iphone sql - data corrupted/ missing when reading - iphone

I'm using SQL to store data in my application. I read data in the app delegate and store it in an array like so.
(First I read from the database and store in aFlashcardSet and then this)
// Add the flashcardSet to the main Array
[mainSetsArray addObject:aFlashcardSet];
In my next view I then copy the data from the app delegate.
flashcardsAppDelegate *delegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
self.setsArray = delegate.mainSetsArray;
Then I pass one object from the set to the final view.
cardDetailViewController.thisCardSet = [setsArray objectAtIndex:row];
The problem is when I read the data in the final view and use to set UI elements the app crashes, the code works fine with data hard coded during the second phase and the database data is shown fine during the second phase (to populate a table view). I've tried outputting the data at all stages and it is all correct until the final view where it either crashes or shows incorrect values (file names or random letters rather than the actual text).
I have also tried to read the database data inside the final view and set it to thisCardSet but it still suffers the same problem.
Any ideas?

The problem was inside one of my custom classes I wasn't using self, so I was writing.
aString = string;
Rather than -
self.aString = string;
So I was losing data down the line, feel really stupid but hope it help's someone else =].


iOS: How to Populate CoreData with downloaded CSV

I have been working on an app where the user inputs data stored in core data everyday (two attributes an NSNumber and one as NSDate) and I wanted to improve that by allowing the user to import data from a external file such as csv or any other supported format through a button click. Any suggestions on how to proceed efficiently to do this?
Thank you.
Edit: Just adding a screenshot of the csv file as well as the output of the csv parser as NSArray. Basicly need to fetch the attribute separately and store them in core data on button click.
- The input file as csv:
- Sample csv parser output(NSarray):
I needed to achieve something similar recently.
A couple of members of my project team wanted to take our app prototype out to show potential clients, but wanted to show different data to each client. We solved this by allowing members of our project team to create their own test data before meeting with the client.
I achieved this by creating an example .csv file and distributing it to the other guys in the project team. They populate it with their own test data and use iTunes File Sharing to drop the .csv test data file on to the device.
On load, the app scans its Documents directory for a the test data file. If it exists, it parses the .csv file and persists to the database.
For the CSV parsing, I used Dave DeLong's CHCSVParser: https://github.com/davedelong/CHCSVParser
Plenty of help is available on setting up iTunes file sharing for your app. A quick Google finds this tutorial (http://www.raywenderlich.com/1948/how-integrate-itunes-file-sharing-with-your-ios-app) which should help you out, if you need it.
Edit- added help on storing data from .csv in Core Data
You stated in your original post that you store an NSNumber and NSDate. Taking that as a starting point, you might have a .csv file in the following form:
+ NSNumberColumn | NSDateColumn |
+ 1 | 2013-05-15 |
+ 2 | 2013-06-15 |
+ 3 | 2013-07-15 |
Assuming the output from the CSV parser is an NSArray of NSArrays, you could create the Core Data objects as follows:
I would create a couple of macros for the column numbers:
#define NSNumberColumn 0
#define NSDateColumn 1
Then iterate over the rows in the .csv file:
NSArray *rows = [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfCSVFile:pathToFile]; //CHCSVParser specific parsing method
for (NSArray *row in rows)
NSString *numberString = [parsedCsvRow objectAtIndex:NSNumberColumn];
NSString *dateString = [parsedCsvRow objectAtIndex:NSDateColumn];
NSNumber *number = // parse numberString to an NSNumber. Plenty of other posts on achieving this.
NSDate *date = // parse NSDate from dateString. Plenty of other posts on achieving this.
NSManagedObjectContext *context = [self managedObjectContext];
NSManagedObject *myCoreDataObject = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"MyCoreDataObject" inManagedObjectContext:context];
[myCoreDataObject setValue:number forKey:#"NSNumberColumn"];
[myCoreDataObject setValue:date forKey:#"NSDateColumn"];
NSError *error;
if (![context save:&error]) {
NSLog(#"%#", [error localizedDescription]);
Note: Input validation and null checks have been ommited for brevity. I have also taken the liberty of making up your NSManagedObject property names, this will need updating. The above code should be separated in to a more suitable class structure.
I'm not at a Mac right now, so unfortunately I can't check if this works.
Hope that helps.
Try to use plist or json, they are already supported on iOS instead of CSV. CSV would require an third party parser. Using json or plist you will only need to loop throught the elemnts of the collections to create you persistent store. If you have just the CSV you can do a mid conversion using different free tools that you can find for free on the internet and later add to your bundle or publish to your site.
Here's what you do when you already have your CSV file parsed and data is ready to use in Objective-C.
Create a separate context for the import. You don't know how big the data can be, so you probably don't want to block one of your existing contexts while importing.
Iterate through the entries in the parsed data and insert new managed objects configured from each entry.
Every 200, 500, or 1000 entries (different for everybody, you'll need to test what's working best for you) save the context and, if needed, post a notification that a batch has been imported.
To keep the memory low, reset the context and forget all the objects that you created in this import context.
After the loop is finished, don't forget to save the last time.
Now how do you bring the data into another context, say, UI context?
This depends on the way you organized your Core Data stack. For example, import context can be configured as a child of the UI context. In this case, after each save to the import context the changes will be pushed to the UI context (and don't forget to save the UI context as well to push changes further).
But this is not the most efficient approach, because UI context, which is a context on the main thread, is involved in the import, and additional work is done on the UI thread that blocks it. I recommend creating the import context not as a child, but connected to the persistent store coordinator directly. To bring changes to the UI context in this case you either need to call mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification: method after each save or you just refetch in the UI context after each save and in the end. The latter is easier on the UI context and particularly on NSFetchedResultsController, if you use it, because it doesn't need to replay changes to the updated objects one-by-one.

Core data edit function

I already have a tableView with data in it. IF you tap a cell/row it pushes to an edit type of view. Is there anyway to edit core data's data other than: By edit, i mean i already have data inserted into my context. I have loaded my data into my view, the user can change the existing data, and re save it.
//Below is the entity/entity's class name 'Amm'
Amm *amm;
[self.amm setValue:self.nameField.text forKey:#"name"];
[self.amm setValue:self.nicknameField.text forKey:#"nickname"];
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
NSError *error;
if (![self.managedObjectContext save:&error]) {
//Handle Error
I want this code to work, however the design pattern of my app isnt allowing this code to work for me as it does in other parts of my app. Thank you very much for any and all help!
I assume from what you've said you have:
A table view listing your managed objects
A view where you can edit the values of a managed object
A save button bound to the save method
What's the actual issue? I'm assuming when you tap save that:
The values in self.nameField.text isn't setting self.amm.name
The values in self.nicknameField.text isn't setting self.amm.nickname
Is that right? If so perhaps try the following code to set the managed object values:
self.amm.name = self.nameField.text
self.amm.nickname = self.nicknameField.text
If that's not the issue and you are actually setting the managed object values properly, is it that you just need to refresh the table-view? Perhaps use some NSLog commands to log every step of the applications progress.

Proper Management Of A Singleton Data Store In IOS With Web Service

I'm currently using a singleton as a data store for my app. I essentially store a number of events that are pulled and parsed from a web service and then added as needed. Each time I make a request from the web service, I parse the results and see if the items already exist. If they do, I delete them and add the updated version provided by the web service.
Everything appeared to be working properly until I fired up the Instruments panel to find out that my system is leaking the objects every time it loads them from the web service (from the second time on). The core method where things appear to be messing up is this one, which is located in my HollerStore singleton class:
- (void)addHoller: (Holler *)h
//Take a holler, check to see if one like it already exists
int i = 0;
NSArray *theHollers = [NSArray arrayWithArray:allHollers];
for( Holler *th in theHollers )
if( [[th hollerId]isEqualToString:[h hollerId]] )
NSLog(#"Removing holler at index %i", i);
[allHollers removeObjectAtIndex:i];
[allHollers addObject:h];
Quick explanation: I decided to copy the allHollers NSMutableArray into theHollers because it's being updated asynchronously by NSURLConnection. If I update it directly, it results in a crash. As such, I switched to this model hoping to solve the problem, however the Instruments panel is telling me that my objects are leaking. All the counts are exactly the # of items I have in my data set.
From what I can tell removeObjectAtIndex isn't effectively removing the items. Would love to get the thoughts of anybody else out there on three things:
Is my analysis correct that something else must be retaining the individual hollers being added?
Should I be using CoreData or SQLite for storing information pulled from the web service?
Do you know how long data stored in a Singleton should be available for? Until the app is killed?
I think I've found the source, however perhaps someone can provide some clarity on the proper way to do this. I've created a method called parseHoller which takes a dictionary object created through SBJSON and returns my own model (Holler). Here are the last couple lines:
Holler *h = [[[Holler alloc] initFromApiResponse:hollerId
//(some other autorelease stuff is here to clean up the internal method)
return h;
I figured that since I'm returning an autoreleased object, this should be fine. Do you see anything wrong with this?
Have you tried to do a retain count on the objects that is leaking? Maybe that could clear up when or where it is being retained.
The code should be
[putObjectHere retainCount];
and then write to an NSLog
Hope it gives you something

iPhone: Reading Text From File and UISegmentedControl

First off, I'm a complete beginner.
That said, I thought an ambitious longer-term project/learning experience would be to create an app that displayed daily quotes, like those cheesy day-by-day calendars our grandmothers have in their bathrooms. I want it to have two per day, each one represented by a tab in a UISegmentedControl. That's the long term. Right now I'd be happy with getting a single day's worth of quotes functioning.
Onto the questions:
How can I get text saved in a .txt or .rtf file to be displayed in a UITextView? Preferably without using 'stringWithContentsOfFile,' since Xcode is telling me that's deprecated.
How can I get content from a different file (or maybe a different portion of the same file...?) to be displayed when the user taps the second segment?
If I can get it running so that those two conditions are met and I understand what's going on, I'll consider the day a success. Thanks!
NSError *error = nil;
NSStringEncoding stringEncoding;
NSString *fileText = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:#"/path" usedEncoding:&stringEncoding error:&error];
myTextView.text = fileText;
The error and encoding are optional, and you can pass in nil for both. But if you care about the error, or what encoding the file was in they will have useful info in them after the string is created.
Set the valueChanged outlet in Interface Builder to an IBAction on your controller, such as setSegmentValue:. Then, assuming you have an array of quote strings:
- (IBAction)setSegmentValue:(id)sender {
UISegmentedControl *control = (UISegmentedControl*)sender;
NSString *quote = [quotes objectAtIndex:control.selectedSegmentIndex];
myTextView.text = quote;
Even though stringWithContentsOfFile: is deprecated, stringWithContentsOfFile:usedEncoding:error: is not. That is the standard method to use for reading from files.
As for the second question, you simply test the state of the segmented control and perform as action based on it. Admittedly this is a high level answer but should get you going.

Saving Array to PList from downloaded content in table view on iPhone

I copied these posts from a forum where I posted recently, but got no reply.
I have the base for my code all setup, it is a drill down table with navigation controller which loads data into a nsmutabledictionary from a plist with some empty values, on purpose. On command the app then downloads information which is then set, setValue, in NSMutableArray. The issue is that this NSMutableArray is 3 levels down from the root of the plist. I am looking for a way to replace the array in the plist which is loaded and saved in the appdelegate. How do I this? Help is much appreciated.
So that probably didn't make much sense. In the AppDelegate it loads a plist file into an NSMutableDictionary. The plist is like this:
>>Item 1(Dictionary)
>>>>Item 1(Dictionary)
>>>>>Value(String)-----------Empty Value which is Downloaded
>>>>Item 2(Dictionary)
>>>>Item 3(Dictionary)
>>>>Item 4(Dictionary)
>>Item 2(Array)
>>Item 3(Array)
>>Item 4(Array)
The Rows array is sent to the RootViewController. When one of these items is selected from the TableView and new instance is created with the table data source set to the ItemList of that selected item. When the user presses a button it downloads the values and using [setValue: forKey:#"Value"] the values are set in the array. Here is where it gets lost. I need to now set this ItemList array back into the main Root dictionary and then that Root dictionary sent back to the AppDelegate, so that on applicationWillTerminate [self.data writeToFile:] can be called and the downloaded information does not need to be downloaded the next time.
I'm not totally sure I understanad what your problem is. Once you've got the new value populated into the array, you just need to use setObject:forKey: on the dictionary to replace the old array.
If you're having trouble getting a reference to the app delegate, you can use [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]
if the problem is that your dictionaries and arrays are nested such that you need to change more than one object to set the value, consider using mutableCopy to produce mutable arrays and dictionaries from the plist on load. Alternatively, maybe think about using a mire-sophisticated data representation, rather than reading and writing plist format.
I believe I might have to use forKeyPath