NetBeans remote editing for Java projects? - netbeans

My project makes use of the Play! framework, so I don't need an editor that can compile. I generally like NetBeans, but would like to remote edit source files on the server to save time. I also often switch between my desktop/netbook for development, so remote editing would save me from syncing a dev environment.
All my searches for remote editing for Netbeans suggest that it's available for PHP projects, but I don't see anything for Java projects. If Netbeans doesn't support remote editing for Java projects, is there an IDE that does?
Edit: I develop on Windows but the server runs Linux.

You don't mention your operating system, but there are solutions for Windows where you can make a FTP server appear as a regular drive in Windows. That way you can use any editor/IDE you like regardless whether that supports FTP access or not.
A quick search diggs up this:


eclipse neon remote debug

I just installed the latest version of eclipse neon. I previously used eclipse mars. But due to other issues that should be updated in eclipse Neon I changed to this version.
I develop a program for a ARM Linux system on a Windows computer, so using a cross-gcc and doing remote debug using gdb/gdbserver from eclipse. I first made a connection using the remote systems perspective using ftp for file transfer and ssh for the shell. This worked fine and I was happy with this.
But in Neon it seems to be changed because the connection that I made in the Remote Systems explorer can't be selected anymore when you use C/C++ Remote Application Debug. When you look at the connection listbox I only see local connection and not the remote systems anymore. When I create a new connection from the debug configurations dialog I can only choose serial/telnet/ssh but when I choose ssh it doesn't work. I can make the connection and open a command shell, so ssh works. But when it wants to transfer the file to my target it is using sftp appearently (looking at the error log) but I don't have this on my target.
When I transfer the file manually to my target (using the remote systems perspective) the debugging works fine but of course I want to transfer the file automatically when I start a debug.
My question is if indeed this connection management is changed that you can't choose anymore the systems that you defined in the remote systems explorer?
Or do you need install a specific plugin?
The current configuration possibilities are very limited and also the debugging of the issues is limited.
Other solution is that I have scp installed on the target. Is there a way to change from sftp to scp?

Need simple version control tool for own development project (site)

I am doing a project in my spare time, and I need version control. Mainly I need some kind of sync that keeps remote / local files synced up since I make changes both on the server and locally.
Environment is Windows 8, 64bit, main dev tool is Dreamweaver, and the servers are on the host at the moment (although I am thinking for setting up a local db and server).
I don't want anything fancy, or complicated and only this very basic functionality is needed. Just for it to keep track of whether the server version and the local version is most recent, possible warn me if I am about to make a version control mistake.
You say that you need "some kind of sync that keeps remote / local files synced up" with simple workflow. Take a closer look at Apache Subversion (SVN) then; SVN is a storage and a time machine for your sources and is a great solution to organize your code and development process. Read SVNBook!
Adobe Dreamweaver supports SVN out-of-the-box, BTW. There is a good article series about using Dreamweaver with SVN:
Using Subversion with Dreamweaver CS5 – Part 1: Introducing Subversion,
Using Subversion with Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 – Part 2: Configuring Dreamweaver to use Subversion.

Remote C development on a UNIX machine from a Windows machine using eclipse

I have terminal access to an AIX machine using ssh/telnet (No root access). I need to develop programs using C and compile it using the xlc compiler. Currently I can open remote files in eclipse(Juno) using RSE and edit files, but code-completion and error checking won't work. Can anyone please, help me to setup eclipse, so that code-completion would work and also, I would be able to compile the code from my Windows machine. Any help would be deeply appreciated.
You could try this, or.. check out...
How to build a c++ project on a remote computer in Eclipse?
Somewhat similar. If you look at the 3rd answer.
Also you could try X11 Forwarding -
Instead of trying to setup Eclipse and CDT to do remote development, you may want to consider purchasing IBM Rational Developer for Power Systems Software (RDP), which is an Eclipse-based remote development environment that allows for C and C++ (and COBOL) application development on AIX from a Windows or Linux system. More information can be found here.

Setup project slow to install Windows service and client

I am currently using the Visual Studio 2010 Setup Project to deploy my application to an MSI installer file, which includes a Windows Service and a Windows Forms application. But I am disappointed with the performance and compatibility of this form of packaging.
My application is compatible with Windows XP and upwards, but several older XP user-testing boxes simply don't have the right version of the Windows Installer or the necessary service pack installed. (Un)installation can take dreadfully long for a program under 1MB in size and many systems do not support it. InstallState errors can crop up and ruin the (un)installation if the service has been deleted or already installed, or if any program files are missing (for uninstall).
What I need from an (un)installer:
Manage .NET dependencies.
Copy/remove my application files to a folder.
Add/remove menu and shortcuts to the desktop and Start menu.
(Un)install a Windows service, though I can also do this from my application. The stop and uninstall part is important.
Run my application when it's done.
This question's answers recommend NSIS (which I have used with good results) and WiX. Ironically there is no easy link to simple installer for WiX on their website.
Am I missing something with VS2010's setup project? It is optimized for speed, but it's just too slow.
You should run the installer/uninstaller explicitly with
msiexec /x thefile.msi /l*v thefile.log
(/i for install). Then inspect the log file; it will have time stamps telling you what action took what amount of time. Of course, the logging will affect that, but you should get an idea what makes it take so long.

What is a good alternative for SourceSafe on a USB Drive?

I like to keep my source files on a USB drive for the portability. To date I have been using Visual SourceSafe for this purpose. What is a good alternative to VSS that fulfils these criteria:
Entire database can be held on a USB "pen" drive
Code / documentation duplicated on local drives
Does not require a central server
Easy to backup and restore using standard backup tools
Integrates with Visual Studio
Has a small footprint
Easy to clean the database and keep small
Compatible with Windows XP, Vista and Vista x64
A good reference on setup would be good too.
I would use SVN (Subversion).
You can use SVN in "file" mode (w/o using the network).
combine this with tortoiseSVN, which integrates to explorer, and you have a nice little portable repository.
For Visual Studio integration, there is the commercial($49) VisualSVN (which I believe is the setup used to develop StackOverflow).
Someone also mentioned AnkhSVN which I haven't used, but some people find it less than satisfying.
Don't use SourceSafe. There's major problems with it. See this:
I'd recommend using SubVersion instead.
If you're using Windows, you can use TortoiseSVN.
If you're working on Linux or other Unix variants, try RapidSVN.
Use Subversion. The FSFS style repository will work best as older BDB ones can have issues when moved from computer to computer. With AnkhSVN you'll have full integration with Visual Studio (AnkhSVN 2.x is a source control plugin; older versions still do the job, though).
Bazaar does what you're asking for (in terms of working very well standalone), and there was a 2007 Summer of Code project to build a Visual Studio integration plugin which appears to have produced an at-least-partially-functional product.
Bazaar (and other distributed tools, such as Git, Mercurial, Darcs and the like) are ideal because you can have your repository stored in multiple places (ie. on your pen drive, but also copied up to a server on a regular basis), make changes in one or the other branch (let's say you leave your pen drive at home -- you can build changes against the copy on a remote server, upload them via WebDAV, SFTP, etc, and be able to seamlessly merge them into changes done locally to the pen drive; non-distributed solutions such as Subversion don't have that capability).
There are two common free front-ends Ankhsvn integrates into visual studio
and TortoiseSVN integrates with explorer ( my preference).
There is also sliksvn a self contained svn server for windows.
I'd recommend SubVersion as well - you can find a hosting provider who offers SVN for really cheap, this way your source code is always backed up and available, all you need to keep on your flash drive is SVN client...