How to paginate data using zend framework? - zend-framework

i need pager for my proj.
i found many different type of pager in the net, but i need to the pager that it be standard for mvc structure and zend framework.

If you mean pagination then you should start with Zend_Paginator
Programmer's Reference Guide


Scaffolding for Play Framework 2

Is there scaffolding generator utility for Play Framework 2 for Scala like Ruby on Rails has? I found some topics about this but didn't figure out which one was most popular or even if there was the standard one?
Your thoughts?
UPDATE: I mean scaffolding for generating controllers, views, models or any of them.
If you're using MongoDB, the reactive mongo plugin has an auto source feature, which gives you a REST scaffolding API:
Slick can generate models from your database tables. They aren't play specific so I think you'd have to write controllers yourself, but it's a start.

Data grid for zend framework

Can you advise good data grid in zend framework expect the zdgrid. I an trying to use Dojo. no result none of them is working.
As zend framework developer which one is best choise in term of functionality and implementation?
It got less to do with ZF more to do which java-script library you know better . If you are good at jquery then I ill advice jqGrid . Its robust with tons of functionality which can be easily implemented both client and server side easily.

jqGrid vs. Html.Grid Helper

I have been using jqGrid as my grid view to my data for some time now. It works well and it was easy to implement into my solution. However, due to some refactoring going on within the project right now, I have been looking into it again.
The project itself is built around ASP.NET MVC 2 (.NET 4.0). We need some extra functionality such as:
Being able to add columns.
Inline editing of columns.
jqGrid does all of this (although, not all of this functionality is implemented yet - some of it is new based on new needs). But, given that I am using ASP.NET MVC, I was wondering if it would make more sense to switch to the Html.Grid helper. It looks just as easy to implement for the things I know it can do (Sorting/Filtering/Paging), but I do not know if it can even do the other tasks (in a fairly straightforward manner) - anything I have found seems somewhat "hackish."
Can anybody enlighten me on A.) the capabilities of Html.Grid to jqGrid and B.) if there is any reason I'd want to take Html.Grid.
I use jqGrid successfully with ASP.NET MVC 2 (.NET 4.0) and have all the features which you describe in your question. Moreover all pages having jqGrid looks like very simple.
I don't use Html.Grid or any MVC controls. I include just pure HTML fragment <table id="list"></table><div id="pager"></div> on the page. Additionally I include the JavaScript which initialize the "list" table and the "pager" div as the jqGrid. So the implementation is independent from MVC concept. The most important part of the jqGrid integrations is the actions which get back pure JSON output and which implement GET/PUT/POST/DELETE operations with the jqGrid. You can read more about the approach here (see also many links with code examples included in the answer).
To be exactly I prefer to use WCF as a part on my ASP.NET MVC solution and the WCF methods provide the data needed for jqGrid (see here more details), but you can implement all as pure ASP.NET MVC actions.
If you use Unit testes for you ASP.NET MVC site you can successfully write tests for WFC methods or controller actions used by jqGrid. In the way you will test the most parts of jqGrid implementation.
After looking at both approach, I decided the jqGrid was a far easier (and simpler) approach for what I was attempting to do.

Scaffolding CRUD in Zend Framework

I'm developing an application on the send zend framework based and I'm missing the Scaffolding. (Something I am used to from other frameworks.)
Is there anything like that for zend framework? I have found zfdatagrid but I would like to know if there is a better solution.
Check out this one:

What's the best way to paginate a dataset with Zend_Framework and Doctrine?

Before I start to build this myself I thought I'd ask others to share their experience. What's the best / your favorite way to paginate a dataset with an application built upon Zend_Framework and Doctrine as your ORM?
I'm new to Doctrine.
I'm calling the model directly from a View Helper, bypassing the Controller, although I'm still interested if your solution uses controllers.
I did see one article on this topic:
Devzone has an article using Doctrine, Zend Framework OR Pear, but none of those options mention a #ZF app that uses Doctrine.
You don't need anything special.
Look on Github for ready paginator adapter, e.g. this one.
In theory, one way is to create a custom data source adapter and plug it into Zend Paginator.