Create UIButton offscreen with Interface Builder - iphone

I want to create a big UIScrollView, its contentView should contain more than 30 UIButton. Positions of these UIButton are not rectiligne and cannot be create 'programmaticaly' so I've placed all these UIButton on a UIView manually. I zoom/dezoom and scroll all over my UIScrollView fine BUT here is my problem : UIButton created offscreen is not accessible, I mean I can't click them (only UIButton created in the CGRect(0.f, 0.f, 320.f, 480.f) can be click.
Any suggestion ?

Create a view, put a scrollView inside that view, and place your buttons on the scrollView. While adding buttons and moving them around, be certain that they're always inside the scrollView by looking at the object hierarchy in interface builder.
You can slide the scrollView around as you place things, no need to zoom. As long as your buttons are children of your scrollView it should work fine.


Moving the UIImageView Place in UIScrollview to Another UIImageView Placed on Next UIScrollview

I am new to iPhone development. I have added lot of UIImageview to the UIScrollview. While clicking that UIImageView I need to move the particular UIImageView to another UIscrollview placed on the bottom of the screen as UIImageView.
You can use a PanGestureRecognizer for this. You need to move the view to the superview of the scrollView while dragging and then after releasing it, you need to place it in the new scrollView correctly.
I wrote a library for exactly this, check out my JDDroppableView Library:

iPhone: Make UIScrollView from UIView

I have a UIView with labels and textfields and I tested it in the simulator and noticed that I cannot scroll to see the rest of the view, how can I make the view into a UIScrollView and what do I need to do so I can make the view scrollable? I don't want to move labels and stuff or delete the UIView, is there a simple way?
Take a UIScrollView in Xib file outside your view. drag your view into this scrollview. The subviews inside your view remains same. and set the scrollview's contentSize

Fix UIButton on top of UIScrollView

I'm trying to figure out how to overlay a UIButton on top of a UIScrollView. Basically the user would be able to use the scrollview normally. But a button in the top right of the scrollview would remain in a fixed position. Any thoughts?
Don't add the UIButton as a subView of the UIScrollView, but instead of "self.view"
In the InterfaceBuilder there will be a Hierarchal list of items you put in your view, drag the button from being a view belonging to the scrollView to belonging to the view containing the subview.
Your view hierarchy will look like the following
Instead of
basically It means both your button and your ScrollView will both be subViews of the exact same mainView. If your scrollView is the mainView put an empty UIView above the scrollView and insert the UIButton & UIScrollView into that
IB is a little finicky when dropping new views directly on the 'fake' interface. What you will need to do is go over to the left in the list of views and select your button view. Now drag it up to below the 'self.view' or whatever is your top level view.
YOu should notice as you raise it up and down in the list that a light blue line will appear. The width corresponds to 'subview' or 'parent' view connection. Play with it a bit to see the difference.
When you feel comfortable, you should be able to place the Button in the 'self.view', not as a subview of the scroll view. Additionally, if you want it to appear on TOP (physical 'Z level') you will need it to be below the scroll view in the list. ( this points out a subtle problem with CStreet's solution)

How to stop a UILabel scrolling?

I have several UILabels. I setup a UIScrollView within a app that works fine. The problem that I'm having is I want some UILabels to scroll and some to remain frozen. I don't think this is a coding problem as much as a interface builder issue.
If you mean you want the labels to be fixed on top of the scrollview, then simply drag them out in interface builder so they're at the same level in the hierarchy and not inside of the scrollview.
You can simply add the UILabel as subView of scrollView which you want to scroll. And add the UILabel as subView of self.view which you dont want to scroll.

Moving UIButton from UIScrollView to UIView in iPhone SDK

I am stuck with a problem actually the scene is like this in my view controller i have place several buttons which i can move within the view now in same view half of the screens is occupied by uiscrollview in this scrollview also i have several uibuttons which i want to move from uiscrollview to uiview Now when i try to move uibutton from uiscrollview to uiview it hides as it moves from the scrollview similarly as i move uibutton from uiview to uiscrollview then also it hides as my drag reaches the scrollview area.
Please help me out with this problem
Thanks in advance....
Your UIButtons each have a superview. For the UIButtons in the scrollview, the UIScrollView is the superview. When you have scrollView.clipsToBounds == YES, then the UIButtons in the scrollview will become obscured if you move them outside of the visible area of the scrollview.
There are several possible solutions, including:
Add code to change the superview of the UIButtons once they reach the edge of the scrollview (but this is tricky, and I wouldn't do it unless there was an easier option, check out Apple's UIView documentation, especially (UIView)removeFromSuperview and (UIView)addSubview:). You would have to perform this switch of superview in the code that moves the button (or tracks the move).
Add the UIButtons to a UIView which is the parent of the scrollview, maybe even your viewcontroller.view (but your UIButtons in the scrollview will no longer move with the scrollview upon scrolling). You would add the buttons to the view behind the scrollview, but so that they show above it.