PostgreSQL client -- How To Start It? - postgresql

I just installed PostgreSQL-8.4 on Ubuntu. How do I start it / its GUI, connect to a database etc? I know SQL, but can't find PostgreSQL's icon in my Ubuntu 10.04 desktop (hence, am not sure how to start it).

Postgresql has no built in gui.
to check if it is running run the following from a terminal
ps aux | grep postgres
You can use psql to access from the command line.
to install psql
aptitude install postgresql-client
then to run
psql -h dbhost -U username dbname
If you want a gui intall package pgadmin
aptitude install pgadmin3

I start postgres prompt by using the following command:
sudo -u postgres psql
I use Ubuntu 14.04

If you're a Mac user, try running this
postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres
then do

you may start by firing up a graphical client. In a terminal type : pgadmin3
You will be presented with the pgAdmin III interface. Click on the "Add a connection to a server" button (top left). In the new dialog, enter the address, a description of the server, the default database ("mydb" in the example above), your username ("postgres") and your password.
With this GUI you may start creating and managing databases, query the database, execute SQl etc.
check out -


Forgot Password for PostgreSQL 13 db on Mac

I am new to PostgreSQL and before I start learning got stuck in the password;
I have forgotten my password to PostgresSQL 13 path when I use pdAdmin tool.
I use mac. Apologies for basic questions.
I went through multiple articles, videos but I am unable to through different steps.
Steps I did:
Downloaded PostgreSQL 13, logged into pgAdmin, forgot password to PostgreSQL 13 db
Found the "pg_hba.conf" and edited the method from "md5" to "trust"
Steps I am unable to proceed and stuck:
Restart the postgresql service (where and how do I do this? via launching Terminal?)
Start psql session as postgres (how to launch? I searched the psql via search. When I entered "psql -U postgres", its asking for "Database" and "Port (5432)" and "Username". I am unaware to find these"
This is where I am unable to go to next step to use ALTER USER command to reset.
I went through this but when I enter the command "sudo -u user_name psql db_name", its asking for all information above which I don't have knowledge yet. Same as above points where I am getting stuck.
Many thanks in advance.
If you installed Postgres using brew (That's most common case)..
To access postgres
# psql postgres
postgres is the database name, and after this you will be logged into psql and will see postgres db. You can switch to your database as -
\c <your-db-name-here>
To start/stop/restart
brew services start postgresql
brew services stop postgresql
brew services restart postgresql
If you did not install using brew and want to do so -
brew install postgres

pgAdmin4 + WSL2: can't see dbs created with other client

I have followed the steps from here. I successfuly installed both postgres#12.8 in WSL2 and PGAdmin4 on Windows.
Once I start service in WSL and create a server connection in pgAdmin I am not able to see any databases create from the pgAdmin GUI or neither from psql client.
I tried to:
set env variable PGHOST to localhost
editing postgresql.conf to listen_addresses = 'localhost'
connecting pgAdmin server by localhost name and by IP
nothing works..
I just ran into the same issue.
If you try to access your DB installed with pgAdmin from WSL 2, make sure you didnt install postgreSQL from Windows, as sudo service postgresql start from WSL will also start the only postgresql service you need.
Basically, it means you need to install postgresql ( sudo apt-get install postgresql) and start it FROM WSL, and then just open pgAdmin from Windows. Do NOT install postgresql directly on Windows as then your pgAdmin might create your DBs into the postgresql service started in Windows and not from the one started from WSL.
Make also sure that pgAdmin is installed for the same user that your WSL 2 uses, if you use it from VSCode for example. Otherwise, for the same reason, your WSL may not be able to find the corresponding DB.
Note that you can list the DB existing on a specific port by running psql -p 5432 -l from WSL ( change 5432 by the port you want to use ).

Cannot install postgres with brew. Get "FATAL: role "postgres" does not exist" no matter what command I try

I've tried to install postgres 13.1 on my Mac using homebrew. (Also tried versions 11 & 12 which at one time were installed on this Mac, but encountering same error with those versions now). Am using notes I took from previous installs & of course google/stackoverflow. Tried many things/many times, but always, if I run psql, createuser, createdb (any postgres command), it responds with:
FATAL: role "postgres" does not exist
Also tried just creating a postgres user on my Mac to run install from that account; no luck.
Also tried postgresql install from the site. That worked, but seems klunky & seems to rely on .sh scripts. Interestingly, got the 'role postgres does not exist' error after the edb install too, but noticed if I just entered 'postgres' twice on the command line it worked. Example:
/Library/PostgreSQL/13/bin/psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres postgres
This trick doesn't work tho with the brew install.
Understand I need to create the postgres role, but I can't find a command to do this that doesn't complain that the role doesn't already exist.
Any help would be so so appreciated!
Most sites documenting postgres install with homebrew said to use commands like:
psql postgres
createuser postgres
Those didn't work for me, but this did:
psql -d postgres -U <myUserName>
Attaching a screenshot to try to summarize the install experience & what worked:
Can you try:
and then:
This document solved it for me:
The gist: run createuser -s postgres -U <os-username>

PostgreSQL: Can't log into Postgres - sudo broken?

Hey so after I ran into somes issues I decided to uninstall Postgres and re-install it (re install a newer version btw).
I'm trying to access postgres to create a new db for my Rails app so I run su postgresor su _postgres then I am asked a password but nothing that I enter works.
So I tried sudo -u postgres psql and got
sudo: unknown user: postgres
sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin
I tried also to disable SIP (see: here)
but it didn't work either. same results.
I don't know what to do. Any idea ? I am using Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.6.
Thanks to #gordon Davidson and #wildplasser 's help, I found the solution:
sudo -u myusername psql postgres
I had this same challenge when trying to access a PostgreSQL database.
When I run the command below:
sudo -u postgres psql
I get the error below:
sudo: unknown user: postgres
sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin
The issue was that I did not have the PostgreSQL database server installed on the server. The server only had a MySQL database server set up on it.
That's all.
I hope this helps
From your EC2 node issue the following command to test if database is reachable.
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/psql -U YourExistingUsername -d template1 -h AWS-RDS-POSTGRES-ENDPOINT

PostgreSQL installation done but commands are no working

I have installed PostgreSQL on my CentOS 6.5
I have installed the same with
Now Postgres is running on 5432 that I have checked with
netstat -ant|grep 5432
but when I run a command like postgres or psql
I am getting error that
command not found
Please find attached image of the same.
Are you sure you want to be doing this as the root user and not as the postgres user?
If you login as the postgres user you'll have the right path and "psql" will connect as the postgres user.
Alternatively, you could say "psql -U postgres" and then when you're prompted for a password, the one that you selected at install time should work.