How does enterprise distribution of iOS apps restrict distribution outside of one company? - iphone

How does Apple's enterprise distribution system prevent a person from downloading an app targeted at an enterprise that they do not belong to?

It appears the only restriction for Enterprise apps is the provisioning profile. Apple does not know or restrict Enterprise apps based on device.
If you want to restrict an app to members of a company, then you may need to take additional steps.


Can I send a build of my app to people without them having a registered device?

I read an article about an app which allowed users to enter a URL and download an app, without being a registered developer device:
I was wondering how this was possible, as it'd be useful for my own purposes?
The "iOS Developer Enterprise Program"
allows you to distribute iOS apps to devices without having them registered, but it is allowed
only for the distribution of in-house apps within a company.
(The article
tells that the iOS Enterprise Program was abused to freely distribute apps and as a consequence, Apple revoked the certificate.)
They used an enterprise distribution certificate for signing their app.
The certificate may be used for distribution inside a company. Please refer to this SO answer for more details on how to manage your in-house apps distribution.

iOS Developer Enterprise Program and iOS Developer Program

I'm got an account for iOS Developer Program.
Can I upgrade my current account to iOS Developer Enterprise Program?
Can iOS Developer Enterprise Program allow developer to distribute the application to app store?
Can iOS Developer Enterprise Program and iOS Developer Program account join together? Or it's different account?
No, once you buy one of a certain type, it stays that type
No, only enterprise distribution is allowed for enterprise accounts
No - they must remain separate accounts
You can not upgrade your current account. You have to create a new one for enterprise.
Basically an enterprise account is used for internal purpose to distribute the build within your organisation but you can also upload a build to the AppStore. For that you have to pay $299.
No, Enterprise and Developer both are separate accounts.
For more details about Enterprise accounts:
No, once you buy one of a certain type, it stays that type
No, only enterprise distribution is allowed for enterprise accounts
No, they must remain separate accounts

How to create in-house app store for iPad

We are planning to create multiple apps for our different customers. For the distribution of the same, we are thinking if we can create an app-store of our own and ask the clients to get the apps from that space. Also, can I control the visibility of these apps so that client A doesn't see an app which is visible for client B?
Also, in such scenrios, how can I push updates of the application to the consumers?
I'm not sure, if this falls in Enterprise Distribution as the application is not within the company boundaries but for an external audience.
Thanks in advance.
Apple does not allow in-house App stores for distributing apps to other than the employees of an Enterprise enrolled iOS Developer. Thus in-house App stores can not be used for an external audience.
Ad Hoc deployment is limited to 100 devices per year, so is probably unsuitable for this as well.
The alternatives are to have each customer enroll as an Enterprise developer under their own name, and create their own app store behind their own employee-only firewall; or for you to try and distribute the apps in Apple's public App store, which means that downloading can not be restricted to only particular clients.

iPhone enterprise deployment

I am building an app using the apple "in-house" deployment of the enterprise program. But I want to distribute this app free of cost to few non member of enterprise. we cannot make those person an employee of the organization because of some company policy. Is this possible and is there any legal issues associated on apple side with this kind of distribution? Thanks in advance.
You'll probably need to do some digging into Apple's policy, but I'm pretty sure I read that the Enterprise Deployment method is strictly for in-house employees. In order to distribute to outside individuals, you may have to go on the App Store.
Unless you could have the company those individuals work for sign up for the Enterprise Deployment program and distribute it internally there?
To be safe, check with Apple
Some companies have both Enterprise and regular developer accounts. They use the regular developer account for giving Ad Hoc apps to "beta testers", or for submitting suitable apps to the public App store.

What is the difference between iPhone Developer Standard Program (99 USD) and Enterprise Program (299 USD)?

Can someone point out what is the difference?
And what for do we actually pay so much money, when supporting the iPhone with our hard work?
Is it right that I have to have the Enterprise Membership (299 USD), when I want to sell Apps for money? Or can I also sell Apps when I "only" have the cheaper Standard Membership (99 USD)?
Is there a fee every time I want to upload a new app to the App Store? Where is the hook in the Standard Membership?
The Enterprise Membership is only for enterprises - no app store distribution, but you can distribute your programs within your enterprise (ad-hoc). With the Standard one, you can put your apps on the app store but can only give out 100 copies of your program using ad-hoc.
There is no fee for submitting apps to the App Store once you have a Standard membership.
If you want to distribute both to your organization via adhoc and the public via App Store, you need to register two separate accounts. This was confirmed in an email from Apple Dev Support.
From Apple:
The standard plan does NOT allow distribution to iPhones (except a few development phones) outside of the app store.
The enterprise plan does NOT allow distribution to iPhone via the app store, but does permit developers to deploy their own programs within their own organization without designating those phones as 'development' phones.
"The standard plan does NOT allow distribution to iPhones (except a few development phones)"
how many phones??