Find all references to a specific table column in Oracle (10g) [duplicate] - oracle10g

Is there a query I can run to search all packages to see if a particular table and/or column is used in the package? There are too many packages to open each one and do a find on the value(s) I'm looking for.

You can do this:
select *
from user_source
where upper(text) like upper('%SOMETEXT%');
Alternatively, SQL Developer has a built-in report to do this under:
View > Reports > Data Dictionary Reports > PLSQL > Search Source Code
The 11G docs for USER_SOURCE are here

you can use the views *_DEPENDENCIES, for example:
FROM dba_dependencies
WHERE referenced_owner = :table_owner
AND referenced_name = :table_name

Sometimes the column you are looking for may be part of the name of many other things that you are not interested in.
For example I was recently looking for a column called "BQR", which also forms part of many other columns such as "BQR_OWNER", "PROP_BQR", etc.
So I would like to have the checkbox that word processors have to indicate "Whole words only".
Unfortunately LIKE has no such functionality, but REGEXP_LIKE can help.
FROM user_source
WHERE regexp_like(text, '(\s|\.|,|^)bqr(\s|,|$)');
This is the regular expression to find this column and exclude the other columns with "BQR" as part of the name:
The regular expression matches white-space (\s), or (|) period (.), or (|) comma (,), or (|) start-of-line (^), followed by "bqr", followed by white-space, comma or end-of-line ($).

By the way, if you need to add other characters such as "(" or ")" because the column may be used as "UPPER(bqr)", then those options can be added to the lists of before and after characters.


Postgres regexp_replace: inability to replace source text with first captured group

Using PostgreSQL, I am unable to design the correct regex pattern to achieve the desired output of an SQL statement that uses regexp_replace.
My source text consists of several scattered blocks of text of the form 'PU*' followed by a date string in the form of 'YYYY-MM'--for example, 'PU*2020-11'. These blocks are surrounded by strings of unpredictable, arbitrary text (including other instances of 'PU*' followed by the above date string format, such as 'PU*2017-07), white space, and line feeds.
My desire is to replace the entire source text with the FIRST instance of the 'YYYY-MM' text pattern. In the above example, the desired output would be '2020-11'.
Currently, my search pattern results in the correct replacement text in place of the first capturing group, but unfortunately, all of the text AFTER the first capturing group also inadvertently appears in the output, which is not the desired output.
Version: postgres (PostgreSQL) 13.0
A more complex example of source text:
First line
Exec committee
added by Terranze
My pattern so far:
Current SQL statement:
select regexp_replace('First line\nExec committee; PU*2020-08\nPU*2019-09\nPU*2017-10\n\nadded by Terranze\n', '(\s|\S)*?PU\*(\d{4}-\d{2})(\s|\S*)*', '\2') as _regex;
Current output on
Current output on psql
2020-08\nPU*2019-09--cancelled\nPU*2017-10\n\nadded by Terranze\n
(1 row)
Desired output:
Any help appreciated. Thanks--
How about this expression:

How can I use tsvector on a string with numbers?

I would like to use a postgres tsquery on a column that has strings that all contain numbers, like this:
If I try to make a tsquery out of this:
select to_tsquery('FRUIT-239476234');
What I get is:
'fruit' & '-239476234'
I want to be able to search by just the numeric portion of this value like so:
It seems that it is unable to match this because it is interpreting my hyphen as a "negative sign" and doesn't think 239476234 matches -239476234. How can I tell postgres to treat all of my characters as text and not try to be smart about numbers and hyphens?
An answer from the future. Once version 13 of PostgreSQL is released, you will be able to do use the dict_int module to do this.
create extension dict_int ;
select to_tsquery('FRUIT-239476234');
'fruit' & '239476234'
But you would probably be better off creating your own TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY as well as copying the 'english' CONFIGURATION and modifying the copy, rather than modifying the default ones in place. Otherwise you have the risk that upgrading will silently lose your changes.
If you don't want to wait for v13, you could back-patch this change and compile into your own version of the extension for a prior server.
This is done by the text search parser, which is not configurable (short of writing your own parser in C, which is supported).
The simplest solution is to pre-process all search strings by replacing - with a space.

PostgreSQL Trimming Leading and Trailing Characters: = and "

I'm working to build an import tool that utilizes a quoted CSV file. However, several of the fields in the CSV file are reported as such:
Where 38000 is the data I need. The data integration software I use (Talend 6.11) already strips the leading and trailing double quotes for me (so, "38000" becomes 38000), but I can't find a way to get rid of those others.
So, essentially, I need "=""38000""" to become "38000" where the leading "=" is removed and the trailing "" is removed.
Is there a TRIM function that can accomplish this for me? Perhaps there is a method in Talend that can do this?
As the other answer stated, you could do that operation in SQL. Or, you could do it in Java, Groovy, etc, within Talend. However, if there is an existing Talend component which does the job, my preference is to use it. That leads to faster development, potentially less testing, and easier maintenance. Having said that, it is important to review all the components which are available, so you know what's available to you.
You can use the Talend component tReplace, to inspect each of the input columns you want to trim of quotes and equal signs. A single tReplace component can do search and replace operations on multiple input columns. If all the of the replaces are related to each other, I would keep them within a single tReplace. When it gets to the point of doing unrelated replacements, I might place those within a new tReplace so that logical operations are organized and grouped together.
For a given Input Column
search for "=", replace with ""
search for "\"", replace with ""
Something like that:
SELECT format( '"%s"', trim( both '"=' from '"=""38000"""' ) );
-[ RECORD 1 ]---
format | "38000"
1st: trim() function removes all " and = chars. Result is simply 38000
2nd: with format can add double quote back to get wishful end result
Alternatively, can use regexp and other Postgres string functions.
See more:

Cannot use t-sql contains with short words

I call my statement with CONTAINS function, but sometimes it does not return correct records, e.g. I want to return row which contain in one field word 'Your':
SELECT [Email]
WHERE CONTAINS(Comment, 'Your')
It gives mi 0 result despite that this field contains this word (the same with 'as', 'to', 'was', 'me'). When I use 'given' instead of 'Your' then I receive a result. Is there maybe a list of words which cannot be used with CONTAINS? Or maybe this words are to short (when i use 'name' then i receive the results)? The work 'Your' is at the beginning in field Comment.
The field is of type 'text' and has enabled full-text index.
Words such as those you mention are "stop words"; they are expressly excluded from being indexed and searched in Full Text Search due to how common (and thereby meaningless for searches) they are. You'll notice the same thing when searching Google, for instance.
It is possible to edit the list, but I would avoid doing so except perhaps to add words to it; the words in the list are chosen very well, IMHO, for their lack of utility in searches.

Can I use PIVOT without the brackets?

count(DueCount) FOR dueLibraries.s_folder IN ([Assembly Report-TUL],[Balance-TUL],[BOM-TUL],[Hydrostatic-TUL],[Inspection-TUL],[IOM Manual-TUL],[MTR-TUL],[NDT-TUL],[Performance-TUL],[Inputs - TUL],[Transmitted])
) as MonthlyTally
I rather just have this:
count(DueCount) FOR dueLibraries.s_folder IN (select * from dueLibraries)
) as MonthlyTally
Is there a way to do that?
Your question is two-fold, as it seems.
First of all, the identifiers in your first snippet's IN list are delimited identifiers. They have to be delimited with square brackets because they do not obey the rules for regular identifiers in Transact-SQL (particularly, because they include spaces and hyphens).
The second part of your question is about replacing the explicit list of columns with something like a mask, to make the list dynamic. Now, there's no available syntax for that, and your only option seems to be a dynamic query with a PIVOT clause. Here's one example of how it can be implemented.