whats the height of uitextfield in xcode (iphone) - iphone

the square kind... (not rounded)
Im trying to make a background that fits my texfield and cant seem to find the height (default) anywhere

Default height is 31pts (you can see that in IB), but it is fixed only for rounded border style - with all other styles you can set field height to arbitrary value.
btw, you can find a reference for common UI elements sizes here

[textField sizeThatFits:textField.frame.size].height
If you hard-code 31pts then you will have unsightly visual errors if (when) Apple ever changes the size.

For iOS and iPadOS 14.5. The default height is 34 points for the rounded border style as seen in the Interface Builder.
However, this value can change. To check the size use the following code snippet.
let textField = UITextField()
textField.borderStyle = .roundedRect
print (textField.sizeThatFits(textField.frame.size).height)

UITextField is a subclass of UIView so you can send -frame or -bounds to the object.


iOS 7 UIDatePicker height inconsistency?

I'm running into something weird when using UIDatePicker elements with Storyboards in iOS 7. In the Storyboard, the date picker has a fixed height of 162. In reality, however, the element takes up more space than that. So this
turns into this:
so I have to move everything below it down, guessing and eyeballing how much space the date picker will actually use. Is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong? To be clear, the date picker is totally transparent - can't figure out a way around that. The white background at the top is the main UIView, and the gray background is the background of the UITableView embedded inside the container view.
I can confirm that using UI(Date)Picker in storyboards has a different height (162.0) than in "reality" (216.0). Therefore you have to adjust the space to container view to fit that "real" date picker height or try to solve it using auto-layout.
Here is a funny trick I just found: put the UIDatePicker inside a dedicated view with a constraint of 162 points in height (add 0 point vertical constraints from top and bottom of the picker to this new superview). This seems to have the effect of forcing the picker to keep the size of 162 points.
You can add the option of clipping the subviews to be sure that the UIDatePicker will not escape from its new prison.
EDIT: after some more tests, it seems that by just adding a height constraint of 162 points to the UIDatePicker, it will keep its "IB size". And, to answer #Andrew's comment, here is what it will look like:
You can change the width and height by simply giving it width and height constraints. Without doing that, the UIDatePicker just acts weird, I've found.
Setting clipsToBounds property to YES on my UIDatePicker object helped me.
datePicker.clipsToBounds = YES;
For XIB's you can directly tick the checkbox for Clip Subviews :

How to set UITextView's content inset like Notes App

I am working in an app in which I need to give feature like Notes App in iphone. as shown in first screen shot , initially , notes leaves a tab before the content starts, I also wanted to do the same and for that when I set Left Content inset (of UITextView) by 25 , it shows like in screenshot 2, here you may see the image also gets shifted. I have set image as background. I don't know how to solve this problem.
I also tried by adding image as subview of UITextview but it won't repeat the lines, while scrolling (image of lines) like notes app.
I'm setting the background of Textview by following code.
[textView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"line_image.png"]]];
Please tell me if I am going wrong or any extra effort needed to get desired output.
UITextView is UIScrollView subclass so all relevant delegate method are available for you (e.g. scrollViewDidScroll:) - you can adjust your custom background in that method.
There's very nice post on Dr.Touch blog about recreating Notes app interface - you can get general idea about how it is done from it. Basically what is done there is adding custom view that draws background behind the text view and adjust it in text view's delegate methods and also using KVO on its 'contentSize' property.
#Dinesh gave nice solution but it doesn't sound to be generic as I want to use image of lines instead of drawing them. Image has some special effects that can not be achieved by drawing. So to solve it I created a table view below the textview keeping textview's background transparent. Now just added the image of line to my tableview's custom cell and set content offset of UItableview same as of the scrollview (subview of text view ,refering to the answer of #Vladimir ) .
And used the following code to scroll my tableview with scrolling the textview and got the desired output.
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
tableView.contentOffset =scrollView.contentOffset;
Keeping my tableview's number of rows at a very large number.
PS: instead of setting the content inset of textview, i set its frame's X position and decreased the width relaively.

Left-aligned text at viewDidLoad instead of center with custom font

I'm using a custom font on an iPhone app. This font is used on UIButtons and is displaying well.
In IB, I'm setting up horizontal alignement to center and changing the font programaticly with :
[self.playButton.titleLabel setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:#"myfont" size:30]];
when the viewDidLoad is reached.
On the screen, when the view appear, the button's label is first left-aligned in my button and then, 1/2 sec later, it switch to center like I want.
It looks really strange ... if anyone have a clue about this, thanks a lot !
When using
[self.playButton.titleLabel setTextAlignment:UITextAlignmentCenter];
It's nearly the same, the text is cut and then appears totaly.
I am having EXACTLY the same problem. It appears using (sorry for the code, is Xamarin.iOS's C#, not obj-c) UILabel.Appearance.Font = UIFont.FromFile... Removing that let me set font even in the ViewDidLoad!

UILabel text scaling, Programmatically?

I want to change my UILabel text or UILabel itself's size by using UISlider, I know it's something we don't do it for an normal application. But basically I am trying new and different things to explore Objective -C language and iOS platform.
So far I am able to change colour of a font by UISlider, Which looks really great, So thought of changing it's size too by UISlider. Below I am posting pictures to clarify my thoughts visually!
From ----->
To ------->
While making those images I realised I might have to change size of UILable and Size of font too. Am I right? Is this possible?
textLabel.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:slider.value];
CGSize newSize = [textLabel.text sizeWithFont:textLabel.font];
This should make it
an alternative is to set the fram of the label above the complete size above the textField and set textAlignement = center
its quite simple actually
According to slider change value dynamically increase height and width of your label..
There can be many ways you can handle this, one way would be to just change the font size with slider and when you change the font calculate the frame size with sizeWithFont: instance method of NSString.

How to set height for a textfield in size inspector

i created a UITextField of type rounded textfield, using Interface Builder,so in order to set the Height of a textfield its window was disabled(not to set any height manually) in SizeInspector.so if we want to set height manually,what procedure should we follow.
One thing i would like to mention is ,we can do that in coding part,but what i would like to know is ,how can we acheive that in interfacebuilder.
Answers from you were always appreciated.
Change the border style, like this:
Unfortunately you can't set the Height of a UITextField using Interface Builder. You will have to set it programatically and be sure it doesn't break any rules from iPhone Human Interface Guidelines
You can change the height of UITextField by editing the .xib file. Just open it using Textedit or Dashcode and search for the IBUITextField. Edit to NSFrame parameter to whatever size u want.
increase the size of the font and the box's height will increase
Change the Border Style property of the text field to something other than the rounded rectangle. After that you can freely set the height of the box.
Right click on .xib file and click on "Open As"-> "Source Code". Then search for UITextField's NSFrame. Change the height as you want.
Successful solution with my condition:
After trying all above ways, I could not change the height of UITextField.
Finally, I found out that I put UITextField in stack view (or it was affected by some constraints).
So, I added Height Constraint for UITextField then put my expected height in Constant of Constraint.
And it works.
Specially, it works for all Border-style (None, Line, Bezel, RoundedRect).
No code is needed.
After a bit of playing around, I realized that UITextField can be thought of as a UIButton (Rounded rect style) with a UILabel on top of it. Or, it is a UITextView on top of UIButton Rounded rect style. The number of lines, dimensions and position of the label inside the button can be easily adjusted in IB.
In my case, I wanted a read only text-field so I used UILabel on top of UIButton. I adjusted the size of button as per requirement and also label size. I also had to uncheck the 'Enable' box for the button in IB so that it does not get highlighted on touching.
You can easily change that using source code. Just right click on your storyboard, open it as source code, then search for your text field and change the height.
The easiest way that i have found to accomplish this is to change the border style and then edit the other attributes to your liking. Here's an example.
emailField.layer.borderColor = [[UIColor blackColor] CGColor];
emailField.layer.borderWidth = 2.0f;
emailField.layer.cornerRadius = 8.0f;
emailField.alpha = .75f;
emailField.layer.backgroundColor = [[UIColor whiteColor] CGColor];
I resolved textfield (with rounded rect) height problem. You must define height constraint for your textfield object.
Define height constraint for Textfield.
We can change height of Text Field with any type of border style other than rounded rectangle by simply dragging. But for the Rounded Rectangle Text fields it is not possible...of course we can change height using some code.
And here I found a simple way. It worked for me
Select the text field and at the below right corner we can see the pins option..
There select the height constrain it is 30 pre-defined...
select that height and you can see "Add 1 Constraint" is enabled.
Click on that..therefore we have added height constraint for that text field.
Now go to the size inspector. There find the Height constraint in "Constraints"...which is above the "Content Hugging Priority"
You can edit the height there...give whatever value you want to give. Now see the textfield it is changed to its height which you have given.
It worked for me :) Can use this scenario for UISwitch, Segment, etc..
As #peterdoesco.de said, Just add an Height constraint, and change it's value, this can works fine.