scala build up string from iterating over map - scala

if i have a map and want to build up a string from iterating over it, is there a way to have the final string be a result of an expression instead of defining a variable and modifying that inside a loop?
instead of this
val myMap = Map("1" -> "2", "3"->"4")
var s = ""
myMap foreach s += ...
i'd rather it be
var s = myMap something ...

I'd just map and mkString. For example:
val s = (
Map("1" -> "2", "3"->"4")
map { case (key, value) => "Key: %s\nValue: %s" format (key, value) }
mkString ("", "\n", "\n")

As for Daniel's answer, but with a couple of optimisations and my own formatting preferences:
val myMap = Map("1" -> "2", "3"->"4")
val s = myMap.view map {
case (key, value) => "Key: " + key + "\nValue: " + value
} mkString ("", "\n", "\n")
The optimisations:
By first creating a view of the map, I avoid creating an intermediate collection
On profiling, direct String concatenation is faster than String.format

You can do this with a fold:
scala> myMap.foldLeft("") { (s: String, pair: (String, String)) =>
| s + pair._1 + pair._2
| }
res0: java.lang.String = 1234

I'm fairly new to Scala, but you can try reduceLeft. It goes accumulating a partial value (the string being joined with every element). For example, if you want the keys (or the values) joined in a string, just do:
val s = myMap.keys.reduceLeft( (e, s) => e + s)
This results in "13"

This works also fine if you don't bother about your own formatting:
scala> Map("1" -> "2", "3"->"4").mkString(", ")
res6: String = 1 -> 2, 3 -> 4


Read Hocon config as a Map[String, String] with key in dot notation and value

I have following HOCON config:
a {
b.c.d = "val1"
d.f.g = "val2"
HOCON represents paths "b.c.d" and "d.f.g" as objects. So, I would like to have a reader, which reads these configs as Map[String, String], ex:
Map("b.c.d" -> "val1", "d.f.g" -> "val2")
I've created a reader and trying to do it recursively:
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => MutableMap}
private implicit val mapReader: ConfigReader[Map[String, String]] = ConfigReader.fromCursor(cur => {
def concat(prefix: String, key: String): String = if (prefix.nonEmpty) s"$prefix.$key" else key
def toMap(): Map[String, String] = {
val acc = MutableMap[String, String]()
def go(
cur: ConfigCursor,
prefix: String = EMPTY,
acc: MutableMap[String, String]
): Result[Map[String, Object]] = {
cur.fluent.mapObject { obj =>
obj.value.valueType() match {
case ConfigValueType.OBJECT => go(obj, concat(prefix, obj.pathElems.head), acc)
case ConfigValueType.STRING =>
acc += (concat(prefix, obj.pathElems.head) -> obj.asString.right.getOrElse(EMPTY))
go(cur, acc = acc)
It gives me the correct result but is there a way to avoid MutableMap here?
P.S. Also, I would like to keep implementation by "pureconfig" reader.
The solution given by Ivan Stanislavciuc isn't ideal. If the parsed config object contains values other than strings or objects, you don't get an error message (as you would expect) but instead some very strange output. For instance, if you parse a typesafe config document like this
The resulting value will look like this:
Map(a -> [
# String: 1
And even if the input only contains objects and strings, it doesn't work correctly, because it erroneously adds double quotes around all the string values.
So I gave this a shot myself and came up with a recursive solution that reports an error for things like lists or null and doesn't add quotes that shouldn't be there.
implicit val reader: ConfigReader[Map[String, String]] = {
implicit val r: ConfigReader[String => Map[String, String]] =
.map(v => (prefix: String) => Map(prefix -> v))
.orElse { { v =>
(prefix: String) => { case (k, v2) => s"$prefix.$k" -> v2 }
ConfigReader[Map[String, String => Map[String, String]]].map {
_.flatMap { case (prefix, v) => v(prefix) }
Note that my solution doesn't mention ConfigValue or ConfigReader.Result at all. It only takes existing ConfigReader objects and combines them with combinators like map and orElse. This is, generally speaking, the best way to write ConfigReaders: don't start from scratch with methods like ConfigReader.fromFunction, use existing readers and combine them.
It seems a bit surprising at first that the above code works at all, because I'm using reader within its own definition. But it works because the orElse method takes its argument by name and not by value.
You can do the same without using recursion. Use method entrySet as following
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
val hocon =
|a {
| b.c.d = "val1"
| d.f.g = val2
val config = ConfigFactory.load(ConfigFactory.parseString(hocon))
val innerConfig = config.getConfig("a")
val map = innerConfig
.map { entry =>
entry.getKey -> entry.getValue.render()
Map(b.c.d -> "val1", d.f.g -> "val2")
With given knowledge, it's possible to define a pureconfig.ConfigReader that reads Map[String, String] as following
implicit val reader: ConfigReader[Map[String, String]] = ConfigReader.fromFunction {
case co: ConfigObject =>
.map { entry =>
entry.getKey -> entry.getValue.render()
case value =>
//Handle error case
new RuntimeException("cannot be mapped to map of string -> string"),
I did not want to write custom readers to get a mapping of key value pairs. I instead changed my internal data type from a map to list of pairs (I am using kotlin), and then I can easily change that to a map at some later internal stage if I need to. My HOCON was then able to look like this.
additionalProperties = [
{first = "sasl.mechanism", second = "PLAIN"},
{first = "security.protocol", second = "SASL_SSL"},
additionalProducerProperties = [
{first = "acks", second = "all"},
Not the best for humans... but I prefer it to having to build custom parsing components.

How to delete key from Map in Option Scala

Say i have case classes like this.
case class someClass0(content: someClass1)
case class someClass1(someContent: Option[Map[String, someClass2]])
case class someClass2(someKey: Array[Int])
I need to delete items in Map(which is immutable) by values.
This values i get through iteration.
val keys_to_remove = new ListBuffer[String]()
val keys_to_keep: List[Int] = List(100, 200)
for (x <- keys_to_keep) {
content.someContent.get.foreach {
case (key: String, value: someClass2) => {
if (!value.someKey.contains(x)) {
So, how to keep all the structure, and delete only needed items by key?
I was trying to change type of Map like
But content.someContent.get.remove(key) is not working.
What am i doing wrong?
You don't need mutability for that.
val keys_to_keep: List[String] = List("a", "b")
val res =
_.filterKeys(k => !keys_to_keep.contains(k))
filterKeys filters a Map by testing each entries' key against a condition.
Of course, it is important to remember that you can't test contains on a List[Int] against Strings, as the result will always be false.
Furthermore, try looking up style-guides for Scala:
Classes are usually named in upper camel case
Values and variables are usually named in lower camel case
Try it out
You can do it using - operator and foldLeft on keys to remove.
you are using get for get value, if you want do it safety, you need to use: =>
(map, key) =>
map - key
}).getOrElse(Map.empty[String, SomeClass2])
this works like in this example:
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
val immutableMap = Map("a" -> 1, "b" -> 2, "c" -> 3, "d" -> 4)
val keys_to_remove: ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer("b", "d")
println(immutableMap) // Map(a -> 1, b -> 2, c -> 3, d -> 4)
val mapWithoutKeys = keys_to_remove.foldLeft(immutableMap){
(map, key) =>
map - key
println(mapWithoutKeys) //Map(a -> 1, c -> 3)
Here's how you can do it:
val optionalMap = {
contentMap => contentMap - keyToBeRemoved
val originalStructure = someClass0.copy(content = SomeClass1(optionalMap))
Here's the Scastie
This will remove all keys and keep structure
val someClass0_copy = someClass0.copy(content = Content(someContent = someClass0.content.

Scala- creating a map from string

Hi have a string and the if format of the string is mentioned below:
val str = "{a=10, b=20, c=30}"
All the parameters inside this string is unique and separated by comma and space. Also This string always starts with '{' and ends with '}'. I want to create a Map out of this string something like below:
val values = Map("a" -> 10, "b" -> 20, "c" -> 30)
What is the most efficient way I can achieve this?
scala> val str = "{a=10, b=20, c=30}"
str: String = {a=10, b=20, c=30}
scala> val P = """.*(\w+)=(\d+).*""".r
P: scala.util.matching.Regex = .*(\w+)=(\d+).*
scala> str.split(',').map{ case P(k, v) => (k, v.toInt) }.toMap
res2: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int] = Map(a -> 10, b -> 20, c -> 30)
Use regex can simply achieve this:
"(\\w+)=(\\w+)".r.findAllIn("{a=10, b=20, c=30}") => {
The function you want to write is pretty easy:
def convert(str : String) : Map[String, String] = {
str.drop(1).dropRight(1).split(", ").map(_.split("=")).map(arr => arr(0)->arr(1)).toMap
with drop and dropRight, you remove the brackets. Then you split the String with the expression ,, which results in multiple Strings.
Than you split each of this strings, which results in arrays with two elements. Those are used to create a map.
I would do it likes this (I think regex is not needed here):
val str = "{a=10, b=20, c=30}"
val values: Map[String, Int] = str.drop(1).dropRight(1) // drop braces
.split(",") // split into key-value pairs
.map { pair =>
val Array(k, v) = pair.split("=") // split key-value pair and parse to Int
(k.trim -> v.toInt)

How to do escaping idiomatically in Scala

Suppose I am writing a simple function to escape XML string.
val map = Map('&' -> "&", '<' -> "<", '>' -> ">") // ... and more
def escape(str: String): String = {
val w = new
for(c <- str) if (map.contains(c)) w.write(map(c)) else w.write(c);
It does not look idiomatically in Scala and besides, I do not know how to deal with the map, which maps characters to escaping strings. How would you suggest me fix it?
Real life solution
Just use scala.xml.Utility.escape:
scala> scala.xml.Utility.escape(foo)
res7: String = &foo<bar>hello
If you're still interested in doing it yourself:
First of all, there's no need to repeat the & and ; parts in the escapes map:
scala> val Escapes = Map('&' -> "amp", '<' -> "lt", '>' -> "gt")
(it's simpler and faster to have them in tho... but since you seem to have asked this question for learning purposes...)
scala> def escapeChar(c: Char) = Escapes.get(c).map { x => s"&$x;" }
escapeChar: (c: Char)Option[String]
scala> def escapeStr(s: String) = s.flatMap { c => escapeChar(c).getOrElse(c.toString) }
escapeStr: (s: String)String
scala> escapeStr("&foo<bar>hello")
res9: String = &foo<bar>hello could also just inline the escapeChar(c: Char) function, but I think it's more readable this way.
In case you're interested: this works by treating the string as a sequence of chars; you flatMap over it, which allows you to map each char into more than one char (a String); flatMap then joins all the emitted strings into a single string. Characters that don't need escaping are trivially mapped to one-char strings.
Just for a sake of completeness -- basically the same solution, but with function method in place of the map:
def escape(char: Char) = char match {
case '&' => "&"
case '<' => "<"
case '>' => ">"
case noEscaping => noEscaping.toString
val str = "hit & run"
// hit & run
How about this:
scala> val map = Map[Char, Seq[Char]]('&' -> "&",
'<' -> "<",
'>' -> ">").withDefault(x => Seq(x))
map: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Char,Seq[Char]] = Map(& -> &, < -> <, > -> >)
scala> "&foo<bar>hello".flatMap(map)
res2: String = &foo<bar>hello
scala> val map = Map('&' -> "&", '<' -> "<", '>' -> ">").withDefault(identity)
scala> "&foo<bar>hello".map(map).mkString
res3: String = &foo<bar>hello

Scala: Print separators when using output stream

When we need an array of strings to be concatenated, we can use mkString method:
val concatenatedString = listOfString.mkString
However, when we have a very long list of string, getting concatenated string may not be a good choice. In this case, It would be more appropriated to print out to an output stream directly, Writing it to output stream is simple:
listOfString.foreach(outstream.write _)
However, I don't know a neat way to append separators. One thing I tried is looping with an index:
var i = 0
for(str <- listOfString) {
if(i != 0) outstream.write ", "
outstream.write str
i += 1
This works, but it is too wordy. Although I can make a function encapsules the code above, I want to know whether Scala API already has a function do the same thing or not.
Thank you.
Here is a function that do what you want in a bit more elegant way:
def commaSeparated(list: List[String]): Unit = list match {
case List() =>
case List(a) => print(a)
case h::t => print(h + ", ")
The recursion avoids mutable variables.
To make it even more functional style, you can pass in the function that you want to use on each item, that is:
def commaSeparated(list: List[String], func: String=>Unit): Unit = list match {
case List() =>
case List(a) => func(a)
case h::t => func(h + ", ")
commaSeparated(t, func)
And then call it by:
commaSeparated(mylist, oustream.write _)
I believe what you want is the overloaded definitions of mkString.
Definitions of mkString:
scala> val strList = List("hello", "world", "this", "is", "bob")
strList: List[String] = List(hello, world, this, is, bob)
def mkString: String
scala> strList.mkString
res0: String = helloworldthisisbob
def mkString(sep: String): String
scala> strList.mkString(", ")
res1: String = hello, world, this, is, bob
def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String
scala> strList.mkString("START", ", ", "END")
res2: String = STARThello, world, this, is, bobEND
How about this?
scala> + ", ").foreach(print) // or
hello, world, this, is, bob,
Not good for parallelized code, but otherwise:
val it = listOfString.iterator
it.foreach{x => print(x); if (it.hasNext) print(' ')}
Here's another approach which avoids the var
listOfString.zipWithIndex.foreach{ case (s, i) =>
if (i != 0) outstream write ","
outstream write s }
Self Answer:
I wrote a function encapsulates the code in the original question:
implicit def withSeparator[S >: String](seq: Seq[S]) = new {
def withSeparator(write: S => Any, sep: String = ",") = {
var i = 0
for (str <- seq) {
if (i != 0) write(sep)
i += 1
You can use it like this:
listOfString.withSeparator(print _)
The separator can also be assigned:
listOfString.withSeparator(print _, ",\n")
Thank you for everyone answered me. What I wanted to use is a concise and not too slow representation. The implicit function withSeparator looks like the thing I wanted. So I accept my own answer for this question. Thank you again.