How to create a Facebook App with "Like it" confirmation? - facebook

i'm a totally newbie in Facebook App coding and i would like to creat a simple app that give the main content only after a "Like it" confirmation?
The example:
(You only see the download links after "Like it")
Where i can find a how-to for that?
Thanks in advise, reevex

Actually, it is possible. Facebook recently introduced the „Signed Request” parameter which can be used to obtain what you need. After you decode this parameter you will have a JSON object. One of its field is called page. This is another JSON object containing among other params the liked boolean if the user has liked the page. This is only available if your app is an iframe loaded in a Page tab.
Based on this boolean value you can choose which content to display to the user.
Good luck!


Check if visitor of my website likes a facebook page

I am in the process of making a band website. I have a download of a song but I want it only to be available to the user if they have liked the bands Facebook page. I am aware there are similar questions to this already on here. I have tried some of them and they don't work, also none of them are very clear. Thank you for your help.
There are more than enough results which answer your question, for example Create Like-Gate for page
The most simple way to create this is using a Page Tab app ( and parsing the signed_request ( Facebook is sending when the page Tab is accessed.
The page object within the signed_request contains a field called liked which indicates whether the actual user liked the Page or not.

Share image including some attributes (e.g. description) on Facebook over web without app validation hassle

I want to share an image from a website on Facebook and pass some attributes (e.g. a description) to the status update, all done by clicking on a link.
A few months ago this worked fine using the sharer.php but by now this script just accepts a URL as parameter and scrapes the target site for Open Graph meta tags. This new approach isn't very helpfull if you just want to share elements on a page instead of the whole page.
Yeah, I could create an app and use the feed dialog to achieve my goal. But I honestly don't want to walk through the tedious app validation process just to share an image with some additional info!
So, does anyone know of a way to avoid this app hassle? Perhaps some undocumented parameters for the new implementation of the sharer.php?
There's no need for app validation - as #CBroe correctly stated! So the feed dialog IS an adequate solution!
Background: I assumed an app needs validation to go live. But I just didn't set up my app properly to make it available to every Facebook user.
See the comments to gloat over my stupidity. ;)

Facebook Like button inside Delphi program

I would like to add a Facebook Like button inside my software.
I know how to programmatically do the actual liking process,
but how do I check and see if a person actually has liked my page?
Edit: I'm guessing that my software also has got to communicate with an actual Facebook App
that I have to develop, and not Only with a regular facebook html source?
Have you considered dropping a TWebControl on your Delphi form, assigning a simple HTML document string to it that contains the markup needed for a Facebook like button and making it just large enough to display your facebook like button content?
The like count and user liked state would be handled automatically by the javascript dynamically loaded into the html page. The javascript written by Facebook.
Seems like a full-functionality, least-effort approach worth considering.
I don't have Facebook to test this, but try to use what is described in this blog post; try to use the following HTTP GET request and in the response (after you parse it), find the user you're looking for:
Where PAGE_ID should be your page ID and ACCESS_TOKEN your access token.
For a simple GET request you can use e.g. this code.

facebook landing page

i have one problem with facebook landing page. i created facebook landing page through static fbml app but i have one problem with like button, user must like the page before he will navigate to another page.
i want to do same functionality in my landing page,
anyone know about this please help me .
thanks inadvance......
At this point you'll probably want to go with iframe based Facebook page tabs instead, now that these have become available and fbml based apps are being phased out. Among other advantages, the signed_request parameter that Facebook sends to an iframe based tab app includes a flag that indicates whether the user is a fan of the page.
Now that iframes are the only way to create new Facebook apps and FBML is being phased out, you need a new way to do it.
When your app URL is loaded, it is passed a signed_request POST parameter. This parameter contains the information you need. However, it is packed and encoded so it requires some manipulation to get the right info out.
First, split the signed_request on the '.' character. The first part is the signature. The second part is the encoded_data
Decode the encoded_data into a JSON string using the URLBase64Decode function equivalent in your server-side programming language
The JSON object contains a node called "page". This contains a node called "liked".
If "liked" is true, the user liked the page and you display the "liked" version of your app. If false, show the "Please like me" version of the site.
The FBML way will continue to work the way you have it live right now, but for anyone building a new Facebook app, this is the way to do.

Facebook "Like" to see canvas page

Ive seen this on a lot of facebook sites. I was wondering how to setup a welcome page and when the person likes that certain page they are then able to see more information about the page.
ie: under the welcome tab.
Also a related facebook question. Does anyone know how the slide show at the bottom is created in fbml?
<fb:fbml version="1.1">
Welcome, fans!
blah blah blah...
who knew it was that easy :P
Now that iframes are the only way to create new Facebook apps and FBML is being phased out, you need a new way to do it.
When your app URL is loaded, it is passed a signed_request POST parameter. This parameter contains the information you need. However, it is packed and encoded so it requires some manipulation to get the right info out.
First, split the signed_request on the '.' character. The first part is the signature. The second part is the encoded_data
Decode the encoded_data into a JSON string using the URLBase64Decode function equivalent in your server-side programming language
The JSON object contains a node called "page". This contains a node called "liked".
If "liked" is true, the user liked the page and you display the "liked" version of your app. If false, show the "Please like me" version of the site.