Can entity variables be functions? - krl

Since functions and actions are first-class, is it possible for an entity variable to hold a function? Historically that was not the case; entity variables could only be flags, counters, trails, or literals.
A corollary to that, if the answer is true. Can a function be defined in a postlude and assigned directly to an entity variable?
(This is a question from the CS 462 mailing list.)

No. Entity variables can only contain strings and numbers, arrays, structs, and any combination of such.


Effect of Anonymous function in performance in Dart

Does using anonymous function whenever possible reduces the memory usage and improves the overall performance in Dart?
Short Answer
No. It doesn't improve overall performance and also doesn't decrease memory usage. However the exact opposite might happen depending on the scenario.
Long Answer
Anonymous functions are the same as closures in Dart, and so will have a pointer(memory address) to the parent environment associated with it. Which means an additional variable with size equivalent to the bit-width of a pointer (in the corresponding platform) will be accompanying the anonymous function.
Here's how call to different types of functions work
Normal function: The arguments for the functions are the only values passed for the call.
Anonymous functions: The arguments for the functions are passed along with the pointer/reference to the parent's environment
Class method: A pointer/reference to the particular object instance is passed as the first argument along with the rest of the arguments.
Static Class method: This is equivalent to a normal function and the object instance of the class is not passed at all.
So, both class methods and anonymous functions have an extra variable, essentially a pointer, required to work. So "technically" this increases memory usage. However you don't have to worry about such things when you are using Dart. Because the extra memory required for anonymous functions and class methods is almost equivalent to when you add a new argument int newArg to a normal function or static class method.
If the anonymous function is executed right after it is declared, like (() {})(), then the pointer associated with it should be cleared in the next garbage collection sweep. This of course depends on the implementation and the scenario. If the anonymous function is stored in a variable or passed as an argument, then the lifetime of the pointer depends on the lifetime of that variable or argument.
Also, the pointer refers to the parent environment and because of this, the variables belonging to the parent scope, referred in the anonymous function will be kept alive even if the execution of the parent scope is complete. This in fact means that less memory is cleared in the next garbage collection sweep. The memory allocated for those referred variables will be cleared only when the anonymous function itself is not required anymore.
In the case of anonymous functions, there is also the need for lookup of parent-scoped variables used in the function body, that is the lookup for all the variables that are from the parent environment, this adds to compile-time or runtime depending on whether your dart code is AOT or JIT compiled.
But the same thing happens with normal class methods, as there is a need to lookup all class members used. (This doesn't happen in languages like Rust, Python... where there is a keyword like self or this representing the object instance that has to be explicitly mentioned)
Additional Context
Anonymous functions are otherwise referred to as lambdas or closures. There is actually a difference in definition between lambdas and closures
mathematically, and both of those can work as the other one depending on the use-case.
Lambdas are supposed to be functions that takes only one argument and has only one statement.
Closures are supposed to be functions that closes over the scope of its parent. Basically, closures can look for variables in the environment of its parent.
In Dart, there are no two entities separately known as lambdas and closures, instead there are closures. This is commonly seen in many programming languages, as they don't bother to keep a separation. By the way, the definition doesn't restrict a lambda from being a closure. And vice-versa.

What is the benefit of defining enumerators as a DUT?

The main goal of defining enumerators is to assign a variable to some numbers and their equal strings as I understand.
We can define var a as an enum everywhere in the initializing section of our Program or Function Block like this:
tough I don't know why we can't see that in tabular view but there there is a big question that:
What is the benefit of defining enumerators as a DUT?
There are 3 main benefits for me:
You can use the same enum in multiples function blocks
You can use TO_STRING on enums declared as DUTs (After enabling it with {attribute 'to_string'} Infosys
You can use refactoring on names of each component, which is impossible with local enums
When defining an enum as a DUT it is available everywhere in your code (global scope).
This is helpful in many cases, but in general it is not good programming practice to have a lot of stuff available in the global scope.
Here is a bit elaboration on the topic.
In addition to the above, one benefit is that if you are using an enumeration for something like FB states, you will be able to see the descriptive status name when the program is running (READING, WRITING, WAITING, ERROR, etc.).
You can see it in the variable declarations section, in-line with your code, or in the watch window. You don’t have to remember what status number was defined in your state machine.
This benefit comes with local enumerations or DUT (global) enumerations.
In addition to other good points already made, there is another big advantage to enumerations : you can use the enumeration as the type of a variable, and when you do that, the compiler will (if {attribute 'strict'} is used in the enumeration declaration, which it probably should) refuse an assignment to that variable of a value that is not allowed by the enumeration.
In other words, you get rid of a whole class of failure modes where the variable ends up having an invalid value due to some coding mistake the compiler cannot catch.
It takes a trivial amount of time to create an enumeration, and it has benefits on many levels. I would say the real question is why not use them whenever a fixed list of meaningful values needs to be expressed.

Does Swift have an equivalent to Rust's `uninitialized`?

The Rust standard library has the std::mem::uninitialized function, which allows you to manually create an undefined (and possible invalid) value of any type. This essentially maps to LLVM's undef. I was wondering if Swift had an equivalent, as I haven't been able to find one skimming through the standard library documentation.
The primary use for this is to bypass the compiler's normal memory initialization checks when they prove imprecise. For instance, you might want to initialize some members of a structure using methods (or in Swift's case, property setters), which the compiler usually would not allow you to do. Using dummy values works, but that's potentially less efficient (if the optimizer cannot prove that the dummy is meaningless).
In Rust, uninitialized values are treated as initialized by the initialization checker, but as uninitialized by LLVM, leading to more reliable optimization. Since the Swift compiler is also built atop LLVM, it seems like something the Swift compiler should also be able to support.
My Specific Use Case
I have a struct which encapsulates a set of bit fields compacted into one machine word (an unsigned integer type). The struct type provides a safe and convenient interface for reading and modifying the individual fields, through computed properties.
I also have an initializer that takes the relevant field values as parameters. I could initialize the underlying machine word using the same bitwise operations that the computed properties use (in which case I would be repeating myself), or I could initialize it simply by setting the values of the computed properties.
Currently, Swift does not support using computed properties before self has been fully initialized. It's also unlikely Swift will ever support this case, since the computed property setters modify the existing machine word, which would require it to already be initialized, at least as far as Swift is concerned. Only I know that all my setters, in concert, will fully initialize that machine word.
My current solution is to simply initialize the machine word to 0, and then run the setters. Since a constant 0 is trivially absorbed into the bitwise | chain that combines the fields, there's no CPU time lost, but that's always going to be the case. This is the kind of situation where, in Rust, I would have used an uninitialized value to express my intent to the optimizer.

What are the differences betwen immutable and mutable classes?

i studing about c# and i think that the diference betwen mutable & inmutable class , (un c# for example), are that the definitión of the variables cant change. The string still string, or may be that the value of the types cant change : string = "Hola" still "Hola". and the mutable can change.
well i am right or what is the real diference?
thank you
An immutable object is an object that can't change it's property values after it's created (actually its state, but to simplify, let's just assume that a different state implies different property/variable values). Any properties are usually asigned values in the constructor (it may not have any properties at all, just methods).
An immutable object can have internal variables that might change values, as long as they don't affect the state of that object from a public/external point of view.
A string in C# is immutable... if you try to assign a string variable a different value, a new string is created.
You can find more information about immutability in OOP on the Wikipedia
PS: it's a bit more complicated than this, but I don't want to confuse you... there are different levels of what can be considered "immutable", but if you want to research further, apart from the Wikipedia article (which doesn't mention C#), there's this post by Eric Lippert which explains the different types way better than I could ever do.

Automatic detection of relations between workspace variables through functions

I'm trying to write a function what detect this relation between the variables I have got in the workspace:
v1 - fft(v2) = 0
Where v1, v2 are variables of my workspace.
Sometimes I need to know which variables have a certain numerical relation. If I have thirty, I don´t want to be looking for this relation in "manual way", just introducing a sentence for each pair of different variables.
I would like a function in which I introduce (or I modify this function every time I need it) the sentence (for instance what I wrote before) and the function show me the pair of variables a I am looking for.
Does anyone know how to do it?
You can use who() to programatically obtain a list of variables that currently exist. You can then use eval() to get their values. At that point, you can use a fairly trivial nested loop to iterate over all possible pairs, looking for that relationship.
Note 1: Using eval() for "normal" programming is considered bad style; it should only really be used for meta-programming tasks like this.
Note 2: If you have N variables in the workspace, there are N^2 ordered pairs. This may take a while to iterate over if N is large.
Note 3: You're essentially looking for equality between variables, which may not be particularly reliable in floating-point.