confise when to release memory - iphone

i have created one view Controller(A) and this controller is using as a view in my app means i am adding view controllers view property to other view controller(B) view property.
in this case should i release A or their view after adding to b ........??
or relese A controller in dealloc method ???

If you are adding this view as subview of the parent view using addSubview: method and if you have some actions performed on the subview's view controller class I think it would be better to release it in dealloc. If you don't have any actions then it wont do any harm if you release it immediately. But I dont think that will be the case because if you have used view controller then it should contain some actions if not you could have chosen UIView instead. So I think releasing in dealloc is better.

If you use Viewcontroller object in interface, you can release them only in Dealloc method.If you use local variable other view controller , you can release viewcontroller object after adding to the master viewcontroller(it must be in interface).The style you use is in your hand..

This is very simple ,
See in the declaration of your property if you have retain keyword then you must call release on it otherwise NOT

The better way is reales controller A in controller B's dealloc method.
Because, if you use controller A more than one time in controller B then reduce the crash chance and alloc dealloc method multiple time.


On iOS, if a view controller has no view yet, why does NSLog(#"self.view is %p", self.view) crash?

If a new iOS project is created with an Empty App template in Xcode 4.3.2, and in AppDelegate.m:
self.window.rootViewController = [[FooViewController alloc] init];
and in FooViewController's viewDidLoad, the following:
NSLog(#"self.view is %p", self.view);
NSLog(#"self.view is %#", self.view);
will print out the view, so it looks like the default loadView will instantiate a view and assign it to self.view.
So if I override loadView with an all empty method, and comment out the second NSLog statement above, I expect the first NSLog statement to print out 0x0, but instead the app crashed due to bad memory access right at that NSLog line. Why would that be?
Okay, after a knee-jerk and obviously wrong answer, I tried this. The Empty App template would not have a rootViewController, so I used a single screen template. After running, I see that you are getting a stack overflow. In trying to access self.view, you are calling the view property on the superclass, which is then trying to load the view in order to return it, which is calling viewDidLoad, etc., as far as I can see. The other NSLog statement does the same.
The documentation for the view property in UIViewController states:
Because accessing this property can cause the view to be loaded automatically, you can use the isViewLoaded method to determine if the view is currently in memory.
It also has a link to The View Controller Life Cycle, which states:
The steps that occur during the load cycle are as follows:
The load cycle is triggered when the view controller's view property is accessed and the view is not currently in memory.
The view controller calls its loadView method. The default implementation of the loadView method does one of two things:
If the view controller is associated with a storyboard, it loads the views from the storyboard.
If the view controller is not associated with a storyboard, an empty UIView object is created and assigned to the view property.
The view controller calls its viewDidLoad method to allow your subclass to perform any additional load-time tasks.
So when you say:
So if I override loadView with an all empty method
You're deliberately breaking the life cycle, because when your overridden version of loadView finishes, it should have loaded a view. Because it didn't, you get a crash.

UIViewController not releasing subviews when dealloc (using ARC)

I have what seems like a weird (non?) issue with UIViewController. It appears that the controller is not releasing its subviews when it is dealloc'd. I placed NSLog messages in all of the subview's dealloc method as well as the view controller. The view controller dealloc gets called but the subview's do not. However, if I then push another instance of that view controller on to the navigation stack, it appears that all of the subviews of the previous instance are then released (I get a bunch of NSLog messages in the console letting me know). I've check and I have no separate reference to the custom view controller in the presenting view controller (the one that's doing the pushing).
One small (maybe) detail: The custom view controller does receive a block it stores and then executes before popping. However, I did send nil to it and I get the same behavior. Plus, the presenting view controller does dealloc when popped of the stack, so no retain cycle.
Also, I did try explicitly releasing each view in the dealloc method of the custom view controller. Same behavior.
Is it possible the navigation controller would be holding on to it? It doesn't seem to do this to any of my other view controllers.
My problem is that this does represent a memory leak (of all those subviews); though the leak doesn't stack, it's still a leak.
Ok, this is embarrassing. I did find the problem in another class (called ViewDef) I was inadvertently using as a collection class. It was a quick and dirty way of keeping track of my subviews when I was first figuring out some animations (months ago). ViewDef stored frame/font/color/etc info retrieved from a database, so it was convenient to also store the views when figuring out animations (between orientations). These ViewDefs were being store by my model and passed around, so of course the views were also being retained (and replaced later by another view controller). Anyway, I forgot to insert a warning in my code to fix this later.
Moral of the story: If you plan on doing something stupid, at least document your stupidity so you don't have to broadcast it over the internet later.
you could try setting the subviews to nil in the viewDidUnload method maybe that will help
One thing to try is to make sure all your subviews delegates are set to nil.

What exactly must I do in viewDidUnload?

I tend to release my stuff in -dealloc, and now iPhone OS 3.0 introduced this funny -viewDidUnload method, where they say:
// Release any retained subviews of
the main view. // e.g. self.myOutlet
= nil;
So -viewDidUnload seems to get called when the view of the view controller has been kicked off from memory. And if I have subviews attached to the main view of the view controller, I have to release that stuff only HERE, but not in -dealloc as well?
That's confusing. Also, what if -dealloc causes the view to be unloaded (released)? Then again, it will call -viewDidUnload?
I do realize the difference, that -viewDidUnload is just for the case where the view itself gets killed, but the view controller stays in memory. And -dealloc is for the case where the whole thing goes to trash.
Maybe someone can clear up the confusion.
The intent here is to "balance out" your subview management. Anything that you create in viewDidLoad should be released in viewDidUnload. This makes it easier to keep track of what should be released where. In most cases, your dealloc method is a mirror-image of your init method, and your viewDidUnload will be a mirror image of your viewDidLoad method.
As you pointed out, the viewDid... methods are to be used when the view itself is loaded and unloaded. This permits a usage pattern in which the view controller remains loaded in memory, but the view itself can be loaded and unloaded as required:
Of course, it doesn't hurt to release things in your dealloc method as well, as long as you set them to nil when you release them in viewDidUnload.
The following quote from the Memory Management section of Apple's UIViewController documentation, describes it in more detail: iPhone OS 3.0 and later, the viewDidUnload method may be a more appropriate place for most needs.
When a low-memory warning occurs, the UIViewController class purges its views if it knows it can reload or recreate them again later. If this happens, it also calls the viewDidUnload method to give your code a chance to relinquish ownership of any objects that are associated with your view hierarchy, including objects loaded with the nib file, objects created in your viewDidLoad method, and objects created lazily at runtime and added to the view hierarchy. Typically, if your view controller contains outlets (properties or raw variables that contain the IBOutlet keyword), you should use the viewDidUnload method to relinquish ownership of those outlets or any other view-related data that you no longer need.
As you say viewDidUnload will be called if self.view=nil, this generally occurs if you get memory warning. In this method you must release any subview of the mainview which can easily be created by .xib or loadView method. You should release any data object if you create them in viewDidload or loadView etc. because these methods will be called again to present view to the user, those data can be recreated easily.
When you get a memory warning usually the viewcontroller will unload it's view but itself will not be dealloc.
All that can be re-created easily should be unloaded, but not the model of the view.

Iphone: which event is called when a view is unloaded?

The question is all in the title. I want to execute some cleanup code when one view in my application gets unloaded. Is it possible to do so? If so, which is the event that I should intercept?
-viewDidUnload() or -viewWillDisappear() depending on your design. You probably want to go for viewDidUnload().
It will also depend on the sdk you are using. If you are using iphone-sdk 3.x then viewDidUnload will be called otherwise it will not get called. while viewWillDisappear is called in 2.x and above. Now still if you want to call a method only when the view is unloaded you can call it from the dealloc but it will not be highly trustable.
You'll want to take a look at viewDidUnload or viewWillDisappear, for cleanup you'll probably use viewDidUnload, you may also want to just do cleanup in the dealloc method.
From Apple's documentation:
viewDidUnload Called when the
controller’s view is released from
- (void)viewDidUnload
Discussion This method is called as a
counterpart to the viewDidLoad method.
It is called during low-memory
conditions when the view controller
needs to release its view and any
objects associated with that view to
free up memory. Because view
controllers often store references to
views and other view-related objects,
you should use this method to
relinquish ownership in those objects
so that the memory for them can be
reclaimed. You should do this only for
objects that you can easily recreate
later, either in your viewDidLoad
method or from other parts of your
application. You should not use this
method to release user data or any
other information that cannot be
easily recreated.
Typically, a view controller stores
references to objects using an outlet,
which is a variable or property that
includes the IBOutlet keyword and is
configured using Interface Builder. A
view controller may also store
pointers to objects that it creates
programmatically, such as in the
viewDidLoad method. The preferred way
to relinquish ownership of any object
(including those in outlets) is to use
the corresponding accessor method to
set the value of the object to nil.
However, if you do not have an
accessor method for a given object,
you may have to release the object
explicitly. For more information about
memory management practices, see
Memory Management Programming Guide
for Cocoa.
By the time this method is called, the
view property is nil.
Special Considerations If your view
controller stores references to views
and other custom objects, it is also
responsible for relinquishing
ownership of those objects safely in
its dealloc method. If you implement
this method but are building your
application for iPhone OS 2.x, your
dealloc method should release each
object but should also set the
reference to that object to nil before
calling super.
viewWillDisappear: Notifies the view
controller that its view is about to
be dismissed, covered, or otherwise
hidden from view.
- (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated
Parameters animated If YES, the
disappearance of the view is being
Discussion This method is called in
response to a view being removed from
its window or covered by another view.
This method is called before the view
is actually removed or covered and
before any animations are configured.
Subclasses can override this method
and use it to commit editing changes,
resign the first responder status of
the view, or perform other relevant
tasks. For example, you might use this
method to revert changes to the
orientation or style of the status bar
that were made in the
viewDidDisappear: method when the view
was first presented. If you override
this method, you must call super at
some point in your implementation.

When should I release objects in -(void)viewDidUnload rather than in -dealloc?

What is the -(void)viewDidUnload is good for?
Could I not just relase everything in -dealloc? If the view did unload, wouldn't -dealloc be called anyway?
In addition to what has already been indicated, I wanted to elaborate more about logic behind -viewDidUnload.
One of the most important reasons for implementing it is that UIViewController subclasses commonly also contain owning references to various subviews in the view hierarchy. These properties could have been set through IBOutlets when loading from a nib, or programmatically inside -loadView, for instance.
The additional ownership of subviews by the UIViewController means that even when its view is removed from the view hierarchy and released to save memory, through which the subviews are also released by the view, they will not actually be deallocated because the UIViewController itself still contains its own outstanding retaining references to those objects as well. Releasing the UIViewController additional ownership of these objects ensures they will be deallocated as well to free memory.
The objects that you release here are usually recreated and set again when the UIViewController view is re-loaded, either from a Nib or through an implementation of -loadView.
Also note that the UIViewController view property is nil by the time this method is called.
As the documentation says:
It is called during low-memory conditions when the view controller needs to release its view and any objects associated with that view to free up memory.
In the same situation dealloc is not called. This method is only available in OS3 and above. Dealing with the same situation in iPhone OS 2.x was a real pain!
Update July 2015: It should be noted that viewDidUnload was deprecated in iOS 6 because "Views are no longer purged under low-memory conditions and so this method is never called." So, the modern advice is not to worry about it and use dealloc.
This is because you will typically set the #property as "(nonatomic, retain)" and as such the setter that is created for you releases the current object and then retains the argument i.e. = nil;
...does something along the lines of:
[property release];
property = [nil retain];
Therefore you are killing two birds with one stone: memory management (releasing the existing object) and assigning the pointer to nil (since sending any message to a nil pointer will return nil).
Hope that helps.
Remember that viewDidUnload is a method in the view controller, not in the view. The view's dealloc method will get called when the view unloads, but the view controller's dealloc method may not be called until later.
If you get a low memory warning and your view isn't showing, which will happen for instance about any time you use a UIImagePickerController to let the user take a picture, your view will get unloaded and will need to get reloaded after that.
View Controllers have a view property. Typically a nib or piece of code adds other views to this view. This happens often inside a -viewDidLoad method, like this:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
[self createManyViewsAndAddThemToSelfDotView];
in addition, a nib file may create a button and append it to the view controller's view.
On iPhone OS 2.2, when -didReceiveMemoryWarning was invoked from the system, you had to release something to free up memory. You could release the whole view controller's view if that made sense. Or just big memory-consuming contents in it.
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning]; // Releases the view if it doesn't have a superview
// Release anything that's not essential, such as cached data
Now, in the new OS 3.0, there is an -viewDidUnload method, which will be invoked from the system when the view has been unloaded because of low memory (please correct me: when exactly does this get called?)
-viewDidUnload is used to release all objects that were owned both by the view controller itself and the view. The reason: If a view controller holds references to childs of the view, i.e. a button, the referenced child views will not get released, because their retain count is >= 1. After they are released in -viewDidUnload, they can get freed up from memory.
Apple deprecated viewWillUnload, now you shoud use didReceiveMemoryWarning or dealloc to release your objetcs.
In iOS 6, the viewWillUnload and viewDidUnload methods of
UIViewController are now deprecated. If you were using these methods
to release data, use the didReceiveMemoryWarning method instead. You
can also use this method to release references to the view
controller’s view if it is not being used. You would need to test that
the view is not in a window before doing this.
If the view controller is popped from the navigation controller stack and is not retained anywhere else, it will be deallocated, and dealloc will be called instead of viewDidUnload. You should release the views created in loadView in dealloc, but it is not necessary to set the variables to nil, because soon after dealloc is called the variables will no longer exist.
You can release any subviews you hold on to, for example that UIImageView you retained in your loadView method, or better yet the image that was on that UIImageView.