Free -vs- Purchase App for iPad/iPhone question - iphone

I need some help/clarification on how the paid vs free works. I have an App and I have a free version with ads. When the user purchases I want to disable the ads... that's no problem. But, how do I know they purchased? When the user goes to the App store, to purchase do I get an e-mail, or anything that I can key off of? I do not want to have two versions and if I do, how does Apple evaluate both? I am ready to submit the App, but I am confused on how I transition from free to paid.
I hope this makes sense and someone can clarify the process for me.

You could use inApp purchase or compile a different version that will have a price and sell it separately.

#Helge is right. You can do it either through In-App purchase or a separate app version.
If you want to knw about In-App purchase pls go through this Tutorial


iTunesConnect: How to gracefully change a paid app to a free app with in-app-purchase?

I developed an app that charges user €3 for the download. But the sale number is way too low.
Currently I hope to change the sale model to a free-trial with in-app-purchase one. The problem is how to compensate the users who already purchased it? I prefer to upgrade all the paid users with all the in-app-purchases automatically.
Does anyone has such experience to share? Thanks!
It really depends of your mobile service structure but assuming you do not have a backend with user information stored it gets a bit more complicated.
One solution would be , in the release with In App Purchases to check if the user upgrades or if it is a fresh install. A reasonable solution can be found here
If is a fresh install simply unlock the feature that would have been unlocked by the in app purchase (you cannot offer an In App purchase).

Single magazine issues with In-App Purchase

I have some doubts about Newsstand/In-App Purchase that I really can not figure out. I'll try to be concise.
Scenario: magazine app that must offer the user the option to buy (in addition to subscriptions) a single issue. The issues will be released weekly, so even after the publication of the app.
My doubts (operational rather than technical) are related to how to deal with in-app purchases when the app has already been approved. How to manage the publication of future issues?
I thought it was enough to upload the new issues on my web service and then create a new product in the "In-App Purchase" section of iTunes Connect (because Apple says that individual magazine issues are non-consumable items), but how long will it take before the issue is on sale?
If in-app purchases (inserted after the app has already been approved) are subject to approval, it's almost impossible to meet deadlines of weekly publications...
How do apps (like Wired or various newspapers) sell individual issues?
Thank you in advance
Sorry if i'm not understanding you question but you want to know how to release new issues of your magazine?
This might help:
Sorry if im wrong
EDit: also if you need help with the app itself apple created a video here
Anticipating future IAP products to make them approve, and activating them at the right time

in app purchasing submission process iphone

I am trying to submit my first iPhone app that has in-app purchasing features. Needless to say, I have been banging my head against the wall for a while. I have read through several tutorials, such as: and but it seems these are outdated? For instance, I can't find where the developer is to reject the submission on iTunes connect.
Additionally, I am submitting the app the in-app purchase features included in the bundle(I don't have them stored on the server- I just want to unlock the code when the user purchases the feature). What is the best way to do this?
Some of the information in the linked tutorials is in fact outdated: I could create in app items in iTunes connect without having to submit (and reject) a binary first. Just be sure NOT to submit your items for review while you are testing. Also changes to the items (e.g. price tier) have been processed almost immediately and I did not had to wait 24 hours.
To unlock your feature, you may use storing and retrieving the purchased status in NSUserDefaults . But this could easily be tempered with by users with jailbreak or acces to the apps folder. Have a look at . This offers a simple way to store data in the keychain. Still this will not prevent someone to 'hack' your app and enable the purchased feature without actual purchase, but it's not that easy...
In-App Purchase development is definitely a pain point in iOS development - their sandboxing model for this is ridiculous.
Needless to say - the articles you're reading are still up to date. The developer reject is definitely the way to go (I think can do from within the binary details). One thing to remember is that you need to have accepted the appropriate contracts and tax schedules also - if you haven't then the store "just doesn't work".
One thing that caught me: when you submit your final version of the app - make sure you tick the in-app purchases to be included; else the in-app purchases won't be reviewed (and accepted)!
Update: Although it's pretty long... you may want to flick through this:
Explains how to developer reject etc.

Does Apple charge the publisher for distributing his gratis app in the App Store?

This might be a dumb question but I have not find the answer when googling it. I think the answer is "no" but like to have it confirmed. I know Apple gets a share for each App sold in the App Store. But are they earning when the App is for free?
To make the question more clear. Suppose I develop a iPhone App and want to distribute that app gratis (for free) through the Apple App Store. So I wonder whether Apple charges me something for each downloaded App?
No, Apple does not charge to distribute free apps.
You do still need to pay for a developer account, but after that there is no charge for free apps.
As others have already said, no, Apple does not charge you apart from the fee for the Developer Account.
They are making their money through the 30% share they keep for selling the paid apps. The free apps do not make immediate money for them but are still valuable for Apple as they make the App Store more attractive (do you like to go to a shop that has only few goods in the window ?). This keeps the users check out the App Store more frequently than it would with only paid apps, and sometimes they also buy something even though they didn't visit the App Store with that intention.
They don't charge you per app downloaded.
They get their share of money by you paying the $/£xx developer license each year & having to purchase the appropriate hardware to develop and test on ;)
They only take money if you make money through a user purchasing your app. If they buy a free app, they take 30% of nothing. So you can make money through an Ad supported app without having Apple take a cut (But this makes it feel/look cluttered and annoying).
As said already. Apple doesn't charge for distribution. They do however charge you for a developers account. At this moment the cost is $99 dollars.
Click here for a link to see that.

Updating a free App requires paying if the update is not free?

I have a free App that I am about to update. After the update it will not be free anymore.
People who got my App while it was free - will they have to pay in order to get the new paid version?
No, only initial app installation can be paid - all updates are free. The possible option to introduce paying in your app is to use in-app purchase functionality.
As long as it's the same app (not published as a separate one) then I believe it will still be free. iTunes will still consider those people to own the app, so changing the price wouldn't affect them.