iPhone accessibility on button with image - iphone

Anyone knows how to prevent VoiceOver from speaking the button image filename?
Thanks in advance!

self.button.accessibilityLabel = #"Your accessibility label";
self.button.accessibilityTraits = UIAccessibilityTraitButton;
Hope this help

If you set an accessible name for the button, Voiceover will read that instead of the filename. find exact info at http://developer.apple.com/accessibility


UILabel with Link with more than one line

i want to use UILabel with link.
for that i am using IFTweetLabel which is finding any link and showing a line under it and it is clickable.
but if a string is big then only first line is getting hyperlink instead of complete URL.
as an issue with https://github.com/clawoo/IFTweetLabel/issues/3.
so is there any other option for it , or other library ?
First you have to import RegexKitLite framework. Go through this link. Surely this will help you. It gives same thing as you want.
First thing I would like to suggest is
Use UITextView with editing property as NO and it will automatically detect all the links separately similar like the one you need.
textview.editable = NO;
textview.dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypeAll;
If you still want to go with UILabel then
You can achieve this by using NSArrtibutedStrings — but I would recommend to use some wrapper around this C-functions. I like OHAttributedLabel.
The demo included shows exactly, how hyperlinks can be handled.
You should give a try to three20 project.
what is the reason for not using UITextView..there is link detection property for UITextView.Your app is not going to get rejected

customize iphone settings programmatically

I have an application in which, after running it and selecting setting of iPhone, inside the application name, there should be a button.
I know that through settings.bundle we cannot add a button.
So is there some way to do it programmatically?
Or else can we add a uitableviewcell to settings same like safari and all so that it looks like a button?
Please guide me in this.
Thanks in advance
According to this post it is not possible.
If you are not bound to use the iPhone system settings you may have a look at the inAppSettingsKit

how to attach files for mailing in xcode

I have a mailcomposer in which i have attached a file through coding(hard-coded)..
I need to have a button so that When i press the button.It should ask which file to attach...
My code is shown below in which i am attaching the file hordcoded...
UIImage *img=[UIImage imageNamed:#"Mehmood.jpg"];
NSData *imgData=UIImageJPEGRepresentation(img, 1);
[composer addAttachmentData:imgData mimeType:#"image/jpeg" fileName:#"Mehmood.jpg"];
Even I need to attach any file which i am selecting after button click(not the specific one like png/jpeg)...
Please help...
Thanks in advance
maybe this will help you.
Where's the iPhone MIME type database?
You cannot really modify the standard mail composer window to add your own buttons. You should ask the user what they want to attach before presenting the mail composer.

UIActivityindicatorView within label possible?

anyone can give the detail how to do it?please see that link?
Those activity labels are part of the Three20 iPhone UI library by Joe Hewitt.

Why does UIWebView keep detecting phone numbers?

I have a UIWebView with detect phone numbers unchecked. However, it keeps underlining the numbers in this text:
Version: 2.1 3.19.2009
The text isn't in an anchor or anything. Is there a way to force the UIWebView to not detect phone numbers?
webview.dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypeNone;
It looks like there is a problem with Interface Builder's UIWebView attributes palette; the "Detects Phone Numbers" checkbox does not seem to have any affect. Examining the UIWebView's detectsPhoneNumbers property at runtime shows that it was not actually modified by IB.
For now, setting the detectsPhoneNumbers property in code to "NO" will work fine. The problem is only with the IB palette.
Unless we're both missing something, this is a bug. I'd suggest filing it at http://bugreport.apple.com/. Additionally, you can post it at http://openradar.appspot.com/ if you'd like to make it visible to other developers.
Swift 3+ programmatically
webView.dataDetectorTypes = []
[webview setDetectsPhoneNumbers:NO];
It will work for you.....