Can I force a user to upgrade my app? - iphone

Can I force a user to upgrade my app? Does Apple recommend it?

Yes, you can. Just check the version number when the application starts and if needed, bail out with an error screen. I don’t think Apple explicitly prohibits this. (And I doubt they would find out during the review.) Of course it’s annoying from the user’s viewpoint, I would only write something like that if there was no other option.

Yes you can force an upgrade to the user. You can call a webservice when your app start and check on your server if an update is available (you have to add an update when an update available on app store). If an update is available then you can present a view that will have the update button. When pressed this button will redirect the user to the installed app store app and open the upgraded app in it. (you should return this url in your webservice). Let me know in comments if you need more explanations.
And I don't know apple recommend this way. But I have seen this in one or two apps.

Extremely bad approach. My perfectly fine working app forces upgrade, which can not be supported due to obsolete iOS. I am not only forced, but moving away from the coupon app in determination to never use it web-based either.
Security issue, if that is the reason for upgrade, should be patched for existing iOS.


How can flutter app gets the new version update from the play store or the Apple Store automatically

How can we make the flutter app to make automatic update whenever we release a new version of the app into the store. but I don't want to use the pop up to alert the user to update I want to update automatically without letting the user even know we update it.
As said in the comment, if you publish to Google Playstore or iOs AppStore, they will handle the updates for you. You just have to upload the new version (just set the release number correctly) and, when the validation is done, their system will notify/update the app. I don't know how other stores behave, but I'm guessing that's the standard behaviour now.
Instead, if you need to bypass the store functionality and perform the update "by yourself", I don't think that is gonna be a simple task. Apple simply doesn't allow installation from other sources than their store, so I fear it may be simply impossible. On Android, on the other hand, I know that's possible, but it will require some user interaction beforehand, since the "installation from unknown source" authorization must be provided to the app that downloads/opens your .apk file, and the procedure may vary from a device to another, so I fear there won't be a single mechanism that will work everywhere.
In any case, the base mechanism will probably require some HTTP GET by your app towards some webserver that will reply with the latest version: the app should then compare the received version number with its own, and then proceed to the download of the package (the URL for the download can be provided along with the latest version number). After that, you have to manage somehow to install/update the downloaded file.
I personally used this approach with Flutter on Windows 7 and newer, where there are no store constraints and I can simply run and download the .msi or .exe file for the latest version, and works just fine.
I think you are looking for the concept of codepush which was loved by many React Native developers.
In Flutter, I think you might want to check out flutter_code_push if this fits your needs.

Can't update iPhone apps

After making an update to an iPad app I released some time ago, I've been getting reports that people are unable to actually update the app without deleting and re-installing. However, as far as I know, nothing in the update should be causing this. (All the update deals with is letting people email PDF documents, nothing major.) When people attempt to update, they're asked for their iTunes password, but after entering it, it merely goes back to the update screen and nothing happens. Additionally, it would seem that this only happens with my app, the people in question aren't having any issues with the other various apps on the App Store. Does anyone know what might be causing this and how I could fix it?
Thanks in advance!
(Also, if it matters, the app is a custom B2B app, the general public can't purchase it.)
I'm removing the text of my answer because it's so inaccurate it's embarrassing. I mistook "B2B" for "Enterprise" and answered based off of that. To make up for it, I'll look into the problem a bit more and if I find anything I will edit this answer accordingly.
Okay, I can see why you put a bounty for this question on SO; there's not really any data on a problem like this anywhere. Frankly, there's not much available information on B2B in general. I'll post what I found anyway, in case it can be of any help to you.
I found the details reason behind Maggie's question, there. Per Editing and Updating App Information:
Updates keep the same Apple ID and bundle ID, which means they are
associated with your first version and free to your customers
Also, apparently, "You can't change the CFBundleIdentifier of a released app if you want to release updates for it, the App Store will automatically reject it when you upload." which is something I can vouch for, having experienced this with a normal app. I do know that for a B2B app you do have to submit it to Apple for review, but I can't tell from the documentation I found if you need to actually submit it to the App Store, so it may not go through the various checks that normal apps go through, so this could be your problem.
Aside from that, according to the VPP guide, if your customers are installing the apps on the devices with Apple Configurator (broken right now, per app store reviews) the updates also have to be done with the Configurator. You haven't said that Configurator was involved, but I did find this tidbit.
• Use Apple Configurator to install apps on new or supervised devices.
Apple Configurator on a Mac makes it easy to mass configure and deploy
devices that are centrally controlled. Redemption code spreadsheets
acquired through the Volume Purchase Program can be imported by Apple
Configurator, tracking the number of apps installed on each device. To
update deployed apps using Apple Configurator, you must reconnect to
the same Mac from which the apps were installed. Learn more at
Anyway, good luck. Wish I could be more help.
What you are describing (assuming that it is accurate) would certainly be a bug on Apple's side. If users are trying to update the app and the update is not being processed, then in one way or another that is a bug that Apple needs to address. Nothing that you do as a developer should be able to cause that situation to happen. I would suggest contacting Apple and possibly filing a bug report.
It seems that apple wants you to develop the Iphone apps in the latest build. Sometimes this cause issues between realeases (diferent versions of Itunes, OSX, IOS, etc) when you try to update your apps.
Try to publish the app in the latest version of xcode.
That happens a lot in iphone development testing.
Hope this help.
When updating an app, iOS looks for the bundleId and if there is another app with the same bundleId, it updates the app with the highest version number. Maybe the version number is not set correctly or maybe people have issues because an other app (from the AppStore or an other B2B app) have the same bundleID but a higher version number.
I'm by far not an iPhone expert, but it seems something related might have been fixed in iOS 6.0.1.
Fixes a bug that prevents iPhone 5 from installing software updates
wirelessly over the air

way, to enforce upgrade of iphone-app inside app-store?

When releasing multiple versions of an iphone-app, there are problems:
you are running very old apps (still need to support them through server-api)
you have to live with bugs of a certain app, once released blocker-bugs are not fixable
Is there a way to mark an iphone-app as unsupported or enforce an online-update, i.e. when it starts up it will show an upgrade button?
So far I always read that you cannot enforce an upgrade of an iphone-app. Is this correct, can somebody give me official reference/link for that? I just cannot believe that once you released an iphone-app this is for eternity? An "unsupported" marker would be a very helpful app-store feature...
You can not enforce app upgrade, but you can add a mecanism in your app to display a message to say that the version is not compatible with server-api. Of course it should be provide on the first app version...

Updating iPhone app from OS3 to OS4

I want to update my app to make use of the multitasking functionality and local notifications available in OS4. My question is, if I update my app and make it only available for OS4 and above does this mean that if someone is running OS3 on their phone they won't get the update? or they will get a warning that they need to update their OS? What I don't want to happen is for them to update their app to find it no longer works? If the final situation is what will happen, how do I write the code to find out what OS is being used?
If they try to update on the device, then they won't even see an update that doesn't run under their OS version.
However if a previous customer updates their apps using iTunes on their Mac or PC, then iTunes may show them any new update. If they download that, iTunes will blow away its copy that is compatible with their current device/OS combination. The new copy shouldn't overwrite the working one on their device. But if the user ever needs to do a restore, or deletes the app and wants to reinstall it, they're probably out of luck unless they have really good backups and know how to use them.
If you update your app to be 4.0 only, and also mark your app as 4.0-only in the Store, then people will not even see your update.
You can have the best of both worlds by designing the app to use 4.0-specific features only on 4.0 devices. Weakly link 4.0-only frameworks, and in your code use [object respondsToSelector:#selector(thisOnlyWorksInOS4:)] to test for 4.0 features before using them (or, in the case of multitasking, use the multitaskingSupported property of UIDevice, since not all 4.0 devices support multitasking). Alternatively, UIDevice also provides a systemVersion property.
This blog post explains these techniques fairly well, including weak-linking frameworks:

How to automatically update an iPhone app from within the app itself?

This link shows a video where an app upgrade is "forced" from within the app itself:
The App Store is not called in and it's said to work only for AdHoc
Anyone knows how is this possible?
edit: please give a look to the video before answering. AdHoc apps are signed by the developer and they do not come from the App Store. This sort of forced update is useful when doing beta testing and in enterprise applications.
I've found that it's all explained here:
The developer should create an .ipa with the app and a manifest in plist format with the URL to the .ipa and a few other things.
The app can optionally implement its own way to find if an update is available and open
the URL to the manifest.
I didn't it's really possible because the app has to somehow sign itself. The best I can think of right now is that the app is not signed?
You can always force people to go to the app store when a new version is out. Simply make the app connect to a webservice first. Other solutions are not accepted by Apple, or will quite simply not work because of other issues (signing is one of many).
You could also design your app in such a way that forced updates are never a requirement. You can load your user interfaces from the web (Apple has presented some valuable information about that during the previous WWDC), your data can come from the web, and if there is any other correction to do just ensure your app is backwards compatible.
That's how the app store works. And it never requires a 'forced update' ... Well, almost never ;-)