Tracking Download for enterprise iPhone/iPad application through itms-services - iphone

I am using itms-services to download enterprise iPhone/iPad application. We want to track who has downloaded what application when the user clicks Download button.
As prompt to Cancel/ Download is coming from itms-services not by our application, we are finding difficulties to track that download click event. Can anybody give any way out to solve this problem.

As far as I know there is no way to intercept the Cancel/Download from this IOS prompt. The only way to ensure that you know that a download has occurred would be to have the file server detect the download of the entire file. Even then, it is possible that a user could "cancel" the download near the end, or if the file was built incorrectly (i.e., profile is invalid) that the load to springboard is incomplete.
If you use a system like EASE (Enterprise App Services Environment) [], it provides this type of information based on the completion of file downloading and has reporting. EASE is free to developers using ad-hoc deployment so if you are trying to distribute apps this might be an option for you.

Can you check your web access log of .ipa? It'll give you rough idea of how many downloads.

You could write JavaScript code that:
contacts google's tracking services, and then
changes the window.location to your iTMS-services link.

Had the same problem, here is my working solution. This logs the enterprise download click to google analytics.
<!-- Users click on this install link -->
Install App
var trackOutboundLink = function (url) {
ga('send', 'event', 'Download Page', 'User Clicked Install', url, {'hitCallback': function () {
window.location.href = url;


App Store/Play Store redirection if App is not installed on ionic App

I have implemented deeplink for my ionic v1 application and also implemented universal link for same. I also checked so many links to implement App store redirection functionality.
Most of the link suggest to implement javascript code which first check device and based on ios/adnroid/window it will redirect to particular store but let say I will create that javascript code look like below
const iOS = !!navigator.platform && /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform);
if (iOS) {
window.location.href = "temp://";
but where should I put this file so when user click on deeplink it should redirect to particular this file and redirect to App Store/Play Store?
Let say I want to give my deeplink to some other server for which i don't have any access then what?
is there any other param or attribute we can set like fallback url by which when app is not installed it will automatically going to that particular link?
Any answer would be great help.
Usually it works that way:
You place a link on the website where you want to advertise your app. That link has a click tracking domain that points to your server. e.g.
Upon clicking, if the app is installed, Universal Links would ensure that the app is opened. This is done by iOS (only if you configured Universal Links correctly, see If the app is not installed, a redirect is done to your click tracking domain. This is where your Javascript logics should apply, so basically you need to reply to the request with a 302 redirect to an HTML file that contains the redirection logics (as in the example above). In that server response you can handle any fallback URL you want to use.
By the way, to make Universal Links work, anyway you had to host the AASA file, so you probably already created a server, so you can use it for the case where the app is not installed.

Share my objects using a link - ionic3

I'm imagining this situation: I have my app opened on my device. I've just created a new element (object) in my app, for example a new Film like this
film = {
title: 'Shark 3',
subtitle: 'the revenge',
date: '12-11-2019',
plot: '...'
and I've saved it in my local storage. Now I want to share it on socials (WhatsApp, Facebook...) generating a link to this object. By clicking on this link I want my app (or the app store if it is not installed) to open. In case my app is installed, it should display a page with the film's information.
Is it possible? How to do this in ionic?
The data you want to present is stored within the app and so available on every device your app is installed, I guess? Or is it data loaded from a backend?
What you want to do is called a Deep Link. This means clicking on a links opens your app and redirects the user to a specific page depending on the link.
This is possible with Ionic and the DeepLink native plugin.
But there need to be done other things outside your app to make it work. You need to register and verify your domain with Google and/or Apple.
And be aware testing this is very uncomfortable. It will only work with signed packes. So just running ionic cordova run android won't work, you will have to go the whole way creating a signed package as you need to do when you're going to publish it.
Here is a Blog article describing the functionality. - How to setup universal links/App links in Ionic app

My app is built on ionic 1 and I have followed this guide to get things working. When you click on the branch url, the app opens up fine.
Now I want to setup android app links. When I receive an email with my web app url, eg:, this should open up the app if mobile app is installed. If not user should be taken to play store/App store.
Also if the link has query params (the query params will be dynamic), this should be passed to the mobile app. eg:
Based on the path in the url, the user will be redirected to the respective page on the ionic app.
I have setup the branch sdk bower install branch-sdk. When I click on the url ( this still opens up on browser. This is how my index.html in ionic app looks like.
<script src="lib/branch-sdk/dist/build.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
console.log("Branch SDK Loading");
branch.init('key_test_ikEKvQjiZRwV1LXZ2hUlamfewwhVQ5rw', function(err, data) {
console.log("Branch SDK Loaded");
console.log("Branch SDK Err and Data ", err, data);
Any idea how to set these things up?
Alex from here:
Everything you've described should generally be working once you've done the initial integration process. If you haven't already, I'd suggest reviewing our main integration guide to make sure all the steps were completed.
If you're still having difficulty, get in touch with our Integrations team. They're fantastic!
EDIT: this is due to using Postmark for email sending. To understand why this is a problem, take a read through this blog post. It's primarily about iOS Universal Links, but App Links work almost exactly the same way.
To get this working, you'll need to turn off link tracking on Postmark.

How do I open any app from my web browser (Chrome) in Android, automatically?

I am struggling a little bit. I have a common url like
and i want Android users to get my app open if "test" is included, otherwise if they don't have the app their should be directed to the play store. I got everything implemented and it works with mozilla browser. But using chrome on Android it should be forbidden to automatically open the app if it is available!?. Now if the user enters and i recognize he is using Android and Chrome i tried the intent stuff in a script in a redirected
But the App won't open automatically. If i use a regular Link:
Take a QR code
it works. But i want to let it open automatically!
Google restricted starting intents from javascript apps, that's why it isn't working. Security reasons I guess. You should just display nice big link to let user switch to your app instead of website - or let him continue if he doesn't want to launch the app.
Forcing users into using app is bad, IMO. Splash screen suggesting to use it is okay, but don't push it.

Chrome NPAPI method for making it downloading url

I've recently got into using FireBreath for some simple task: download a clicked url. Is there a built-in method or something else with which i can add the url to Chrome's native download queue? or at least load up a Save Link As.. dialog (that would be ok too)?
You can show a save dialog by using the native OS calls to do so; for example, on the Mac you'd use NSSavePanel. That won't hand the download off to the browser though, it would just give you a user-selected filename to download to. You'd still have to do the download yourself.
NPAPI doesn't have a way to tell the browser to start a download using its UI. That would be something that would be an extension API if it existed (and what you'd want to file a request for if it didn't), not part of NPAPI.
Send the following HTTP header along with the content.
Content-Disposition: attachment
Optionally with ; filename="filename here".
If you want to download a clicked URL with FireBreath then you're not going to get a download dialog; if you need a download dialog, why are you using FireBreath?
The easiest way to get a download dialog is to set window.location to the URL you want to download and wait for the browser to pop the dialog up itself; you can do this with FireBreath or with javascript, it works the same way.