iPhone trash can suck animation - iphone

I am trying to use the trash can animation in an iPhone application I am building. I know the feature I need help with is a private API but the app will be in-house.
According to the iPhoneDevWiki at the toolbar page you can activate the trash can opening animation using [UIToolbar animateToolbarItemIndex:duration:target:didFinishSelector:];.
After countless hours trying to use this method I could not get it to work. I have changed it so far to the following: [toolbar animateToolbarItemIndex:1 duration:1.0 target:self didFinishSelector:#selector(done:)];.
toolbar is the name of the UIToolbar I created programically using CGRectMake.
My button image for the trash can is 1, since it is the second button.
I have tried putting self and nil in target but it doesn't work.
didFinishSelector just links to -(void)done:(id)sender;.
If I change the animateToolbarItemIndex to something that does not exist, the console says that it does not exist. Any ideas to what I have wrong?

The trash can animation works with an array of images, each with the lid closing/opening a little more. So you'd do something like this:
UIImageView* trashCan = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame];
trashCan.animationImages = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:UIIMAGES, nil];
trashCan.animationDuration = 1.00;
trashCan.animationRepeatCount = 1;
[trashCan startAnimating];
[self.view addSubview:trashCan];
If you have a google I'm sure you'll be able to find the trash can images to use.


Modifying MWPhotoBrowser in iPhone

Hi I am have added the MWPhotoBrowser in my iPhone application it works great but now i need to add a little more functionality to my photo gallery.
basically what to do a couple things:
add a button to the navigation bar
decrease the space between two images.
However I don't know how to approach this problem.. should I subclass the Photo Browser or should I make changes in the Photo Browser's source code.
P.S. i tried to modify the code directly in MWPhotoBrowser.h file which didn't work. No changes were made. I'm super new to iPhone programming so i don't have much idea what is going on. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know its a noobish question so please go easy on down votes :)
In the MWPhotoBrowser.m file find the setNavBarAppearance method and add this
UIBarButtonItem *rightButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemAdd
target:self action:#selector(someAction)]; // This can be changed to your liking
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = rightButton;
[rightButton release];
Set the Padding : 10 to 0;
Its done.

How to create a back button with a large left-facing arrow like the iPod app

How do I create a back button with a large left-facing arrow like in the iPod app? I'm not asking how to create a left-facing button, but how to get a left-facing arrow as the label on a button, as seen in the iPod app's now playing screen:
Obviously an image would do the trick, but perhaps there is a Unicode character that they used? Also, I'm surprised that there's no discussion about this (or at least none that I could find).
This is the way I would do it. You create the image and set it as the back button. The code below is what I have in my application.
UIImage *imageFullscreen = [UIImage imageNamed: #"fullscreen.png"];
[[self navigationItem] setRightBarButtonItem:[[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithImage:imageFullscreen style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:#selector(hide)]autorelease]];

Which UI object to do this?

I have seen many times waiting panels (panels with a uiactivityindicatorview) black/dark with some transparency and white labels.
Like this one :
I guess it is a standard element.
Where can I find it?
Try This. it's the best solution I came across to show the activity. MBProgressHUD
MBProgressHUD looks nice. You might want to check out http://code.google.com/p/toast-notifications-ios/ too.
There's no iOS component that does this.
If you don't want to include an external library just for this one component then you can do it using UI components.
/* Warning, typed from memory */
// Create the UIView that's the background
UIView *pleaseWaitView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 80)];
[pleaseWaitView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor colorWithWhite:0.5 alpha:0.5]];
[[pleaseWaitView layer] setCornerRadius:5.0f];
// And create an activity indicator
UIActivityIndicator *i = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhiteLarge];
[i startAnimating];
[pleaseWaitView addSubview:i];
[i release];
// Add it to the main view (in the middle)
[pleaseWaitView setCenter:CGPointMake(self.view.bounds.size.width/2, self.view.bounds.size.height/2)];
[self.view addSubview:pleaseWaitView];
You can add a UILabel with whatever text you want (in your case, 'Authenticating') in the same way as you added the activity indicator.
The tricky part is setting the corner radius - you will probably need this at the top of your .m file :
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
NB You can do this in interface builder as well if you want (apart from the corner radius bit!) ;)
I answered a question that included an overlay like this. I included the code and the overlay image you need to do it with. Take a look at this answer and take a look at the screen shot it created. I use this overlay as I send email in the background so you will want to edit the code to do your function but the overlay code is already in place.
Locking the Fields in MFMailComposeViewController
Happy Coding!
Check out DSActivityView. I've successfully used it in a few of my projects.
As by now there is no standard UIElement for that in iOS.
But checkout this library:

Using UISegmentedControl as button

In my code I am using a UISegmentedControl as a "button" with only ONE segment and the momentary property set to YES. In versions of the SDK prior to iOS 4, this was not a problem, but it appears that now iOS 4 requires that there be at least 2 segments. The following code throws an exception:
NSArray *titles = [NSArray arrayWithObject:#"Button Title"];
myButton = [[UISegmentedControl alloc] initWithItems:titles];
and now in Interface Builder you cannot even create a UISegmentedControl with less than 2 segments. It logs the following error when building:
"The number of segments property of a segmented control must be greater than or equal to 2."
I'm kinda stumped. Any work arounds for this? I tried to create a UISegmentedControl with two buttons and then remove one programmatically and that "works" as it doesn't cause the app to crash. I get a button in iOS 3 and nothing in iOS 4. Any ideas?
Have you tried this:
[myButton removeAllSegments];
[myButton insertSegmentWithTitle:#"Press this" atIndex:0 animated:NO];
Really strange. It still works fine for me both in iOS4 simulator and device (this is a real working snippet from my code):
NSArray *laterContent = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: #"Maybe later", nil];
UISegmentedControl *later = [[UISegmentedControl alloc] initWithItems:laterContent];
CGRect frame = CGRectMake( 20,
self.alert.bounds.size.width/2 - 30,
later.frame = frame;
later.selectedSegmentIndex = -1;
[later addTarget:self action:#selector(laterAction:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];
later.segmentedControlStyle = UISegmentedControlStyleBar;
later.tintColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:130.0f/255.0f green:74.0f/255.0f blue:54.0f/255.0f alpha:0.8f];
later.momentary = YES;
later.alpha = 0.9;
It's not exactly a code-related solution but: I hit a similar issue and ended up drawing my own similar looking resources in Photoshop. It was not terribly difficult to do and removed a particular bad "code smell", IMO.
I found if you have a previous project with a single-segment UISegmentedControl, you can open both that project and your new one in Interface Builder and drag (or copy/paste) the single-segment UISegmentedControl to your new view controller. It will work fine in both your app and Interface Builder, just don't change the number of segments from 1 to anything else as it won't let you go back. I'm using Xcode 4.6.2 and iOS 6.
The editor in Interface Builder won't let you change the number of segments to be less than 1, but you can make a segmented control in IB by editing the .xib xml manually.
Right click on the .xib containing the segmented control
Choose Open As -> Source Code from the popup menu.
Find "<segments> which is the beginning of the xml array of segments. The whole thing should look like:
<segment title="Segment 1 Title"/>
<segment title="Segment 2 Title"/>
Just delete <segment title="Segment 2 Title"/> so there is only one segment element.
Right click the .xib again and choose Open As -> Interface Builder - iOS to go back to interface builder.
You should also probably set the segmented control to "momentary" mode.
I don't get any errors compiling or running this. Of course, this is a hack, and may break things in some circumstances or in a future iOS release.
Well two possibilities:
1) Create a button and the set background image as the single dot of the UISegmentedControl
If your SegmentedControl is a class variable just replace the #property
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIButton *button;
In the viewDidLoad-function add the following
-(void) viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
self.button = [UIButton alloc] init];
[self.button setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"segmentedDot.png"] forState:(UIControlState)UIControlStateNormal];
2) Set the amount of segments to three of your UISegmentedControl and afterwards set the width to 20 - now only the dot in the middle will be shown.
Dont forget, if the user interacts with the UISegmentedControl, set the currentElement again to the second segment, else the dot will be in light grey instead of white state.
3) Place a button or a small view over the unwanted second dot of the UISegmentedControl in InterfaceBuilder. Make sure the backgroundcolor is even.
When you are using a button set the state for "user interaction" in attribute inspector to disabled. As type I would chose "custom" since you won't have some borders in your button ;)
Now male again sure, that always the first dot is the active Element.
However I think solution one should be the way you should go, since Apple thought something about it, when they disabled the 1-dot-SegmentedControl. Since you are using the Control as a button the Element you are looking fpr should be a button. ;)
There's no workaround in iOS 4. If you need this functionality, file a bug (enhancement request) at bugreport.apple.com.
You can also use removeSegmentAtIndex:animated:. If you create a segmented control in a storyboard or xib with two segments, you can remove one like this:
[self.sortButton removeSegmentAtIndex:1 animated:NO];

How do I show the standard spin animation during a CoreLocation lookup on iPhone?

I don't want to just use a UIActivityIndicatorView, I want the spinning animation that you see in the Maps application while you are doing a CoreLocation lookup.
Do I have to create my own animation, or is there an easy way?
I'm referring to the standard Apple "Maps" application. Specifically I'm referring to the animation that occurs in the button in the UIToolbar at the bottom of the page, when you press the button to find your location.
There are two components to this animatio, first the "button push" animation, and then the spinning "busy" animation. I presume the latter is done with a UIActivityIndicatorView, but I was hoping that the whole thing was packaged together into a single control of some sort.
You might be thinking of the network activity indicator, which can be set like
[UIApplication sharedApplication].networkActivityIndicatorVisible = YES;
EDIT: Thanks for the clarification:
The Map app is using a UIBarButtonItem with a UIActivityIndicatorIndicator as the custom view. You can do something along the lines of:
UIActivityIndicatorView *indicator =
[[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc]
UIBarButtonItem *button = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:indicator];
[indicator startAnimating];
[indicator release];
Hey, why don't you just put an indicator view on top of a button and display it only when a location is in progress? I did exactly that and it does work perfectly!