How to get ipa file from build folder in iphone sdk 4.3 - iphone

I need to share distribution build to my client. When I used Xcode 4.0 it was very easy to find it. But now I am not able to see where the build folder places in the application folder. Now I am using Xcode 4.3. And it is little confusing for me. Can you guys please tell me the steps to find it out.
Thank you,

Connect your device
select XCode-->product-->archive then ipa file is generated in organizer then select your file and click on share and save,your ipa file is saved.

You should check your build settings in the xCode preferences.

In Xcode 3, you build the binary with Ad Hoc code signing settings and navigate to ~ProjectPath/build/AdHoc.ProjectName.
In Xcode 4, you have to "Archive" your binary. Then, open the organizer and select your app from the Archives menu. Once you've done that, choose the build of the app that ou want to share and click the "Share" button. Xcode 4 will prompt you to choose a codesigning certificate. This must match the one in your scheme. Once that is done, Xcode will ask you where to put it. Choose a location and then you will have answered your own question: The build is wherever you left it.


Can I make an IPA file for iOS devices that are not in the provisioning profile?

I found a way to make a ipa file:
Add necessary profiles and adjust build settings.
Set device as target to run the application.
Build the product.
Go to Products-> Right click and show in finder.
Drag & drop to itunes profile and binary file.(drag it to Apps)
Select app in iTunes and right click to show in Finder. And there you can get the .ipa file.
But, the devices which are not in the development team can not install it?
Or, did I miss some configuration steps?
Do we have a way to solve this?
No this is NOT possible. The only way to install an app on a device without using the app store is with the ad-hoc method provided by apple, some info about this is found here. For the ad-hoc method you will always need the UDID of the device you want the app to be installed on.
There are a couple of alternatives
You will need an "Enterprise Certificate" for your business. This allows you to install on any device. However Apple does not issue them lightly but if you are working for BigCorp LTD you might be able to get one.
Or use TestFlight at to distribute your build. Im not sure if thats predicated by you having a Enterprise cert in the first place. Check them out.
You can also build the IPA the official way. Just create an ad-hoc provisioning profile, tell Xcode to use it for the Release build and choose Product → Archive. When the Organizer pops up with the app archive, choose Distribute and Save for Enterprise or Ad-Hoc Deployment. Then choose your identity and voila, you get the IPA.
But in either case the provisioning profile has to contain a list of all devices the app is supposed to run on, AFAIK there’s no official way around that.
I used to build .ipa package by the same method with you. But this kind of ipa WITHOUT provisioning profile in package, so it could be run only in iOS devices which has been jailbreak.

How to create a IPA file for iphone app?

I have created a iphone app. Everything working well in simulator. I want to test it in device. Provisioning profile or certificates are created and just need to create IPA file.
Please tell me step by step how to do that, if somebody knows it well.I am searching google but not find satisfying result. Thanks a lot.
It is very simple to get .ipa file from Xcode:
Select correct provisioning profile in Project and Targets -> Build Settings -> Code Signing -> Code Signing Identity
In Targets change the Bundle Identifier by Targets -> Info -> Bundle Identifier
Clean your project
Archive your project by Product -> Archive
Organizer automatically open with separate window there you can see you project with Archive date/time and project name
Click Share button from the Organizer window
It will ask to you choose the correct Provisioning profile do this correctly
It will ask you for the location to store, select Desktop or anywhere else
In your selected location the project .ipa file will be stored
Please do the above steps. I hope you got some idea. Thanks.
This may help you out for step by step process of making ipa.
Creating an IPA is done along the same way as creating an .xcarchive: Product -> Archive. After the Archive operation completes, go to the Organizer, select your archive, select Share and in the "Select the content and options for sharing:" pane set Contents to "iOS App Store Package (.ipa) and Identity to iPhone Distribution (which should match your ad hoc/app store provisioning profile for the project).
Chances are the "iOS App Store Package (.ipa)" option may be disabled. This happens when your build produces more than a single target: say, an app and a library. All of them end up in the build products folder and Xcode gets naïvely confused about how to package them both into an .ipa file, so it merely disables the option.
A way to solve this is as follows: go through build settings for each of the targets, except the application target, and set Skip Install flag to YES. Then do the Product -> Archive tango once again and go to the Organizer to select your new archive. Now, when clicking on the Share button, the .ipa option should be enabled.
I hope this helps.

How to make .ipa file in Xcode 4.3? can't find save to enterprise

We built a iphone app and now we would like to export it to an .ipa file so we could drop it in itunes. we we can't figure out how to do this, a lot of tutorials on the internet are related on older versions of xcode.
Could someone help us?
Go through menu: Product -> Archive
Then it opens "Arhives" tab in Organizer. Select most recent archive and tap "Distribute" button.
Then select save for enterprise distribution / ad-hoc distribution and save it at your desired location on mac.
Note : You need to have valid certificates/keys in your keychain and its associated provisioning profile for creating an archieve.

Generating an application bundle for submission with Xcode 4

Please help me export my application to iTunes Connect. I dont understand the documents, I have tried my best. I cant find the release of my .app, only the debug version.
I am using xcode 4. Also I dont know if I have signed the application correctly.
Here is a screenshot of my build settings, are these correct.
I setup a distribution certificate, an app ID with a wildcard mask, and a provisioning profile for the App Store, this provisioning profile is then imported into the organizer and on the screenshot below, you see I have assigned it to the Release build.
I cant find the release build at all on my system, only the debug file and would you say my certificates/profiles are set up currently.
Make sure you have configured the Archive panel for the scheme with the name of the archive to create
Then choose Product | Archive from Xcode's menu
Then have a look in your organiser's Archive section
And here are the docs you should be looking at.
First, make sure your Scheme is set to Release. Then, Build your app. If all goes well with no errors, you should be able to get your release build of your app in your Derived Data directory (this is the default Xcode 4 location).
If you don't see anything in Derived Data, check under Xcode->Preferences and go to the Locations tab. That will show you where your builds are going.
Unless I misunderstand the question, to send your app to iTunes connect from Xcode4 you choose Product -> Archive from the menu.
If your certs and IDs are correct, and they seem to be, then you will be shown the Archives view in the Organizer. Select the recent Archive and choose Validate.
If it validates, choose Submit. Your app should be submitted to iTunes Connect.

How do I build an xcode project for the itunes store?

I've got my apps running on my iphone, great, however to list on the itunes store I need the "universal binary" thing.
I've tried finding answers, but I can't seem to find a concise useable explanation to doing this in xcode. I always get errors when I try to build a binary. Can anyone point me towards a basic step-by-step procedure I can follow to creating a universal executable binary which can be uploaded on the itunes store?
One more thing, is there some type of app, like the rename project app, or applescript thing, that can do this for me with a few clicks?
Try this:
Prepare a new provisioning profile for App Store
Make sure you have Ad Hoc distribution working OK.
Go onto the Program Portal > Provisioning > Distribution
New Profile button
Distribution Method: App Store
Profile Name: MyApp App Store (or whatever)
App ID: MyApp (you have already created one right?)
Submit button
Set up the new profile/configuration in XCode
Download the certificate (you can click on the Distribution tab to reload that tab while it's being generated) and load it into XCode
In XCode, open your project and go to Project > Edit Project Settings (or double-click on the first item under Groups & Files panel)
Configurations tab, click on your existing Ad Hoc distribution configuration, that already works, and click Duplicate button. Call the new one "App Store"
Click on Build tab, then under Code Signing > Code Signing Entity in the popup choose "iPhone Distribution - MyCompanyName" under "MyApp App Store"
Build & Upload to iTunes Connect
Clean all for good luck, then set Active Configuration to "App Store", build & go. Test it on your iPhone.
Find your built app in the Finder, in your project directory > build > App Store-iphoneos > ... right click and "Compress"
Upload resulting to iTunes Connect.
A Universal Binary has nothing to do with it. To distribute through the App Store, you need to create a Distribution provisioning profile. The iPhone developer portal has step-by-step directions for this. look under the "Distribution" tab.
I followed the instructions listed by sbwoodside but had problems with the last part (Build & Upload to iTunes Connect). I realized that the built version didn't run on the device. This is what worked for me:
Build & Upload to iTunes Connect
Clean all for good luck.
Go to "Edit Scheme" and in the Archive menu, select the App Store
build configuration.
Select iOS Device or a specific device in the drop down menu and go
to Product->Archive.
Once Xcode is done archiving, it will open the organizer window and
show the archives section. Select the last archive and click
You will be asked to enter your distribution certificate. Select
the one created for the App Store.
XCode will upload the app to iTunes Connect without the need of
using Application Loader. For this to work, the app has to be in
"Ready to Upload" status in iTunes Connect.
You won't get to test the last version with the device. Therefore it's best to make an ad hoc version before to be able to test all features and once everything is working, duplicate the ad hoc configuration for the app store.
Once you have your provisioning profiles downloaded and installed you need to make some changes within XCode to get the app to work on your iPhone and eventually to submit to the iTunes store. You'll also need to add an Entitlemests.plist object to your project. You also need to tweak your build profile and your info.plist to point to your application name.
But as Mark B already said, just got through the developer portal and follow those instructions. Just make sure your define the right provisioning profile for the purpose.