Attribute completion richfaces on eclipse - eclipse

I have a problem with my web app on eclipse (helios). I use jsf with richfaces and I haven't the attributes completion for richfaces tag.
All work fine for jsf. I have the richfaces tags (rich:column for example) but when I do ctrl + space to see attribute on the tag, nothing appears.
Someone can help me ?

Add this to your available update sites:
JBoss Tools
Then install Jboss Tools Richfaces.
Once it's installed and you're restarted eclipse you'll need to right click on your project and choose "Configure" -> "Add JSF Capabilities".

Hi Kiva,
A few questions. Are you using JSPs or XHTML/Facelets? First I would check that the RichFaces namespace has been properly registered, no misspellings or typos, etc. Then I would guess is if you're using XHTML to make sure that you're using the JBoss XHTML editor. You can right-click the file in the package explorer and choose "Open with" to make sure that you're using the appropriate editor.

Right click on the project -> Preferences -> Project Facets -> Click on "JavaServer Faces".
If you are still not able to see "OK" Button, please click on "Further Configuration Required" . Here you can add the JSF Implementation jar.
Now refresh your project.


Not able to create module in GWT in eclipse

I followed this link to write my first gwt hello world program in eclipse. I created GWT Project in eclipse,then I want to create module for that,then I right clicked on package,new-->module
in gwt,then it is not going to next step, that is the problem..
1- Start eclipse
2- From eclipse marketplace seearch for gwt
3- install Eclipse GWT plugin 3.0.0
4- From eclipse menu select window -> preferences
5- open entry GWT -> GWT settings
6- Click Download button, this will take you the gwt sdk download page.
7- Donwolad and extract the latest sdk.
8- From eclipse GWT setttings preference window click on add
9- Select the extracted SDK folder.
10- Check the check box next to the new added SDK to make it default.
11- click Apply and close
Create and run a project
1- Locate the gwt plugin action button in the toolbar.
2- Select the button and select New GWT application project ... from the dropdown.
3- Enter the project name and package then click Finish
4- Select the newly created project and from the GWT action button select GWT compile project.
5- Once the compilation is completed, Right click the project then select Run as -> 2 GWT Development mode with jetty.
6- Once ready double click the url of the HTML to open it in the browser.
#Devi George: As in your case the suggested above by #Ahmad Bawanesh answer didn't help resolving the caption issue. There is nothing in the answer that actually mentions "module", let alone how to add one. I've had everything set up as explained, and still had a compiler error. What helped to address it described in this thread. Next, you should make sure the Java JRE setting in Eclipse preferences points to the installed JRE 1.8 location and is selected as the default. This thread got it covered.
As to the actual question on adding a module to a GWT project, you can always add a file and name it as needed with an xml file extension. Search the page for "Modules: Units of configuration" on how to configure the newly created xml file. Obviously, it must have a module tag inside, among other things.

Eclipse project not remembering facets - affecting content assist

Eclipse Version: 3.7.1 (Indigo)
I am trying to provide content assist for JSF and Primefaces.
To do this I am right clicking on my project > Properties > Project Facets
I am presented with the Project Facets screen. I select:
Dynamic Web Module 2.5
Java 6
Java Server Faces 2.0
I am then prompted to provide Futher Configuration. I select the src folder as part of the Build Path and provide a JSF implementation library which provides the following dependencies:
I then click OK to return to the Project Facets screen.
I click "Apply" to apply the new Facet configuration to my web project. The ticks then dissappear.
I click OK to close the Project Facets screen.
When I return to this screen the ticks are gone.
I am fairly sure that this is the reason why my context assist for Primefaces and JSF is not working in xhtml pages. Can anyone shed any light?
It turned out that this was happening because a colleague had checked in the .classpath and .project files for the Project into a SCM tool which reserved/locked the files (in my case, ClearCase).
Eclipse was not reporting the lock, so there was no explanation as to why the ticks were being lost upon clicking 'apply'.
I hope this helps someone!

Eclipse managed bean binding on pages

Neither Ctrl+click nor Ctrl+space works for beans on pages, i.e. i can't go into bean from page just moving mouse on its name and pressing Ctrl+click, and i don't get content assist when typing some element's value using bean value. All this perfectly works in eclipse 3.5, but not in eclipse 3.7, neither in JSP editor nor in HTML editor. How can i make it work?
You might need a plugin for do so. Take a look at what plugins are you starting in Preferences -> general -> startup and shutdown and compare with 3.5.
If you find that a missing plugin is needed install it. You can do so (depending on the version) by Help -> Eclipse Marketplace.
Your plugins are Help -> Install new software -> in this screen there is a link to "What is already installed"
For me I did the following and it worked:
Right Click on project -> properties
Go to Project Facets
Click on "convert to faceted form"
Check in Java, Dynamic Web Module and Java Server Faces in my case I put it Version 1.8
For Java Server Faces, click on Further Configuration Required -> and choose the proper for your case.
Apply and close.

How to configure Ext GWT with GWT Designer?

I have problem with configuration GXT with GWT Designer. I have all new releases of Eclipse, GWT plugin and GXT and cannot configure GXT to work with GWT Designer. I setup my project so that I can compile my GXT project and run it in browser.
However I can't design in GWT Designer. I don't see any GXT widget in GWT Designer.
All forums reffer to Google Web Toolkit -> Configure for using Ext-GWT (GXT) but I don't have this option.
I have done all steps defined in setup.txt of GXT.
The only thing that is not working is GWT designer do not see GXT widgets.
It simply appears that GXT 3 is not supported in the latest version of Windowbuilder. Period. All the instructions given in this thread work well for GXT 2, but GXT 3 has radical differences (different styling mechanisms, for one thing!) that Windowbuilder cannot seem to handle.
This is a bug that needs to be fixed in Windowbuilder.
I see this is an old article, but might still help people with the same problem.
If you right click on your gwt.xml file, the options are visible, if you click on your project, the options are not visible. That's the problem I was having.
I had this problem. I solved by installing:
(If you are using Eclipse Indigo)
Just check for the version you have. That should do the trick.
"select your GWT module file and right-click to select the Google Web Toolkit > Configure for using Ext GWT (GXT)"
Read setup.txt in ext-gwt zip:
STEP 1 -> Create a Google Web Application Project project within Eclipse.
Copy the contents of the /resources folder in the download to a {foldername} location within your war folder.
Substitute {foldername} with the name of the folder you've created for resources within your war folder.
STEP 3 -> Add the following stylesheet to your host page.
STEP 3b -> If you are using Charts, add the following script to your host page.
STEP 4 -> Add the following entry to you projects module xml file.
STEP 5 -> Eclipse Setup (should be similar for other development environments)
These instructions assume you have a existing project and launch configuration.
Add gxt.jar to the project.
a. Right click on project name in 'Package Explorer'.
b. Select 'Properties' from content menu.
c. Select 'Java Build Path'.
d. Select 'Libraries' tab.
e. Add the gxt.jar either with 'Add JARs...' or 'Add External JARs...'.
Add GXT jar to launch configuration.
a. Choose Run / Open Run Dialog.
b. Select your appropriate launch configuration under 'Java Application'.
c. Select the 'Classpath' tab.
d. Add the gxt.jar to the classpath.
that happened to me too. I had to install WindowBuilder Pro from the update site (you can found it here) and after that the "Google Web Toolkit > Configure for using Ext GWT (GXT)" option appeared.
Support for 3rd party components like GXT and SmartGWT is only available in the full version of GWT Designer available here...
Install the full version and then follow the instructions here...
I just had the same problem. The only way I got it working is this:
I installed the full version of GWT designer as recommended by Eric Clayberg's answer (
However, the instructions at didn't work, because there simply isn't any "Google Web Toolkit > Configure for using Ext GWT (GXT)" for me either.
So instead, I created a new Project, using: New Project > WindowBuilder/GWT Designer/Model/GWT Java Project:
I went through the Wizard, clicked Finish, and then it asked me about a GXT installation. The important thing is: You must select this now, I don't see any way to add this later. So navigate to a GXT installation folder. In that folder, I had to rename my "gxt-*.jar" to "gxt.jar" first, otherwise it couldn't be found (!).
Now, when opening a Java file using "Open With > GWT Designer", and selecting the Design view tab at the bottom of the editor - voila, the GXT menus appear.

Eclipse PDT, PHPUnit autocomplete

Is there a way to get PHPUnit auto-completion to work in Eclipse PDT without including the libraries in your project?
Have you tried putting the PHPUnit code on your project's include path?
How do you add a PHP framework to code completion/assist in Eclipse PDT and can the framework be added as default for all projects?
Generally speaking in Eclipse, you can add a library or framework to code assist/completion by:
Going into Project > Properties
Under PHP Include Path, pick the "Libaries" tab.
Add an "external folder" with the path to where your framework is
You need to enable it.
Go to menu: Window -> Preferences. Then under PHP -> Editor -> Code Assist. From under auto activation check the enable auto activation check box (note: 200 ms default is a bit slow). You can adjust the timing.