create var from .exe output in powershell - powershell

I need to make a variable from the ID number of a username
qwinsta.exe /server:vm041 derpy.herp
This returns the following output
derpy.herp 3 Disc
I need to create a variable in powershell with a value of 3 as per output above.
This code will be used to look through a number of servers to see if an individual user is logged in and disconnect them with rwinsta.exe

Here's quite a crude regular expression - I don't know qwinsta.exe so I'm not sure of the permutations of data it can return - this works with your above example though.
This will assign 3 to the variable $ID.
$output = qwinsta.exe /server:vm041 derpy.herp
$output -match ".*derpy.herp.*(\d).*"
$ID = $Matches[1]
you may be able to parameterise the username like so:
$username = "derpy.herp"
$output = qwinsta.exe /server:vm041 $username
$output -match ".*$username.*(\d).*"
$ID = $Matches[1]

You can parse the output you are obtaining, get your ID, and then use New-Variable cmdlet to instance your variable.


Powershell - Get partial name as Variable

First posting here, and I'm a beginner in Powershell (Or most script, in the matter of fact).
What a try to do here is to take a part of a name file, and use it later To download a file from our server with the same name.
$name = Get-childitem -Path "$env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\*.ost" -name
$username = $name.Remove($name.IndexOf('#'))
Write-Output $Username
I only get the the file name without what I put between ${.}
Thanks for any help
Split the string on the # and grab only the first item from the resulting array:
$name = " - more text you don't care about.ost"
# String.Split() returns an array of strings, `[0]` gives us the first item in that array
$username = $name.Split('#')[0]
Alteratively, remove everything from the original string beginning at the first #:
$username = $name.Remove($name.IndexOf('#'))

Parse MDT Log using PowerShell

I am trying to setup a log which would pull different information from another log file to log assets build by MDT using PowerShell. I can extract a line of log using simple get-content | select-string to get the lines i need so output looks like that
[LOG[Validate Domain Credentials [domain\user]]LOG]!
time="16:55:42.000+000" date="10-20-2017" component="Wizard"
context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard"
and I am curious if there is a way of capturing things like domain\user, time and date in a separate variables so it can be later passed with another data captured in a similar way in output file in a single line.
This is how you could do it:
$line = Get-Content "<your_log_path>" | Select-String "Validate Domain Credentials" | select -First 1
$regex = '\[(?<domain>[^\\[]+)\\(?<user>[^]]+)\].*time="(?<time>[^"]*)".*date="(?<date>[^"]*)".*component="(?<component>[^"]*)".*context="(?<context>[^"]*)".*type="(?<type>[^"]*)".*thread="(?<thread>[^"]*)".*file="(?<file>[^"]*)"'
if ($line -match $regex) {
$user = $Matches.user
$date = $
$time = $Matches.time
# ... now do stuff with your variables ...
You might want to build in some error checking etc. (e.g. when no line is found or does not match etc.)
Also you could greatly simplify the regex if you only need those 3 values. I designed it so that all fields from the line are included.
Also, you could convert the values into more appropriate types, which (depending on what you want to do with them afterwards) might make handling them easier:
$type = [int]$Matches.type
$credential = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($Matches.user, $null, $Matches.domain)
$datetime = [DateTime]::ParseExact(($ + $Matches.time), "MM-dd-yyyyHH:mm:ss.fff+000", [CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)

How to get Database Name from Connectionstring in PowerShell

I'm trying to get the Database name from a connection string in PowerShell.
I can think of two ways to do that, either to search for the string Database, up until the first ; after that split the string on = and select the Databasename - but I don't really know how to do that.
The second way could be with the DBConnectionStringBuilder like this:
$sb = New-Object System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder
[string]$Database = ($sb | ? {$_.Keys -eq 'Database'}).value
but with this way, no matter how hard i try to filter the Databasename, it won't give me the databasename returned.
Question: What's the best way to get my Databasename from the connection string?
Use the second method, but simplify it:
$cstring = "Server=server\instance;uid=User;pwd=Hello;Database=SomeName;"
$sb = New-Object System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder
$Database = $sb.database
This works perfectly fine.
If you want to avoid an error in the case where the key doesn't exist, there are a lot of ways to do that, the more idiomatic method of looking for the key first:
if ($sb.HasKey('Database')) {
$Database = $sb.Database
Or the object's own TryGetValue method:
if ($sb.TryGetValue('Database', [ref] $Database)) {
# It was successful
# $Database already contains the value, you can use it.
} else {
# The key didn't exist.
String Parsing
I don't recommend these in this case because there is some flexibility in the database connection string format, and why make your code aware of all the possibilities and try to correctly handle them all when that code was already written (the object you're using above)?
But for completeness, I'd do it with splitting and regular expression matching and capturing:
$cstring -split '\s*;\s*' |
ForEach-Object -Process {
if ($_ -imatch '^Database=(?<dbname>.+)$') {
$Database = $Matches.dbname
So here I'm first splitting on a semi-colon ; surrounded by any amount of whitespace. Each element (which should be just key-value pairs) is then checked against another regex, looking specifically for Database= and then capturing what comes after that until the end of the string, in a named capture group called dbname. If the match is successful, then the result of the capture group is assigned to the variable.
I still prefer a proper parser when one exists.
try this
"Server=server\instance;uid=User;pwd=Hello;Database=SomeName;".split(";") |
%{[pscustomobject]#{Property=$_.Split("=")[0];Value=$_.Split("=")[1]}} |
where Property -eq "Database" | select Value
other solution
"Server=server\instance;uid=User;pwd=Hello;Database=SomeName;".replace(";", "`r`n") | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template |
where Property -eq "Database" | select Value

Line break issue when configuring "send on behalf of"

I have a script to set send on behalf of permissions in Exchange Management Shell, but when you try and use it it fails because the output of the first part is too long and truncates over 2 lines.
First thing we do is build our array from lists of people and put them into some variables to pass:
function Add-Send ($mailbox, $target) {
#"Granting send on behalf for $mailbox to $target"
Set-Mailbox -Identity $mailbox -GrantSendOnBehalfTo #{ Add = $target }
We pass a long list as the $target and the maibox name is $mailbox and if we output the text we get:
Set-Mailbox -Identity "mr.jeff" -GrantSendOnBehalfTo #{ Add = "alan.alanson", "bob.bobson", "steve.stevenson" }
All fine and good but if there are more than N characters in the output then we get a line break:
Set-Mailbox -Identity "mr.jeff" -GrantSendOnBehalfTo #{ Add = "alan.alanson", "bob.bobson", "steve.stevenson", ...
..., "cath.cathdotir" }
When you run this script with the overlength output, then command fails as the output which should be passed to the CLI is passed over more than one line. PowerShell treats each line as a separate command, and they obviously fail with bad syntax.
Our string is output from an array that we build like this:
function Send-Array ($mailbox) {
$target = Get-Content ".\list\dpt1.txt"
$target += Get-Content ".\list\$mailbox.txt"
$target += Get-Content ".\list\dpt2.txt"
$target = $target | Select-Object -Unique
$separator = '", "'
$target= $target -replace '^|$','"' -join ','
Add-Send $mailbox $target
This gives us an array with strings that look like:
"alan.alanson", "bob.bobson", "steve.stevenson"
From here I am at a loss any ideas would be much appreciated.
The obvious solution would be to pass the names one at a time, but due to a gotcha with Exchange Server every time you set send on behalf of permissions with PowerShell it wipes the existing permissions, so you only end up with he last person granted permissions being able to send on behalf of.
See this link for help with your underlying issue.
Very basically, you will have to:
get the DistinguishedName of the user you need to add
store the current value of GrantSendOnBehalfTo in a variable
append the new user's distinguished name to the list
replace GrantSendOnBehalfTo with the new list
Afterwards you should not need to pass endless strings to the EMS (I hope so).

Powershell to read some strings from each line

I have a requirement like:
Have a text file containing the following in the following pattern
I need my powershell script to read each word and use that word whereever required. For example,
I want the IP's(172.26.---.---) to read and store the value as a variable.
I want to store the two words after **:** in seperate variables.
How can this be done? I know to read an entire file or get some specific string. But I need the same to be done on each line.Any help would be really appreciated.
Something like this? You can just split on the : and then store your variables based on the index
$contents = Get-Content C:\your\file.txt
foreach($line in $contents) {
$s = $line -split ':'
$ip = $s[0]
$user = $s[1]
$pass = $s[2]
write-host $ip $user $pass
minor edit: "t" missing in content.
You can write a regular expression to replace to remove the parts you do not need
$ip_address= '172.26.xxy.zxy:Administrator:Password' -replace '^(.+):(.+):(.+)$','$1'
$user= '172.26.xxy.zxy:Administrator:Password' -replace '^(.+):(.+):(.+)$','$2'
$pwd= '172.26.xxy.zxy:Administrator:Password' -replace '^(.+):(.+):(.+)$','$3'
I think the more generic and pure Powershell way would be something like this:
Select-String "(.*):(.*):(.*)" c:\file.txt |
Select #{Name="IP"; Expression = {$_.Matches.Groups[1]}},
#{Name="User"; Expression = {$_.Matches.Groups[2]}},
#{Name="Password"; Expression = {$_.Matches.Groups[3]}}
The Output would be then an array of objects each having three properties IP, User and Password. So you can now use them for your purposes, or just add more commands at the end of the pipe.