RESTful Browser User Agents and authentication - rest

I've seen many questions about restful-authentication but I'm wondering what strategies are being used to keep browser user agents stateless while authenticating to a RESTful web-service.
Doing it with a custom REST Client is "easy": We can use Basic Auth, Digest, OAuth or roll your own (custom headers, tokens, signatures etc). Thus, for machine to machine we are pretty much covered but I'm only interested in authentication with everyday browser user agents (IE, Firefox etc). For example JSON is out since the browser can not render / use it ;)
Here are some of my thoughts in terms of browser limitations:
AFAICS there is no way for a browser to send custom headers such as those used by OAuth? (Right?)
I have a feeling that one should be able to have a login page (html+ssl for example) where the user does a login. (No Basic auth) The browser then captures a token(s) and passes it back the server with each request. The problem I have with Basic Auth is that I do not have a “nice custom login page”. Is the current authentication mechanism to extensible that we can keep it restful?
I'm careful in breaking / relaxing REST constraints because of the risk of loosing the benefits of scalability.
A similar answer here but I have a special case against cookies : (without going to much detail): The way browsers currently work in using cookies is out of the question since the server is in control of the cookies. ("Set-Cookie" header from server side state). The client does not understand or interpret the contents of cookies it's fed and just returns it. The problems is that the client is not in control of the cookie. Thus, yes we can use cookies in a restful way in "custom/machine to machine clients" but it's not the way browsers implements it.
What strategies and best practices are there that you have been using and what are your experiences? Any extra comments?

I think the browser limitations you mention are essentially insurmountable for most use cases. Our personal solution is to have a lightweight non-RESTful layer presented to the user which contains a custom REST client; for example, for JavaScript apps we expose a server-side REST client via JSON-RPC.

If you are using an apache web server, you might want to take a look at this document.


Implement stateless authentication with HTML5 audio / video (and plain images), is it possible?

We have a REST style API and try to follow the REST principles as close as possible, so of course that includes statelessness as well.
While the most part of our backend is indeed stateless, there is one thing that seems impossible to achieve, and that is dealing with authentication of non API related static resources. I understand that there are means to achieve stateless auth using some token based approaches (e.g. JWT). But that requires setting some headers or transferring credential information in the requests' message body.
This would be no problem when only API requests have to be secured, as we easily can modify XHR or fetch requests accordingly.
But the problem is that we also need to secure static resources like images and audio/video files. For images I could load them via XHR/fetch, though this is already quite cumbersome compared to using a plain image tag.
But as soon as it comes to html5 video/audio, I haven't found a way to achieve this, is it possible at all?
Currently we just use a secured httpOnly cookie, so in that case it is no problem with either images or audio. May using a cookie (having a JWT like payload) generated by the client could be a solution? Of course this would open another potential security issue since now - in case of a XSS breach - the cookie and its information could be stolen which is impossible with a httponly cookie.
Any ideas to achieve a pure stateless authentication that also works for images and html5 audio or video (and that is not less secure as well)?
PS: HTTP Basic Auth is not an option for various reasons.
No ideas? Hmmm. OK so maybe I can answer my own question ...
A potential solution would be to use something like a JWT, but still use a
cookie as the transport mechanism. So the token is generated on the
server, and set via cookie, just like it has been before with the traditional session cookie. Seems like I could have the "best of both
worlds" with this approach:
The client still has no means to access the contents of the cookie,
and therefore does not need to know anything about authorisation. The only thing the client has
to know is the concept of authentication, i.e. asking the user for the
credentials and sending them to the server as soon as a 401 is
The server is now freed of doing any session management, all it has to do
is validating the token.
And, most importantly: this will work not only for requests where I can manipulate the header and/or message body (like with XHR/fetch) but for any type of static resource as well, including images and html5 audio & video
Does this sound like a good solution? Vote up this answer if you think it is! Thank you.

Protecting REST API behind SPA against data thiefs

I am writing a REST Api gateway for an Angular SPA and I am confronted with the problem of securing the data exposed by the API for the SPA against "data thiefs". I am aware that I can't do much against HTML scraping, but at least I don't want to offer such data thiefs the user experience and full power of our JSON sent to the SPA.
The difference between most "tutorials" and threads about this topic is that I am exposing this data to a public website (which means no user authentication required) which offers valuable statistics about a video game.
My initial idea on how to protect the Rest API for SPA:
Using JWTs everywhere. When a visitor opens the website the very first time the SPA requests a JWT from my REST Api and saves it in the HTTPS cookies. For all requests the SPA has to use the JWT to get a response.
Problems with that approach
The data thief could simply request the oauth token from our endpoint as well. I have no chance to verify that the token has actually been requested from my SPA or from the data thief?
Even if I solved that the attacker could read the saved JWT from the HTTPS cookies and use it in his own application. Sure I could add time expiration for the JWT
My question:
I am under the impression that this is a common problem and therefore I am wondering if there are any good solutions to protect against others than the SPA having direct access to my REST Api responses?
From the API's point of view, your SPA is in no way different than any other client. You obviously can't include a secret in the SPA as it is sent to anybody and cannot be protected. Also the requests it makes to the API can be easily sniffed and copied by another client.
So in short, as diacussed many times here, you can't authenticate the client application. Anybody can create a different client if they want.
One thing you can actually do is checking the referer/origin of requests. If a client is running in a browser, thr requests it can make are somewhat limited, and one such limitation is the referer and origin headers, which are always controlled by the browser, and not javascript. So you can actually make sure that if (and only if!) the client is running in an unmodified browser, it is downloaded from your domain. This is the default in browsers btw, so if you are not sending CORS headers, you already did this (browsers do, actually). However, this does not keep an attacker from building and running a non-browser client and fake any referer or origin he likes, or just disregard the same origin policy.
Another thing you could do is changing the API regularly just enough to stop rogue clients from working (and changing your client at the same time ofc). Obviously this is not secure at all, but can be annoying enough for an attacker. If downloading all your data once is a concern, this again doesn't help at all.
Some real things you should consider though are:
Does anybody actually want to download your data? How much is it worth? Most of the times nobody wants to create a different client, and nobody is that much interested in the data.
If it is that interesting, you should implement user authentication at the very least, and cover the remaining risk either via points below and/or in your contracts legally.
You could implement throttling to not allow bulk downloading. For example if the typical user accesses 1 record every 5 seconds, and 10 altogether, you can build rules based on the client IP for example to reasonably limit user access. Note though that rate limiting must be based on a parameter the client can't modify arbitrarily, and without authentication, that's pretty much the client IP only, and you will face issues with users behind a NAT (ie. corporate networks for example).
Similarly, you can implement monitoring to discover if somebody is downloading more data than it would be normal or necessary. However, without user authentication, your only option will be to ban the client IP. So again it comes down to knowing who the user is, ie. authentication.

Secure communication between Web site and backend

I am currently implementing a Facebook Chat Extension which basically is just a web page displayed in a browser provided by the Facebook Messenger app. This web page communicates with a corporate backend over a REST API (implemented with Python/Flask). Communication is done via HTTPS.
My question: How to secure the communication the Web page and the backend in the sense that the backend cannot be accessed by any clients that we do not control?
I am new to the topic, and would like to avoid making beginners' mistakes or add too complicated protocols to our tech stack.
Short answer: You cant. Everything can be faked by i.e. curl and some scripting.
Slightly longer:
You can make it harder. Non browser clients have to implement everything you do to authenticate your app (like client side certificates and Signet requests) forcing them to reverse engineer every obfuscation you do.
The low hanging fruit is to use CORS and set the Access Allow Origin Header to your domain. Browsers will respect your setting and wont allow requests to your api (they do an options request to determine that.)
But then again a non official client could just use a proxy.
You can't be 100% sure that the given header data from the client is true. It's more about honesty and less about security. ("It's a feature - not a bug.")
Rather think about what could happen if someone uses your API in a malicious way (DDoS or data leak)? And how would he use it? There are probably patterns to recognize an attacker (like an unusual amount of requests).
After you analyzed this situation, you can find more information here about the right approach to secure your API:

ASP.NET Web API Authentication Options

What options are available for authentication of an MVC3 Web API application that is to be consumed by a JQuery app from another domain?
Here are the constraints/things I've tried so far:-
I don't want to use OAuth; for private apps with limited user bases I cannot expect end users to have their accounts on an existing provider and there is no scope to implement my own
I've had a fully functioning HMAC-SHA256 implemention working just fine using data passed in headers; but this doesn't work in IE because CORS in IE8/9 is broken and doesn't allow you to send headers
I require cross-domain as the consuming app is on a different domain to the API, but can't use jsonp becuase it doesn't allow you to use headers
I'd like to avoid a token (only) based approach, as this is open to replay and violates REST by being stateful
At this point I'm resigned to a HMAC-SHA256 approach that uses either the URL or querystring/post to supply the hash and other variables.
Putting these variables in the URL just seems dirty, and putting them in the querystring/post is a pain.
I was succesfully using the JQuery $.ajaxSetup beforeSend option to generate the hash and attach it to the headers, but as I mentioned you can't use headers with IE8/9.
Now I've had to resort to $.ajaxPrefilter because I can't change the ajax data in beforeSend, and can't just extend data in $.ajaxSetup because I need to dynamically calculate values for the hash based on the type of ajax query.
$.ajaxPrefilter is also an issue because there is no clean/simple way to add the required variables in such a way that is method agnostic... i.e. it has to be querystring for GET and formdata for POST
I must be missing something because I just cannot find a solution that:-
a) supports cross-domain
a) not a massive hack on both the MVC and JQuery sides
c) actually secure
d) works with IE8/9
There has to be someone out there doing this properly...
To clarify, the authentication mechanism on the API side is fine... no matter which way I validate the request I generate a GenericPrincipal and use that in the API (the merits of this are for another post, but it does allow me to use the standard authorization mechanisms in MVC, which I prefer to rolling my own... less for other developers on my API to learn and maintain)
The problem lies primarly in the transfer of authentication information from the client to the API:-
- It can't rely on server/API state. So I can't pass username/password in one call, get a token back and then keep using that token (open to replay attack)
- Anything that requires use of request headers is out, because IE uses XDR instead of XHR like the rest of the browsers, and it doesn't support custom headers (I know IE10 supports XHR, but realistically I need IE8+ support)
- I think I'm stuck generating a HMAC and passing it in the URL somewhere (path or querystring) but this seems like a hack because I'm using parts of the request not designed for this
- If I use the path there is a lot of messy parsing because at a minimum I have to pass a username, timestamp and hash with each request; these need to be delimited somehow and I have little control over delimiters being used in the rest of the url
- If I use data (querystring/formdata) I need to change the place I'm sending my authentication details depending on the method I'm using (formdata for POST/PUT/etc and querystring for GET), and I'm also polution the application layer data space with these vars
As bad as it is, the querystring/formdata seems the best option; however now I have to work out how to capture these on each request. I can use a MessageHandler or Filter, but neither provide a convienient way to access the formdata.
I know I could just write all the parsing and handling stuff myself (and it looks like I will) but the point is I can't believe that there isn't a solution to this already. It's like I have (1) support for IE, (2) secure and (3) clean code, and I can only pick two.
Your requirements seem a little bit unjustified to me. You can't ever have everything at the same time, you have to be willing to give something up. A couple of remarks:
OAuth seems to be what you want here, at least with some modifications. You can use Azure's Access Control Service so that you don't have to implement your own token provider. That way, you have "outsourced" the implementation of a secure token provider. Last I checked Azure ACS was still free. There is a lot of clutter when you look for ACS documentation because people mostly use it to plug into another provider like Facebook or Google, but you can tweak it to just be a token provider for your own services.
You seem to worry a lot about replay attacks. Replay attacks almost always are a possibility. I have to just listen to the data passing the wire and send it to your server, even over SSL. Replay attacks are something you need to deal with regardless. Typically what I do is to track a cache of coming requests and add the hash signature to my cache. If I see another request with the same hash within 5 minutes, I ignore it. For this to work, I add the timestamp (millisecond granularity) of the request and some derivative of the URL as my hash parameters. This allows one operation per millisecond to the same address from the same client without the request being marked as replay attack.
You mentioned jQuery which puzzles me a bit if you are using the hashing method. That would mean you actually have your hash algorithm and your signature logic on the client. That's a serious flaw because by just inspecting javascript, I can now know exactly how to sign a request and send it to your server.
Simply said; there is not much special in ASP.NET WebAPI when it comes to authentication.
What I can say is that if you are hosting it inside ASP.NET you'll get support by ASP.NET for the authentication and authorization. In case you have chosen for self-hosting, you will have the option to enable WCF Binding Security options.
When you host your WebAPI in ASP.NET, you will have several authentication options:
Basic Authentication
Forms Authentication - e.g. from any ASP.Net project you can enable Authentication_JSON_AppService.axd in order to the forms authentication
Windows Authentication - HttpClient/WebHttpRequest/WebClient
Or explicitly allow anonymous access to a method of your WebAPI

How to secure Rest Based API?

We intend to develop rest based api. I explored the topic but it seems, you can secure api when your client is an app (So there are many ways, public key - private key etc). What about websites / mobile website, if we are accessing rest based api in website which do not use any login for accessing contents ( login would be optional ) then how could we restrict other people from accessing rest based api ?
Does it make sense using Oauth2.0 ? I don't have clear idea of that.
More clear question could be ,How can we secure get or post request exposed over web for the website which doesn't use any login ?
If it's simple get request or post request , which will return you json data on specific input, now i have mobile website , who will access those data using get request or post request to fetch data. Well, some else can also access it , problem is i am not using Login, user can access data directly. But how can we restrict other people from accessing that data.
What do you think is the difference between securing a website that is not using REST vs one that is using REST API?
OAuth provides authorisation capabilities for your site, in a REST architecture this means a user of the mobile application will have to provide their credentials before being allowed to access the resource. The application can then decide on if that user has access to the requested resource. However you've said your website doesn't need use authorisation.
You can use certificates however good luck managing the certificate for each client. My take on it is for your explanation you don't need to secure your website because you will never be able to manage a trust relationship between the client and the server. There are some options though:
You build your own client application that you ship out to people which can verify itself with the server using a packaged certificate with the client. E.g. iOS has this kind of feature if you build for that device.
You provide a capability to download a certificate that is 'installed' in the browser and used when communicating to your REST API
Use something like a handshaking protocol so when a client wants to make the first request it says; 'hi I'm a client can we chat?' And the server responds with 'yes for the next X minutes we can however make sure you send me this key everytime you tell me something YYYYYY' (you can use something like SecureUDID or equivalent for other devices than iOS).
There are probably others but you get the basic idea. Again in my opinion if your resource doesn't need authorisation then you don't need to secure that REST API. Can I ask what kind of data are you exposing via this REST API or functionality your providing? That might help provide a better answer.
You want authorization: only some agents (mobile clients) and/or users should be allowed to access those APIs.
To solve that problem, you need identification: a way for the server to tell who is who (or what), so the right decision can be made.
There are many different way to provide some form of identification, depending how much you care about security.
The simplest is a user agent string, specific to your mobile clients. But it can be faked easily. Slightly harder to fake are client based 'secrets' - embed some kind of secret or key in your mobile client code. You can make it really complicated and secret, but as ramsinb pointed out, you can't get security this way as it would require you to be able to guarantee that the secret you're shipping with the client (wether it's code, algorithm or any other fancy construct) can't be compromised or reverse engineered. Not happening when you don't control the client.
From there, 3 choices:
Security isn't really required, don't bother
Security isn't really required, but you still want to limit access to your API to either legit users/agents or people ready to invest some time hacking your protection - go with a specific user agent or a client embedded secret - don't invest much into it as it won't block people who really want access to get it anyway
Security IS required - and then I don't think there is a way around authentication, wether it's login/password, user specific (device specific?) keys, OpenID, etc... No matter what, you'll have to add to the user burden to some extent, although you can limit that burden by allowing authentication to persist (cookies, storage....)