Does symfony have a built-in method for comparing tainted values to the original? - forms

I am using symfony 1.4 with Doctrine. I have built a form which uses a table that has the Versionable behaviour. As expected, Versionable creates a new version of the row every time the form is submitted and saved. My problem is that I would like to prevent it doing so if the actual values submitted are not any different from the original values put into the form via the edit action.
I know that I can do this with javascript relatively easily. I'm just curious as to whether symfony or Doctrine have this functionality already, and how it is used if so. It just seems like something that symfony would have a method for, which could be checked right before $form->save() is called. Am I dreaming or perhaps missing something obvious?

You can use the DoctrineRecord::getModified() function which returns an array of the modified fields and associated values from an overridden save() function or in a listener (preSave would be the best I guess).
If the new values are not any different, you can bypass the actual call to save(), so no new version is created.

The comment for the save() method of the Doctrine_Record is
* applies the changes made to this object into database
* this method is smart enough to know if any changes are made
* and whether to use INSERT or UPDATE statement
* this method also saves the related components
* #param Doctrine_Connection $conn optional connection parameter
* #throws Exception if record is not valid and validation is active
* #return void
so first, you should check whether it does not already work.
If not, Doctrine_Record has a isModified() method you could use. If the bind() method of the form object modifies the object in the form which should at first contain the default values, then this method should return true.

If you don't want to override save() method or implement a listener as jaudette suggested you can instead stay with form binding:
if ($form->isValid()) {
$changes = $form->getObject()->getModified();
// save to database if desired
The object will not be saved to database by calling $form->updateObject(), but the actual php object is changed.
Also note that you might have to call getModified() on each related object if you have embedded subforms.


Are setters mandatory in extbase models?

I am following this documentation:
The 'Organization' model defines setters and a method "addContact"
* Adds a contact to the organization
* #param Person The contact to be added
* #return void
public function addContact(Person $contact)
I created an extbase model myself, which requires records from an objectstorage. But i figured it out, that I could render records from an objectstorage in fluid, without defining "add{property}" and "set{property} methods. What are the purpose of these methods? When and where are they called?
Setter methods (and adder for ObjectStorages) are not needed by the framework. I'd recommend not adding them if you do not have the use case of setting a value programmatically.
Generally speaking you should not add code that you dont need.
Extbase itself will use reflection to gather and set properties that match database columns.
Setters are for fields that have a representation in the database.
You can add more properties to the models which are i.e. calculated or get the values somewhere else from that don't have setter methods.
Those properties you can access in fluid templates as long as they have also a declaration in the model.
Concerning the method addContact that's one property with probably 4 methods:
getContact (is singular but can have several)
setContact (is singular but can have several)
addContact (adds one contact to the $contact)
removeContact (removes one contact from the $contact)
So this property is still connected / related to the database, just that it's a foreign table as it's foreign model too.
$contact in your case is likely of type \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage which is like an array iterable but just as object.

Empty and/or Filter ObjectStorage objects

I have an object appointment with a property expertises of type \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage<\Vendor\Extname\Domain\Model\Expertise>.
Additionally one important property of Expertise is the bool checked.
What I want to do in my AppointmentController is:
In the first action: Empty the appointment's property expertises (not set it to NULL, I just want an empty ObjectStorage that I can add something to later)
In the second action: Fill appointment with expertises (from a different object) whose property checked equals true
To start out with the emptying I looked at the answer from here but it didn't work for me.
This is what I tried:
$appExp = $appointment->getExpertises();
foreach ($appExp as $exp) {
But it shows that all expertises are still in appointment.
In the second action I do this:
foreach ($expertises as $expertise) {
if ($expertise->getChecked()) {
It works, but I wonder if there's an easier "filter" function that can automatically filter the checked value and return an ObjectStorage object. Because this way I could just use setExpertises() and the old ones would get overwritten which would make the first step unnecessary.
So does someone have an idea for the emptying and filtering of ObjectStorage objects?
I looked a bit into the ObjectStorage Class reference but there's no obvious function that empties it (removeAll ist just for objects contained in another storage from the current storage) and no filter function either.
There is an easy way to remove all objects from the object storage:
As for filtering: as you already noticed, you have to do it yourself. I would implement such functions like getActiveExpertises in the Model, because it fits there much better than in a controller.
The setters in ExtbaseObjects that refer to ObjectStorages have an optional parameter that defaults to null. Just call the setter without a parameter. You don't have to waste performance by instanciating an empty StorageObject.

Zend Framework: Models, Mappers; Default Fields in Mappers & Field Operations in Models?

I'm creating a simple ORM in Zend Framework, to roughly encapsulate a public library application, using the DbTable/Mapper/Model approach. I'm not sure if the way I'm doing my User-related classes is right, though, as I have some logic in Mapper_User, and some in Model_User.
class Mapper_Users {
createModelObject would be called by a Controller handling a Form_Regsiter's
data, to create a new Model_User object. This object'd then be saved by the
same Controller by calling Mapper_Users->save();
public function createModelObject(array $fields) {
$fields['date_registered'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$fields['max_concurrent_rentals'] = 3;
return new Model_User($fields);
In the method which creates new Model_User objects from scratch (as in, not pulling a record from the DB, but registering a new user), I instantiate a new Model_User with the name/username/password provided from a Form, then set a few object properties such as the registration date, "max books allowed at one time" and such. This data, being stuffed inside the Model_User by the Mapper_User, then gets written to the DB when Mapper_User->save(); gets called. The Mapper feels like the right place for this to go - keeps the Model light.
Is this right, or should default fields like this be set inside Model_User itself?
class Model_User {
public function setPassword($value) {
$this->password = md5($value);
When setting a user object's password, I'm doing this in Model_User->setPassword($value);, as you might expect, and doing $this->password = md5($value); inside this method. Again, this feels right - trying to do the md5 step in Mapper_User->save(); method would cause issues if the Model_User were one pulled from the DB, as the password field would clearly already be hashed.
And this is where my confusion's arising. To my mind, all the logic pertaining to "fields to do with a user" should either live in its Model, or its Mapper, but here I have some logic (default fields) in the Mapper, and some (field operations) in the Model. Is this right, or should I be trying to somehow get default fields in the Model, or field operations in the Mapper?
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
Edit for #RockyFord:
Mapper_User actually extends an Abstract I've written, as I don't like writing the same basic code in 500 Mapper_*.php files, so there's some bureaucracy due to that, but its effective __construct() is pretty simple:
class Mapper_Users {
public function __construct() {
$this->_db = new DbTable_Users();
if(!$this->_db instanceof Zend_Db_Table_Abstract)
throw new Exception('Invalid table data gateway provided');
The DataMapper is responsible for populating the object with its data, as well as persisting it. It seems like you're mixing things when you call $user->save() because you're putting persistence logic within your domain object. This is a common approach when you're using the ActiveRecord pattern instead of DataMappers, which is a bad thing.
Your DataMapper should be responsible for saving the object $mapper->save($user); and it needs to update just the changed properties. So, the password will be updated only if you set the new hash.
You said:
[...] trying to do the md5 step in Mapper_User->save(); method would cause
issues if the Model_User were one pulled from the DB, as the password
field would clearly already be hashed.
Creates a method called setPasswordHash() and use it when pulling from the database.
Remember: Don't look for things!
Instead of looking for the database inside your mappers, you should ask for it.
public __construct(Zend_Db_Table $dbTable) {
$this->dbTable = $dbTable;
It's all about Dependency Injection.
This may take awhile to answer completely but I'll start with the setPassword question.
your current:
public function setPassword($value) {
$this->password = md5($value);
Now this has nothing to do with convention or best practice but practicality.
ask yourself:
What happens when you retrieve a database record for your user object and that database record contains a hashed password?
Answer: When you construct the user object and call $this->setPassword($password); or equivalent, you will be applying the hash to a hash.
So you are almost obligated to hash the password in the mapper's save() method or the method used to update the password. Think of the hash value in the database table as the password and the value that's typed into the form field as a placeholder for that password.
Next Part:
To my mind, all the logic pertaining to "fields to do with a user" should either live in its Model, or its Mapper
This is mostly correct.
Everything that belongs to the object domain (Model_User) shall be addressed in the domain Model class (Model_User).
Mappers are only to translate (map) a data object (database row, json string, xml file, flat file, csv file ...) to a form that can instantiate a domain object (Model_User).
So you may end up with more then one mapper available for a given domain object or one mapper may map to more then one source of data.
It might help you if you stopped thinking of your data as "fields", which might tend to keep your head in the database, and instead think of your objects in terms of properties or characteristics.
Because when you get down to the most basic level a Model_User object is just:
class Model_User {
protected $id;
protected $name;
protected $password;
all of the getters, setters, constructors and other methods are pretty much so we can put values into those variables.

Doctrine 2, Need to execute code pre-persist/post-persist

I am using Doctrine 2 entities. We have some entities which have to update related items when they are saved to the database. For example, when a user record is modified, we save it as a new record, with the "inactive" field set to 'false'. However, we have to set the the 'inactive' field for all previous record for that user to 'true'. This is done to keep an audit history. It is a Legacy database, so changing the structure is not an option.
Since Doctrine saves objects by passing them to a persister object (persist::($thisObj)), rather than the object having a save method ($thisObj->save()), we can't just extend a 'save' method from a parent object. The only option I see here is to try to extend the 'persist' object, but that sounds like a goose gaggle, just waiting to happen.
I found some information on events, but do not see how to add them to make events fire a particular function when a particular entity is persisted.
How do I add pre-save/post-save functionality to some of my entities ?
So, you probably already know right?
You add an annotation that the entity contains callbacks and then create specific functions (which need to be public) on that entity and also annotate them with #PrePersist or #PostPersist or whatever.
The other way is creating an event subscriber, register that one with the doctrine event manager and implement methods called prePersist, postPersist etc. They get passed an EventArguments object which contains the entity relevant for the occurred event.
I know this is a very general answer to your question, but you need to be a bit more specific where your problem lies.
Please dont exend the entity manager and overwrite the persist method, there are way cleaner methods for doing what you need as far as I can tell.
It's actually quite simple to do what you want to do. It does not require dorking with the event manager, or anything complex like that. You use something called "Lifecycle callbacks". These are functions that Doctrine automatically runs during the "lifecycle" of the entity, ie: prePersist, postPersist, preUpdate, postUpdate, etc. You can find the complete list here:
The process of adding this functionality to your entities is very simple.
In the Annotations section of your entity, include the following tag: "#HasLifecycleCallbacks". This tells Doctrine that it should search the entity for functions to run upon various events
Write a public function in your entity that you would like to fire upon a specific event.
Put an annotation above the function indicating which event it should be used to handle.
For example, look at the following code:
/** #PostPersist */
public function doSPostPersist() {
$this->tester = 'Value changed by post-persist';
I have found that sometimes the events simply refuse to fire, and I don't yet know why. But when they do fire, they will fire reliably.
Don't forget to enable Lifecycle Callbacks in your class annotation :
* Report\MainBundle\Entity\Serveur
* #ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks
class Serveur {

Spring List Binding in Form

I'm trying to bind a list/arraylist/hashmap/etc of custom objects to my form in JSP using Spring. Right now, the controller creates a Map of the two lists (Boolean list and custom object list) in referenceData(), and provides it to the form which uses those values to populate the fields. The values are initialized from a MySQL database using Hibernate, and all that works fine. The list is a known length before the form is initialized, so that part is easier. Now what I'd like to do is correctly bind those objects in the form, so that when there are changes made, I can detect that in onSubmit() (or wherever is appropriate), and update the database accordingly. I can't seem to bind them correctly in the form so that I can see changes made. I tried just using a list of the form fields as the model, but even that wasn't working correctly. Do I just need to inject the list in a particular way? Any ideas or examples here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: At Ralph's request here is the solution I used:
In my data object class, I lazy loaded a map using MapUtils.lazyMap(), with a String key and other custom object value. The other custom object is just a class that contains List<String> and getters/setters. In the corresponding .jsp file, I just nest several loops to loop through the keys first using loop.current.key and then loop2.current.value.paramsList to loop through the values for that key. This was not really what I asked for in my original post, as I was looking for a more general solution, and the lazy loading pointed me in the right direction.
In Spring 2 you need a special List in your Command object, that is able to grow if one add the x-th element event if the list has not this size yet.
One way to do that is to use LayzList decorator from commons-collections.
protected Object formBackingObject(final HttpServletRequest request)
throws Exception {
List<PosterSelectionRow> posterSelectionRowList = LazyList.decorate(
new ArrayList<PosterSelectionRow>(),
new PosterSelectionRowListFactory());
return new PosterSelectionCommand(posterSelectionRowList);
//PosterSelectionCommand contains a list of selected poster rows
private static class PosterSelectionRowListFactory
implements org.apache.commons.collections.Factory {
/** Invoked if the list need a new element */
public Object create() {
return = new PosterSelectionRow();
When I remember right, there is a way without that Factory stuff, but I am not sure.