wxWidgets Application Release Issue - deployment

I have developed window base application in Visual Studio using wxWidgets. Application working fine. But when I make the release of application and test on another system where no visual studio installed, the application give me the error
Not Install property Reinstalling may
fix your problem
Release of my application only works where Visual Studio Installed. I have also tested after installing .NET Framework, but the same error. Please guide me so that I can successfully deployed my application.

You need to include all the required libraries for your application.
There are two sets: the wxWidgets libraries and the C runtime libraries.
There are two ways to include these libraries, depending on how you built your application - by using static libraries or by using DLLS.
The easiest way to do your first release is to use static libraries. This means that all the reuired library code is included in your executable by the linker. This makes the executable rather large, but simplifies the release.
To link the C run time libraries statically: In Visual Studio select Project | Properties | C/C++ | Code Generation | Runtime Library | Multi-Threaded /MT
You will also have to build the wxWidgets libraries using the static runtime libraries and then specify the static wxWidgets libraries to the linker.
You can see lots of useful information on these subjects here


Error while trying to compile imported project from Mbed compiler

I have completely followed installing the GNU MCU Eclipse compiler along with the arm gnu toolchain and its complementary GCC toolchain provided in the
tutorial link.
When I want to build a project which I exported from the Mbed online compiler, I set the PATH variable in the project's properties to wherever the where gnu-arm-none-eabi-g++ command refers. But Regarding all the instructions I followed I am still getting this compile error:
**Error:Program "make" not found in PATH**
It seems that there is a way around in order to avoid the multi-step process for setting up the Eclipse IDE for Max devices.
The Maxim Integrated company has special eclipse neon dedicated for maxim arm processors which can be downloaded from this link.
Warning!!: when you install the arm toolchain and run the Eclipse IDE, be aware that you don't update the IDE tools and libraries via the IDE itself. However, if you want to update the libraries you can do this by the Arm cortex management app which is included in the toolchain setup.

Creating portable CDT library in eclipse

I have some specific libraries used for building embedded code. But every time I create a a cdt project in eclipse, I have to add this libraries to the project. I know one can create a library project and then create a dependency to this from the main application. But what I ant quite figure out here is the toolchain setting propagation.
When I create a project in eclipse, I am forced to define the toolchain to use for building. What I want is not to define a toolchain for the library project, but let eclipse use the defined toolchain for the main project referencing the library to build the library.
Sometimes, a library is built for AVR, sometimes for ARM, sometimes for PC. Each of this requires a different compiler. But once I specify a compiler for the library, this compiler is always being used to build even if that is not the required one at the time the library is been compiled.
I hope my question is clear? Thanks for your anticipated help.

Building OPCUA for vxworks using cmake

I am building OPCUA for vxworks 6.6. I got a information in
It is mentioned as below "create a new CMake project for "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" with the vxWorks CMake toolchainfile."
Here what does author mean by "vxWorks CMake toolchainfile."?
I am also looking for steps in building in generate project for vxworks workbench from CMake, like what are prequestie software to be avialable (I have CMake 3.2.2 installed on windows 7 machine). It would be good if steps are explained with simple Helloworld application how do we generate vxworks workbench project from windows CMake3.2.2.
Here what does author mean by "vxWorks CMake toolchainfile."?
A toolchain file is a file with informations about the toolchain used for a target platform. It contains compiler to use, include paths, libraries etc.
The problem: CMake doesn't support VxWorks.
What you can do:
Does OPCUA already contain one (or other kind of cmake support)?
If so, you are on the lucky side ...
Write your own toolchain file
It's not that difficult
Recommendation: Write a toolchain file and platformfiles describing your target platform (Some info: here (useful!), here and here)
Search if you can find one in the internet
Use the basic Cross-compile features of CMake
(in the CMake GUI: Use "Specify options for cross-compiling")
In some cases this is enough; set compilers and include paths
This is more or less what the toolchain file does
I am also looking for steps in building in generate project for vxworks workbench from CMake
As VxWorks, the Workbench is not an official supported IDE. Therefore you can't generate Workbench project directly. But since the WB is Eclipse based, you may use the usual Eclipse project files. Disadvantage: Not all WB features are available (but you can achieve most of these with CMake).
like what are prequestie software to be avialable
Just CMake, the Workbench and the usual VxWorks platform (Compiler, libraries, BSP, ...).
It would be good if steps are explained with simple Helloworld application how do we generate vxworks workbench project from windows CMake3.2.2.
As you have seen: this is not that easy. But the basic steps:
Write a toolchain file (if you don't have one) and maybe platform files (depending on how many platforms / compiler you want to support). You get some help from the link above
Check if your toolchain file leads to successful compilation
Generate Eclipse project files (infos: CMake:Eclipse UNIX Tutorial and Eclipse CDT4 Generator)

How can I add libraries to Xamarin Mono for Android project in VS2010?

I am working on a mono for Android application (my very first) that consumes a web api. In the documentation at xamarin.com there are examples on using different libraries such as RestSharp and Json.Net.
However, when I try to install these libraries via Nuget in my VS2010 project it failes with the following message:
Install failed. Rolling back... Could not install package
'Newtonsoft.Json 4.5.9'. You are trying to install this package into a
project that targets 'MonoAndroid,Version=v2.2', but the package does
not contain any assembly references that are compatible with that
framework. For more information, contact the package author.
How can I include such libraries in my project?
Thanks in advance.
This error message indicates those libraries are not compatible with Mono for Android. You should ask the manufacturer of the libraries if they have a MfA compatible version. If you have the source code of the libraries you could also try to make a MfA library, using linked source files, yourself.
Not sure if you've tried this but if you're using xamarin studio and right click the component folder in your Android app project choosing add component should be able to solve your problem. This will add a reference to the component that is added. Components seem like they are mono compatible packages and what's good for your case is that there are components for both RestSharp and Json.Net:

Xcode beginner (from Eclipse to Xcode)

I want to learn Xcode in order to use its Obj-C, C, Java etc. project development facilities. I'm trying to start from the tasks I've done easily in Eclipse. For instance:
In Eclipse I used to create a new project and add a .java file with a main() whenever I wanted to test a snippet or a short algorithm that writes on standart output or console. I tried to create a java project in Xcode, but the templates given are ready-to-code complete mac apps, hence they are an overkill for a simple test. Starting out from an empty project, I began to notice that I had to write some shell scripts and some ant lines, also those codes had to be associated with "targets" and many other things that are not natural in Eclipse... It was overwhelming... so:
Does Xcode provide a simple solution like a Eclipse java project to aid those problems?
Where can I find (besides apple.com) an easy introduction to Xcode?
texeditor, java y javac are better options, and then is better to remain in Eclipse?
Stick to Eclipse for Java applications, use XCode for Objective-C or otherwise native Mac OS X applications.
XCode is no match to Eclipse when it comes to Java support: there's no such thing as a Java project, ant isn't there, it knows nothing about JVMs (e.g. you cannot use JVM version X for project Y), there are virtually no plugins for XCode (things you take for granted in Eclipse such as the web services tools, tomcat integration, etc).
XCode is the ultimate tool for Mac OS X applications as it's very well integrated with Interface Builder, which you'd use to build and manage the graphical resources of your application. It does a great job at managing Objective-C and C code, recent version have built in static analysis and all versions are integrated with GDB (the C debugger).