you are asking for should be done in actual C code. If you are worried about runtime performance and wish to delegate this fixed task at compile time, modern optimising compilers should successfully deal with code like this - they can unroll any loops and pre-compute any fixed expressions, while taking code size and CPU cache use patterns into account, which the preprocessor has no idea about.
On the other hand, you may want your code to include such a modified string literal, but do not want or need the original - e.g. you want to have obfuscated text that your program will decode and you do not want to have the original strings in your executable. In that case, you can use some build-system scripting to do that by, for example, using another C program to produce the modified strings and defining them as macros in the C compiler command line for your actual program.

As already said by others, the preprocessor sees entire strings as tokens. There is only one exception the _Pragma operator, that takes a string as argument and tokenizes its contents to pass it to a #pragma directive.
So unless your targeting a _Pragma the only way to do things in the preprocessing phases is to have them written as token sequences, manipulate them and to stringify them at the end.


At which lines in my MATLAB code a variable is accessed?

I am defining a variable in the beginning of my source code in MATLAB. Now I would like to know at which lines this variable effects something. In other words, I would like to see all lines in which that variable is read out. This wish does not only include all accesses in the current function, but also possible accesses in sub-functions that use this variable as an input argument. In this way, I can see in a quick way where my change of this variable takes any influence.
Is there any possibility to do so in MATLAB? A graphical marking of the corresponding lines would be nice but a command line output might be even more practical.
You may always use "Find Files" to search for a certain keyword or expression. In my R2012a/Windows version is in Edit > Find Files..., with the keyboard shortcut [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [F].
The result will be a list of lines where the searched string is found, in all the files found in the specified folder. Please check out the options in the search dialog for more details and flexibility.
Later edit: thanks to #zinjaai, I noticed that #tc88 required that this tool should track the effect of the name of the variable inside the functions/subfunctions. I think this is:
very difficult to achieve. The problem of running trough all the possible values and branching on every possible conditional expression is... well is hard. I think is halting-problem-hard.
in 90% of the case the assumption that the output of a function is influenced by the input is true. But the input and the output are part of the same statement (assigning the result of a function) so looking for where the variable is used as argument should suffice to identify what output variables are affected..
There are perverse cases where functions will alter arguments that are handle-type (because the argument is not copied, but referenced). This side-effect will break the assumption 2, and is one of the main reasons why 1. Outlining the cases when these side effects take place is again, hard, and is better to assume that all of them are modified.
Some other cases are inherently undecidable, because they don't depend on the computer states, but on the state of the "outside world". Example: suppose one calls uigetfile. The function returns a char type when the user selects a file, and a double type for the case when the user chooses not to select a file. Obviously the two cases will be treated differently. How could you know which variables are created/modified before the user deciding?
In conclusion: I think that human intuition, plus the MATLAB Debugger (for run time), and the Find Files (for quick search where a variable is used) and depfun (for quick identification of function dependence) is way cheaper. But I would like to be wrong. :-)

How to read a simple expression in Fortran?

In the Fortran program, is it possible to read an expression including the variables ?
For example, the input file is (if necessary, we can change the input form of the expression,e.g.,the binary form),
It should be noted that the input expression has a very simple form and it only contains integer or fraction or some variables,like the following in the list,
Here 2a means 2*a
The Fortran program is
Program test
implicit none
! open file and read the input expression
! that is, exp=2*(a-4*b)
write(*,*) exp ! we can get exp=-4.0
end program
For the complicated expressions, it is obviously not a good idea for Fortran. I just want to know, in this simple input expression case, is it possible to find a better way ?
A site with tests of three expression evaluators in Fortran is . Only the link to the "Brazilian" one works.
There is also a Sourceforge project fparser .
Fortran cannot do this unless you write code that can parse the arbitrary expression, substitute and solve, which is a bit of work (see the comment below for details). Fortran is compiled and there is no way to load source on the fly, compile and run it, which is essentially what you are asking. You might look into a language such as Lisp where doing this is should be somewhat trivial. Likewise any scripted language will have facilities to evaluate code, which can do what you are asking.

what is the difference between 'define as' to 'define as computed' in specman?

The difference between the two is not so clear from the Cadence documentation.
Could someone please elaborate on the difference between the two?
A define as macro is just a plain old macro that you probably know from other programming languages. It just means that at some select locations in the macro code you can substitute your own code.
A define as computed macro allows you to construct your output code programmatically, by using control flow statements (if, for, etc.). It acts kind of like a function that returns a string, with the return value being the code that will be inserted in its place by the pre-processor.
With both define as and define as computed macros you define a new syntactic construct of a given syntactic category (for example, <statement> or <action>), and you implement the replacement code that replaces a construct matching the macro match expression (or pattern).
In both cases the macro match expression can have syntactic arguments that are used inside the replacement code and are substituted with the actual code strings used in the matched code.
The difference is that with a define as macro the replacement code is just written in the macro body.
With a define as computed macro you write a procedural code that computes the desired replacement code text and returns it as a string. It's effectively a method that returns string, you can even use the result keyword to assign the resulting string, just like in any e method.
A define as computed macro is useful when the replacement code is not fixed, and can be different depending on the exact macro argument values or even semantic context (for example, in some cases a reflection query can be used to decide on the exact replacement code).
(But it's important to remember that even define as computed macros are executed during compilation and not at run time, so they cannot query actual run time values of fields or variables to decide on the resulting replacement code).
Here are some important differences between the two macro kinds.
A define as macro is more readable and usually easier to write. You just write down the code that you want to be created.
Define as computed macros are stronger. Everything that can be implemented with define as, can also be implemented with define as computed, but not vice versa. When the replacement code is not fixed, define as is not sufficient.
A define as macro can be used immediately after its definition. If the construct it introduces is used in the statement just following the macro, it will already be matched. A define as computed macro can only be used in the next file, and is not usable in the same file in which the macro is defined.

What is the equivalent of Matlab's default display function which outputs to a file instead of stdout?

I apologize if this question is badly named, but let me explain through a simple analogy to Java. Please note, this question is about Matlab, not Java.
In Java, the standard way to write to the stdout stream is to say System.out.println.
If we want to print this exact output to a file, we can create a PrintStream object myPrinter, point it at a file, and replace the call to System.out.println with the call to myPrinter.println.
System.out.println("Hello World");
PrintStream myPrinter = new PrintStream(new File("MyJournal.log"));
myPrinter.println("Hello Log");
In Matlab, one standard way to write to standard out is to write an expression, variable or statement without a following semicolon. How would I rewrite my Matlab statements to get this (ascii) output into a file instead?
I would like to avoid solutions that redirect stdout to a file, because I still want some things printed to the console.
Additionally, I do not want to have to specify the type of the object that is being written to file, because the standard way does not require type specification.
Update: In particular, as far as I know, the printf family of functions requires type specification (different format string depending on the type of object). I am trying to avoid this because I seek a more generic solution.
What you want to do is find a generic string conversion that looks like display(), use that to build your output as strings, and then you can pass it to fprintf() or other normal output functions.
The Matlab output produced by omitting the semicolon is done by calling display() on the result of the expression. Matlab provides a display implementation for all the builtin types and a fallback implementation for user-supplied objects. The disp() function displays the value in the same way, but omits the variable name.
This is basically the equivalent of Java's toString function which is getting called behind the scenes when you print arbitrary objects to a PrintStream. The display functionality is mostly not in PrintStream itself, but in the polymorphic toString method that knows how to convert objects to display strings. The difference is that Java toString returns a String data value, which is easy to work with programmatically and compose with other operations, so you can manipulate it send it where you want, but Matlab's display and disp always output to stdout instead of giving you a string back.
What you want is probably something that will give you display-style output as a string, and then you can output it where you want, using fprintf() or another string output function.
One easy approach is to use evalc() to just call display and capture the output. The evalc function lets you run arbitrary Matlab code, and capture the output that would have gone to stdout to a char variable instead. You can make a generic conversion function and apply it to any values you want.
function out = tostr(x)
out = evalc('disp(x)');
The other option is to define a new dispstr() function, write it to convert Matlab built-in types (maybe using the evalc technique), and override dispstr in the objects you write, and call it polymorphically. More work, but it could end up being cleaner and faster, because evalc is slow and sometimes fragile. Also have a look at mat2str for ideas on an alternate output mechanism.
Then you'd be able to output values generically, without specifying the type, with calls like this. Note that in the second form, the placeholders are all just %s regardless of the type of object.
function displaySomeArbitraryDataValues(fh, foo, bar, baz)
% fh is a file handle previously opened with fopen()
fprintf(fh, 'foo=%s, bar=%s and baz=%s', tostr(foo), tostr(baz), tostr(qux))
Matlab does not have an formatted output function that automatically calls a display conversion, so you'll have to call the conversions explicitly in a lot of cases, so it'll be a little more wordy than Java. (Unless you want to go all out and write your own polymorphic auto-converting output functions or string wrapper objects.) If you want to use placeholders, it's easy enough by forcing all the args to be converted.
function out = sprintf2(format, varargin)
%SPRINTF2 A sprintf equivalent with polymorphic input conversion
% Use '%s' placeholders for everything in format, regardless of arg type
args = varargin;
strs = {}
for i = 1:numel(args)
strs{i} = tostr(args{i});
out = sprintf(format, strs{:});
If you want to get fancy, you could do mixed printf conversions by parsing the printf format argument yourself, defining a new placeholder like %y that calls your tostr() on the argument and then prints that string (probably by replacing the placeholder with %s and the argument with the tostr() result), and passes all the normal placeholders along to printf with un-converted arguments. This is kind of difficult to implement and can be computationally expensive, though.
You could make it behave more like Java by providing char conversions that convert object values to display strings, but that's inconsistent with how Matlab's existing numeric to char conversions work, so it wouldn't be fully generic, and you would run in to some odd edge cases, so I wouldn't recommend that. You could do a safer form of this by defining a new #string class that wraps char strings, but does implicit conversions by calling your tostr() instead of char(). This could be a big performance hit, though, because Matlab OOP objects are substantially slower than operations with built-in types and plain functions.
For background: basically, the reason you need to pass explicit conversions to fprintf in Matlab, but you don't need to with the PrintStream stuff in Java is that fprintf is inherited from C, which did not have run time type detection, especially of varargs, in the language. Matlab does, so fprintf is more limited than it needs to be. However, what fprintf does give you is fine-grained control over the formatting of numeric values and a concise calling form. These are useful, as evidenced by how Java programmers complained for years about not having them in Java and eventually got them added. It's just that Matlab sticks to the C-supported fprintf conversions, where they could easily add a couple new generic conversions that examine the type of the input at runtime and give you the generic output support you want.

ANTLR, C-styled macro definitions

What is the easiest (or the best) way to implement macro definitions in ANTLR?
What I want is a mechanism similar to the one that is present in C/C++ language:
#define FUNCTION(a, b) a+b
#define PI 3.1415
How and when should I perform replacement?
If you are doing a pre-processor in the style of C, then you will want to do a separate first pass for pre-processing (which is what this term means - a processing pass before your standard lex/parse pass).
Exactly how you want to do the pass is up to you - you can pass your input text to one grammar in antlr, take the result and hand that off to another grammar, etc.
Or you can create separate programs, which are able to take input on stdin and output to stdout, or pass text between pipes, etc.
Once you have that worked out, its a simple matter of looking for your keywords. Check every token that you see against your table of #defines, and if it matches, replace it with the definition that you have. You will also have to be able to parse function parameters, but that shouldn't add too much effort.