how to add a disclosure panel to a cellTable column in GWT - gwt

I have a cellTable with 5-6 columns. I want to put a plus icon in each row on clicking of which will display the details maybe in a disclosure panel. I have been looking around for a while now and I cannot find any information on how to achieve this. Could someone point me in the right direction?
i suspect i probably have to add a cellTree to the column? how do i go about this?
Thank you for your response in advance.

There is work in progress to allow expandable rows in CellTable among other features (maybe GWT 2.3). You can see more details here:
If that is not enough or you can not wait untill it is released I can think of two ways to achieve it:
As you said, using a CellTree.
Creating a custom cell that stores
state (open/close). Depending on the
state the cell will render
differently. In same way it is
similar to how EditTextCell works, in
"edit" state it renders an input
field while in "normal" state it renders
simple text.

I'm trying to do that too ... I managed to mimic that functionality toying with the html and a custom cell class that allows clickable pictures.
It is working for normal content such as text but if you'd like to get an asynchronous data to show in the expended line, I don't know how to do it ... (I'm trying to do exactly that).
Also, it doesn't look good because the columns don't align well ...
So what I've done is:
- create a custom cell class to display a picture (right pointing triangle, looking like the triangle in the disclosure panel)
In the click event get the HTML code of the selected row and copy it. Replace the content of the row (all cells) in the table with only one cell with its colspan set to number of columns. In the cell, add a table with first line the copied row and second line the content to display as expanded.
Get the image to sink an event for closing. In event, reset the original row that we copied.
I hope it helps.


Eureka - Custom Inline Row

I am trying to write a custom inline row using Eureka but I couldn't do it by following the documentation in the Github page of the library.
Also I copy-pasted this answer but it throws a segmentation error. I also tried searching for tutorials on the internet to follow but there is none.
Can someone clearly and basically explain how can I do this?
See if this is the place you want to look into
Also, are you using this library just to do a collapsible cell? You can do that by yourself and that is really not hard & a lot of code to implement. Check out this exmaple. All you need is to define child cells and parent cells in a section and reload it with animation!
I know it's a long tutorial. You can probably skip the top half, and start reading from Expanding and Collapsing section. The basic idea is, a collapsible cell and the collapsed cell are within a section, and you have a variable per section of cells to remember if the section is expanded or not. When clicked on the first cell of the section, if it's already expanded, reduce the cell count to one and do a reload to this section using animation Fade. and vice versa. This Fade animation will produce the animation you want.

How to create an expandable and collapsable menu WITHOUT a tableviewcontroller

I have a question. I am trying to create an expandable FAQ menu without using a tableviewcontroller. The reason I don't want to use a tableview is because I don't want expandable cells, rather, I want a buttonclick to reveal a label while also sliding down any other buttons on this page.
I'm using Swift in Xcode 7.3
If anyone has any suggestions/knows of a tutorial/a forum post, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.
Sure,nyou could use buttons, and either change constraints on label heights or dynamically add labels. That's a lot of effort and code.
Or, you could use a table view and one of the myriad guides. Remember that table views don't have to be selectable on ever row, and they don't have to display row separator lines (UI).
Indeed you could disable selection on all rows and add buttons to some rows, though I'd personally say that's overkill and why require the user to be 100% accurate with the tap on a button which in your sample image doesn't even look like a button.

GWT Celltable column with label and image

I am looking to add a label and image to a CellTable column, with following requisites:
- Label should be followed by an image.
- Click on the column (anywhere on label or image), toggles the image.
I am thinking of creating a custom widget containing an HorizontalPanel. Which in itself contains the Label and Image. Before putting substantial time on the same, just want an confirmation whether this approach is proper ?
No, you cannot put a widget in a CellTable. You will have to make a custom cell (extend AbstractCell) and generate HTML directly.
Take a look at GWT's implementation of different cells to see how they achieve clicking, etc. There are no nice ClickEvents, for example - you have to respond to the browser events directly.
To toggle an image you will have to re-draw the entire table, or use crazy javascript that you don't want to use.

How to merge table cells in Eclipse RCP Table control?

My question is: I've an Eclipse RCP table in my view. The table has gridlines Visible and everything is fine. But I want all the cells of first row of the table to be merged as a single row in run-time GUI. How can I achieve this functionality ? Please, I don't expect something like adding a text over the first row obstructing it. If any API level functionality or any clues to do this are welcome.
The swt table is a native widget and does not allow you any span, neither in columns nor in rows. Even OwnerDraw (custom cell rendering) does not support this. The only way I see that could allow you to achieve this kind of hack is the swt table editor which allows you to place controls above cells:
The table editor tracks the position of single cells and positions controls above them. It hides controls when a cell is not in edit mode, show's them when the cell is in edit mode. You'd have to deactivate this default behavior and make sure the controls are always shown - this should be fairly easy.
The more challenging part would be that you'd have to find out how to place the controls above 2 or more (and not a single) cells.
The only swt control I know to support span is the nebula grid. Grid is a custom control (no native widget) and therefore offers far more possibilites.
u can use GC api to do the needs in table. u can span between two columns.

ios UITableView - functioning like a dropdown list

Requirement : implementing a drowdown functionality in an UIView
The known way is using a UIWebView.
My Q is can this be done via a TableView?
Is there any way which lets me select a section(just like selecting a row), so that I can implement a hide/show cells of a section when that particular section is selected?
Don't know if I am understanding you correctly, but it seems to me that what you want can be done like this:
have a UITableView with several sections;
each section has got just one row;
when a specific row for a section is selected (didSelectRowAtIndex), you change the data source associated to that section by adding more elements and reloadData on the table.
when a specific row for a section is selected you also modify the data source corresponding to any other section so that it only contains one row.
From your last comment, it seems to me that what you are trying to do is a generic dropdown menu: you click somewhere and it displays; now, in your specific case you are thinking of clicking on a table, but it could in principle be anywhere else. I am saying this (if I am not wrong), because if it is so, then you can find ready-made implementations, like WEPopover, and you could save some effort.
Going back to your asking, in the case you are mentioning, you can animate the height of the table view frame (or bounds), so that its content is displayed little by little, as the view height increases; have a look at this Tutorial about Core Animations.