view not found? in mvc2 -

i've a Welcome.aspx in my Customer( Views )folder. but when i redirect the view from my c# coding it finds the below error message.
Server Error in '/' Application.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /Customer/Welcome
what would be the reason for the error?

Can you provide code how you call the view? If you are using
return View();
then you should provide just a name of view:
return View("Welcome");

adding to what #dampe said... if you are just doing a "Get" request, you will also need an
Index() ActionResult in your controller for your "Welcome" View. Your code would be similar to:
public ActionResult Index()
return View();


Laravel Backpack Fetch Route missing

In my crudcontroller I have added
use \Backpack\CRUD\app\Http\Controllers\Operations\FetchOperation;
public function fetchTag()
return $this->fetch(\App\Tag::class);
But keep getting an error in console saying 405 Method not allowed for this POST route. I believe Backpack is to add the route automatically but the route is not found. Where/How do I add the route for a fetch (following the docs for inline-create)?

How to configure resetpassword

I am using IdentityServer3 for authentication. Users are stored using AspnetIdentity framework. I wanted to provide reset password functionality to users. I want to provide this functionality in IdentityServer hosting application. I have gone through several posts here here here and this what I have done so far:
1>I have created custom user service derived from AspNetIdentityUserService.
2>Created resetpassword.html and put it in template folder. (documentation)
3>It's not necessary to create a CustomViewService, so I added LoginPageLink in AuthenticationOptions and now the link is available on login page.
4>Created ResetPasswordController
public class ResetPasswordController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public ActionResult ResetPassword(string username)
// call customservice here and reset password
return View();
when i click on the resetpassword link, i get error
The view 'Index' or its master was not found or no view engine
supports the searched locations. The following locations were
searched: ~/Views/resetpassword/Index.aspx
~/Views/resetpassword/Index.ascx ~/Views/Shared/Index.aspx
~/Views/Shared/Index.ascx ~/Views/resetpassword/Index.cshtml
~/Views/resetpassword/Index.vbhtml ~/Views/Shared/Index.cshtml
I know why the error is, its because we don't have corresponding view in Views folder where MVC framework in looking for. My view resetpassword.html is in template folder. And that's the confusion. Identity server is using Angular to build its views.
If I decide to use angular then
1>How do I create and pass model to resetpassword.html.
2>How do I wire-up my CustomUserService to controller.
If I use ASP.NET MVC then
1>I need to add resetpassword.cshtml in Views folder and also a new Layout.cshtml in shared folder.
2>Doing so MVC scafolding will add bootstrap resources (css,js, jquery). The version may not match with IdentityServer's embedded resources.
I am comfortable coding ASP.NET MVC but worried adding bootstrap resources twice in the solution.
What is the best and easy approach here. Any sample example will be greatly appreciated.

What event to hook to redirect on 404 errors? Symfony 1.4

I am using symfony 1.4.
I need to redirect certain urls when 404 error occurs.
Let's say user is looking for a url and it doesn't exist I want to check if this url is set for redirect.
If url is set to be redirected I would like to redirect it to that url.
QUESTION: Which event should I hook into to get info about the requested url, that got redirected to 404 error page ?
P.S We only want to check for redirection if page doesn't exist. We do not want to run "the check" for every request, only when page not found!
thanks a lot!
Symfony fire an event each time a page is not found: controller.page_not_found.
You can find it in the documentation:
You can retrieve the url in the method that listen to this event by calling the context. With something like that:
$context = sfContext::hasInstance() ? sfContext::getInstance() : null;
if(null !== $context)
$requested_url = $context->getRequest()->getUri();
You can give a closer look to the plugin sfErrorNotifierPlugin, it catches exception and 404 error and send an email for a report. Look at how they handle 404 error.
I don't know where to hook exactly inside the execution stack, but I know the general cleaner way through routing. If you are doing routing without still having in code the default routing rule (which you shouldn't by practice since), then it would be as simple as the following in your app routing.yml (at the end):
url: /*
param: { module: yourModule, action: handleNotFound }

Use RESTful URLs in a non-MVC site

I started the site using AST.NET Razor template, not ASP.NET MVC template.
I recall seeing somewhere on the Internet that even without MVC, it's possible to use RESTFul URLs in the razor-based ASP.NET site. It appears to work without the CHTML extension names right out of the box -- automatically redirects to
But, what if I used, how would I get to the "2" inside the View without using MVC? I really hope that's something already baked in.
Found it -- it's in UrlData
section "How Routing Works"
Look at the WebGet Attribute. It has a UriTemplate.
public JsonResult Get(int Id)

Application doesn't read action result method in MVC3

We are using MVC3 and we are trying to create a method in a Controller named UserSesionManager. This method is called from
#using (Html.BeginForm("GetStatTypesDistribution", "UserSesionManager", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
In the UserSesionmanager Controller we have:
public ActionResult GetStatTypesDistribution(FormCollection form)
However when we call it we get this error:
Server Error in '/' Application.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /UserSesionManager/GetStatTypesDistribution
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.1
Also, whe I add a breakpoint it says that the sourcecode is different form the original version. I follow the instructions of right clicking on location but, the error still exists.
Why is this happening, and how can we fix this?
Thanks a lot!
Make sure that the controller is named UserSesionManagerController and not only UserSesionManager:
public class UserSesionManagerController: Controller
public ActionResult GetStatTypesDistribution(FormCollection form)
Also make sure that you have a default route in global.asax:
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
Rebuild your solution. Stop the web server you are using for debugging and check to ensure if you are using the built in web server (Cassini) it's not running in the system tray.
F5 in visual studio to debug. If you still get the error load up the modules window from debug menu then modules. Find your code listed in there an look where it's loaded from.
If it's still an issue delete the apps folder from the temporary files folder and try debugging again but the modules window should give some info.